Load Cell Vpg-01
Load Cell Vpg-01
Load Cell Vpg-01
The heart of any weighing system is the load cell. 1. Load Cell Selection
While they are not exciting to watch, load cells are
highly accurate transducers which provides the user Load cell selection in the context of trouble free
with information not generally obtainable by other operation concerns itself primarily with the right
technology due to commercial factors. capacit y, accu racy class and envi ronmental
protection, rather then with a particular measuring
Load cells are designed to sense force or weight under principle like bending, shear, compression or ring
a wide range of adverse conditions; they are not only torsion. While saying this, it should also be recognized
the most essential part of an electronic weighing that a particular measuring principle might offer
system, but also the most vulnerable. In order to get distinct advantages in terms of overload capabilities
the most benefit from the load cell, the user must or the ease of mounting. The different principles of
have a thorough understanding of the technology, operation will therefor be discussed shortly.
construction and operation of this unique device.
In addition, it is imperative that the user selects the 1.1 Strain gage load cells
correct load cell for the application and provide the
necessary care for the load cell during its lifetime. The sensing or spring element is the main structural
Understanding these important issues and properly component of the load cell. The element is designed
maintaining the load cells will ensure trouble free in such a way that it develops a strain, directly
weighing for a long period of time. proportional to the load applied. Sensing elements
are normally made of high strength alloy steels (nickel
plated for environmental protection), precipitation
hardened stainless steels, heat treated aluminium
alloys, or beryllium copper alloys.
By bonding strain gages to a precisely machined
element, the force applied can be identified in terms
of resistance change. The strain gages, usually four or
a multiple of four, are connected into a Wheatstone
bridge configuration in order to convert the very small
change in resistance into a usable electrical signal.
Passive components such as resistors and temperature
depending wires are used to compensate and
calibrate the bridge output signal.
Most products using the bending principle are of the is more difficult to install the strain gages in some form
parallelogram or double bending type. of recess, they can readily be sealed and protected
against environmental effects.
Low capacity shear load cells are difficult to produce,
because they require a very thin web to obtain the
necessary strain levels. High capacity shear load
cells are usual based on dual shear webs in a beam
configuration, as single ended beams become
expensive and cumbersome to mount. Shear beam
load cells are relatively insensitive to the point of
loading and offer a good resistance to side loads.
Figure 2. Load cell types 1042 and 363 This simplifies its use in many weighing applications.
The overload capabilities are usual slightly better
compared to bending beams, although mechanical
Bending as a measuring principle offers excellent stops are less feasible because of minimal deflection.
linearity. Bending beams have relatively high strain
levels with greater deflection compared to other 1.1.3 Compression load cells
measuring principles. This in turn means that although Compression load cells can be based on shear,
the cell is subjected to greater static overload, bending, ring torsion or column measurement. The
mechanical stops are more feasible. The dynamic column load cell has a history which dates back to the
overload capabilities are excellent because of the earliest strain gage transducer. As indicated below,
typical high deflection. the column element consists of one (single column) or
more (multiple column) members.
1.1.2 Shear load cells
Shear (beam) load cells have become increasingly Although conceptually simple, the column element
popular for all types of medium and high capacity has a number of specific characteristics which makes
applications. Shear as a measuring principle offers a these load cell types difficult to design and produce.
standard profile for a given capacity, good resistance The column itself should be long enough, with respect
against side loads and a relatively small sensitivity to to its cross section, to provide a uniform strain field,
the point of loading. unaffected by end conditions. Since the column
configuration is subject to second-order effects from
off-axis or off-center load components, provisions must
be made to minimize these, for example by using two
diaphragms at the upper end of the column.
Column load cells are inherently non-linear due to the
change in cross section, while deforming under load
(Poisson's ratio). This non-linearity can be compensated
Figure 3. Principle of shear-web sensing element
for with semi-conductor gages, connected in the
plus and minus excitation lines. The output of the device, while maintaining an extremely low profile.
semiconductor gage thus serves as a feedback for Mechanical overload protection is established by
adjusting the bridge voltage in the opposite direction the pre-determined distance between the load
to that of the non-linearity error. introduction ring and the base plate. Ring torsion load
cells have a very low deflection, which makes them
Single column load cells become tall and difficult to ideal for high speed weighing, but they are also more
handle (heavy), when designed for very high loads. sensitive to shock overloading.
Low profile canisters can be obtained if the load
is carried by three or more columns, each column 1.2 Capacity Selection
with its own set of gages. The corresponding gages
from all of the columns are connected in series in the Overload is still the primary reason for load cell failure,
appropriate Wheatstone bridge arms. The result is although the process of selecting the right load cell
not only an overall low profile, but also an improved capacity looks easy and straight for ward on first
performance when the cell is off-center or off-axis sight. Capacity selection requires a fundamental
loaded. understanding of the load related terms for load cells
as well as the load related factors associated with
Compression type load cells don't suffer from the systems. The load related terms for load cells are:
momentum typically associated with beams. The
ultimate overload capabilities are therefor excellent. Load cell measuring range:
However, the relatively small deflection makes these
The range of values of mass for which the result of
load cell types more sensitive to shock loading.
measurement should not be affected by an error
exceeding the maximum permissible error.
1.1.4 Ring torsion load cells
The ring torsion measuring principle is relatively new, Safe load limit:
and ideally suited for the capacity ranges which are
The maximum load that can be applied without
typically served by shear and bending beams. VPG
producing a permanent shift in the performance
Transducers load cell model RLC is a low profile, stain-
cha racte r i stics beyond those specif i ed a s a
less steel ring torsion load cell, based on a full bridge
percentage of the measuring range (i.e., 150%).
circuit of four circular strain gages. The strain gages
are bonded to a ring-shaped part of the element
Ultimate overload:
which will bend when load is introduced. This process
will cause a decrease of the ring diameter at the top, The maximum load that can be applied without
while the bottom experiences a diameter increase. physical destruction of the load cell; specified as a
Hence, two gages are compressed and two gages percentage of the measuring range (i.e., 300%).
are in tension, when the unit is loaded.
Safe side load:
The maximum load that can act 90 to the axis along
which the load cell is designed to be loaded at the
point of axial load application without producing a
permanent shift in the performance beyond those
specified as a percentage of the measuring range
(i.e., 100%).
A load cell will perform within specifications until the
Figure 5. Cross section of load cell type RLC safe load limit or safe side load limit is passed. Beyond
this point, even for a very short period of time, the load
The geometrical design of the sensing element cell will be permanently damaged. The load cell may
provides enhanced specifications in terms of creep physically break at the ultimate load limit.
and hysteresis compared to shear and bending as a
The factors that contribute to the weight load on the
measuring principle.
load cells are: zero tracking, initial zero setting, dead
Due to its compression loading mode, the unit does load, maximum scale capacity, location, and specific
not suffer from the momentum typically associated factors like wind forces or seismic events.
with beams, and is therefore an inherently safer
In addition to these, it is often necessary to derate the The following calculations and table should be used to
load cells (use a higher capacity) because of: calculate the correct load cell capacity:
Shock loading LCcap = [Dead load + (Live load * Fa)] N + Ft + F w
Dynamic influences (agitators) where:
Off center loading to the scale N = Number of load cells
Off center distribution of dead load
Fa = Dynamic load factor
The possibility of an overload weight
F w = Effect of wind force (for hoppers)
The difference between normal or static overload and
Ft = Combined effect of zero setting devices:
shock overload is often misunderstood and needs
further explanation. Static overload is defined as a
gradual increase in weight over and above the rated Ft = [Live load * Zero setting devices (%)] N * 100
capacity of the load cell.
Fa De-Rate*
Ultimate overload
Platform scale 1.4 30 50%
Ultimate overload
Safe overload Weighbridge 1.4 30 50%
Safe overload Single cell application 1.3 20 40%
LC range
Single cell hybrid bridge 1.2 10 30%
LC range
Hopper, equal load distribution 1.1 10 30%
Hopper, unequal load distribution 1.2 20 40%
Figure 6. Static overload
Hopper, with agitator 1.3 20 40%
Sy s tem s ca n b e p rotected by i n co r p o rat i n g
* Determine the value based on the load cell's measuring prin-
mechanical stops, or by selecting load cells with a ciple (low deflection 6 value high).
higher rated capacity.
For example:
For example: A load cell may be used over a working range larger
that its minimum utilization.
The above scale configuration is built with 4 load
cells, output 2 mV/V, 3000 divisions, rated capacity No Load Emin Emax Safe Load Ultimate Load
1000 kg and an excitation voltage of 10 V. The output Maximum Measuring Range
1.4 Environmental Protection themselves with NEMA 4 and NEMA 6. Unlike the IP
No area of load cell operation causes more confusion system, NEMA does concern itself with environmental
and contention than that of environmental protection conditions such as corrosion, rust, freezing, oil and
and sealing standards. Although our industries have coolants.
in-depth standards and test procedures to define load NEMA 4 enclosures are intended for indoor and
cell and weighing system performance, no standards outdoor use, providing a degree of protection against
have been developed to cover product suitability for windblown dust, rain, splashing water, and hose
specific environmental conditions. directed water. However, no consideration is given
In the absence of such standards, most manufacturers for the effects of internal condensation. Nema 4X
have adopted the International Protection system enclosures meet the same standards as NEMA 4 and
(IP/IEC 529 or EN 40.050) or National Electrical are constructed of 304 stainless steel or other material
M a n ufa ct u re r s A s soci at i o n Sta n d a rd s (N E M A offering equal corrosion resistance.
publication 250). Define the level of sealing for NEMA 6 enclosures are used where there is a chance
their products. Both standards are good test procedures of temporary immersion. This standard calls for the
for environmental sealing when applied to the highest part of the enclosure to remain submerged
products for which they were intended those being in water, with its highest point 1.83 metres below
electrical enclosures, but they are not very well suited to the surface for 30 minutes. NEMA 6P enclosures are
load cells. used where prolonged immersion may occur and
resistance to corrosion is needed.
1.4.1 IP Classification
While it may seem that NEMA standards offer some
The IP standard describes a system for classifying the
advantages over the IP system for corrosion resistance,
degree of protection provided by the enclosures of
they only relate to external corrosion of enclosures. This
electrical equipment:
is very limited when applied to the more complex load
Protection of persons against access to hazardous cell construction and the different effects of corrosion
parts inside the enclosure. or water ingress.
Protection of the equipment inside the enclosure
1.4.3 Damp Heat Cycling (IEC 68-2-30)
against the ingress of solid foreign objects.
Protection of equipment inside the enclosure The IP and NEMA standards don't deal with internal
against harmful effects due to the ingress of water. condensation or moisture within the enclosure.
However, moisture or condensation is of vital
Unfortunately, no definition is given for the term importance in correct load cell operation.
harmful effects. Presumably, for enclosures, the main
Moisture may enter the inside of the load cell over a
problem with water could be one of electrical shock
long period and have a catastrophic effect, especially
to persons in contact with the enclosure, rather than
when acids or alkalies are present. One test used to
malfunctioning of the unit. Furthermore, the standard
determine a load cells ability to withstand moisture
only relates to water ingress and ignores moisture,
or condensation is the Damp Heat Cycling Test.
chemicals, corrosion, etc.
The commonly used categories to describe load cell 100
sealing are: 80
IP65 Protected against low pressure jets of water
from all directions, limited entrance allowed Zeit (h)
0 3 12 13.5 18 24
IP66 Protected against strong jets of water e.g., for
use on ship decks, limited entrance allowed +50
The object of the IEC standard is To determine the The best solution is the use of a glass-to-metal cable
suitability of components, equipment, or other articles entrance. This prevents any contamination from
for use and storage under conditions of high humidity reaching the gage or other critical areas. In addition,
when combined with cyclical temperature changes. the manufacturing process used must keep the load
cell free from residue contaminations.
It is obvious that this standard is a much more useful
classification than the IP or NEMA rating when it comes 1.4.5 Corrosion
to defining load cell environmental suitability.
The corrosion resistance of load cells is a very complex
1.4.4 Load cell construction subject, one that is further complicated by the variety
of available configurations. As a result it is only possible
Besides a given IP-rating or NEMA-classification load to use standard corrosion charts as a guidance for
cells should also be classified according to their design load cells. In addition, the following factors must be
in terms of cable entry, material of construction and considered:
gages sealing method.
Surface finish
While it is relatively common to weld-seal critical areas
on a load cell body, one potential problem area is the Weld areas around seals, bellows and cups
cable entry. A variety of methods are used to make Thickness of seals
sure cells are properly sealed at this area. Varying construction materials
In most load cells the main cable enters through a High stress levels at loading points
conventional cable gland directly into the gage Cable material (PVC, PUR or Teflon )
area. Regardless of how well the gage area is sealed,
moisture and solvents can penetrate either around the The environment itself plays an important role in how
gland or through the center of the cable itself. Often, a particular load cell type behaves in practice. Salt
temperature changes cause a pumping action to water, for example, has different corrosion effects
occur, pushing moisture down the inside of the cable. depending on the local circumstances. Stainless steel
Entry also can be via a leaking junction box or through in stagnant salt water is subject to crevice corrosion
a damaged part of the cable. This can take some time and a regular wash down is necessar y to avoid
to reach critical areas, but once there it will become degradation.
sealed in place and do critical damage. Unfortunately the term stainless steel has become
synonymous with no corrosion, no problem and
no maintenance. While stainless steel load cells
usually offer optimum protection in most environments,
other factors should be taken into account. In certain
applications, painted or plated load cells may offer
better long-term protection.
An alternative is wrap-around protective covers. These
can provide good environmental protection, but can
be self-destructive if corrosive material is trapped
inside the cover.
1.5 Summary
Figure 10. Water block cable entry Selecting the wrong load cell for an application in terms
of environmental compatibility can have far reaching
An improvement on the basic cable gland is a water consequences in terms of costs, safety and product
block at the point of cable entry. Here, the main cable reputation. Current classifications fall well short of defining
terminates at for example a small circuit board with adequate environmental standards for load cells.
on-going wires leading to the gage area. The block is
fully potted to prevent moisture or other contaminants
from reaching the critical areas.
Safety rods are strongly recommended for those cells should be handled with care, especially those
systems where one of the above events could seriously with a low rated capacity or with metal bellows
affect personnel safety or where one of the above construction.
events could lead to extensive damage.
Single ended beam load cells are subjected to a
In order to assure performance, load cells should be momentum and require high quality bolts for safe
placed on exactly the same horizontal level. Never use operation. The amount of torque on these bolts is
mounting bolts to pull uneven surfaces together; shim specified and should be met to achieve the maximum
plates should be used as appropriate. performance.
The preferred orientation of the load cell depends 2.1 Load cell cables
primarily on its design. The load should always be
Wrong through the load cell Right
transmitted vertically in the way Special attention should be paid in preventing the
which it was designed to measure force. load cell cable from being damaged during and after
installation. Never carry load cells at their cables and
provide dripping loops to prevent water from running
directly into the cable entry.
Load cells are produced with a four- or six-wire cable.
A four-wire cable is calibrated and temperature
compensated with a certain length of cable. The
performance of the load cell, in terms of temperature
stability, will be compromised if the cable is cut; never
Wrong Right cut a four-wire load cell cable!
Figure 14. Load transmission A six-wire load cell cable has two additional wires
which can be used to actually measure the excitation
voltage at the load cell in order to feed this information
S-type load cells should be mounted in such a way back to the indicator. A six-wire load cell is not part of
that side forces are reduced to a minimum; they the load cell's temperature compensating system
should never be mounted rigidly (even only at one and can be cut to any desired length. However, it
side) between the structure and hopper. The load cell should be recognized that the parallel connection of
must be orientated in such a way that the cable entry multiple six-wire load cells results in an equal potential
does not affect weighing accuracy. difference over all cells. All load cell cables should
In terms of safety, attention should be paid to use the therefore be shortened to the same length.
full length of thread, while considerations should be
made to provide an external back up system. 2.2 Junction boxes
The junction box is an essential part of the system
and should be p rotected to at least I P65 o r
NEMA 4. Select the location of the junction box based
on the environmental conditions; NOT on the ease of
During the installation ensure that no moisture enters In most cases, the actual load cell damage is a direct
the load cell cable before and during installation. A result of a potential difference, well in excess of 1000
bag of drying agent (silica gel) may be enclosed to volts, between circuit and housing.
absorb moisture. However, the drying agent should
10V 10V
never make contact with any non-insulated wiring in
10V 10V
the box.
Use junction boxes with high quality terminals or use
solder connections. The components used for corner
correction should be absolutely temperature stable.
0V 0V Circuit to housing = 10V 0V
2.3 Welding 0V Circuit to housing = 10V 0V
Avoid electric welding after installation of the load Figure 18. Load cell and indicator are
cells. If welding is necessary and the load cells can not both connected to a separate earth, at a
be removed then disconnect each individual load cell considerable distance from each other.
cable from the junction box or measuring device.
Place the clamp earthing electrode of the welding
1010V 1010V
apparatus in the close proximity of the weld to avoid
1010V 1010V
a current path through the load cells. Furthermore,
connect a flexible copper lead over each load cell.
Welding 1000V
1000V Circuit to housing = 810V
200V 1000V
200V Circuit to housing = 810V 1000V
Figure 19. The potential at the earthing points will rise as
a direct result of a lightning strike (to earth). However,
Earth clamp WRONG both points will not rise to the same potential because of
the ground resistance. Although the excitation voltage
remains 10 V, the potential difference between circuit
and housing increases far above an acceptable value.
Welding Earth clamp
10V the costs incurred during
10V a breakdown Surge protection devices are designed to control line-
period, the expenses for the replacement of parts line and line-earth voltages to levels acceptable to the
and workmanship, and the insurance company equipment. An SPD incorporates combinations of gas-
requirements (or premiums!). filled discharge tubes for high current surge diversion
and zener diodes for secure voltage clamping
0V can be considered in two stages; external
with minimal leakage. For AC power applications,
and internal.
0V Circuit to housing = 10V 0V
varistors are often used because of their higher power
absorption capability. Most SPDs are connected in
2.4.1 External protection series, similar to shunt diode barriers for intrinsically
External protection entails bonding the steel roof safe systems.
of the cabin where the indicator is located or any
nearby structure or a high protection mast in such a
matter as to provide a preferential point of discharge safe systems
and safely conduct the surge to earth
1010V via conductors.
1010V 1010V
a 60 ft mast
has an attractive radius of 240 ft. Lightning
1000V 1000V
which might otherwise have struck a building or tree
200V Circuit to housing = 810V
180 ft or more away will now be captured1000V
to produce a
Figure 21. Systems with unavoidable multiple points
current surge to ground within the very neighborhood
of earthing should use an SPD to divert surges to a
of the weighbridge!
local ground. By doing so, the whole system will rise
Unless very stringent precautions are taken such a and fall at the same potential.
safe systems
surge will produce an electromagnetic induced pulse 1010V 1010V
which will undoubtedly cause severe damage to the
Any device which works by diverting large currents
to a local ground SPD must have a low impedance
connection to that ground. This means that the
bonding 1000V
connection must J-box
be of low resistance (well
below 0.5 ), short in length
1000V and as direct as possible
without sharp bends. Verify the earth connections at
least twice a year and coat ~ all connections with a
good antioxidant grease. weighbridge
~ AC Power supply
2.4.2 Internal protection Ind.
~ RS 232 COM Port
Internal lightning protection sets out to provide
potential equalization throughout the whole system ~ AC Power supply
the provision of lightning protection is therefore the making the final choice (whether they are always
installation of an SPD at all external connections: or occasionally present at the place(s) the load
cells will operate).
3. Maintenance Do provide for any additional environmental
protection at the design stage.
Maintenance is often overlooked or ignored by both Do design-in adequate over/under load protection
load cell users and service companies. However, the as well as protection from other mechanical
regular service and maintenance of load cells in a damage (e.g., physical abuse, rodent problems).
weighing system will greatly improve their long-term
Don't make the choice based only on price cost
reliability and performance as well as greatly reduce
of ownership is more important.
their sensitivity to corrosion. Maintenance inspections
can be divided into two categories: Don't allow load cells to operate above their rated
Routine: Don't over specify look at overall system
Performed at periodic intervals, it includes the removal limitations on accuracy (e.g., mechanical pipe
of any material or debris buildup from around the work, vibration, etc.).
load cells and mounting fixtures. Serious damage can Don't ignore that hurricane or flood that comes
occur to the load cells if mounting systems do not once every 2 or 3 years.
function correctly. Any damage or degradation of Don't build in water/debris traps.
surface coatings should be remedied and all cables
Don't assume it will never happen, and never use
and junction-boxes should be checked. To minimize
the load cell as a mechanical fuse.
the effects of flooding, any drainage systems in the pit
should be free from debris. Where required, regular Don't forget to provide adequate protection for the
wash down of the load cell should be carried out to load cell cable, near the load cell if possible.
prevent chemical attack. Installation And Fitting
Ad hoc: Do use dummy load cells prior to installation.
Made immediately after any adverse or unexpected Do store and handle load cells carefully prior to
events such as flash floods, gales, seismic activity or and during installation, and try to keep copies of
electrical storms. the Certificate of Calibration in a safe place. Check
load cells before fitting for correct model, capacity,
In general, careful consideration must be given to thread combination, etc.
any reason for failure. If this has occurred as a result Do check that any threaded fittings screw smoothly
of ingress of water or chemicals, then continued into the load cell before final assembly.
deterioration of any other load cell(s) in the system
can be expected, resulting in mechanical failure. This Do use high quality bolts with the recommended
failure can have serious safety and cost consequences. torque.
Always remove the load cell with care and attach Do check that adequate and accurately fitted
a label with comments to the problem or mode of mounting surfaces are provided.
failure. Never cut the cable at the gland to facilitate Do use care when tightening mounting bolts and
removal; load cells cannot be tested by us without restraints such as tie-bars.
cables! Do use lock nuts appropriate on threaded fittings,
especially if vibration is present.
DOs and DON'Ts of Load Cells Summary Do check cable color code for load cell prior to
connection VPG Transducers has two basic color
Load Cell Selection and Design codes.
Do select the right load cell for the application in Do use good quality connecting terminals/junction
terms of type and environmental compatibility. boxes. Solder joints if possible.
Do choose the right capacity. Don't carry out electric welding near load cells if
Do consider the required accuracy class.
Don't forget to check specific storage and
Do consider all environmental aspects before
operating temperature ranges for the load cells.
Don't ever carry load cells by their cables! cleaning and any remedial work (paint or other
Don't force bolts or other threaded assemblies. protective coating) before it is too late.
Don't use mounting bolts to pull uneven surfaces Do give special care and attention to critical areas
together use shims as appropriate. of the load cell such as metal bellows, seals, etc.
Those features are important in the operation and
Don't use excessive force when fitting/tightening
performance of the product.
mounting bolts or hardware, especially on low
capacity cells. Don't allow build up of debris around load cell or
Don't twist S cells when tightening threaded
fittings. Don't allow any drains to become blocked with
leaves or other debris.
Don't cut load cell cables unless necessary,
performance may be effected. Don't disconnect and just re-calibrate one or more
load cells in a system if they cease to function.
Don't allow moisture to get at any interconnections.
Mechanical failure may have catastrophic effects.
Don't allow load cell to be the electrical link
between ground and metal weigh structure. Finally
Maintenance Do remove load cell with care and attach a label
with comments relating to the problem or mode of
Do regularly inspect load cells and weigh system failure.
especially after extreme weather conditions
Do return a copy of the Certificate of Calibration
(electrical storms, flooding, seismic activity, etc.)
with the load cell if available.
and also before and after the seasons.
Don't cut cable at the gland to facilitate removal,
Do check for corrosion damage to the load cell
please! We cannot test load cells without cables!
and mounting hardware. If practical, carry out