Analysis Weighbridge

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

3, Issue 05, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Design, Modeling and Fem Analysis of Weighbridge

Miss. P.B. Ramteke1 Dr. R.R Gawande2 Prof. A.M. Kakde3
B.D.C.O.E.Sevagram, wardha
Abstract— This paper describes the design, modeling and Fig. 3.1 cross sectional view
FEM analysis of weighbridge. The main objective of the
paper is to clarify the circumstances under which a
weighbridge is economically justified. The project mainly
focusing on understands the different type of weighbridge
according to capacity/mounting, design of weighbridge,
analysis of weighbridge. This project also focuses on how
different types of factor affect the accuracy of weighbridge,
how a individual tire load act on a weighbridge ,how much
stress and strain act on weighbridge surface. The
optimization is carried out by reducing the various material
required in weighbridge also maintain the accuracy of
weighbridge by reducing the various mechanical,
environmental, human, truck related error.
Key words: Weighbridges, Beam, Stress Concentration,
Design, Modeling and Fem Analysis Fig. 3.2 Block diagram
Weighing systems can take several forms but the
I. INTRODUCTION most common design includes one or more load cells that
support a platform, a junction box, and a weigh controller.
A weighbridge is a device used to control overloading of
When a weight is applied to the platform, a portion of the
vehicles and thus prevent untimely deterioration of
load is transmitted to each load cell. Each load cell sends an
pavement. For a weighbridge to be economical the
electrical signal to the weigh controller via the junction box
pavement saving should be greater than the cost of the
which sums the signals from a number of cells. The weigh
weighbridge. The external factors such as the magnitude of
controller converts the summed signals to a weight reading
heavy-vehicle traffic, distribution of axle loads, weighbridge
beam strong by reducing the weight of the beam as the
capital and maintenance costs, revenue from fines, and the
material increases the cost so reduce the cost it is necessary
frequency and cost of road maintenance affect the cost of
to reduce the weight of beam by making it strong.
The objective of the paper is to clarify the
circumstances under which a weighbridge is economically
justified. The appropriate type and magnitude of overload A. Semi Pit Weighbridge
control infrastructure depends primarily on the magnitude of
B. Pit Weighbridge (Above Ground Level)
truck traffic to be controlled, but also on the complexity of
the road network and bypass routes. A credible weight
system is essential for any industry using the measurement
of weight as a benchmark for sale of a product so it is very
much essential to reduce the cost of weighbridge. One of the
most common weighing systems used in the bulk
transportation industry is the weighbridge. Weighbridges are
used throughout the world as a way of quickly assessing the
weight that a truck is carrying. The weight of the payload,
including the weight of the truck, is measured by first
driving the truck onto the weighbridge; this weight is
referred to as the gross weight. To obtain the weight of the
payload (the net weight), the tare weight (the weight of the
empty truck) must then be subtracted from the gross weight Fig.4.1. semi pit weighbridge


Fig.4.2. Pit weighbridge

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Design, Modeling and Fem Analysis of Weighbridge
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 05/2015/060)

IV. LITERATURE REVIEW weighbridge. However, you should be aware of these

requirements when planning a weighbridge site, as well as
A. ’factors affecting the accuracy of weighbridge’
preventing future modifications to an installation that may
Hamish Marshall VOL.-14.NO.J.2003
nullify these requirements.
In this paper we understand the factors affecting the  The approaches must be level and in good condition
accuracy of weighbridge. In this paper we also studied about (not pitted or rutted).
experiments on a small set of weighbridges to identify the  The first 3m (for a weighbridge less than 18m long) or
most important factors affecting weighbridge accuracy. In first 1m (for a weighbridge 18m or longer) of each
this paper we have broken down the sources of variation approach must be constructed of concrete.
into mechanical, environmental, truck, human and system-  The foundation must be free from a build up of water
related. It is difficult to put a figure on the possible and debris.
magnitude of these combined sources of variation, however,
 The digital weigh indicator must be 6m or less from the
interviews, experiments and calculations show that it could
weighbridge deck. [Therefore, do not locate the
be as much as 4% of the payload weight. From this paper we
indicator further than 6m unless an application for
conclude that how to maintain the accuracy of weighbridge.
exemption is made to the Trade Measurement Authority
By avoiding such type of problem we can reduce the cost of
and accepted].
 If a fully in ground weighbridge, all sumps and/or
B. ‘Stress in motion (SIM)-a new tool for road drainage pipes must be fully functional.
infrastructure protection’ Author- Morris DE BEER VOL.-  If a portable weighbridge, the ground beneath the deck
17.NO. 2008 must be treated to prevent growth of foliage.
The aspects of Stress-In-Motion (SIM) as a potential tool for  If an above ground weighbridge, there must be a 1m
road infrastructure protection are summarized in this paper. clear space along both sides of the weighbridge deck.
This paper discuss issues towards the measurement and The clearance must be of the same level as the
characterization of multi-dimensional tire loading and foundation floor or lower, but never higher. [Therefore,
contact stresses of typical HV tires on weighbridge. Typical never install structures within the 1m clear space unless
SIM data obtained from Heavy Vehicles (HVs), including an application for exemption is made to the Trade
Total measured vehicle mass, individual tire mass and Measurement Authority and accepted].
typical contact stresses. In summary, the SIM technology
was used here to capture loading data at the individual tyre VI. AVAILABLE SIZES OF WEIGHBRIDGE
level in 3D during a major demonstration. It is concluded size size
that the SIM technology may have potential use in the 7.5m x 3m 14m x 3m
protection of road infrastructure by improving the multi- 09m x 3m 15m x 3m
dimensional load/contact stress regime between tyres. 10m x 3m 16m x 3m
C. ‘Different Types of Weighbridge Format Specification’ 12m x 3m 18m x 3m
Accuate VOL.13.NO. 2000
In this paper we understand the different types of VII. TYPES OF BEAM USED FOR WEIGHBRIDGE
weighbridge and there terminology and their installation I-section Beam
condition. C-section Beam
D. ’Design and development and calibration ofan on-board U-Section Beam
weighbridge system for an industrial wheel loader’ A.F.
This paper presents the design, development and calibration  Customized orthotropic beams designed precisely for
of an on-board weighing system for an industrial wheel the purpose of truck scale application. These orthotropic
loader to provide on-the-go weighing for trucks. The system beams are a global norm today and world-leaders like
sensing elements were based on three locally made load pins Mettler-Toledo are aggressively using these designs
transducers replaced the existing pins between the wheel across Europe and America.
loader arm and the bucket. The design concept of the  The structure incorporates epoxy based paint
transducer was based on longitudinal uniform circular cross technology with dual paint coats to give a superior
section pin which is elastically deformable in response to finish and long life to the structure to give excellent
load from bucket. Each pin is being fixed by pin supporting results in the long run.
members of wheel loader arm adjacent to the ends of the  Designing superior structures with precise designing
bar. A load applying member from the bucket is located on using latest CAD and CAE procedures.
the pin between the pin supporting members. Electrical  Tested using actual industrial loads to ensure a robust
resistance strain gauges were mounted on pin load and product.
arranged into a full bridge constant current, and interfaced to  Heavy duty fabrication using branded high UTS steel.
data acquisition system via host computer.  Non Destructive Test methods used to test the strength
of each fabricated structure in actual loaded condition.
There are legal requirements for trade weighbridges that are
usually catered for during the installation stage of the

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Design, Modeling and Fem Analysis of Weighbridge
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 05/2015/060)


Deflection at center
Put x=3m
Fig. 10.1: viewmatric sketch To Find I=???
Fig.10.1 shows the viewmatric sketch of simply supported I1=1.83X10-5
beam of 40 tonn capacity weighbridge beam which I2=4.86X10-6
distribute the load of truck 1:3 ratio at front and rear wheel I=I1-I2
by combining all tire weight 10 tonn load act at front axel I=1.34X10-5
and 30 tonn load act at rear axle. Y=-679.82/210X106X1.34X10-5
Y=-2.40 MM
To Find out inertia
-VE sign indicate that the downward direction of deflection.
i.e I=bd3/12
to find support reaction
RB=255.88 KN
We also know that
∑F=0 for equilibrium condition
RA+RB=392.4 ---------------------------------------1
BY Putting the value of RB in equation 1 we get
RA=136.52 KN
Now consider any section’ XX’ at a distance’ x’ from the
end ‘A’
By using MACAULAY’SM method the BENDING
MOMENT is given by
Mx= EI d2y/dx2= RAx │98.1X (x-0.575)│-294.3(x-4.45)
By integrating again
EI dy/dx= 136.52x2 /2│-98.1(x-0.575)2/2│ -294.3(x-
4.45)2/2+C1--------------------------------2 Fig. 10.1 Structural Diagram
Integrating again we get
EIY=136.52x3/6 │C1x+C2│ -98.1(x-0.575)3 /6│-294.3(x-
When x=0 y=0 then equation 3 get
When x=6 y=0 then equation 3 get

Fig. 10.2 C-section Beam

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Design, Modeling and Fem Analysis of Weighbridge
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 05/2015/060)

Fig. 12.3 Deformation on various Beam

Fig. 10.3 I-section Beam The above graph shows various result like stress, strain,
deformation which is act on I-Section Beam, C-Section
Beam, U-Section Beam . Fig 12.1 contain various stress like
von-missis ,normal stress, stress intensity which is act on
various beam. Fig. 12.2 contain varioua strain like
equivalent elastic strain, normal elastic strain, elastic strain
intensity which is act on various type of beam.

These paper summaries the caparison between I-section
beam,C-section beam and U-Section Beam used for
weighbridge. By comparing this three beam concluded that
the U-Section beam is most efficient as compare to I-
Section,C-section beam since the deformation and the stress
Fig. 10.4 U-Section Beam concentration of beam is less as compare to I-Section ,C-
section type beam, But the weight of beam is high, that
XI. COMPARISON OF VARIOUS STRESS, STRAIN ACT ON decreases the life of load cell. To reduce such type of
VARIOUS BEAM USED FOR WEIGHBRIDGE problem one alternative source is to reduce the weight of
beam. So that load cell life is increases.

[1] ‘Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Weighbridge VOL.-
[2] ‘Stress in motion-A new tool for road infrastructure’
VOL.-17.NO. 2008
[3] ‘Load rating of the Indian river inlet bridge using a
structural health monitoring system’.(2002)
[4] ‘Weighbridge format specification’ VOL.13.NO. 2000
[5] ‘ Design and development and calibration ofan on-
board weighbridge system for an industrial wheel
loader’ A.F. Kheiralla
[6] ‘Strenght of material’ R.K.Rajput
Fig. 12.1 Stress on various Beam

Fig. 12.1 Strain on various Beam

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