GEO11 Paper 185
GEO11 Paper 185
GEO11 Paper 185
In this study, the uplift behavior of plate anchors embedded in sand was investigated with a series of small
scale laboratory pull-out tests. Model tests were performed in a test box with square and rectangular anchor
plates. The effects of embedment and aspect ratio of anchor plates, and relative density of sand on uplift
behaviour of plate anchors were investigated. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the
embedment and aspect ratio of anchor plates and relative density of sand are main parameters that affect
the uplift capacity of anchor plates.
The experimental programme was performed using the Uniform, clean, fine sand obtained from the Çakıt River
facility in the Geotechnical Laboratory of the Civil bed was used in this research. The sand was washed,
Engineering Department of the University of Cukurova. dried, and sorted by particle size. The specific gravity of
The apparatus used for model testing consists of a tank, the soil particles was determined by the picnometer
a loading system and measurement system. The facility method. Three tests were carried out and the average
and a typical model are shown in Figure 1a and 1b. Tests value was obtained. The maximum and the minimum dry
were conducted in a test box made of a steel frame with densities of the sand were measured. The particle size
inside dimensions of 0.70×0.70m in plan and 0.70m in distribution was determined using the dry sieving method.
height. Two side walls of the box consist of fibreglass Table 1 summarizes the general physical characteristics
plate and the other sides consist of steel plate (Bildik and of the sand.
Laman, 2010).
Loading tests were carried out on model rigid anchors Table 1. Properties of sand.
fabricated from mild steel. The model anchors were
square and rectangular, had thickness of 10mm. The load Property Unit Value
is transferred to the footing through a pull rod as shown in
Figure 1a. Coarse sand fraction (%) 0.00
Medium sand fraction (%) 46.40
Fine sand fraction (%) 53.60
D10 mm 0.18
D30 mm 0.30
D60 mm 0.50
Uniformity coefficient, CU - 2.78
Coefficient of curvature, CC - 1.00
Specific gravity kN/m3 26.80
Maximum dry unit weight kN/m3 17.06
Minimum dry unit weight kN/m3 15.03
Classification (USCS) - SP
Figure 2. The effect of embedment ratio on uplift capacity Equation has two coefficients and a constant. These
(L/B=4, k=17.06kN/m ) parameters vary with relative density and aspect ratio.
For the loose and dense sand conditions, coefficients and
constant parameters are given in Table 2 and Table 3.
4.2 The Effects of Relative Density
Figure 4. The effect of aspect ratio on uplift capacity in
dense sand. First author thanks to TUBITAK (The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey) for
scholarships financial support.
A : Area of anchor
B : Width of anchor
Cu : Uniformity coefficient
Cc : Coefficient of curvature
D : Diameter of anchor
Df : Embedment depth of anchor
Df/B : Embedment ratio of anchor
(Df/B)cr : Critical embedment ratio of anchor
Figure 5. The effect of aspect ratio on uplift capacity in L : Length of anchor
loose sand Qu : Uplift capacity of anchor
: Angle of failure surface
Table 2. Coefficients and constant values for loose sand. : Soil friction angle
: Unit weight of soil
1 1.327 0.669 4.213 0.999 REFERENCES
2 1.434 7.318 -2.901 0.993
4 3.619 9.804 -7.575 0.996 Balla, A., (1961). “The resistance of breaking-out of
mushroom foundations for pylons”, Proceedings, 5th
International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Table 3. Coefficients and constant values for dense sand.
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Baker, W. H. and Konder R. L. (1966), “Pullout Load
1 -0.189 3.075 -2.431 0.992 Capacity of a Circular Earth Anchor Buried in
2 -0.267 4.062 -1.500 0.993 Sand”, Highway Research Record, No. 108, 1-10.
4 -0.639 7.393 -2.54 0.985
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Investigations on Uplift Behaviour of Plate Anchors in
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Based on the laboratory investigations carried out on Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 27-30 Sep.
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