Vampire The Requiem: A Genesys Rules Conversion

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Vampire the Requiem

A Genesys Rules Conversion

c c d d b b
Introduction 1
Part One - New Rules for Genesys 2
Strain 2
Blood Healing 2
Blood Potency 2
Frenzy 2
Bestial Nature 3
Touchstones, Masks, Dirges and Banes 5
Blood Bond 5
Torpor 6
Diablerie 6
Blush of Life 6
Part Two - Character Creation 7
Daeva 7
Gangrel 8
Mekhet 8
Nosferatu 9
Ventrue 9
Ghouls 10
Bloodlines 11
Part Three - Skills and Merits 13
Merits 14
Part Four - Disciplines 15
Animalism 15
Auspex 16
Celerity 16
Dominate 17
Majesty 18
Nightmare 18
Obfuscate 19
Protean 20
Stalwart 21
Vigor 21
Part Five - Devotions 22
Animalism Devotions 22
Auspex Devotions 23
Dementation Devotions 24
Nightmare Devotions 24
Obfuscate Devotions 25
Obtenebration Devotions 25
Stalwart Devotions 26
Part Six - Blood Sorceries 27
Crúac Rites 28
Theban Sorcery 30
Vicissitude 32
Thaumaturgy 34
Part Seven - Equipment 36
Part Eight - Bestiary 37

This book provides all the rules needed to run games of
Vampire the Requiem in the Genesys Roleplaying sys-
tem produced by Fantasy Flight Games. This book isn’t a
standalone product and makes frequent referrals to the
Genesys core rulebook, without that you will find very
little within the following pages makes sense.

I don’t own Vampire the Requiem or Genesys, each is

owned by their respective companies, this is purely a fans

What is Vampire the Requiem?

You are likely familiar in some form or another with the
concept of a Vampire. The Immortal fiends of the night
that need to feed on Blood to survive. You’ve likely slain
them with a band of Adventurers in a castle while the
Kingdom was imperilled. Vampire the Requiem takes
those Vampires and moves them to the modern day.
Vampires are just as real, but now they live in cities like
London, Los Angeles or Rome. For these Vampires, or
Kindred as they refer to themselves, Undeath and Im-
mortality come at a price. Rarely will you find a Kindred
enjoying their awesome powers, for their Immortal Soul
is now forfeit and an overwhelming need to hunt and kill
haunt their every moment.

Vampire the Requiem takes a far grittier approach to

killing and harming others than a traditional RPG where
killing the enemy is often the first and most effective
solution. Thematically and mechanically, the game dwells
on death, physical, mental and emotional trauma while
mixing it with sex and drugs. It’s all edgy by intent, and
so I apologise now, all edge hereon in is an attempt to be
thematically appropriate.

I won’t offer a list of inspirational media for themes. You

can use any modern day media, be it a crime TV series or
a Thriller film and add Vampires. The harder part I always
found with Requiem, was an Aesthetic. We’ve all been
conditioned for many years to think Vampires probably
wear a cloak, are necromancers and have a small village
nearby that are fanatically loyal out of fear. That isn’t nec-
essarily the case this time round. Your Vampires now can
be corporate businessmen in suits, angry biker-dudes in a
bar or weird librarians trying to lure you into the forbid-
den section.

To that end, I‘d advise becoming familiar with films like

John Wick, where a fantastical society seems to co-exist
with our regular world, all bound together by strange
notions of honour and mutual respect.

Part One - New Rules for Genesys Potency mechanically interesting and not just a case of
Requiem and Genesys are very different games, both in increasing the number of dice you roll.
design philosophy and how they play. Bringing Requi-
em to Genesys has not been a One for One conversion. Blood Potency advances naturally as Kindred age. All
Where appropriate I condensed certain Requiem rules for Kindred start as Fledgelings, and after 100 years of exis-
Genesys, and expanded the scope of Genesys rules to fit tence will advance to become Ancilla. Ancilla can exist for
Requiem. These new rules and applications for said rules 200 years before their Blood thickens and they become an
are as follows. Elder. These changes occur as naturally as possible, no
rolls need to be made to advance your Blood Potency,
it should develop in tandem with your character as the
Strain centuries pass.
Strain in Genesys functions as a pseudo special-bar. You
can dip into it to perform special feats that set the PCs
apart from everyone else. In this Conversion, I am folding Fledgeling
Vampiric Vitae into Strain. That is to say, if you decide to Activation: Passive
spend ‘Vitae’ to cast a Discipline, it will cost you Strain. Ranked: No
If you feed off a mortal, you will recover Strain. Vampires Your Character can perform the “Blood Healing” In-
cannot be knocked unconscious by any means, and reach- cidental. For each rank of your current Blood Potency
ing their Strain Threshold will surely lead to Frenzy, cov- talent, your character can perform one Discipline Talent
ered later. Feeding from a Mortal is a Brawn+Brawl check. during each of their turns. Each rank of Blood Potency in-
You recover 1 Strain per success on any Brawn+Brawl creases your strain threshold by 1. You can suffer 2 Strain
check opposed by Resilience. Each Success causes the to upgrade 1 die for your next roll.
Target to suffer either 1 Wound or 1 Strain. Should their
Strain threshold be filled, upgrade Strain suffered to Ancilla
Wounds. You cannot fill the targets wound threshold and Your character must have been a Fledgeling to benefit from
then inflict Strain. Regardless of circumstance, feeding off this talent
a person is a Physical act. Once a Person is bitten, they Activation: Passive
succumb to the euphoric sensation of being fed upon. A Ranked: No
ddd Discipline check is required to break free of this You may select 3 Discipline Powers currently known
stupor. Feeding in Combat adds bb to the Feed check. within tier 1, 2 and 3. Reduce the Strain Cost of these
Discipline powers by 1.
Strain cannot be recovered by passing a Cool or Disci-
pline check at the end of a combat encounter. Sleep does
not recover Strain either, it can only be recovered through Elder
use of Talents or feeding. All pre-existing means of spend- Your character must have been Ancillae to benefit from this
ing Strain, for second manoeuvres and activating Talents talent
still apply. The overlap of Strain and Vitae may seem con- Activation: Passive
fusing, but it was the most intuitive and logical means of Ranked: No
applying such a system that felt thematically appropriate Further reduce the Strain Cost of all tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 Dis-
and blended with existing systems. cipline Powers by 1. This will make your 3 selected powers
from Blood Potency 2, cost 2 less Strain. This can make
these abilities free to cast.
Blood Healing
All Kindred have access to the powers of the Blood, or Frenzy
Vitae as they call it. The most evident and direct display of All Kindred hold within them a ferocious Beast. An echo
this power is their ability to reknit broken flesh and bone of primal rage, of what it is to be the Hunter, the apex
to heal wounds. All Kindred can suffer 1 Strain to heal 1 predator. This savage nature boils close to the surface in
wound as an Incidental. every Kindred, and a moment of weakness, or supreme
recklessness can bring it to the surface. When this hap-
pens, a Kindred is said to enter a Frenzy. An animalistic
Blood Potency state, finding little difference between friend and foe and
with no regard for love or law. Frenzied Kindred are un-
Blood Potency has been condensed from 1 - 10 ranking controllable, and extremely dangerous for being so.
system to a more thematic 1-3 ranking instead. In doing A Frenzy check is a Discipline check, much as a Fear
this, I hope to keep the difference between ranks of Blood check is also a Discipline check. There is no set
difficulty on a Frenzy check. Instead, the difficulty scales to their Dirge. Their selfishness, cruelty or greed are the
with suffered Strain and lost Wounds. Every Quar- aspect through which they relate to the Beast. Though the
ter, rounded up, of Strain suffered towards your Strain Beast embodies all Vices, each Kindred finds a particular
Threshold adds 1 difficulty to a Frenzy check. Every lens through which they view their own Beast. This is
Quarter, rounded up, of your Wound Threshold filled, their Dirge.
upgrades the difficulty of your Frenzy Check by 1. A
Vampire can attempt to deliberately Frenzy at any time by A Kindred’s Mask is their idealised state of being. They
rolling a ddd Frenzy check. Success triggers the Frenzy have the Beast on a short-leash, and live their nights
in this case, instead of Failures. as they desire. They are not enslaved by their Vampiric
needs. They feed when and where they desire and are slow
A Frenzy check can be called for under many circum- to anger. In fiction, you could make a case for Dracula
stances. Examples include; or Lestat being examples of a Kindred embodying their
An attack takes you below half of your Wound Threshold Mask. Their control and principles define them, not their
You are on fire uncontrollable impulses. Neither are nice characters, and
You are in close proximity of fire they do not have to be. A Mask is not a single aspect as
You are exposed to Sunlight a Dirge is, but rather the idealised characters Kindred.
A Direct, specific threat is made against you. Perhaps the Nosferatu does not feel ashamed of their
There are a few examples that hopefully convey the type of appearance, or the Ventrue simply see’s themselves as a
scenario that you could expect to roll a Frenzy check in. monarch-figure. Actions taken towards this ideal state of
A Kindred enters a Frenzy when they fail a Frenzy check. being reinforce the Kindreds Mask.
While Frenzied, you decide what the Beast wants. Does it
seek to fight, or to flee? Being injured, or simply being in 1 represents the Mask Absolute. Your every action and
a fight can be enough to bring forth the Beast, who will thought are dedicated to emulating that ideal state of exis-
surely attempt to assert his dominance over the combat- tence. You don’t have to be a nice person, but you do have
ants with utmost savagery. But when confronted with to justify your actions. Immediate, instinctive actions can
Fire or Sunlight, the Beast may seek to flee. You will take fracture the Mask if you’re not careful. You may choose
any possible action to complete this goal. While Frenzied, to use the Blush of Life You may downgrade 1 die when
upgrade all Brawn and Agility rolls twice, and reduce your resisting Frenzy.
Intellect and Willpower by 1. Unarmed attacks deal +2
damage and have a Crit Rating of 2. 2 is said to be Humane. Many Kindred unable to fully
commit to maintaining their Mask will linger here. They
You leave your Frenzied state when your Wound Thresh- lack the control to don their Mask for an extended period
old is filled, or your Strain Threshold is emptied. You re- of time, and instead live as they once did as Mortals. They
cover 1 Strain at the end of each round. Allied Social Rolls try to resist their Bestial Nature and subscribe to their
can force you to recover Strain, with a difficulty equal to pre-embrace ideologies and beliefs.
the Frenzied Vampires current Strain. Should a Vampires
Strain be in excess of 5, the check is considered ‘impossi- 3 on Bestial Nature is to be Balanced, equally impulsive
ble’ (pg. 18 Genesys). Each success on this roll recovers 1 and restrained. Many Kindred fall into this category, but
Strain in the target. A Touchstone NPC adds 2 Boost dice few remain long. Being Balanced requires a constant effort
to any such Social Roll. to maintain, as the Beast clamours to be let in, while you
knowingly engage in actions that feed it.
Bestial Nature 4 on Bestial Nature points to a Callous vampire. Though
not fully in the Beasts thrall, they do whatever they feel
Not all people are born Monsters, but unlife twists many is necessary to ensure their continued existence with the
into one. Vampires have a special trait, Bestial Nature, safety of others playing second fiddle. They add 1 setback
to reflect this. It tracks how well a Kindred retains their die to any positive interactions with mortals.
self control against the predations and temptations of the
Beast. Finally, a 5 represents your Dirge Dominant. You care
little for the thoughts and wellbeing of those about you.
Bestial Nature is related to a Vampires Mask and Dirge. You are selfish and craven, little more than a puppet of the
Since no Vampire is truly Human anymore, they must Beast. Your flesh is taut and thin and your eyes are black
endeavour to maintain a level of control and composure orbs. You upgrade the difficulty of any positive social in-
over their desires and emotions. Without this, they will teraction with mortals once, upgrade 1 die when resisting
swiftly find their eternal nights consumed by the Beasts Frenzy and downgrade 1 die when activating Frenzy.
desires, and what’s the point in Eternity if you’re not in
control? A Vampire being true to the Beast within refers

As players go through sessions, they will undertake
actions that can alter their Bestial Nature. These actions
Altering your Nature
fall loosely under two broad categories, Measured and Im- The means through which a character can alter their
pulsive actions. Measured Actions are deliberate, planned nature are currently vague and imprecise. As a personal
and considered. Impulsive actions are just that, instinctive note, I can understand the inherent frustration here. But
and immediate actions with little-forethought given to codifying what makes an action impulsive or measured
the consequences of such an action. While pages of text would take far too long and be unproductive as after a
could be written giving guidelines and examples of what a point, there would be a lot of repitition.
measured or impulsive action comprises of, both the GM
and player should have enough common sense to make For simplicities sake, you can decide if an action is Mea-
an easy decision of what an action falls under. Not every sured or Impulsive by these criteria;
action warrants being quantified however. Since these ‘ac- How quickly do you act?
tions’ are important moments that can chart a Characters Even a few seconds of hesitation can make the difference.
growth and developement, you shouldn’t include things Is your first instinct to grab a bit of scaffolding and beat
like “smiled at someone at the traffic lights” or “snapped the man to death, or do you quickly assess the situation
at a waiter” as actions that warrant being added. Try to and realise that this man cannot be left alive, and act on
restrain it to narrative moments that have some value or that?
merit, or you’ll always be the Vampire who became Dirge What do you do?
Dominant after shouting at a Cyclist, and nobody wants The Beast is a feral animal, it has no care for niceties
that to be their legacy. Frenzying under any circumstance or formalities, nor restraint. When you act impulsively,
is always an Impulsive action. you exercise as much force as you can to deal with the
problem at hand. This might be the best or only way to
These actions are tallied up throughout each session. You deal with certain situations sometimes, while other times
might use a scrap piece of paper and two columns, or you caution and restraint are the best course of action.
may stack coins or some other metric of measurement.
As long as you can easily consult the list and see how Hopefully, this two-step procedure will help you to
many Mask and Dirge actions you have taken this session, understand the line of thought necessary to quickly judge
you’re good to go. whether an action is Impulsive or Measured. The inten-
tion of this is never to cause an argument over whether
At the end of each session, each player at the table rolls an argument is measured or impulsive. In many cases, a
1d10. This is referred to as a Control roll. They first add single action isn’t enough to condemn or elevate a Vam-
a number equal to the total Impulsive actions committed pire either. Each action is but one step on the long journey
that session. They then subtract a number equal to the all Vampires walk, and largely inconsequential as a result.
total number of Measured actions committed that ses-
sion. This final number indicates their developement as As a Kindred, your ethics and principles will surely
a character. a result of 1-4 inclines a character towards change over the years, and your Mask may shift accord-
their Mask, and 6-10 towards their Dirge. 5 represents ingly, as can your Dirge. Ideally, this should only happen
an unchanged nature. Should a character reach 10 before over a a few years, and can form a character arc in and of
subtracting any results from their Mask, they automatical- itself.
ly incline towards their Dirge.

A Kindred must achieve two consecutive identical results

to alter their Bestial Nature. Two Mask results across two
sessions will lower a characters Bestial Nature for exam-
ple. In order to reach the Mask Adorned, a player must
achieve three consecutive results after reaching Humane.
A Character can raise their Bestial Nature above 5, after
an additional two sessions of impulsive action. However,
advancing beyond Dirge Dominant turns the Kindred
into a Draugr. An utterly feral slave of the Beast, the Kin-
dred becomes an NPC and is utterly incapable of commu-
nication. They are lost to the Beast and a threat to all.

Touchstones, Masks, Dirges embody and hold. A Roll made in absolute pursuit of this
state of being is eligible to have a Boost die added to its
and Banes dice pool, though this should only be done sparsely to
highlight the signifigance the Mask holds to the Kindred.
A Touchstone is a reminder of a Kindred’s mortal life. A Mask can be outlined in a few words, such as Mentor,
It may be a Spouse, family member, child or peer. Their Philanthropist or Honourable.
continued existence helps to ground Kindred, they
represent some positive belief or aspect of the Vampire A Dirge is the underside of any Kindred. Kindred are
that they respect or admire. A Touchstone cannot ever rarely selfless beings, and in the dark nights from now to
be involved in Kindred operations, or be aware of your eternity, they have to watch their own backs first and fore-
Vampiric nature. They must remain pure and unsullied. most. A Kindred’s Dirge is how the Beast permeates their
As Vampires age, their original Touchstones may well die nights. A Dirge can be outlined in a word or two such as
naturally. They are encouraged to find another, though Glutton, Covetor or Sadist.
they will likely not have as much emotional significance as
their first Touchstone. When a Kindred acts in accordance Vampires have many crippling weaknesses. From the
with their Touchstones beliefs, they add a Boost die to any Sun, to Fire to Silver to more nuanced things like religious
associated actions. Without a Touchstone to guide them, iconography or the sound of bells. These are collectively
Kindred tend to rapidly succumb to the Beast. referred to as ‘Banes’. This is a Supernatural Weakness that
presents a severe obstacle when encountered. These can
A Touchstone is not entirely necessary for a Kindred to include: weakness to ringing bells, being unable to cross a
function. Few Kindred are so pathetic as to need to spend threshold uninvited, Spider webs, having to count beads
their every night dogging their Touchstones steps while or coins, being unable to cross a river. The nature of each
feeling sorry for themselves. But there are two constants flaw has roots in folk tales and superstition, and should
in any Kindreds life, the need for Blood and the passage of not always simply inflict damage.
Time. Rare is the Vampire that does not occasionally de-
sire to be a part of something that isn’t money-laundering, Sunlight deals 6 Damage a turn with Vicious 2 and Burn
ritual sacrifice, turf war or general depravity. A Touch- 3. Silver Weapons always have a Critical rating of 2 against
stone embodies this. You do not need to interact person- Vampires. All Bane damage is not reduced by Soak. Vam-
ally with your Touchstone, simply observing their contin- pires rightly fear a Stake to the Heart. A targeted ddd
ued existence and embodiment of your and their values Brawn + Melee-Light is required to drive a Stake into the
can be enough. You should spend some time doing this Kindred’s heart. Once impaled, a Vampire is immediately
however, a passing glance isn’t enough, but you shouldn’t paralysed. An Impossible ddddd Resilience Check
spend all night watching your great-grandson pull the can allow the Vampire to remove the Stake while Para-
night-shift as a traffic cop either. Should a Touchstone lysed, but typically it is best left to an assistant or ally.
cease to embody the virtues the Kindred values, either
by leaving the city, changing career, remarrying or dying Kindred are repelled by daylight. Though nothing pre-
for example, the Touchstone is lost. They no longer hold vents a Vampire from spending its days hidden away from
any special significance to the Kindred, and emotionally the sunlight, they are lethargic and find their minds and
devastate the Kindred accordingly. bodies numbed while the Sun shines. All Kindred add
bb to any rolls made during Daytime.
A Kindred who has recently lost their Touchstone is hurt
and emotionally vulnerable. They are prone to Frenzying
for a month after their loss, upgrading 1 die in any check Blood Bond
to resist Frenzy during this time.
Vampiric Vitae is addictive. Mortals who sup on a Kin-
While a Kindred is without a Touchstone, they automati- dred experience a high unlike any other, and there is little
cally add +1 to the end of session Control Roll. they won’t do for another taste. Unfortunately, Kindred
are not immune to the allure of their own blood. Feeding
When a Kindred is instrumental in the destruction of on another Vampire carries the risk of addiction. In a per-
their Touchstone, either by endangering them, getting versely erotic display of symbiosis, Kindred can feed on
them killed, killing them, or forcing them to change in oneanothers blood and become wholly devoted to their
some way that compromises their convictions, they suffer ‘partner’. Tasting Vampiric Vitae can addle ones mind, you
a Bane. This Bane should be related to the Touchstone in crave another taste. During the next 5 days, you might
some way. add b to dice pools at critical moments, or when acting
against the one who feeds you. Continued feeding com-
A Mask is any Kindred’s ideal self. The Vampire they’d pounds the problem until it is almost impossible to escape
like to be someday and the qualities or station they’d your crippling addiction.

Torpor Diablerie
Torpor is the sleep of the dead. A Kindred can sleep for Diableria is the utter destruction of another Kindreds
days, weeks or years on end and be none the wiser for very soul. Feeding upon another Kindred is a risky
what transpires around them. A Vampire in Torpor has enough activity for some, but the shadow of Diablerie
no awareness of what occurs about them, and cannot use hangs heavy over such an act. It is the act of exsanguinat-
Disciplines or interact with the world. Kindred cannot ing a fellow Vampire, draining their Vitae and consuming
be awoken from Torpor by conventional means, though what remains of their Soul in the process. Such an act
inflicting damage upon the body will awaken one. This is stains ones own Soul in the process, and the evidence is
rarely a good idea. Though a Kindred will awaken with 1 all-but impossible to conceal. The list of culprits for the
wound, they will also have suffered their Strain Threshold exsanguination of a Kindred typically begins and ends
- 4 in Strain. This, compounded with imminent danger, with Diablerists, and the presence of such a criminal can
can provoke a lethal Frenzy that is almost impossible to whip any Kindred society into a Witch-Hunting frenzy as
resist. everyone acts to preserve their own well-being and their
own immortal soul. A Diablerist is painfully obvious to
Due to their incapacitation, the world about the tKindred anyone with any level of Auspex, it clings to their essence
can have changed a great deal. This can be particularly for a century before it can be washed away.
distressing in some cases, and is best relayed to the Vam-
pire from as far away as possible. Diablerie allows a Kindred to artificially boost their own
Blood Potency. By diablerising a number of Kindred equal
A Vampire can enter Torpor one of two ways. The first is to the next tier of Blood Potency (2 or 3 respectively), a
to choose to do so. The Kindred determines how long they Kindred can increase their Blood Potency 1 tier, with all
will sleep, and they do so. They cannot be awoken early the attached benefits. Such an act is supremely risky, as
without damage being inflicted upon the body. While very few Kindred will willingly allow themselves to be fed
in Torpor, a Vampires Blood naturally thins. This means from, especially an Elder (let alone 3 consecutive Elders),
their Blood Potency reduces. For every 50 years a Vampire especially if it’s known a Diablerist is active within the city.
sleeps, their Blood Potency is reduced by 1 rank. This can
be beneficial as it can allow a Vampire to feed on mortals Diablerie occurs when a Vampire feeds from another
again. Vampire. As usual, Strain is inflicted upon the target and
recovered. When the targets strain threshold is reached,
A Vampire can be forced into Torpor also, referred to as wounds are inflicted instead. When their wound threshold
an Involuntary Torpor. A Critical Hit suffered after a Kin- is reached, you begin to inflict critical hits. Roll a d100 for
dred has reached their Wound Threshold forces a ddd your initial hit, and then continue. Since feeding techni-
Resilience Check. Failure forces the Kindred to enter cally does not deal damage, you just additively increase
Torpor immediately. Success means the Kindred does not your Critical Hit rolls. When the target reaches 150+, they
enter Torpor this turn. Note the result of the critical hit, are killed and Diablerised.
and use the 10’s digit (7 of 74 for example). Multiply this
by a timeframe detailed below, to determine how long you
sleep. Blush of Life
Kindred are not alive, and their bodies reflect this. Though
Bestial Nature and Timespans they do not change, they do not look any more alive for
1 - Mask Dominant 2 Years their efforts. Their flesh is cold and hard and their skin is
2 - Humane 1 Year the complexion of chalk. They cannot eat or drink as mor-
3 - Balanced 6 Months tals do, as their digestive systems are atrophied and they
4 - Callous 1 Month do not breathe. Kindred may suffer points of Strain to
regain the appearance of living. They effectively gain the
5 - Dirge Dominant 1 Week
cosmetic appearance of being mortal, they can temporari-
ly eat and drink, and their cheeks will flush on command,
their lungs expand and contract as though breathing and
their flesh is warm to the touch. They are still undead and
do not function as mortals do in any way, they are still not
breathing, they just appear to be doing so. Mask Domi-
nant Kindred may exhibit the Blush of Life for 1 Strain,
such is their self-control. A Humane, Balanced or Callous
Kindred must expend 2 Strain to display the Blush of Life,
a Dirge Dominant Kindred cannot use Blush of Life.
Part Two - Character Creation
Vampire the Requiem has many different types of Vam-
pire, all of which can be connected to popular pop-culture Daeva
aspects of Vampires over the years. These are referred to
as Clans, and form a loose collective familial group for The Artisans of the Night. The Daeva are passionate in all
many Kindred, though fraternity need not be friendly. things, driven by their Blood they relish the power they
Each Clan is represented by an Archetype, playing upon now hold over others. They exploit others and take what
each Clans archetypal strengths and weaknesses. Below they want. It may not hold the same allure to them tomor-
you will find a fast and loose guide on what Archetype row and they will discard it and move on. There’s always
best represents the Vampire you want to play. another person to break, and something to take.
2 2 2 2 1 3
Seductive and sensual Vampires are best represented
by the Daeva. They live for the moment, and now they
have an eternity to experience the world. So what if a few • Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
hearts and minds are broken along the way? • Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100
Primal, Savage and Animalistic. The Gangrel are the Clan • Starting Skills: A Daeva starts with one rank in Charm
most in-touch with their Beasts. Rumored to be the oldest during Character Creation. They obtain this before XP is
Vampire clan in existence, its members are hardened sur- spent and may not increase Charm above 2 during Char-
vivors and toe the line between civilized and feral a little acter Creation.
too closely for the liking of some. • Effortless Seduction: Once per Session, your character
may spend a Story Point before rolling a skill check. The
Unseen Scholars of the Supernatural, the Mekhet Clan number of Strain-per-success of the next skill check the
are the shadowed backdrop of the mysteries of the world. Daeva rolls is doubled against an opposed NPC.
They are driven to discover and uncover, to plumb the • Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Vigor
depths of the enigma of the Blood and other curses. • Clan Bane – Addictive
Daeva lead flighty lives, seldom remaining in one place
Tightly knit, hideous to behold and in every crevice. The for long or letting one thing hold their focus, and for good
Nosferatu are repugnant, the Vampire Kiss has twisted reason. Should a Daeva feed off the same person within
their bodies in horrific ways. The Nosferatu are surely a 5 day period, they will become obsessed with them.
the most familial Archetype, finding acceptance amongst Their thoughts are unfocussed unless in the vicinity of
other outcasts. The Horrors they inflict upon others have this person, and they may take reckless actions to hasten
no equal. their return. During the next 5 days, you might add b
to dice pools at critical moments to reflect this. Contin-
Someone has to run the Aristocracy of the Night. The uously feeding from this person increases the severity of
Ventrue know this to be their burden. Emboldened with this condition, until it is almost impossible to escape your
authority, purpose and an attitude befitting, a Ventrue is a crippling addiction.
natural leader. But do they act on behalf of the communi-
ties they represent, or is such power abused for their own

From these outlines, hopefully you can find something

that appeals to you. Archetypes are of course, just that.
Not all Daeva are seductive, but all Nosferatu are ugly.
Whispers amongst the courts of the night tell of other
Clans, from distant lands and even times long gone by.

All Clans suffer a unique Bane, an additional curse of the

Blood individual to each Clan.

All Kindred gain an additional 30 XP to spend after start-

ing Experience is spent. This 30 XP must be spent on Tal-
ents, it is advised that you use it to purchase Disciplines.

Gangrel Mekhet
The Beast that talks. The Gangrel are lean survivalists. The Shadows that see all. The Mekhet are silent observers,
When Man fought to survive, the rule was kill or be killed. seeing more than anyone could ever know. Secrets and
When Man reared Cattle to the Slaughter, the rule was knowledge are what drives these specters through the
that Man was at the top of the food chain. The Gangrel long nights. Some may be content simply to know, and
keep these rules practiced. It’s a tough world out there, consider learning their end goal. Mekhet will apply their
and the Gangrel will be the kings of its ashes. knowledge, and what they know can ruin your life. Their
3 2 1 2 2 2 curiosity brings them many places and across many paths.
But you’ve nothing to fear, unless you have something
they want.
• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn 2 3 2 2 2 2
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 90
• Born Survivor: A Gangrel starts with one rank in either • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Athletics, Streetwise or Survival during Character Cre- • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
ation. They obtain this before XP is spent and may not • Starting Experience: 75
increase any skill above 2 during Character Creation. • Shadowed Inclination: A Mekhet starts with one rank in
• Close to the Surface: Gangrel may delay the negative Stealth during Character Creation. They obtain this before
effects of Frenzy upon entering a Frenzy. They upgrade XP is spent and may not increase Stealth above 2 during
all Brawn and Agility rolls twice, deal +2 damage while Character Creation.
unarmed and have a crit rating of 2. They do not lose con- • Supernatural Shade: Once per session, your character
trol, suffer Intellect or Willpower loss, or recover 1 Strain may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn Incidental to
per turn for a number of turns equal to their Willpower. perform a Maneuver.
While Close to the Surface is active, a Gangrel may at- • Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate
tempt Discipline Rolls to recover Strain, and Allied Social • Clan Bane - Tenebrous
Rolls against him to recover Strain are Average Difficulty. All Mekhet suffer Undeath in quiet, isolated solitude.
• Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience Their minds wander the darkest parts of the world, and
• Clan Bane – Feral they are closer to all that is wrong with it as a result. All
You and your beast are thick as thieves. When it whispers Mekhet start play with a Bane, but no attached immunity
to you, it roars. You upgrade the difficulty of any Frenzy to an action.
check once, or remove 1 difficulty die when triggering
your own Frenzy.

Nosferatu Ventrue
Your nightmare, walking and talking. The Nosferatu are Lords of the Night. The Ventrue have proven over the
hideous to behold, warped flesh and twisted skeletons, centuries that they alone are capable of leading Kindred
perhaps it reflects their ugly souls? They lurk in every through the nights. With iron conviction and absolute
shadow, terrifying in their strength and unrelenting as the authority, the Ventrue steer their people to safety and
horror follows you home, skulking and festering in your prosperity. And all they ask in return is your unquestion-
mind. You’ll never sleep soundly again, and three weeks ing loyalty and obedience. It’s not an unreasonable deal, or
later they’ll watch as you’re carted away to an Asylum. so they claim.
1 2 2 2 3 2
2 2 2 3 2 1
• Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn • Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Starting Experience: 90
• Starting Experience: 100 • Natural Leader: A Ventrue starts with one rank in De-
• Threatening: A Nosferatu starts with one rank in Coer- ception or Leadership during Character Creation. They
cion during Character Creation. They obtain this before obtain this before XP is spent and may not increase either
XP is spent and may not increase Coercion above 2 skill above 2 during Character Creation.
during Character Creation. • Arrogant: Ventrue inflict one additional Strain on oppo-
• Loathsome: Nosferatu add 1 Boost Die to all Coercion nents in Social checks after your roll is resolved.
checks, and to any Social Check with other Nosferatu. • Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Resilience
They b to any Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotia- • Clan Bane – Self-assured
tion Roll made against any non-Nosferatu. Ventrue are born to rule. They act in their own best inter-
• Clan Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor ests and no-one can convince them to act otherwise. The
• Clan Bane – Repulsive Ventrue do not take any Boost Die from acting in accor-
The Nosferatu are doomed to an eternity of rejection and dance with their Touchstones beliefs.
fear. Upgrade the difficulty of every positive Social Inter-
action with any Mortal.

Ghouls their master or their kin, they desperately need their hit
of Vitae to stay off their accelerated aging and impotent
A Ghoul is a Mortal imbued with Vampiric Vitae. As physicality. This dark path can end with Vampire Hunt-
vitae empowers kindred, so to does enhance mortals. Any ers being informed of your location, in exchange for a
mortal is eligible to be turned into a Ghoul, though such promised dose of your Vitae, or your Ghoul may even go
a process is not permenant and must be renewed a month public in search of a new Master. Again, treat your Ghoul
after the mortal is made into a Ghoul. A Ghoul is still fully with care.
mortal, they retain all of their faculties but suffer from a
Blood Bond with their master. Vitae is addictive, and the These rules ought to allow a player to play as Ghoul if
power it offers a mortal is arguably moreso. Be wary of they so desire, but their presence may upset the game dy-
your Ghouls, treat them with care and they will serve you namic as by their nature, Ghouls are less than Nocturnal
faithfully for years to come. Spurn their needs, and they beings. Their benefits are being able to enact their masters
may turn to another master to satiate their addiction. will in daylight hours, and a majority Vampire table may
not be thrilled at the prospect of a sessions-worth of day-
The act of turning a mortal into a Ghoul is relatively sim- light escapades while they slumber until the next night.
ple. A mortal must be fed a portion of a vampires own vi- Ghouls are typically best treated at NPCs. Ghouls cannot
tae, and the decision conciously made to turn this human be Touchstones.
into a ghoul. A Story Point must be spent at this point.
Almost immediately, the Ghoul will feel the benefits of the
Vitae, they will feel empowered and revitalised.

A Ghoul gains access to two tier 1 Disciplines that their

master possesses. If their master has no Disciplines, the
Ghoul does not gain any. A Ghoul gains access to the
Blood Healing action, but must spend 2 Strain to recover
1 Wound instead. They may also suffer 3 Strain to upgrade
1 die in their next roll. A Ghoul does not suffer most mor-
tal illnesses or diseases, nor do they age while energised
by Vitae. Should the Vitae fade from their system and not
be renewed, their body and mind will swiftly accelerate
to match their current age, as will any notably aggressive
diseases (a common cold or ache will not swell after being
kept at bay for 6 years for example, but cancers or skeletal
deformations will quickly make up for lost time). A Ghoul
doesn’t gain any benefit from being fed multiple times per
month, beyond enhancing the effects of their Blood Bond
with you.

A Ghoul is Blood Bonded with their Master as a part of

the process of becoming a Ghoul. They feel a supernatu-
ral compassion for their master, a sense of completeness
when at their side, and their own concerns or desires
seem petty when compared to their Masters own. This
perverse submissiveness will continue as long as a Ghoul
is constantly fed Vitae, and will intensify if fed too fre-
quently until they begin to smother their master with
their need and desire, unable to understand why their
feelings aren’t being reciprocated.

A slighted Ghoul, one denied their fix of Vitae is a

dangerous prospect. They know about Vampires, they’ve
likely attended Elysium at some point or another, and they
where you sleep at night, or perhaps where other Kindred
do. An unfed Ghoul is dangerous for all Kindred, as any-
one might be awakened to find their wrists being slit and
its contents syringed into a desperate, addiction-wracked
Ghoul. While a Ghoul’s first intention is seldom to harm
Bloodlines Malkavian
Your character can be a member of any clan and benefit
All Kindread share a familial bond, languishing in from this talent.
Undeath, some long-lost connection to the first Vampire Tier: 1
or whomever cursed their ancestors. Though Clans and Activation: Passive
politics divide them, Kindred are one large family, within Ranked: No
which many more exist. Over the years, Kindreds Blood Malkavians are a unique Bloodline. Their sense of family
can change and alter. Attracting supernatural miasma and is a curse unlike any other, as it manifests uniquely in
spreading its curse to fresh childé. These are some of the each of its members. Each Malkavian is afflicted with an
ways that Bloodlines are formed. A Bloodline is an off- insurmountable insanity that fractures their outlook for
shoot of the Kindred curse, sometimes inextricably bound every night thereafter. Many consider them dangerous
to a specific clan, manifesting unique attributes within its for this, while few believe there is value in their whimsi-
members. cal ramblings. There is no limit on the insanity that can
plague a Malkavian, it can be a clinical form of insanity,
A Bloodline is a tier 1 Talent that cannot be bought with or the hyperacuity of senses that many aren’t even aware
XP, and requires the GMs permission to use. A Kindred they possess. They may have a fear of the open sky or
may only be a member of one Bloodline at a time, and believe in some impeding disaster that only they are aware
a Vampire seldom leaves their existing Bloodline, and of and can impede, or they may believe themselves to be
in many cases it is impossible to do so for a number of an avatar for some concept that only they are aware of.
reasons (loyalty, a binding curse, incurable symptoms and All Malkavians are afflicted with a disease, passed from
the threat of assassination being a few). Being a member sire to childé, and through the use of their Dementation
of a Bloodline can grant certain advantages and disad- devotion.
vantages unique to that Bloodline, a player shouldn’t feel
pressured to join a Bloodline, but joining one can change Malkavians are afflicted with a spiritual malaise, known
how their character developes. Certain Bloodlines might as Malkavia. This is the cause of each Malkavian’s sudden
even grant a skill rank, or access to unique Disciplines or insanity, and its mere mention can send a court into an
Devotions. While Disciplines are not unique to Blood- overwhelming panic of self-preservation. Malkavians
lines, a tutor must be found and few Bloodlines will ofree- share a fraternal bond that no other Clan or Bloodline can
ly give away their unique powers. truly appreciate or replicate. Each Malkavian is entirely
sympathetic of one-anothers condition, meaning that
many Malkavians will stick together in familial units to
Lasombra support one-another. Occassionally, their insanities will
Your character must be a member of the Mekhet or Ventrue
find a common cause and the family will act upon it with
clan to benefit from this talent.
a logic and method terrifying to others. Malkavians do
Tier: 1
not see their condition as a curse, believing that they are
Activation: Passive
instead upon the path to transcending the human condi-
Ranked: No
tion in some way or another. Some may believe that each
Born of darkness, with a history blacker than their soul,
Malkavian is some facet of this perfect being, and seek to
the Lasombra Bloodline casts a long shadow with few
unify the Bloodline. Malkavian’s have been known to have
members. Adhering to notions of fealty, fiefdom and loy-
moments of utter clarity granted by their condition, see-
alty centuries old, a Lasombra is a Lord of the Night. Very
ing and experiencing things unknown to others, be they
few are chosen to join this Bloodline, so high is their cal-
visions of the future or knowledge they couldn’t possibly
ibre of membership. With a history steeped in incestuous
have obtained by themselves. Scholars of the Malkavian
murder, diablerie and marraige, few Lasombra publicly
condition hypothesise that some sympathetic link exists
advertise their allegiance, what need have the servants to
between Malkavians, akin to some imprecise form of te-
know after all? All Lasombra cast no reflection whatso-
lepathy, through which Malkavians unknowingly project
ever, the most common way to identify one. Whether it
their thoughts and insanities, unknowing of who may be
be on a car bonnet, a body of water or a mirror, they are
entirely absent.
Many Malkavians seek to educate their Kindred peers,
All Lasombra have a unique handle on Darkness itself.
broadening their horizons in ways that only the Malkavi-
Beyond the pitiful tricks of Obfuscate, Lasombra can coax
an can truly appreciate. The given consensus is that these
an inky blackness forth from shadow under their control.
‘pranks’ are performed on persons whose minds are too
Whether this is a projection of the Lasombra’s own soul,
‘closed’ by a Malkavians standards. All Malkavian’s have
or simple manipulation of the absence of light is a matter
immediate access to the ‘Total Insanity’ devotion, and
of debate. A Lasombra can see through shadows they cre-
suffer no setbacks or upgrades in difficulty for casting its
ate, and have access to the Obtenebration Discipline.
Your character must be a member the Gangrel, Daeva,
Mekhet or Ventrue clan to benefit from this talent.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
The Tremere have always existed, but not as they do now.
Once, they were something else entirely, neither human
nor vampire. These forefathers made a bargain, becoming
the Kindred of the modern night. However, all Bargains
are made with a price to be paid, and the Tremere are now
being called to pay up. These mysterious origins put the
Tremere in a peculiar spot in Kindred society, distrusted
by all but with power and means available only to them,
it seems natural that they woudl share a kinship with the
Nosferatu, but they are reviled by the Haunts. Perhaps the
Nosferatu know something of the Tremere’s origins, or the
masters of fear see something to fear in the Tremere?

Clan Tremere has developed a unique school of Blood

Sorcery, called Thaumaturgy. Highly flexible, and entirely
exclusive to Clan Tremere, they share secrets amongst
themselves of its uses in cultic havens known as ‘Chan-
tries’. These havens are exclusive to the Tremere, those
who enter uninvited or unwelcome are never heard from
again. Each city may have a singular chantry, in which the
Tremere of the city convene frequently to plot, scheme
and practise their sorceries. Those outside the bloodline
talk of a central Tremere authority, that all of the clan
answer to, rumor states them to be based in Italy.

Clan Tremere is strictly organised in a rigid heirarchy

known as “The Pyramid”, they are by far the most organ-
ised of all Kindred lineages. Each Tremere knows their
place and their entitlements, which breeds a healthy
paranoia as others seek to climb the Pyramid and take
their place.

Being born of singularly unique means, the Tremere

suffer a peculiar bane. They require a greater amount
of Blood to sustain themselves than any other Kindred.
A Tremere Vampire must inflict two points of Strain or
Damage to recover 1 Strain.

Tremere alone have access to the ritual magic skill “Thau-

maturgy”, any other clan obtaining access to it could be
reason enough for political assassination or outright civil

Part Three - Skills and Merits
Vampire the Requiem uses many similar skills to Genesys. Vicissitude
As such, I’ve seen no need to implement many new skills.
However, certain specifications of the Knowledge skill Intelligence + Vicissitude
may prove applicable on a case by case basis. A Cam- Perverse in the extreme, the art of Vicissitude is illegal
paign featuring tomb-raiding Kindred plundering ancient worldwide and its practicioners put to Final Death. Such
Vampire coffins might benefit from Knowledge (Histo- is the power of Vicissitude in the wrong hands, that this
ry), while a more political game may make distinctions necessary. It is the power to warp flesh and bone, to twist
between Political allegiances and require Knowledge a man into something other than himself, and at the
(Politics). whims of its master. A Rite of Vicissitude is precise, sterile
and grotesque.
New Magical Skills are included, replacing Arcane, Di-
vine and Primal from Genesys. Few of these Magic skills You should use this skill if:
are intended for use in combat, instead they are intended • Your character seeks to alter their or another persons
to be utilised as Rituals. The skills are outlined below. appearance
• Your character seeks to craft a sword out of a femur
• Your character wants to craft a sentinel golem made
Crúac of meat
• Your character wishes to regrow a targets limb, or
Presence + Cruac force them to grow an additional limb
Crúac is a perverse art older than recorded History. It is
an ancient practise of Blood Sorcery, granted to the chil-
dren of a Crone in a time lost to time, or so legends say. Thaumaturgy
Crúac speaks to the Beast directly through the medium it
understands clearest, Blood. A Rite invoking such power Intelligence + Thaumaturgy
is crude, carnal, pagan and wild.
The secret sorcery of the Tremere Bloodline. Able to
You should use this skill if: alter blood, mind and body its power is rightfully feared.
• Your character seeks to induce Frenzy in a target Carefully studied, and constantly broadening its horizons,
• Your character wants to grant themselves claws its practicioners are ambitious above all else. Thaumatur-
• Your character wants to defend their heart from gy is unique in that it can partially replicate many of the
stakes effects of the other ritual schools of magic, however the
• Your character wants to augment their senses risk entailed in any Thaumaturgic rite is far higher. Rites
of Thaumaturgy are precise, monitored and scientific.

Theban Sorcery You should use this skill if:

• You wish to break an item
Willpower + Theban • You wish to replace a targets blood with water or acid
The Ritual Discipline of a religious coven of Kindred, • You wish to animate an immobile object to serve you
legends say an Angel named ‘Amoniel’ led the cult into a • You wish to alter the weather
cavern deep beneath Thebes in Egypt. There, they discov- • You wish to conjure fire
ered the means to deliver their vengeance and judgement
upon their foes. A Theban Rite is ritualistic, disciplined
and demands physical sacrifice.

You should use this skill if:

• Your character seeks to deprive a target of their senses
• Your character seeks to inflict stigmata on a target
• Your character seeks to bless an item
• Your character seeks to learn of a targets guilt

Merits in Vampire the Requiem, and World of Darkness
as a whole, represent abstract physical and social prac-
tices and rewards. You can buy the respect of your peers
with XP, and cannot own a property until you spend XP
to do so. Many physical merits within VtR already exist
under different names as Talents within Genesys, while
others quantify actions that you can already spend advan-
tage to achieve. A few unique ones exist however, and will
be detailed below.

Kindred Duelling
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
Once per round, after making a successful Melee attack
against a Vampire opponent, you can choose to embed
your weapon in your Opponent. You lose the Weapon
until you retrieve it, but while impaled, the Vampire
cannot spend Vitae to use the Blood Healing incidental.
Removing the weapon requires a Manoeuvre for the
attacker, or a full action for the impaled Kindred.

Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Difficulty: -
Though the Sun holds much fear from you, Daylight
does not. Your mind is as sharp as can be, a rival or
Hunter hoping to catch you weakened in the day will be
sorely surprised. Remove one b from any roll made due
to being active in daylight hours.

Feeding Agression
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
When feeding in a combat situation, remove one b
from any roll made to feed on an individual.

Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Difficulty: -
You downgrade 1 difficulty die in any Ritual dice roll.

Part Four - Disciplines
All Vampires are gifted with an inherent ability, they
Raise the Familiar
Your character must have purchased Feral Whispers to
are able to use the power of their blood to bolster their
benefit from this talent
bodies and warp the minds of others. Each Clan has
Tier: 2
access to unique Disciplines, schools of blood-magic that
Activation: Active (Action)
are fostered and developed by respective clans. Majesty
Ranked: No
for example, is the domain of the Daeva, who utilize it in
Difficulty: d
their ongoing quest for new sensations and experiences.
You Feed an Animal your Blood, empowering it for a
That isn’t to say that a Vampire cannot learn an out-of-
number of nights equal to your successes rolled. The Ani-
clan Discipline, but it must be taught by someone who
mal increases its Brawn or Agility by 1 and is loyal for as
already knows it.
long as it exists. You can lengthen its life-span by feeding
it more blood, but its Brawn or Agility will not increase
Disciplines function as iterative, ranked Talents. Each use
any more.
of a Discipline costs 2 Strain, suffered after the Disci-
pline Roll is fully resolved, unless it is marked as Passive,
in which case it is free. Certain Passive Talents have an
Summon the Hunt
Your character must have purchased Raise the Familiar to
activated component detailed within the Talent, activating
benefit from this talent
these aspects costs 2 Strain. Passive Talents do not require
Tier: 3
Discipline Rolls to activate, unless an active component is
Activation: Active (Action)
present. Higher ranks of Disciplines do not replace exist-
Ranked: No
ing Ranks, you have access to any unlocked Disciplines.
Difficulty: dd
If a Discipline states a Strain cost, use that instead of the
You may summon creatures of a specific type of animal.
default 2 strain, but still resolve its effects after casting.
By calling in their voice (howling, shrilling etc), you sum-
All Disciplines that affect a target require the target to be
mon all Animals within earshot of a matching species.
within Medium range of the caster. If a vocal or visual
component is involved, the target must be able to hear or
see the caster. Feral Infection
Your character must have purchased Summon the Hunt to
benefit from this talent
Animalism Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Presence + Animalism Ranked: No
The Beast feels a certain kinship with Animals. This Disci- Difficulty: Opposed Discipline
pline exploits that, asserting you as the Apex Predator. Concentration: Yes
Upon a successful roll, your target is driven into a Frenzy.
Feral Whispers If they are Mortal, upgrade Brawn rolls once and do not
Tier: 1 upgrade unarmed damage or its Crit rating. Unless you
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre) concentrate to sustain the Frenzy, the target will revert to
Ranked: No normal after 1 turn.
Difficulty: -
Concentration: Yes Lord of the Land
Upon a Successful Animalism Roll, you may converse Your character must have purchased Feral Infection to ben-
with present Animals. You can give simple instructions efit from this talent
and commands, and Animals will do their best to carry Tier: 5
out those commands for the rest of the night. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd
You mark territory with your blood. This can require
multiple casts of the power as dictated by the GM. Once
a territory is defined, you become aware of any intruders
within it (attempts to hide with Obfuscate are opposed by
an Animalism roll), and an Opposed Discipline check is
required for anyone to enter. Everyone inside your territo-
ry knows that it belongs to you.

Auspex Twilight Projection
Your character must have purchased Lay Open the Mind to
Cunning + Auspex benefit from this talent
The Beast is an unknowable predator, catching the scent Tier: 5
of prey wherever they are. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: dddd
Beasts Hackles Your Spirit leaves your body and travels the Unquiet
Tier: 1
Realms, where Spirits dwell. No Physical Barrier impedes
Activation: Active (Incidental)
you, but your body must be kept within a number of miles
Ranked: No
equal to your Willpower. While in this state, you may
Difficulty: -
cast other Auspex powers from your Spirits location, but
Concentration: Yes
you cannot physically interact with the world about you.
You reveal an emotive weakness within present company.
While your Spirit is outside of your body, you may inter-
This weakness is based on a feeling and is not entirely
act with Spirits. Your body is helpless while this power is
quantifiable, nor does it clearly identify the person unless
you have knowledge that coincides.

Uncanny Perception Celerity

Your character must have purchased Beasts Hackles to
benefit from this talent By empowering their own body with Vitae, a Vampire can
Tier: 2 move faster than the eye can see.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Nimble
Concentration: Yes Tier: 1
You are able to ascertain specific weaknesses and fears of Activation: Passive
a specific person. Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
After performing 1 move manoeuvre, gain 1 Defence for
The Spirit’s Touch every additional move manoeuvre, capped by your Celeri-
Your character must have purchased Uncanny Perception to ty rank, until the beginning of your next turn.
benefit from this talent
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Quicken
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased Nimble to benefit from
Difficulty: dd this talent
Concentration: Yes Tier: 2
You are able to determine the past of an item or place. Activation: Active (Incidental)
These don’t necessarily identify persons, but perhaps how Ranked: No
they interacted with the item. A Gun may have been fired Difficulty: -
in anger, or a Room may have seen horrendous torture. Once per turn, suffer 2 Strain to make an additional
manoeuvre. This can be in excess of the 2 manoeuvre per
turn limitation.
Lay Open the Mind
Your character must have purchased The Spirit’s Touch to
benefit from this talent Hasten
Tier: 4 Your character must have purchased Quicken to benefit
Activation: Active (Action) from this talent
Ranked: No Tier: 3
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Activation: Active (Incidental)
Concentration: Yes Ranked: No
You are able to read the Victims mind and relive their Difficulty: -
Memories as they recall them. You may utilise Advantage Once per turn, suffer 2 Strain to make an additional
and Triumph to influence the memories recovered. manoeuvre. This can be in excess of the 2 manoeuvre per
turn limitation.

Quickening Entombed Command
Your character must have purchased Hasten to benefit from Your character must have purchased Iron Edict to benefit
this talent from this talent
Tier: 4 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Difficulty: - Difficulty: Opposed Discipline
Suffer 2 Strain to make an out-of-turn manoeuvre. You implant a subconscious command, of any complexity,
in your victims mind. They will carry out this command
whenever your criteria are met, within the next month.
Your character must have purchased Quickening to benefit
from this talent The Lying Mind
Tier: 5 Your character must have purchased Entombed Command
Activation: Active (Incidental) to benefit from this talent
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Difficulty: - Activation: Active (Action)
Suffer 2 Strain to make an out-of-turn Action. Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline
You may alter, remove and create new memories of any
Dominate scale within your victim. For example, you may force
your Victim to believe they are married, change where
Presence + Dominate they live, change their job or their name. The Victim will
The Strong are meant to rule, and the Weak should fear act according to their new memories and beliefs, though
them. By any means necessary. being made aware that these memories are false may offer
a chance for them to discover the truth.
Tier: 1 Possession
Activation: Action (Manoeuvre) Your character must have purchased The Lying Mind to
Ranked: No benefit from this talent
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Tier: 5
Issue simple commands to your victim. If their safety is Activation: Active (Action)
directly threatened, they can roll a dd Discipline check Ranked: No
to break free of your control. They will follow your com- Difficulty: Opposed Discipline
mand until the end of the night. You utterly possess the Victims mind and body. Your
body is helpless while possessing another. Your new body
Iron Edict changes its Brawn and Agility stats to match the host, all
Your character must have purchased Mesmerise to benefit other stats are unchanged. Though the host body shows
from this talent no signs of possession, people may notice your different
Tier: 2 mannerisms. You can travel in the day while possessing
Activation: Active (Action) a body. You may possess a body once per week, for a
Ranked: No number of nights equal to a. You may cast Disciplines
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline normally while possessing a body, but once you leave it
You may issue in-depth and specific commands to your will suffer the consequences of any superhuman feats such
victim. They will carry out these commands for a number as lifting a car or suffering grievous damage
of nights equal to your Dominate rank.

Majesty The Bargain
Your character must have purchased Siren Song to benefit
Presence + Majesty from this talent
With the power you wield, and the promises you make, Tier: 5
who wouldn’t worship the ground you walk on? Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd
Awe A classic Faustian bargain. You offer a mortal three nights
Tier: 1
of incredible power, after which they become your thrall
Activation: Passive
forever. The bargain must be accepted willingly, meaning
Ranked: No
you cannot Dominate someone into accepting the terms.
Difficulty: -
The Victim sups on your blood, and for three nights up-
Upgrade your Charm and Deception rolls once.
grades their Brawn and Agility rolls twice, and gains ac-
cess to 2 ranks of either Celerity or Majesty that they cast
Confidant using their own dice pool. After three nights, the target
Your character must have purchased Awe to benefit from becomes your willing servant for as long as they live.
this talent
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Nightmare
Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Cool Willpower + Nightmare
You inspire a fierce loyalty in anyone you charm. They The Beast thrives on the hunt. And a Terrified Victim
add 1 Boost Die to any skill check they make as a result of tastes all the sweeter.
your Charming request.
Dread Presence
Green Eyes Tier: 1
Your character must have purchased Confidant to benefit Activation: Passive
from this talent Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Difficulty: -
Activation: Active (Incidental) Concentration: Yes
Ranked: No Upgrade your Coercion rolls once. You may suffer two
Difficulty: Opposed Cool Strain to conjure minor illusions that unsettle a number of
So enthralled with you is your victim, that you can do people equal to your Nightmare Rank.
almost anything and they won’t resist. Downgrade the
difficulty of any opposed roll against them by 1. Face of the Beast
Your character must have purchased Dread Presence to
Siren Song benefit from this talent
Your character must have purchased Green Eyes to benefit Tier: 2
from this talent Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Tier: 4 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action) Difficulty: Opposed Discipline
Ranked: No You may not know why this person fears you, why your
Difficulty: dddd presence makes them wail and scream. Or maybe you do.
Your Siren Song allures the weak of mind. With a few Maintaining eye contact, you watch as they scream and
warbled words or a sway of your hips, all eyes turn to you. writhe. Your use of this power is treated as the target mak-
Inflict a number of Strain equal to the number of Success- ing an opposed Fear check with the difficulty being equal
es on your Discipline roll on a number of people equal to to your Nightmare dice pool. Every success is a failure for
double your Presence. them, and every advantage a disadvantage and vice versa.
These results can generate Trauma.

The Grand Delusion Touch of Shadow
Your character must have purchased Dread Presence to Your character must have purchased Face in the Crowd to
benefit from this talent benefit from this talent
Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Difficulty: d
You can snap minds like cutting strings on a puppet. You may apply the effects of Obfuscate to another person,
With this power, you alter the targets perceptions of animal or object. The size of the object or animal cannot
reality through every sense. You do not control the victim exceed a Silhouette equal to half your rank in Obfuscate,
however, and they may react in un-predictable ways. Use rounded up. This effect lasts until detected or the scene
the examples for dice resolution on pg. 244 of the Genesys ends, or the caster chooses to end it.
Corebook for examples.
Cloak of Night
Waking Nightmare Your character must have purchased Touch of Shadow to
Your character must have purchased The Grand Delusion to benefit from this talent
benefit from this talent Tier: 3
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Difficulty: dd
Difficulty: dddd You become truly invisible. Nobody can see you, and
Concentration: Yes cameras will not pick you up nor register interference
You conjure illusions that seem real, affecting a number of from your presence. You still make incidental signs of
people equal to double your Nightmare rank. Everybody your presence, such as footprints and footsteps. This effect
affected experiences the same illusion. lasts until detected or the scene ends, or the caster choos-
es to end it.
Mortal Terror
Your character must have purchased Waking Nightmare to The Familiar Stranger
benefit from this talent Your character must have purchased Cloak of Night to ben-
Tier: 5 efit from this talent
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Ranked: No
Concentration: Yes Difficulty: ddd
Dying from fright isn’t a fairytale. For every success you You can alter others perceptions of an object or person.
generate on this roll, the target suffers one wound. Soak This power can make other people see you as a close
and Defence are not applied. friend, or view a bear-trap as a doormat. This effect lasts
until detected or the scene ends, or the caster chooses to
end it.
Cunning + Obfuscate Oubliette
You are a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. They will not know you Your character must have purchased The Familiar Stranger-
are there until it is too late. to benefit from this talent
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action)
Face in the Crowd Ranked: No
Tier: 1 Difficulty: dddd
Activation: Passive You mark territory with your blood. This can require
Ranked: No multiple casts of the power as dictated by the GM. Once
Difficulty: - a territory is defined, intruders may freely enter. But a Dif-
At your will, you fade from peoples perceptions. You are ficulty 3 Discipline check is required for the Intruder to
still there, but you’re just a face in the crowd. Unless you make any progress within the territory or escape, as you
act extremely out-of-the-ordinary, say by firing a gun, warp their perceptions and they become utterly lost in the
people will struggle to recall your presence. simplest of spaces.

Protean Beasts Skin
Your character must have purchased Predatory Aspect to
Brawn + Protean benefit from this talent
An Apex Predator uses every tool in its arsenal to hunt. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Unmarked Grave Difficulty: dd
Tier: 1
You alter your form to resemble that of an Animal you
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
have fully consumed. You may retain as many Animal
Ranked: No
forms as you have levels in Protean. Upgrade or Down-
Difficulty: -
grade any Brawn or Agility rolls twice while this power is
You may freely merge with a body of natural soil. You may
active to better resemble your chosen form. You cannot
sleep here during the day and suffer no consequences.
communicate verbally while in an animal form, but may
Disturbing the soil will reveal your body.
cast Disciplines as normal. You can pass for an Animal of
the species you are shape-shifted into, but other Animals
Predatory Aspect can sense your true form.
Your character must have purchased Unmarked Grave to
benefit from this talent Unnatural Aspect
Tier: 2 Your character must have purchased Predatory Aspect to
Activation: Active (Action) benefit from this talent
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Difficulty: dd Activation: Active (Action)
You adopt Bestial facets. You may upgrade either Brawn Ranked: No
or Agility rolls twice, or accomplish feats physically Difficulty: ddd
impossible for a human such as growing a tail, climbing Your body can twist in truly horrific ways. Its manifesta-
sheer walls or manifesting Vestigial wings that allow you tions are at best tangently related to the Animal Kingdom,
to glide. These manifestations last until the end of the but resemble something from a body horror film more.
scene, and persist while frenzying. You may cast this pow- These last until the end of the scene.You may grow wings
er up to three times and choose multiple benefits, but they that fully enable flight, additional limbs, extra heads or
do not stack. Aspects included might grant you: sensory organs, or any other conceivable growth with an
• Aquatic -enabling you to swim faster underwater appropriate mechanical benefit. Aspects you might mani-
• Claws or Fangs - grant your unarmed attacks Pierce 2 fest include:
• Extra Senses - Abnormal senses such as echolocation, • Talons - Granting Pierce 2 or Vicious 1
tremor sense or simply heightened existing senses. • Extra limbs - These might allow you to move faster,
These upgrade 1 die for any Perception or Vigilance weild additional weapons or stabilise you
checks you make. • Gelatinous flesh - Warping your bones into flexible
• Wings - These can allow you to glide for a distance as cartilage and your flesh into a rubbery subtsnace,
though you were flying, but you cannot ascend. you can twist and contort your body horrifically, or
• Prehensile Tail - This can function as an extra arm, squeeze through tiny cracks.
though it lacks a hand and cannot be used for fine • Wings - Grant yourself the power of flight.
tasks like firing a gun or operating a computer. You may not change your silhouette. Manifesting this
• Quadripedel - By altering the length of your arms and power may cause a Fear check. This ability lasts until the
legs, you can run on all fours, increasing your speed end of an encounter or until the end of a scene.
and allowing you to jump further.
• Wall crawling - Perhaps you grow hundreds of tiny in-
Primeval Miasma
Your character must have purchased Unnatural Aspect to
sect legs, claws on your feet or barbed hairs. Whatever
benefit from this talent
it is, you can freely move across walls and ceilings.
Tier: 5
This ability lasts until the end of an encounter or until the
Activation: Active (Action)
end of a scene.
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd
You disperse into a cloud of smoke. You can freely move
while in this state, and are visible as a localised cloud. You
are immune to conventional weapon-damage, but are still
flammable and suffer from Banes. Upgrade any attack
rolls twice against enemies within your cloud. You can
pass through any non-airtight materials while in this state.
Stalwart On Celerity and Vigor
Brawn + Stalwart Celerity and Vigor are physical Disciplines. They purely
Vampires don’t die easily. augment the body of the Kindred and do not influence
those about them in any way. Their applications as listed
here are combat-centric, but they can also be used Nar-
Resistant ratively to make Athletics checks, cover vast distances
Tier: 1
quickly, punch holes in concrete walls and throw tractors.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
This will provide some guidelines on how these Disci-
Ranked: No
plines can be used Narratively. The capabilities of each
Difficulty: -
Discipline are intentionally vague to begin with. Celerity
Add b to any Resilience check made.
does not accelerate a specific amount or allow you to
maintain a target speed, and Vigor does not enable you
Implacable to cultivate an ideal muscle mass. You move fast enough
Your character must have purchased Stalwart to benefit that it is noticably harder to hit you while moving than
from this talent it would be to hit a regular person, and you are strong
Tier: 2 enough to lift a person above your head because they are
Activation: Passive silhouette 1, and because it’s cool that you’re that strong.
Ranked: Yes Both Celerity and Vigor can be used in narrative time,
Difficulty: - in ways that adheres to the core theme of the power but
Gain 1 Soak. Soak granted by Implacable counts against differs from its mechanical implementation as written ear-
Banes. lier. Celerity is about unnatural bursts of speed, and Vigor
is unnatural physical strength. You may make a
dd Athletics check to utilise these Disciplines narrative-
Vigor ly. After your roll, you suffer 2 Strain for each tier ‘utilised’.
This can be reduced as an Ancilla or Elder as usual. This
Brawn + Vigor can mean an Elder may have 3 ‘free’ Narrative uses of
Kindred are inhuman and inhumanly strong to boot. Celerity or Vigor, which can be suitably terrifying. You
may utilise the “Deus Ex Machina” aspect of spending a
Story point to point towards an excessive use of Celerity
Vigor or Vigor, while suffering no negative repurcussions.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Celerity is an obscene burst of speed that is, by its very
Ranked: No
nature, unsustainable. In a combat situation, its distance
Difficulty: -
covered is reduced slightly (to complay with range bands)
Upgrade your Brawl and Athletics checks once. You may
to represent the Vampires focus on the combat situation
also lift and throw objects with a Silhouette equal to half
at hand. A Celerity enhanced move (for clarity, a move is
your Vigor, rounded up.
per point of an ability utilised) covers 25 metres a second.
A Vampire with ‘Celerity’ can use their level 5 Talent to
Vigorous make an additional move and not just make an Action.
Your character must have purchased Vigor to benefit from This only applies to narrative scenarios and not structured
this talent combat. You can move a number of seconds equal to your
Tier: 2 rank in Celerity without stopping, though you spend the
Activation: Active (Incidental) appropriate Strain-cost after resolving an Athletics check
Ranked: Yes to activate Celerity.
Difficulty: -
Add a per rank of Vigor to the result of any Brawl or Vigor can be utilised as part of an Athletics check using
Athletics check. These Advantage can be spent to activate the same guidelines as above (2 strain per level used).
qualities like Knockdown, Disorient, Stun or Sunder. The This enhanced Strength is not limited to your arms and
advantages needed to activate these is been reduced from shoulders. Vigors strength limitations are inherent in the
2 to 1. Silhouette of an objet being supported, lifted or thrown.
After making an Athletics check, you may choose to uti-
lise the Flight rules to jump a distance either horizontally
or vertically with your GMs approval. For the purposes of
this, your landing will be controlled and you will not suf-
fer any fall damage unless your landing suddenly becomes
Part Five - Devotions
Devotions are a deeper, spontaeneous and instinctive
Subsume the lesser Beast
Your character must have purchased Summon the Hunt
understanding of a Kindred’s own Disciplines. They are
and Iron Edict to benefit from this talent
a rarity, for they blur the lines between the Discipline
Tier: 4
schools and as allow their practicioner a great deal of
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
power. Those few Kindred who have developed a Devo-
Ranked: No
tion of their own keep it a secret, displaying their power
Difficulty: dd Presence + Animalism
or passing on such knowledge when it best suits them.
You possess the body of any predatory animal. Your body
is helpless while in this state. Alter your Brawn and Agility
Devotions are tiered talents similar to Disciplines, but
to match the host Animal. You may still cast Disciplines in
with far stricter pre-requisites. Devotions are intentionally
this state. The effect lasts until the end of the night or until
hard to obtain for the power they allow. Each Devotion
uses its own, unique dice pool that may differ from its
parent Disciplines. However, for convenience, all Devo-
tions have been ordered into their dominant Discipline Vermintide
groupe for ease of reading. Your character must have purchased Summon the Hunt
and Vigorous to benefit from this talent
Tier: 3
Animalism Devotions Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd Presence + Animalism
Undying Familiar You summon all manner of Vermin and small animals to
Your character must have purchased Raise the Familiar and a location with the intention of feeding. Every creature in
Implacable to benefit from this talent the neighbourhood will swarm over living things, dead
Tier: 2 meat and every loose item and consume them entirely.
Activation: Active (Action) This is a plague of biblical proportions to any onlookers,
Ranked: No should they be outside of the designated area. Anyone or
Difficulty: dddPresence + Animalism thing within the area suffers damage equal to your Ani-
Undying Familiar allows a deceased animal to be re- malism, for a number
awakened to serve the Vampire. The Animal will awaken,
upgrade either it’s Brawn or Agility once, and be utterly
loyal to you. The servant lasts a number of weeks equal to Riot
successes generated on your Devotion roll, this can be ex- Your character must have purchased Feral Infection and
tended by repeating the Devotion but you cannot reapply Siren Song to benefit from this talent
your Brawn or Agility upgrade. Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Ranked: No
Reason’s Salon Difficulty: ddddd Presence + Animalism
Your character must have purchased Feral Infection to ben- Everyone with a lower Willpower + Presence die pool
efit from this talent than the Kindred using the Devotion, within a half mile
Tier: 4 or a city block, descends into a bloody rage. They will
Activation: Active (Action) destroy anything within immediate proximity and attack
Ranked: No anyone they see. Use of this Devotion is considered a
Difficulty: ddd Willpower + Animalism Heinous act.
A Adept of Animalism can goad and coax the Beast forth.
A Master can suppress the Beast entirely. A Kindred with
this Discipline can mark a territory with his blood, re-
quiring multiple rolls as determined by the GM. Track the
successes generated on these rolls and note the highest.
For a number of nights equal to the Vampires Animalism
ranking, any Kindred rolling a Frenzy check downgrade
the difficulty of any test by a number equal to the success-
es generated on your Devotion roll.

Auspex Devotions Shared Sight
Your character must have purchased Lay Open the Mind
and Mesmerise to benefit from this talent
Quicken Sight Tier: 4
Your character must have purchased Beasts Hackles and Activation: Active (Action)
Quicken to benefit from this talent Ranked: No
Tier: 1 Difficulty: ddd Cunning + Auspex
Activation: Active (Incidental) While dominating a target, you may elect to grant your
Ranked: No victim a measure of your second sight. Though less
Difficulty: dd Cunning + Auspex effective and unrefined, it can open a mind and broaden
Concentration: Yes horizons. You may grant the victim a number of ranks
When activated, Quicken Sight lasts for a turn. The Kin- in Auspex equal to your successes, though they may not
dred can examine the details on fast-moving items and exceed your own ranks in Auspex.
respond to things outside the normal human spectrum.
She can read multiple pages of text in seconds and can Dominate Devotions
take the Aim Manoeuvre once per round as an Incidental.
Gargoyle’s Vigil Your character must have purchased The Lying Mind to
Your character must have purchased 1 rank in Implacable benefit from this talent
and Beasts Hackles to benefit from this talent Tier: 4
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Action) (over a week)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Willpower + Dominate
Difficulty: dd Cunning + Auspex Over a period of weeks, you cripple your victims sense
After taking 5 minutes to observe their immediate vicin- of self. Endlessly repeating mundane tasks, responding
ity, a Kindred with this Discipline becomes utterly aware to strict commands and general degredation. You down-
of their surrounding area. This extends to any area that grade two difficulty die on any test made against your
could reasonably be considered an extension of their cur- victim.
rent position. You have full use of all Auspex powers while
immobile. After 5 minutes, you are completely aware of
everybody within proximity, as well as those hiding. You
Chain of Command
Your character must have purchased Vigor and Entombed
add bb on your initiative and first combat roll against
Command to benefit from this talent
any Intruders. You may suffer an additional Strain to use
Tier: 3
this Devotion while sleeping.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Shatter the Shroud Difficulty: ddd Willpower + Dominate
Your character must have purchased Uncanny Perception An evolution of Entombed Command, this devotion
and Vigor to benefit from this talent allows a victim of Entombed Command to be granted one
Tier: 2 use of Iron Edict, to be used on a target specified at an
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre) allocated time. This roll uses the Kindreds Dominate Roll.
Ranked: No
Difficulty: dd Cunning + Auspex
You immediately shatter any concealing powers at play
Your character must have purchased The Lying Mind and
in your vicinity. This immediately cancels any Obfuscate
Siren Song to benefit from this talent
Disciplines in effect, or any other supernatural means of
Tier: 4
concealing, and reveals the user.
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd Presence + Dominate
You call out for your Servant over any distance (though
the difficulty may be altered if you you are on a seperate
continent), and they will endeavour to come to your side
as quickly as possible, by whatever means they deem nec-
essary. They will travel for one day and one night before
the compulsion leaves them.

Dementation Devotions Wet Dream
Your character must have purchased Confidant and Face of
Willpower + Dementation the Beast to benefit from this talent
Madness isn’t a state of being, it’s a fresh perspective. Tier: 4
Unless your character is clinically insane or Malkavian, Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
upgrade the difficulty of any Dementation power twice. Ranked: No
Difficulty: dd Cunning + Majesty
The next time the Victim sleeps, their dreams are plagued
Total Insanity by perversely erotic scenarios. This can leave the target
Your character must have purchased Awe and Dread Pres-
feeling guilty, disgusted or excited. They may also mur-
ence to benefit from this talent
mur names in their sleep that may implicate them in some
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Willpower + Dementation Nightmare Devotions
Everyone is a little crazy, and you know how to coax it
from anybody. After holding a targets undivided attention
for one full round, you allow this madness to fully con-
Hint of Fear
Your character must have purchased Quicken and Face of
sume the target. The GM chooses the manner of derange-
the Beast to benefit from this talent
ments the target suffers, with the number of Advantages
Tier: 2
dictating the severity or duration of the effects. The effects
Activation: Active (Incidental)
can vary from a week to a year, as can the severity of these
Ranked: No
insanities. tt can be spent to permenantly infect the
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Willpower + Nightmare
targets mind with Malkavia if the target is kindred, or
Face of the Beast typically requires extended eye-contact
permenant insanity if mortal.
with the victim. Hint of Fear removes this requirement, a
Majesty Devotions mere catch of someones gaze is enough to transmit your
supernatural terror.

Cross Contamination Touch of Deprivation

Your character must have purchased Awe and Dread Pres-
Your character must have purchased Waking Nightmare
ence to benefit from this talent
and Iron Edict to benefit from this talent
Tier: 2
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Difficulty: dd Cunning + Majesty
Difficulty: ddd Willpower + Nightmare
By blending the elation of Majesty with the unsettling
Upon touching a victim, you may prevent the target from
nature of Nightmare, Kindred throw emotions into a flux.
using one of their five senses for the rest of the scene. This
Everyone in immediate proximity adds a b to any Social
cannot deny a Kindred their ability to use Auspex.
checks made until the end of the encounter.

Cult of Personality Sun’s Brutal Dreamscape

Your character must have purchased Oubliette and Impla-
Your character must have purchased Siren Song and 3 ranks
cable to benefit from this talent
of Vigor to benefit from this talent
Tier: 5
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Willpower + Nightmare
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Presence + Majesty
You may afflict a sleeping target with the same fear of sun-
An overpowering presence flows from you, washing over
light and fire that plagues all Kindred. You must be able to
and drowning others sense of self. A number of people
touch the victim to cast this spell. For a number of nights
equal to your ranks in Majesty immediately become
equal to your successes, the Victim is utterly petrified of
subservient to you, falling in line and worshipping the
the Sun and Fire. They will suffer any damage that you
ground you walk upon. Each Victim acts as though they
also suffer from Sunlight and Fire.
have been affected by Green Eyes.

Obfuscate Devotions Obtenebration Devotions
Presence + Obtenebration
Enchantment Power over Darkness itself, what more could any Kindred
Your character must have purchased Siren Song and Touch
of Shadow to benefit from this talent
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Shadow Play
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased Touch of Shadow, to
Difficulty: ddd Cunning + Obfuscate benefit from this talent
By guiding the euphoric feeling of Majesty along subtler Tier: 2
channels, a you can force a single victim to lavish their Activation: Passive
affection, loyalty and devotion upon a person or place. Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
You may freely manipulate exisitng shadows. You may
Wraith’s Presence move and combine existing shadows, these shadows re-
Your character must have purchased Cloak of Night and
main intangiable but are cold to touch. Cloaking yourself
Dread Presence to benefit from this talent
or others in Shadow can provide b to Stealth rolls, or aid
Tier: 3
in Coercion rolls. Opponents harrassed by Shadows might
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
be eligible to suffer b to any relevant checks. Mortals
Ranked: No
who are unconcious in areas of controlled shadow will
Difficulty: ddd Willpower + Obfuscate
suffer 1 Strain per turn, converting into wounds when
You summon an illusion of yourself. The Illusion will not
their threshold is filled, as they begin to asphyxiate. These
move unless you concentrate to animate it, though it will
shadows may also call for Fear checks if used appropriate-
appear to make natural movements such as breathing and
mild fidgeting.

Cloak the Gathering Arms of the Abyss

Your character must have purchased Shadow Play to benefit
Your character must have purchased Oubliette benefit from
from this talent
this talent
Tier: 4
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd Willpower + Obfuscate
Difficulty: dddd Cunning + Obfuscate
Exercising deliberate control over the shadows, you are
This devotion allows you to spread the effects of Touch of
able to create prehensile tentacles that emerge from patch-
Shadow and Cloak of Night to 5 people in close proximity.
es of shadow. These can grasp, restrain and constrict foes.
Casting this power summons 2 Tentacles in relative prox-
imity to you. Additional Strain may be expended after
casting, summoning 1 Tentacle per Strain. These Tentacles
function as a Minion Group with the statline below.
2 3 1 1 1 1

2 4 0 1
Skills (Group only): Brawl
Talents: None
Abilities: None
Equipment: Tentacle (Brawl, Damage 2, Range; engaged,
Ensnare, Knockdown)
Tentacles function on their own turn in the initiative
roster, but are under the control of the Vampire that sum-
moned them, this does not require any leadership check
or actions to be made.

Protean Devotions Stalwart Devotions
Foul Grave Body of Will
Your character must have purchased Unmarked Grave and Your character must have purchased Vigor and 3 ranks in
Dread Presence to benefit from this talent Stalwartto benefit from this talent
Tier: 1 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Difficulty: dd Presence + Nightmare Difficulty: dd Brawn + Resilience
While interred in your Unmarked Grave, you maintain For one turn per a , a Kindred may freely activate as
a level of alertness that ensures you know if any Mortal or many levels in Vigor as they have ranks, for each damage
Kindred is in your immediate vicinity. You may choose blocked by Soak.
to exude a Dread Presence that will ward away all but the
most intrepid mortals, however its presence may alert
Kindred to your unmarked grave.
Juggernaut’s Gait
Your character must have purchased Implacable 4 and Vig-
orours 3 to benefit from this talent
Force of Nature Tier: 5
Your character must have purchased Unnatural Aspect, Activation: Active (Incidental)
3 ranks of Implacable and Vigorous to benefit from this Ranked: No
talent Difficulty: - -
Tier: 4 A Devotion of singular power, a Kindred can temporarily
Activation: Active (Incidental) render themselves immune to harm. Their blood flows
Ranked: No from their flesh and coats their body to defend them.
Difficulty: dddd Brawn + Protean Even the strongest Kindred struggles to maintain this
Force of Nature enhances the power of Unnatural As- state for more than a few seconds, but while they do they
pect, allowing you to fluidly alter your body at a moments are a veritable god.
notice. Upon activating Force of Nature, you gain as many This Devotion costs 4 Strain to activate and requires no
forms and aspects from Predatory Aspect, Beast’s Skin roll. At the beginning of each turn, the Kindred suffers an
and Unnatural Aspect as you wish without suffering ad- additional 4 Strain. Until they cancel the Ability or cannot
ditional Strain. The efffects of this Devotion lasts until the afford to maintain it, the Kindred is utterly immune to all
end of the encounter. Use of Force of Nature will appro- damage. This ability persits when a Kindred Frenzies.
priately call for Fear Checks.

Stalwart Servant
Your character must have purchased Entombed Command
and Stalwart to benefit from this talent
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Difficulty: ddd Brawn + Stalwart
Your servants drink of your blood, granting existing
benefits from doing so, as well as one rank of Resilience
that they can activate of their own volition. This persists
for one night.

Part Six - Blood Sorceries
Kindred across the world utilise their Disciplines. They Casting a Ritual is a process that follows a number of
are intuitive, simple abilities whose power lies in their steps, these are the same for each school of Blood Sorcery,
utilisation rather than immediate effect. A Kindred who with variants therein.
has mastered their Disciplines is a worthy opponent for
anyone. But above them are Sorcerors of Blood. Ritualists
and Occultists who call upon the power behind the Blood, Step 1 -Decide effect
the Beast itself, or higher powers yet.
Rituals can accomplish a wide variety of things. Each
Blood Sorcery comes in different schools, and are em- school of Blood Sorcery aligns itself with different themes
ployed by using the various Blood Magic skills. Crúac, and focusses, and there is little overlap between the three.
Theban, Vicissitude and Thaumaturgy. Each school of Decide the ideal result of the Ritual, be it causing a spon-
Blood Magic has its own respective benefits and draw- taeneous frenzy in an individual miles away, inflicting
backs, as per the Genesys Corebook Magic lists, but very Stigmata upon an individual or blending flesh as an artist
few of them can be utilised to directly attack a target in does paint. These effects are not set-in stone, but set a
a combat encounter. Blood Sorcery is a far more ritual- precedent for what can be accomplished with set difficul-
istic affair, demanding preparation, sacrifice and time to ties. Each effect has an attached Difficulty and, a default
successfully utilise. number of failures equal to double the Targets most
relevant Attribute (Brawn or Agility for a curse affecting
Crúac is the power of the Beast. With it, a Vampire can the body, Intelligence or Cunning for curses affecting the
influence the Beast in other Kindred as well as their own. mind etc). Should your Ritual not be targetting a person,
instead set the default number of failures to a multiple of 5
Theban Miracles are the result of piety and faith. Its depending on the scope and scale of the Ritual.
origins lost in time, it has become revered and a matter
of rote and repitition without understanding as a con- Step 2 - Make Preparations
sequence. While Crúac demands a certain flexibility in
order to satiate the Beast, Theban rituals can fail entirely Rituals are not easy to cast. Mechanically, this is shown
for no discernible reason. with the pre-existant failures and high difficulty for each
roll. Preparations allow these obstacles to be diminished
Vicissitude is a Sorcery drenched in blood. Scholars have somewhat. You can increase the time taken to cast the
noted its base similarity with the Protean Discipline, of Ritual to give you more opportunities to roll your magic
altering flesh and bone, much to the displeasure of those skill rolls for example, or offering up items in sacrifice
who utilise Protean. A Vicissitude Ritual demands medi- may downgrade the difficulty.
cal precision, a vivid imagination and patience.

Thaumaturgy is the secret sorcery of the Tremere Blood- Step 3 - Roll the dice
line. Incredibly versatile but lethal when it fails, the
Bloodline heavily scrutinises its own practicioners for Finally, it is time to begin the Ritual. These Rolls cannot
weakness. A Ritual demands concentration, strict adher- be improved by any means other than Story Point expen-
ance to procedure and a paradoxical gift of intuitiveness. diture. All preparation made directly affects the Difficulty
of the Ritual, not you the Caster. You decide prior to the
Casting a Ritual first roll how many skill checks you will make, with each
check representing approximately 15 minutes. Within the
Casting a Ritual is not something undertaken lightly. timeframe of the Ritual, you make a number of rolls with
Kindred dabble in powers beyond their own, and hope which you must attain a number of successes exceeding
that nothing goes wrong. Rituals typically have a num- the failures imposed by the target of the Ritual. Each Dice
ber of Kindred and Acolytes involved in the casting, the Roll forces you to suffer 2 Strain after it is resolved.
exception being Vicissitude. These additional ritualists are
there to lend their power to the Ritual Lead, who is fully
engaged in the casting of the Ritual. If sacrifices need to
Step 4 - Resolve the dice
be made and chants echoed, these additional ritualists The Ritual has succeeded or failed. You will know instinc-
must be ready, lest the Ritual fail and a worse fate befall all tively if you have succeeded or failed, but no details.
than any captive present.

Crúac Rites
Crúac is the purest means of communicating with the
Beast. You will make your offering and hope it is enough,
then the Beast will wreak its havoc as it is desires. Such
rituals have simple effects, but all the more devastating for
their lack of grace. Crúac influences the Blood of Kindred,
any other effects it has are secondary . You can expect to
accomplish results thematically similar to those in the
table below, with matching difficulties.

The range of these Rituals is set at a geographical mile

from the Ritual to the Target. This is an unavoidable limit
of Crúac, the target must be near enough for their Vitae to
be manipulated to achieve the desired results. A target of
a Ritual is aware upon the Rituals initiation that they are
being targetted by a malefic force, though they may not
know its precise nature or location.

Augments such as granting yourself claws or elongated

fangs can grant you Pierce, Knockdown or Vicious on
your unarmed attacks. Multiple traits upgrade the diffi-
culty once per trait, as does upgrading traits.

When attempting to inflict Strain or Frenzy upon a target,

each uncancelled success ontop of the required successes
for the Ritual is converted into Strain that the target suf-
fers immediately. When inflicting damage upon a target,
you may retain each Triumph gained in casting to inflict a
Critical Hit at the end of casting, assuming the Ritual suc-
ceeds. You do not inflict direct damage by casting a Ritual,
only Critical Hits.

Preparations for a Crúac ritual are as base as the Ritual

itself. The Beast must be coaxed forth with displays of vi-
olence, sex and fear. Offerings of blood are always appre-
ciated, as are wanton displays of lust. But these are easily
obtained and the Beast knows this. Displays such as these
involving fewer than four people downgrade the difficulty
of each roll once. Widespread displays of these, with mul-
tiple partners copulating, scarring and bleeding onean-
other can go even further in downgrading the difficulty.
Daubing Blood in archaic and perverse symbols about
the Ritual Site can also work to downgrade the difficulty.
Human Sacrifice also works wonders, by itself, downgra-
din the difficulty twice. The Beast is also sympathetic to
Rituals conducted in areas with a bloody history, these
can downgrade the difficult, with the amount varying on
the infamy of the site itself.
Effect Difficulty
Minor self augment such as claws, warding your heart from being staked, poisoning your own ccc
blood or improving your senses
Temporary non-lethal but debilitating effects on a specific target, such as a loss of sesnses, paraly- cccc
sis, inability to use Vitae or penalties to specific skill checks
Inflicting potentially fatal damage or intentional Frenzy on a specific target ccccc

Spending Advantage and Triumph on Crúac Rites
Spending a and t on Crúac rites
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any self-augments by an hour per Success.
aa or t Convert aa into s
aaa or Gain a glimpse of your targets current reaction
t Reduce the time taken for your current roll, inflict a critical hit on the target at the end of the Ritual
tt For a number of weeks equal to your blood potency, the target suffers an additional Strain each time
they would suffer Strain. Other effects lasting months equal to Blood Potency.

Spending Disadvantage and Despair on Crúac Rites

Spending h and d on Crúac rites
Cost Result Options
h or d For the next roll, upgrade one difficulty die
hh or d Suffer 1 Strain
hhh or Double the time taken for the current turn.
d The Arrogance of the Beast makes your location known to your Target.
d The Beast roars in displeasure, all participants in the Ritual suffer 2 Strain.
dd The Beast lashes out at you, causing 1 Critical Injury

Theban Sorcery The more intensive Miracles are able to inflict testing
Theban Sorcery is a jealously guarded secret by those wounds upon a target, causing damage and strain as
who know it. These enlightened few are a dwindling appropriate. Successes translate 1 for 1 into Wounds or
number, adherents of Christian Faith that styles them as Strain suffered that cannot be healed or recovered while
the testers of others faith. The weak must be tested and the Miracle endures. These Miracles are used to test the
culled as appropriate, and all are held accountable before conviction and faith of Kindred, rather than kill. Those
the Lord almighty. Their rituals are biblically themed, cen- found wanting will surely be culled later however.
tered on notions of temptation, guilt and punishment.
Theban Sorcery may not be used to kill. God will aid his
Theban Sorcery refers to its rituals as ‘Miracles’, the acolytes in finding the weak, but they must prove their
embodiment of their Faith. Their Miracles do not have devotion in drawing blood. Using Theban Sorcery to kill
a specified range, but are instead bolstered by their own immediately cancels the Ritual and forces the Caster to
convictions and presence. A Theban Miracle may be suffer an appropriate judgement such as Stigmata until
channelled through other churches to strike targets im- they have redeemed themselves. The Caster loses access
possibly far away, if their faith and conviction are strong to either 4 Strain, 4 wounds or two of either, in addition
enough. All Miracles affect a single person, who is imme- to suffering an additional 2 Strain for rolling a Ritual skill
diately aware of their impending judgement as soon as the check. You may regain these lost Wounds or Strain only
Miracle begins, though they know not where the Miracle by atonement, determined by your GM.
is being cast. There is no mistaking the hands of a Theban
Acolyte behind such a Miracle though, for few others Preparations for Theban Mircales are suitably religious in
could inspire such holy dread in a Vampire. nature. Congregations may be assembled, hymn or prayer
sang and due reverence displayed. Conducting your Mira-
Minor Miracles allow a Kindred to weild their conviction cle in a sacred place will surely aid your cause as well.
and faith as weapons and their piety to serve as a shield.
A Blessed weapon by default adds Burn 1 to its qualities.
Blessed Armour grants Defensive 1. Adding additional
ranks of Burn or Defensive to an itam adds c to the diffi-
culty of each roll. A Kindred schooled in Theban Sorcery
do not gain Strain or test for Frenzy when encountering
Fire added as a quality by a Miracle to any weapon, but
it burns as much as regular fire. The pre-existant failures
for blessing an item is 6. You may also store Vitae, drawn
from any Kindred present, in a Reliquary, this inflicts
Strain per Vitae taken, but restores the same amount
when imbibed. This Vitae will keep indefinitely and can-
not go stale.

Miracles to pass judgement on another use the targets

Willpower, doubled as the base failure attached, instead of
an appropriate attribute. Theban Miracles may be main-
tained, entrusting another to continue to cast the Miracle
to sustain its effect. This may only be done once the Ritual
has successfuly been completed. Skill checks are still
made, but successes are not counted, Strain is inflicted for
each roll as usual. Any roll without a success, or any roll
with a Despair immediately causes the Miracle to end.

Effect Difficulty
Minor augments, blessing weapons or armour, temporarily upgrading skills to find ccc
heretics, storing Vitae
Passing Judgement on others, inflicting Stigmata,deafness, muteness, eternal thirst etc, cccc
preventing lying
Biblical deeds (not Trumpets of Jericho), transmuting water into blood and vice versa, ccccc
items into snakes

Spending Advantage and Triumph on Theban Miracles
Spending a and t on Theban Miracles
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any of your self-augments or blessed items by an hour per success.
aa or t Convert aa into s
Any Blessed Item you create cannot be knocked from your hands or person
aaa or Gain a glimpse of your targets current reaction
t Your conviction emboldens you, you add b to your next roll.
t The Miracle will extend for a night after it finishes casting
tt Inflict a Mental Trauma on the target of Severity 2

Spending Disadvantage and Despair on Theban Miracles

Spending h and d on Theban Miracles
Cost Result Options
h or d For the next roll, upgrade one difficulty die
hh or d Suffer 1 Strain

hhh or Double the time taken for the current turn.

d Reduce the time taken for your current roll, inflict a critical hit on the target at the end of the Ritual
dd Tempting Gods wrath, you instead suffer the Ritual Effect.

Vicissitude ifest at a time of your choosing. There is no limit as to the
nature of these alterations, however you can only manifest
Vicissitude is a foul art, unanimously reviled and out- alterations using the flesh the victim has on them. These
lawed worldwide. The power it grants its user is paid for alterations will revert in a number of days equal to the
in agony inflicted upon others. Its grotesque means make victims wound threshold. Alterations at this level are far
mens flesh run like hot-wax and bones as malleable as more severe, and having them undone is likely enough
clay. A practicioner of Vicissitude is a friend to none, and to kill the victim, especially if limbs are suddenly lost or
everyone could be the next one to fall under their knife. deadly illnesses flare up again, or their can-opener fingers
begin to reform.
Vicissitude Rituals are referred to as ‘Surgeries’, an apt
name. These surgeries involve two people. The Surgeon At the height of Vicissitude, a Surgeon can twist a man
and the victim, who is present for the surgery. Surgeries into something utterly inhumane and otherworldly. They
may be conducted anywhere, but it is beneficial for the may manifest aspects of ‘Unnatural Aspect’ (Protean 4)
Surgeon to work in privacy, with access to their tools and and maintain them as long as the Surgeon can maintain
raw materials for grafts, or to supplement blood loss in them. In truly grotesque cases, you can alter your victims
the victim. The Victim of the ritual is present, and all too silhouette by 1 either way. You may craft elegant solutions
aware of what is transpiring. that function to improve your victims skill ranks in cer-
tain areas. These skill levels are limited to Athletics, Brawl,
The Minor Surgery is capable of feats such as cosmetic Perception, Resilience and Stealth. Your grafts will be-
surgery, or altering a victims physical attributes for a time. come more complex and grotesque as you plumb unheard
Physical Attributes must be changed 1 for 1, so removing of depths of pain and perversion.
1 Agility can grant 1 Brawn. Victims with 0 in an attribute
least 1 in either Attribute after the Surgery will die within All alterations are subject only to the amount of flesh the
a day unless they are supplied Vitae. Raw materials may Surgeon has to work with. More flesh can be grafted to a
be used to supplement muscle mass to grant additional victim, and Vitae infused to ensure the graft keeps (at a
Brawn, but materials must be extensively refined to grant week per vitae). For each additional alteration, the Sur-
Agility. These alterations are treated as wounds, though geon may infuse his Vitae, ensuring that a specific alter-
damage is not inflicted (at least not if the Surgery suc- ation remains for another week. More alterations require
ceeds). The alterations remain for as long as it would take more Vitae to keep functional.
the character to naturally heal the wound, after which
any alterations made will begin to come apart in a painful Vicissitude is a traumatic ordeal for any victim, willing or
fashion. These can inflict wounds of their own accord, as not. Undergoing any procedure forces the victim to take a
well as Strain, determined by the extent of the alteration dddd fear check, these can inflict Trauma’s. For major
and the GMs whim. Kindred can remove alterations by NPCs or unfortunate PCs consider roleplaying these
using the Blood Healing action to heal to their wound Traumas. For nameless NPC victims, they are incurably
threshold. insane and lose any capacity for higher thought, they are
utterly subservient to the Surgeons will. The Surgeon is
More extensive surgeries can correct illnesses and disease able to cast Vicissitude on themselves without necessating
and restore lost limbs or functionality. They can also carry a fear check. They know they’re in the best hands after-all.
out flesh-grafts and create tools from flesh and bone, these
replicate mechanical tools,with moving elements func- Preparations for Vicissitude Surgeries are different from
tionally replaced by muscles and tendon. Within these those before a Crúac Rite or a Theban Miracle. The
limits, a Surgeon can create syringes, hidden compart- Surgeon works with only their own skill and the materi-
ments, melee weapons, crude ballistic weapons and hid- als available to them. They downgrade a number of dice
den compartments within the body. These use equipment equal to their rank in Medicine. You may attempt addi-
profiles identical to their source and are in no way better tional alterations in each surgery, though these must be
or worse than their manufactered versions. planned prior. Each additional alteration adds 2 to the
number of pre-existant failures, and adds 1 c to all diffi-
You may also implant concealed alterations that will man- culty rolls. You still suffer 2 Strain after each roll.

Effect Difficulty
Cosmetic surgery on yourself or another, reassigning physical attributes, creating sim- ccc
ple tools
Curing illness and disease, restoring lost functionality or limbs, creating advanced cccc
tools, flesh grafts
Extensive flesh grafts, altering silhouette, granting skill levels ccccc
Spending Advantage and Triumph on Vicissitude Surgeries
Spending a and t on Vicissitude Surgeries
Cost Result Options
a or t Grant your target a boost action on their next roll as your servant.
aa or t You make an Alteration permenant.
You choose precisely when an Alteration starts to unravel.
aaa or Convert aaa into s. You may remotely trigger a concealed Alteration at any time.
t Increase the potency of an Alteration for free
tt Every one of your Alterations reaches new heights of effectiveness and potency.

Spending Disadvantage and Despair on Vicissitude Surgeries

Spending h and d on Vicissitude Surgeries
Cost Result Options
h or d A minor complication doubles the time of your current roll
hh or d Suffer 1 Strain
Your Alteration isn’t as effective as you’d planned, add b to any roll utilising that Alteration
hhh or You utilise too much of your Raw Resources, your Victim adds bb to any rolls using a chosen Attri-
d bute.
d Unplanned Alterations and complications arise in your Victim that hamper its effectiveness.
dd One of your Alterations atrophies, upgrading the difficulty of any roll using that Alteration once.

Thaumaturgy These Rituals are far more extensive and versatile in their
effects. By preparing an item during the ritual, a Kindred
Thaumaturgy is the secret school of Blood Magic known may summon that item to their hand at a later date after
only to the Tremere Bloodline. It grants practicioners expending a point of Strain per encumberance of the
power over blood, mind and a wide array of seemingly item. Inanimate objects may also be animated and giv-
random effects that leave onlookers balking at the poten- en a sembelance of life. This ‘puppet’ is clearly not alive,
tial of the school. instead responding to pre-set commands and directives
and unable to think for itself. A puppet lasts a number of
Thaumaturgic Rituals are only eligible to be cast in a nights equal to uncancelled successes, and has a profile
Chantry, as they are best equipped to host their specific determined by the GM. Increasing Blood Potency is a
needs. Rituals are led by a primary caster and supported highly scrutinised Ritual, as it can easily allow a Caster to
by additional Neonates. The target or effect of a ritual reach above their position in the Pyramid. You must ex-
must be within the same city as the chantry. pend tt in a ritual to increase your Blood Potency, and
the ritual’s sole purpose must be to increase your Blood
Minor Rituals are capable of feats such as forcibly ex- Potency. A Kindred may also manipulate a small body of
pending the blood of a target in a manner of the casters water, either conversing with it similar to ‘Feral Whispers’,
choosing, identifying the owner of blood samples, hasten- or guiding water to trap someone or flow in a slightly
ing the decay of an inanimate object, conjuring candle- different direction. The weather may also be altered, sum-
light or hastening the growth of plants. These are incred- moning heavy clouds from seemingly nowhere or a light
ibly varied opportunities, especially compared to other rain in the middle of summer.
Ritual skills. Though seldom combat oriented conjuring
Fire upon a target location can definitely be used to inflict The height of Thaumaturgy is a horror few have beheld,
a manner of damage upon a person or number of people and mercifully so. At this level, living Golems of stone
without the casters presence. Hastening the decay of an or wood may be animated and bought to life, infer-
inanimate object can be treated as a Sunder attack (deal- no’s summoned from nowhere, bodies dehydrated in a
ing no damage) on an inorganic target (such as a vehicle second, withered away before ones eyes or their blood
or weapon). Conjuring Fire is a more questionable use of replaced with water, noxious acid or fire. The elements
Thaumaturgy, especially given a Vampires relationship are a Thaumaturges plaything at the height of their power,
with Fire. Blood samples are the root of any blood-manip- mighty storms or blizzards sweeping in to engulf a city at
ulation with Thaumaturgy. A sample of the targets blood a moments notice, Rivers temporarily flowing another di-
must be obtained to further manipulate it. This blood rection, or a small rain-cloud following a person for weeks
sample will never expire and can always be used to locate on end. A Golem will remain animated for a number of
its host and inflict misery and agony upon them. Every weeks equal to uncancelled successes, though this can be
uncancelled success on a test to manipulate a targets boosted to a set time by adding c for each year you want
blood can be spent to utilise 1 Strain of the targets strain the Golem to remain. A Golem is not intelligent. Manip-
threshold. This strain cannot be destroyed, it must be used ulating a body of water can never be performed on a large
in some way, you cannot activate the targets disciplines or body of water such as a reservoir or larger. If the water is
your own by proxy. moving, add cc to each roll. The scale of these powers
is very important to the overall difficulty of the ritual dice
More extensive Rituals might allow a Thaumaturge to roll.
summon prepared items out of thin air, animate inani-
mate objects, increase the casters blood potency tempo- Preparations for a Thaumaturgic Ritual are heavily ritu-
rarily, manipulate water or warp the weather. alised. Great pains are taken to adhere to tradition and
written example, crowds of Neonates are assembled to
assist and lend their blood to the Ritual and Elders of the
Bloodline Oversee.

Effect Difficulty
Blood identification, host location, blood expenditure, conjuring rating 3 ccc
fire, small flora growth, decay of inanimate objects
Summoning prepared items, animating objects, increasing the casters blood cccc
potency, manipulating the water or weather, conjuring Rating 3 Fire
Animating Golems, conjuring greater fires, harming an individual, altering ccccc+
the weather or manipulating greater bodies of water, conjuring Rating 7 Fire
Spending Advantage and Triumph on Thaumatury Rituals
Spending a and t on Thaumaturgy Rituals
Cost Result Options
a or t -
aa or t Increase the beneficial aspect of your roll by an hour.
Reduce the casting time of a roll.
aaa or Add b to your next roll.
t Recover 1 Strain.
tt The beneficial aspect of your ritual lasts an additional night.
Maintain plausible deniability about your clans involvement in the rituals result.
Slightly alter public perceptions of the effects of your Ritual (if appropriate), a freak blizzard could be
explained by global warming, or it could be a biblical epidemic for example.

Spending Disadvantage and Despair on Thaumaturgy Rituals

Spending h and d on Thaumaturgy Rituals
Cost Result Options
h or d Suffer 1 Strain.
A minor Complication triples the time of your roll.
hh or d Suffer 3 wounds as the Ritual lashes back.
hhh or Add an additional c to any further rolls as your poor-casting inadvertently kills an attending Neonate.
d You leave a calling card, clearly marking your Chantry as responsible for the results of your Ritual.
Suffer the effects of the Ritual as though you were the target.
dd The effects of the Ritual manifest uncontrollably, centred upon you and affecting everyone within the

Part Seven - Equipment
The world of Vampire the Requiem is almost identical to
our own. It is a Heightened Reality, one where Vampires
court oneanother in restaurants after hours, and Spirits
and Ghosts linger out of sight. There is as much variety in
tools and equipment as we have in the real world, with a
great majority of items readily available to order via the

Players however, tend to focus on weapons when they

think of tools and equipment. The majority of Equipment
that exists will use ‘The right tool for the job’. That is to
say, the tool makes the task possible. Communicating
with allies miles away on a mobile phone wouldn’t be
possible without said phone, a building could not be
scaled without climbing gear and a car allows you to travel
further than you would be able to on foot. Many of these
obstacles can be overcome with clever use of Vampiric
Disciplines and Devotions however. For any skill test
made possible by the use of an item, you do not upgrade
your dice pool in any way, since the tools purpose is to
make such a test possible.

Other items might improve your die pool however. Using

a map when navigating is a good example. You can still
navigate without the map, but the map might grant b to a
navigation roll while using said map.

When it comes to weapons, modern Kindred are more

than willing to use Firearms. They are somewhat less
effective against other Kindred than they are against Mor-
tals however. Vampires cannot bleed out like a Mortal can,
so any damage taken from a Gun is seldom a long-lasting
concern. That said, bullets still hurt and they are far more
efficient and direct than many sorcerous alternatives. You
can freely draw from any of the Weapons presented on Pg.
166 of the Genesys Corebook for modern day weaponry.
If your game is set in the past, you can draw from the
Fantasy Weapons listings on Pg. 144. Armour can like-
wise be drawn from the modern or fantasy armour lists as

Part Eight - Bestiary
Vampires are not the only creatures that haunt the Night. Transform - Werewolves are Mortals. As Mortals, they
If blood-sucking fiends exist, then surely they cannot be have a different set of characteristics of your choosing,
alone after all. And lo and behold, they are not. Not every though they will share the same skills. The Mortal will
Vampire game needs to include Werewolves, the Strix or transform whether they choose to or not every full moon,
Vampire Hunters but they’re iconic enough that their but they can trigger the Transformation themselves with a
dd Discipline check and suffering 2 Strain.
inclusion below is a necessary inclusion to this conver- Vulnerable - Against Werewolves, Silver weapons (includ-
sion. Vampire isn’t intended to be a combat-centric game, ing bullets and arrows) have a Critical Rating of 2.
so the majority of the profiles in the following chapter Equipment - Fangs and Claws (Brawl, Damage 6, Critical
will be for Nemesis and Rival tier enemies with attatched 3,Range (Engaged), Pierce 3 Vicious 3 Knockdown
personalities, and focus less on faceless Minions to rip and
tear through.
Werewolf (Nemesis)
As much Monsters as the Kindred, Werewolves roam
the untamed wilds beyond urban cities. While Vampires
conceal themselves as a Wolf in Sheeps clothing, the
Werewolf knows his place and has no need for disguise or
subtlety. All Werewolves are mortal humans, infected by
some spiritual malaise. Perhaps their ancestors pledged
loyalty to some Totemic God centuries prior, or the Full
Moon calls to them in the strangest manner. Or it’s just
bad luck. A Werewolf has bitten them, and now they run
with the Pack when the mood takes them, or the Moon
beckons. Werewolves are inhumanly strong and ferocious,
moreso than any Kindred, even one in the depths of the
Beasts embrace. A Werewolf is the physical incarnation of
a Vampires worst nightmares. A mountain of fangs, claws
and muscle, unrelenting in its fury and singular in its
hatred of Vampire-kind. You’d best hope he’s alone.

Brawn Agility Int Cun Will Pres

5 3 3 4 3 2
Soak WT ST Def
6 25 14 2/1

Skills: Athletics 3 cccdd, Cool 2 cc,

Coordination 1 cdd, Discipline 2 ccd,
Perception 4 cccc, Resilience 3 cccdd,
Stealth 2 ccd, Survival 3 cccd,
Vigilance 3 ccc, Brawl 4 ccccd
Talents: Adversary 2, Coordinated Assault 2
Werewolf Bite - A Werewolf bite is infectious in the ex-
treme. A Werewolf may spend Triumph on its attack rolls
to attempt to turn a Mortal into a Werewolf. Vampires
are immune to this bite. A dddd Resilience check
is required to resist contracting Lycanthropy. If a Mortal
contracts Lycanthropy, at the next full-moon they turn
into a Werewolf and use this profile.

Strix (Nemesis) Vampire Hunter (Nemesis)
The Strix are the black mirrors of Kindred. Black shadows For as long as Kindred have existed, they have hunted
and distant relatives of Kindred from millennia past, the mortals and fed upon them. But now and then, mankind
Strix are shadows that were never Human. In their natural fights back, producing someone of iron convicition, dis-
state, a Strix is an owl-like mass of smoke and shadow. cipline and skill. Though still mortal, they are as cunning
Capable of draining life itself without a need for Blood, and devious as any Vampire, and utterly dedicated to their
the Strix see Kindred as pretenders shackled to Humanity destruction. Many young Kindred might laugh to think a
and hate them for it. They hate them for their weakness, mortal could threaten them so, they aren’t laughing when
for their need of Blood, and for having a life the Strix they awaken to find their house burning down around
never knew. them and a Hunter on their lawn with a shotgun.

Brawn Agility Int Cun Will Pres Brawn Agility Int Cun Will Pres
1 1 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 2
Soak WT ST Def Soak WT ST Def
4 20 18 2/2 3 14 14 0/0

Skills: Cool 2 ccd, Discipline 3 cccd, Skills: Charm 2 cc, Coerction 3 ccc,
Perception 3 cccd, Resilience 1 cdd, Cool 2 cc, Deception 2 ccd,
Stealth 1 cddd, Vigilance 3 cccd, Skullduggery 3 cccd, Stealth 3 ccc,
Brawl 1 cd Streetwise 2 ccd,
Talents: Adversary 2, Swift, Scathing Tirade Ranged (Light) 1 cdd, Ranged (Heavy) 2 ccd,
Abilities: Melee (Light) 3 cccd, Melee (Heavy) 2 ccd
Shadow - A Strix has no solid body. Mundane attacks Talents - Adversary 2, Hamstring Shot, Kindred Duelling
cannot harm it. Strix are impeded by Banes, though Silver Equipment - Flamethrower (Ranged (Heavy) Damage 7,
has no effect upon them. Strix can pass through most sur- Crit 3 Range (Medium), Burn 4, Blast 5, Vicious 2)
faces as long as there they are not environmentally sealed, Shotgun (Ranged (Heavy), Damage 8, Crit 3, Ranged
tough the time taken can vary between surfaces. (Short), Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2)
Possession - The Strix may possess bodies, including Silenced Pistol (Ranged (Light), Damage 5, Crit 4, Range
Kindred and corpses. This requires an Opposed Disci- (Short))
pline check as an Action. The Strix absolutely possesses Stake (Melee (Light), Damage +1, Crit 3, Range (Engaged)
the body and their host has no memory of what transpires Axe (Melee (Light), Damage +3, Crit 3, Range (Engaged),
during their possession. This possession is effective until Vicious 1)
the next Sunrise. While in a body, Strix use the Hosts Various cantrips, vials of holy water, Garlic, Religious
Brawn and Agility stats instead of their own. They may Iconography, Beads, burner mobile phones.
use any Disciplines known to the Kindred they possess.
The Strix may leave its host body at any time. Should the
host body be killed or knocked unconscious, the Strix
is unaffected and returns to its regular stat-profile with
wounds and strain intact.
Solid Shadow - Flip a story point, until the end of the en-
counter, the Strix can make Brawl attacks with its shadow
claws. (Melee, Damage 5, Critical 3, Range (Engaged),
Pierce 4)
Shadow Sorceror - Strix may use 75XP’s worth of Vampiric
Disciplines, ignoring the needs of the Talent pyramid.
Life Thief - Strix do not need Blood to sustain themselves,
instead draining the essence of life directly from their
victims. Strix can drain life from an engaged target with a
Willpower + Discipline roll opposed by Resilience. Each
success restores 1 wound to the Strix and inflicts 1 wound
on the target.

Government Officer - Rival Bodyguard - Rival
The Aristocracy of the Night is all too entwined with mor- Security is the name of the game these days. Money and
tal beuraucracy. Whether Police Officers are on a first- paper trails can be bought, windows can be reinforced
name basis with Kindred, or the Distric Attorney recieves and krav maga classes can be attended every Saturday
a payment each month to not process certain reports, the evening. But there’s no substitute for a big, tough bloke
Kindreds machinations are as deeply entwined in Mortal following you about closer than your own shadow. They’re
affairs as can be. If using this profile for corrupt Police hard to buy, and after that harder to be bought. Whether
Officers, consider adding a level or two in Ranged (Light) they’re ex-military or the produce of some strange esoter-
and Melee or Brawl. ic lifestyle in the Tibetan mountains, it’s in everyone’s best
interests to not cross the Bodyguard.

Brawn Agility Int Cun Will Pres Brawn Agility Int Cun Will Pres
2 2 3 3 1 2 4 2 2 3 3 2
Soak WT Def Soak WT Def
3 14 0/0 3 14 1/0

Skills: Charm 1 cd, Cool 1 cd, Deception 2 ccd, Skills: Athletics 1 cddd, Coercion 1 cdd,
Knowledge 1 cdd, Negotiation 2 cc Perception 2 ccd, Vigilance 3 ccc,
Talents: - Brawl 1 cddd, Melee (Light) 2 ccdd,
Abilities: Ranged (Light) 2 cc
Red Tape - When operating in an appropriate circum- Talents: -
stance (as a police officer in their area of influence for Abilities:
example) upgrade the difficulty of any opposed check Bodyguard - Suffer 2 Strain to make an out-of-turn inci-
made against the target in an appropriate context (a Police dental move to intercept an attack aimed at an ally.
Officer would not upgrade their difficulty when discuss- Equipment - Silenced Pistol (Ranged (Light), Damage 5,
ing finances for example). Crit 4, Range (Short))
Equipment - Various incriminating documents, multiple Brass Knuckles (Brawl, Damage +1, Crit 4, Range (En-
mobile phones. gaged), Disorient 3)

A huge thank you to everyone who helped me out.
This Project was borne of passion, but largely directionless. I want to thank the Genesys Discord in particular for put-
ting up with questions, and then letting me steal the provided solutions.
Special thanks to: C_Beck, Murlocrates, Dougsanf, Tom Cruise and the many others who’ve helped me over the months
whose names I’ve unfortunately forgotten. Thanks also to Connor for helping me see the trees for the forest.

I’ll continue to update this document to fix rules issues, typos and formatting errors. Any future updates will likely be
supplementary, such as additional Clans, Bloodlines, Rituals or Enemies.


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