Compoaite Paper On Equipments
Compoaite Paper On Equipments
Compoaite Paper On Equipments
Furnace tests using the time/temperature curve given in standard
A wide array of technical issues are being addressed to implement ASTM E 119 have been carried out on phenolic grating which
large scale substitutions of composites offshore. These can be broadly performed to the satisfaction of the US Coast Guard when compared
summarized as follows: to carbon steel grating.
resins exhibit similar wet fatigue performance but the matrix-fiber floating production storage vessel (FPSO), semi-submersible or spar
interfacial strength for the latter is reduced by pre-exposure in system that is subject to wave, current and other platform loading,
seawater. This corresponds to a reduction in the number of cycles to including VIV. VIV analysis and modeling, through research
the transition point. Finally, only in the case of the polyester was projects, for both sheared and uniform current is needed to increase
there a significant effect of water, which significantly reduced the our understanding and refine response prediction capabilities for
allowable strains to a level comparable with those for the phenolic composites.
The effect of fabrication technique on fatigue properties has also been DESIGN CODES AND REGULATORY ASPECTS
examined for vinyl ester composites Large scale hand contact
molding produces a void content of 4% with some material Design codes are available for FRP piping and pressure vessels but
variability. However laminates produced using a vacuum technique currently codes and standards for Composites in structures are
greatly improved fatigue behavior at high stains ( low cycle) but the currently not available. Guidelines have been published and the
allowable strains for large cycle behavior were similar. anticipated DNV Offshore standard OS-501 “Composite
Components” is in preparation. An ISO Standard for Reinforced
Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) is also under development. Performance
Non-Destructive Examination based requirements have generally been adopted in which composite
designs meet minimum performance criteria. The performance based
The inherent low density and anisotropic characteristics and guidelines should serve as a recommended practice and standard that
multitude of internal interfaces of composites render many of the defines minimum requirements for design, materials and fabrication.
traditional NDT techniques used for metals less useful. An important This will assist in contractual matters as well as provide cost-effective
aspect of composite use is damage assessment and evaluation. solutions based on complete limit state design with reliability based
standardization of safety factors.
The most common defects in composite materials are planar and
parallel to the surface, which is the most suitable orientation for Composite structures can be divided into sub-structures, which can be
ultrasonic inspection. However, because of the high scattering and related to a safety class and further divided into components. The
high absorption of ultrasonic signals by composites, a lower range of functional requirements, loads and environmental exposure should be
probe frequencies (0.5 to 2 MHz) must be used at the expense of assigned to each component. Loads and environments must be
defect size resolution. For inspecting near the surface a higher described more accurately than for metals, because extreme values
frequency probe is preferred and the pulse echo mode will allow and long term distributions have to be known. (Time dependent
greater depths to be inspected. Also by increasing the probe diameter properties are more critical than static properties). The extreme values
and utilizing higher power a trade off is achieved with spacial are needed for strength calculations and long-term distributions are
resolution. required to evaluate the change of material properties with time.
Studies have been undertaken on carbon-epoxy laminates with Failure modes must be defined for each component in a general
oblique incidence C-Scan ultrasonics and focussed transducers to sense, e.g. leakage and related to specific failure mechanisms such as
determine if changes in tensile properties can be determined after low fiber failure etc. Design guidelines should be based on a hierarchy of
level impact loading. A comparison of tensile test data with failure events. Design analysis requires a careful evaluation of the
ultrasonic data revealed that the variation in mechanical properties, link between failure modes and failure mechanisms. Design equations
such as axial stiffness, were too small to be measured. This was a and failure criteria should then be defined for each failure
result of a delamination and matrix disbondment rather than of a mechanism. Defined failure mechanisms are fiber failure, matrix
broken fiber nature. In the tensile mode a discontinuity in the fiber cracking, delamination, buckling, stress relaxation, creep, fatigue,
integrity must be present for the tensile properties to be affected. impact failure, abrasion , wear, yielding, deflections and stress
Acoustic emission techniques have proven application for composite
materials and are included in ASTM standards for the testing of GRP
pressure vessels and filament wound pipes. Piezoelectric sensors
operating in the 100-300kHz range are used to detect localized bursts The primary concern of regulatory authorities such as the US Coast
of stress waves produced when loading is applied. Event sources in Guard and Minerals Management Service (MMS) is the level of
acoustic emission can be matrix cracking, delamination, debonding, passive fire safety that composites provide. Typically offshore
fiber pull out, fiber fracture and friction. Cracking of adhesives used platforms are classified into hazardous areas levels. Codes of federal
in jointing and weeping can also be detected. regulations and policy guidelines have been established to address
structural fire integrity characteristics based on location and service.
One of the current more promising NDE methods for composites In particular the requirements for flame spread, smoke and toxicity
involves the integration of fiber optic sensors into structural members testing have been specified for both FRP grating and cable trays.
to monitor strain in-situ.
points are measured in pressure over a period of time to create a design methodology and experimental databases in the relatively
regression curve up to 10,000 hours. The failure mechanism for GRP thick laminates required for oil and gas structural composites.
in water and hydrocarbon service is by weeping, matrix cracking and
an array of micro-cracks which link together to form a fluid path. The
test results in water therefore translate to hydrocarbon service. Given FUTURE AND CURRENT APPLICATIONS
the long duration of this test short-term controlled burst tests have
been developed to measure the limit of elastic behavior. The Piping Systems
agreement between theory and experiment suggests that this test does
monitor initial matrix cracking. Work is proceeding to establish a link Composite materials for piping systems may be classified as Glass or
between this elastic limit and the lower confidence limit of the fiber reinforced Plastic/Polyester (GRP/FRP), Glass re-inforced
regression curve, which will mean that GRP pipe failure is controlled Epoxy (GRE), Re-inforced Thermoplastic (RTP/RTRP,
by matrix crack initiation. Short-term burst tests are first carried out Thermoplastic or re-inforced thermoset Liners, GRE with
to determine the failure pressure, then the pressure is reduced in thermoplastic liner or steel strip re-inforced GRE.
subsequent tests to develop the regression curve. Firewater Piping
Generally in order to qualify composite products the following steps Most offshore platform designers specify either GRE or FRP for
should be undertaken: firewater systems in accordance with specifications ASTM D2996,
2992,3681,2925,2105 and C851. Typically GRE is made from epoxy
• Define the application envelope in terms of fixed and cyclic resin of the Bisphenol type with an aromatic or cyclo-aliphatic amine
loading, environment, temperature and service life. type of curing agent. Structural glass fiber reinforcement is of the E-
• Determine failure modes and use primary failure mode as glass type with a sizing compatible with the specified epoxy resin.
basis for qualification. Interior surfaces shall have a uniform resin rich lining consisting of
• Determine test procedure and number of tests with respect to chemical resistant C-glass or synthetic fibers such as polyester. The
test severity, pipe is manufactured by winding resin-impregnated continuous
• Select minimum and maximum temperatures of intended fiberglass strand roving onto the outside of a mandrel in a
application. predetermined pattern under controlled tension.
• Consider the inclusion of end fitting and transition joint
qualification tests Piping systems offshore are normally restricted to water service since
• Equate qualification data to intended service conditions. many operators do not permit GRE or FRP products in hydrocarbon
service because of safety concerns during combustible events.
Clearly, as indicated in the sections above there are still many Composite drilling and production riser (CPR) development began
technical issues that will require research funding in the areas of fire over 20 years ago and recent designs have reached the commercial
resistance, VIV, reliability and fatigue to name but a few. The stage for application. In the last five years, several major national and
theoretical predictions from research must be compared to international initiatives on composer risers have been conducted in
experimental evidence and field history data from initial applications the USA, North Sea and South America regions. CPR’s have the
to enable the specification of failure criteria and design specifications. potential for reducing capital expenditure because of their lighter
Deterministic uncertainties in the accuracy of the failure criteria can weight resulting in lower top tension and subsequent reduced
be covered by a partial resistance model factor. buoyancy requirements. Other potential benefits are listed below:
Because of the inhomogeneity, anisotropic and thermal behavior of • Reduced deck loads may allow reduced structural deck
polymer composites, as well as the possibility of low resistance to weight
fatigue fracture, the analysis of their response to loads and • Reducing mooring system and simplified anchorage and
environmental factors are an order of magnitude more complex than foundation
those associated with homogeneous materials. The final mechanical • Reduced coating and maintenance
properties of any structural component depend on the manufacturing • Reduced installation and retrieval costs
method, which requires control of the physical and chemical • Reduced cathodic protection and increased thermal
processes. The variation in properties resulting from manufacturing insulation.
process variation must be taken into account in the design modeling
and qualification process. Current CPR designs consist of thermoplastic and/or metallic internal
and external liners, and several hybrid hoop reinforcement layers in
In particular, until recently failure mechanisms in thick section an epoxy matrix. There is a choice of fiber reinforcement materials
composites (beams, plates and or shells) were not well understood such as carbon, glass, aramid and ultra high molecular weight
and difficult to predict with no effective test methods for polyethylene. The amount of circumferential fiber is determined by
characterization. Such experimental techniques should be sensitive to the shut-in well head pressure, which is equally distributed between
the composite type (laminate, fiber or particle reinforced composites, the inside and outside surfaces of the tube wall to maximize external
for instance). Also the compressive strength of thick-section pressure buckling capability. Low angle carbon helical layers in the
composite structures cannot be measured since they do not scale up CPR provide axial strength and stiffness and E-glass layers at the mid
from smaller test specimens because the micro, meso and macroscale wall increase the stability of the cross section by increasing the
behavior of these materials is not comparable. Multi-axial stress separation distance between the inside and outside circumferential
states and strengths are an important consideration when developing reinforcement.
Both ABB and Conoco/Kvaerner with Lincoln composites have field continuing on testing the permeation barrier and developing the high
demonstrated composite risers with promising results. temperature resin. Halliburton, in partnership with Fiberspar is also
commercializing composite coiled tubing in well completion, well
workover and pipeline remediation applications. A systematic test
Mooring Ropes family such as PVDF, ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE),
fluoroinated ethylenepropylene (FEP), perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) and
There are numerous candidate materials for synthetic offshore others. Liner materials are selected based upon an evaluation of
mooring ropes such as Polyamide/Nylon, PET Polyester, HMPE corrosion requirements at the process temperature, with other
High Modulus Polyethylene (HMPE), aromatic polyamide or liquid considerations such as flame retardancy, mechanical properties and
crystal aromatic polyester. cost. PVC and CPVC are usually bonded directly to the FRP laminate
using a bonding resin, while other thermoplastic liners are typically
PET Polyester has moderate elastic stretch and excellent fatigue life manufactured with an embedded fabric or fiberglass backing. This
with applications for production and drilling platform mooring, backing provides a strong mechanical lock when overlaid with the
anchor handling, pendants and barrier nets. Field tests exceeding two fiberglass structural composite.
years have shown that this materials strength and rope stiffness did The fiberglass structure is applied using either hand lay up or
not degrade or deteriorate in a taut leg mooring system. filament wound techniques.
Polyamide/nylon has the highest elastic stretch and is primarily used
for mooring hawsers and tie-off lines. Emerging uses are heavy lift
pendants and shallow-water mooring systems. Finally HMPE has the Structural Items
highest strength but low stretch with a primary use in dockside
mooring and towing lines. Future uses are Ultra-deepwater mooring, Composite gratings were introduced offshore over 10 years ago and
mooring inserts across pipeline fields and Deepwater heavy lift, with contractor working experience it has been found that the total
anchor handling. installed cost is similar to that of steel grating. With the weight
savings on deepwater projects and quicker installation schedules it is
Currently a study is underway at Halliburton-KBR to investigate the fast becoming the product of choice for this application. In response
suitability of polyester mooring ropes and composite risers, compared to fire safety concerns as mentioned above phenolic grating has been
to steel options, for a Deep Draft Caisson Vessel (DDCV). installed on TLPs such as Mars with over 90,000 square feet
installed. Its use was limited to areas of low fire integrity risk and
forbidden in accommodation areas and lifeboat landings. It has been
estimated that future annual usage offshore could exceed 50,000 tons
TLP Tendons which is still less than 10 percent of platform weight.
The application of TLPs to ultra-deepwater depths greater than 6000 Work carried out to compare steel and composite flare booms
feet is hindered by the limitation of the conventional steel tether concluded that the composite design was the slightly more favorable
system but overcome by a lightweight composite tether system. cost efficient solution and exhibited the same stiffness and lowest
Prototype tethers have been developed based on the use of parallel natural frequency as the steel structure. Safety margins were higher
strands (50-75mm diameter) of pultruded carbon fiber composite rods due to the outstanding specific strength of organic matrix composite
(3-5mm diameter). Static and fatigue loading tests on the rods and material compared to steel and the weight was six times less than the
strands have been carried out to qualify the mechanical performance. steel structure.
When compared to carbon steel the composite tether exhibited
improved fatigue properties. After the completion of hydrodynamic In the North Sea and South America the use of composites has
model testing, full scale offshore testing and demonstration is generally been limited to secondary components or special
scheduled for the summer of 2002. applications. These include:
4) Design codes and regulatory requirements are beginning to
become available for offshore environments.