Scenarios Booklet
Scenarios Booklet
Scenarios Booklet
combat zone
The Combat Zone is what outsiders call it, but THE WIN
it’s not a zone so much as it is a patchwork The game ends when either team has more
of territories, battlelines, and micronations. than half their team’s models taken out.
PREPARING FOR BATTLE Total the EB value of all the models taken out
This scenario can be played at any EB total. on each team (not counting Gear, programs,
or one-off game veteran cost). The team who
THE SETUP took out the higher total value in model EB
Both players roll a RED die and add their is the winner. If that is a tie, the player who
team’s total Influence (re-roll Crits and took out more models wins.
Fumbles). The player with the lower total is
the attacker. Example: The Lawmen took out 3 Zoners with
a total character EB value of 35 between
The defender sets up their team first, with them. The Zoners took out 2 Lawmen, but
all models fully within RED of the edges of a they were both worth 20 EB apiece, for a
table quarter of their choice. total of 40 EB. Zoners win!
The attacker then sets up their team THE CONSEQUENCES
fully within RED of the diagonally opposite It may be the zone. But this is our piece of it.
quarter’s board edges.
The winner may promote one character.
The defender has Control first.
We got a pingfrom the sweeper-bot. When active, models with objectives may
Somewhere in the area is the data we’ve pass their objective to a friendly model
been looking for. Just got to piece together within reach. This doesn’t require a skill roll
the bits and put it all back together again. or an action.
PREPARING FOR BATTLE Models may have multiple objective tokens.
This scenario can be played at any EB total.
THE SETUP The game ends and a player wins when
Both players roll a RED die and add their they do one of the following:
team’s total Influence (re-roll Crits and
Fumbles). The player with the higher total •They take Control while holding 4 or more
may choose to be the attacker or defender. objectives.
•They take out all their rivals.
The attacker deploys their team first, with all
models fully within RED of one half of a long THE CONSEQUENCES
board edge of their choice, as shown. That was some good ice in there. The sort of
code that makes you smarter just for looking
The defender sets up their team fully within at it. People pay tops for the good stuff.
RED of the diagonally opposite half edge
from the attacker, as shown. The winner of the game may promote one
Stack 2 objectives in the center of the table.
Taking turns starting with the attacker, each
player places 2 more objectives on their half
of the table, at least YELLOW away from all
models and objectives. When finished, there
should be 6 objectives on the board.
The attacker has Control first.
A model within reach of an objective may
attempt to control it by taking the Claim
Data action.
If you take out a model with an objective,
place the objective in base contact with the
model before removing it.
A rival gang has been edging in on your If you take out a model with the transponder,
territory. With a little nudge, the NCPD place the transponder in base contact with
might just swoop in like a bag of hammers the model before removing it. Any model may
and finish the job for you. pick up the transponder by moving over it.
PREPARING FOR BATTLE When active, a model with the transponder
This scenario can be played at any EB total. may pass it to a friendly model within reach.
This does not require a skill roll or an action.
THE SETUP A defender with the transponder may move
Both players roll a RED die and add their off of any table edge.
team’s total Influence (re-roll Crits and
Fumbles). The player with the higher total THE WIN
may choose to be the attacker or defender. The attacker wins if the transponder’s value
reaches 6.
The attacker deploys 2 members of their
team anywhere within RED of the center The defender wins if the transponder is
of the board. Each time the attacker moved off any table edge.
Inspires Their Team, they may deploy
another character (or all Gonks), on any Either player wins if they take out all their
board edge, at least YELLOW from all rivals in the Battlespace.
rivals. If there is no board edge available, THE CONSEQUENCES
they must wait to deploy. Once that transponder goes off, the cops will
The defender sets up their entire team swarm the place...
anywhere on the board, at least YELLOW The winner of the game may promote one
away from all enemy models. character.
The Attacker places the Objective “2” token
on one of their deployed characters’ cards.
This character is holding the transponder.
They’re attempting to use to call in the
The attacker has Control first.
A model who is in control of the transponder
(Objective token) may attempt to activate
the transponder by taking the Send Signal
The defender (shown in blue) places a small The winner may promote one character.
building in the center of the table. Each
corner of the building has a terminal: Place
terminal tokens touching all (4) corners
facing the outside, on the ground level.
The defender sets up half of their team
(rounding down) within YELLOW of the
edges of the center building. All remaining
defending models deploy within RED of one
short edge and the adjoining half of the long
edge (as shown).
The attacker (shown in red) then sets up
their entire team, fully within RED of the
opposite board edges (as shown).
The attacker has Control first.
[Difficult] The opposed Obstacle die gains +1 for each remaining terminal with
a defender’s model in base contact. If this action succeeds, unlock the terminal
(remove it). If this action fails, suffer 1 wound.
[Difficult] Remove the terminal token; your team permanently has it. Give the
terminal an EB value depending on when it was removed. 1st terminal: 5 EBs,
2nd terminal: 10 EBs, 3rd terminal: 15 EBs, 4th terminal: 20 EBs.
You’ve gotten a hot lead on a stash nearby, THE INFO
hidden in a particularly desolate corner of the Both players secretly select half of the
city. Seems like another gang heard about it too - Battlespace and notes it down, along with the
but you’re both missing some of the deets. objectives within - this is where their info has led
them. The defender must select a long half and
PREPARING FOR BATTLE the attacker a short half.
This scenario is intended for games of 200 EB
or more, and requires more terrain than most The quarter that falls into both players chosen
missions. If you wish to play it on a smaller board, halves is where the stash actually is.
reduce the number of buildings to 4 and place
only 6 Objective markers (4 tucked into the Starting with the defender, the players alternate
building corner, 2 placed by the players). deploying models ANYWHERE on the table, so
long as they are not within YELLOW of a rival.
THE SETUP Models that cannot be deployed are in reserve.
Both players roll a RED die and add their team’s
total Street Cred (re-roll Crits and Fumbles). The The attacker has Control first.
player with the lower total is the defender. THE SEARCH
Starting with the defender, the players take A model within reach of a rival may target it with
turns placing ruined building corners in the the Collect Info action.
Battlespace. Each corner must be at least RED A model in contact with an objective may take
away from all the other corners. an Easy action to place it on their card. If
Take turns until 8 corners are placed. Tuck an you take out a model with an objective, place
objective token in each corner (face up). The the objective in base contact with the model
defender then places an objective anywhere, before removing it.
followed by the attacker (10 total).
The game ends when either Leader is taken out.
When the game ends, both players reveal the
table half they selected if they have not already
done so. The objectives that started in the
quarter that fell into both players’ chosen halves
were the “stashed” objectives. The player holding
more stashed objectives wins. In the case of a
tie, the team with lower Street Cred wins. If still
tied, the defender wins.
Half the info is enough to start plannin’...
If successful, look at the table half your opponent noted down. If this action fails,
your opponent moves this model GREEN GREEN.
[Difficult] The opposed Obstacle die gains +1 for each of the defender’s mode’s
in or on the building. If this action succeeds, the Tyger Claws win. If it fails, the
model suffers a wound!
tyger Claws
Prove Your Worth
Place your bets! Let’s see who gets to walk THE WIN
out of the zone and who gets to sweep The game ends immediately when half of
their teeth off the floor! You boys sure both either team (rounding up) is taken out.
brought a lot of friends...
Your total EBs towards victory is equal to
PREPARING FOR BATTLE the total EB of rivals taken out (not counting
This scenario is intended for use in Gear or programs) plus any bonuses for
Campaigns by Maelstrom teams that have doing so while your model is in The Pit. The
10 or more Street Cred. It can be played at player with the higher total is the winner. In
any EB total, but higher totals make for a the case of a tie, the defender is the winner.
better Campaign finale!
Example: Maelstrom took out 20 EBs of
THE SETUP Tyger Claws. They took out one Tyger Claw
The Maelstrom team seeking to Prove Their while the Maelstrom model was in The Pit for
Worth is the attacker. The other team is the an additional 10 EBs for a total of 30 EBs
defender. towards victory.
The defender gains an additional 10 EBs to THE CONSEQUENCES
build their team. You want out of the zone? Fight your way out.
The defender places their Leader within RED If the attacking Maelstrom team wins, they
of the center of the board, then the attacker win the campaign.
places their Leader in the same way. Before
the game begins, the defender may take one If the defender wins, they may promote up to
full activation with their Leader, then the two characters.
attacker may do the same. Then refresh
their Action Tokens. (Any models taken out
at this time count towards victory normally).
Once the Leaders have finished pummeling
each other, each player alternates placing
the rest of their team, starting with the
defender. These models may be placed
ANYWHERE on the board, so long as they
are at least YELLOW from all rivals.
The attacker has Control first.
The area within RED of the center of the
board is The Pit. If your model is in The Pit and
takes out a rival model, that rival is worth an
additional 10 EBs towards victory.
Prove Your Worth
1 Agree with your opponent about how When you take Control, you have to choose
many EB each player is going to spend between Activa ng a Ch racter or Inspir ng
on their team. 100, 150, or 200 are o u e r Ya m T .
good amounts, depending on how long you
want to play. TAKING CONTROL
Choose a character with Ready Action Tokens and
take actions with them (the Active Model).
2 One Leader, multiple characters, Characters can choose from any of the six basic
actions (below) and may have more available,
plus some Gonks (limited by your
character’s combined Influence). depending on their Character card and Gear.
CHOOSE YOUR SCENARIO When your Active Model is flnished taking actions,
Control passes to your opponent.
3 Each scenario will contain details of
how to set up the Battlespace and Move up to your action color. If the
what you need to do to win. move is unobstructed, it doesn’t require a
Skill Roll.
4 At any one time, one player will have
Control and will take actions with their Attempt to wound a rival within .
models. Control passes clockwise Opposed by target’s Melee Skill.
between players. Scenarios determine who
has Control first.
Attempt to wound a rival within
WINNING THE GAME or range. Opposed by target’s
5 Play continues until someone wins by
completing the goals of the scenario.