Instructions For The Safe Use Of: Web Lashings

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Instructions for the safe use of:

Web Lashings
The information in this leaflet should be passed to the user of the equipment

This document is issued in accordance with the requirements of Checking the tension after travelling a short distance is
Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, recommended.
amended March 1988. Ensure that the webbing is protected against sources of friction,
This information is of a general nature only covering the main abrasion and heat.
points for the safe use of Web Lashings made from man-made
fibre. It may be necessary to supplement this information for In-service Inspection and Storage
specific applications. See also the general guidance on load Web lashings can easily be damaged by tensioning the
restraint, given overleaf. webbing across small radius edges or loading the edge of the
webbing instead of ensuring the load is spread over its full
width. Avoid this by correct placement of the web lashing and
ALWAYS: the use of protective sleeves and edge protection. However
• Inspect web lashings before use. damage may occur accidentally as a result of the load moving
• Calculate the lashing force(s) required for the chosen in transit hence the need to inspect before each use.
method of load restraint. Web lashings may accidentally be exposed to chemicals. Most
• Select the capacity and number of web lashings to provide at are manufactured from polyester which is resistant to moderate
least the calculated lashing force(s) strength acids but is damaged by alkalis. Weak chemical
• Ensure the lashing points on the vehicle and/or load are of solutions will become increasingly stronger by evaporation. If
adequate strength. appropriate, the webbing may be cleaned with clear water and
• Position the web lashing so that the load is uniformly spread allowed to dry naturally. Never force dry web lashings.
over its width and protect the web lashing from small radii,
Web lashings should be inspected for obvious signs of damage
especially sharp edges.
before each use. Do not use the web lashing if any of the
• Ensure the web lashings are correctly tensioned. following defects are found: illegible markings; damaged,
• Exercise care when releasing web lashings in case the load chaffed or cut webbing; damaged or loose stitching; heat
has become unstable since the lashings were applied. damage; burns; chemical damage; solar degradation; damaged
NEVER: or deformed end fittings.
• Use web lashings to lift a load. Web lashings will deteriorate gradually over time due to normal
• Knot or tie web lashings. wear. The LEEA recommends that they should be inspected by
• Overload web lashings. a competent person at least every 6 months and a record made
• Use web lashings over a sharp edge without edge protection. of the result.
• Expose web lashings to direct heat or flames. Web lashings should only be repaired by someone competent
• Expose web lashings to chemicals without consulting the to do so.
supplier. For long term storage the storage area should be dry, clean,
• Use web lashings which are cut, have loose or damaged free of any contaminates and shaded from direct sunlight.
stitching, a damaged tensioner or damaged terminal fittings.
© Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2012 SI No. 23.0

Selecting the Correct Web Lashing Further information is given in:

BS EN 12195-1: 2010 Load restraining on road vehicles –
The standard for web lashings is BS EN 12195-2: 2001.
Safety – Part 1: Calculation of securing forces
Web lashings are available in a range of capacities and lengths BS EN 12195-2: 2001 Load restraining on road vehicles –
and in various configurations. Some are general purpose. Safety – Part 2: Web lashing made from man-made fibres
Others are intended for specific applications such as securing
European Best Practice Guidelines on Cargo Securing for Road
cars by their wheels.
Selection should start with an assessment of the forces acting Department for Transport code of practice – Safety of Loads on
on the load. The lashing force(s) required should be calculated Vehicles.
in accordance with BS EN 12195-1: 2010.
Next check whether the lashing points on the vehicle and/or LIFTING EQUIPMENT ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION
load are of adequate strength. If necessary apply a greater 3 Osprey Court, Kingfisher Way,
number of lashings to spread the force across more lashing Hinchingbrooke Business Park, Huntingdon,
points. Cambridgeshire. PE29 6FN United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 (0) 1480 432801
Web lashings are marked with their lashing capacity (LC). Fax: + 44 (0) 1480 436314
expressed in daN (deca Newton = 10 Newtons) This is a force E-mail: [email protected]
approximately equivalent to a weight of 1kg. Website:
Using Web Lashings Safely
Ensure that the tensioner is free to align and not bent over an
edge. Ensure that the webbing is not twisted or knotted and that
the terminal fittings engage correctly with the lashing points.
Ensure that the webbing is loaded evenly across its width and
protected from sharp and small radius edges by suitable
sleeves or edge protectors.
General Guidance on Load Restraint
This information is of a general nature only covering the main
principles of load restraint.
Load restraint is a general term covering all three methods of
securing loads to vehicles. Without restraint a load is very likely
to slide or topple in transit. The three methods are:
Blocking is a securing method where the load lies against fixed
structures or fixtures on the vehicle such as headboards,
sideboards, stanchions or bracing which prevents the load from
sliding or toppling.
Lashing is a securing method which uses flexible lashing
equipment to tie the load to the vehicle. There are two main
types of lashing, frictional lashing (also known as top-over’
lashing) and direct lashing. Figure 2
Example of direct lashing
Frictional lashing forces the load onto the bed of the vehicle so
as to increase the friction between the load and the vehicle bed. Forces acting on the load
See figure 1. Loads on road vehicles are subjected to the forces generated
Direct lashing connects a load bearing attachment point on the due to the vehicle accelerating, braking and cornering.
load to a lashing point on the vehicle. See figure 2. EN 12195-1 specifies how the lashing forces should be
Many lashing systems are a combination of direct and frictional calculated based on the possible acceleration of the load. The
lashing. Lashing can be used in conjunction with blocking. acceleration is expressed as a coefficient which, in effect, is the
Locking proportion of the weight of the load which the lashing must
Locking is a securing method where the load is secured to the restrain in a particular direction.
vehicle by mechanical devices such as the twist locks which Figure 3 illustrates the forces which can arise from the
secure freight containers. acceleration, braking and cornering of an HGV under normal
driving conditions. For example, under braking the load can
push forward with a force equivalent to 0.8 of the weight of the

Figure 1
Figure 3
Example of frictional lashing
Forces acting on the load
Figure 1 illustrates a wooden crate secured by a friction lashing.
As well as trying to make the load slide, these forces may try to
It is the vertical component of the tension in the lashing which
topple the load. Additional restraint may therefore be required to
forces the crate onto the bed of the vehicle. The maximum
prevent the load from toppling.
friction is obtained when α = 90º. When α reduces, the friction
reduces. For example, when α is 30º, the effect is halved. The Lighter vehicles generally can accelerate, brake and corner
amount of friction also depends upon the friction factors of the more sharply than those classed as an HGV. Therefore higher
materials the load and the bed are made from. (See Annex B of forces may act on the load if the gross vehicle weight is less
BS EN 12195-1 for a table of friction factors.) It can be than 3,500kg. Higher forces may also act on the load if the
enhanced by using a friction mat between the load and the bed. vehicle is transported by rail or sea.
Figure 2 illustrates a dumper truck secured by direct lashing.
Other considerations
With direct lashing it is the horizontal component of the tension
The standards and guidance assume that the bed of the vehicle
in the lashing which provides the majority of the longitudinal and
is equipped with suitable lashing points. Unfortunately this is not
transverse restraint. This horizontal component of the tension
always true. It may be possible to achieve adequate restraint by
increases as α decreases.
using a greater number of lashings thus sharing the load across
Whilst the vertical component does increase the friction, the more lashing points. However it must be shared equally taking
contribution of the friction to the overall restraint is relatively account of possible movement in transit.
small. In plan view, the longitudinal lashing angle βx controls the
Lashing equipment used without protection over the edges of a
balance between the longitudinal and transverse restraint. For a
load can result in the load damaging the lashing equipment.
given lashing capacity and vertical lashing angle α, as βx
The degree of risk varies with the type of lashing equipment.
increases, the longitudinal restraint decreases and the
See the specific guidance overleaf.
transverse restraint increases.
Periodically checking the lashing equipment for security and
Direct lashing can only be used when both the load and the bed
tension during a journey is recommended.
have lashing points compatible with the required strength of the
lashing. Fixing and releasing load lashings often involves working at
height or alongside the vehicle at the roadside, both of which
Other methods of lashing are loop lashing, spring lashing and
can be hazardous. Users should consider the risks involved and
round turn lashing. These are often used in conjunction with
address them when planning the method of load restraint.
blocking. The European Best Practice Guidelines illustrates all
these methods and explains them in more detail.

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