Stresses and Strains: Class-Ii-Ii Sem Branch-Mechanical Subject: Echanics F Aterials

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Stresses and strains

Prepared by
CLASS-II-II SEM A. Ramanjaneyulu
Assistant Professor
Branch-Mechanical Dept of ME
Subject: Mechanics Of Materials PBR VITS Kavali.
What is STRESS?
 Whenever an external force is applied on a body then a
resisting force is induced in the body.
 This resisting force acting per unit area of the body is called
 Under equilibrium condition this resisting force is equal to the
applied load.
 So the stress is also defined as the ratio of applied force to the
cross sectional area on which this external force is applied.
 The force applied on the body is called load.
For better understanding about the stress let’s take an example
 `Considered a bar of length L, cross
section area A and an external force
(load) P is applied on the body.
 Take a section x-x of the bar as shown in
the figure.
 The load at the left of the section induces
resisting force R at the right of the bar.
 And the load at the right of the section x-
x as shown in figure above induces a
resisting force R at the left of the section.
 Under equilibrium condition the resisting
force remains equal with the applied
• Since the stress is defined as the ratio of resisting force or
applied load to the cross section area. The formula of stress is
given by

• Where,
• σ = stress
• P = Applied load on the body or Resisting Force
• A = Cross section area of the body
 Units of Stress
 The units of stress depend upon the unit of load (force) and unit of area.
 In MKS System of Units
 The unit of the load is kgf and that of the area is square meter (i.e. m2). So the unit of stress
becomes kgf/m2. And if the area is expressed in square centimeter than the unit of stress is
 In SI System of Units
 The load is measured in newton and the area measured in m2. So the unit of stress is N/ m2.
When the area is expressed in cm or mm, then the stress unit becomes N/cm2 or N/mm2.
 1 N/m2= 10-4 N/cm2 = 10-6 N/mm2
 1 MN/m2 = 106 N/ m2 = 102 N/cm2 = 1 N/mm2
 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa
 Note: Here
 N = Newton, m = meter, cm = centimeter , mm = millimeter, Pa = Pascal
Types of stresses

Types of stresses

Direct Indirect

Nor mal ( Du e to b en ding) Combined
Tensile Compressive Shear
(D ue t o to rsio n)

Tensile Compressive
Direct and indirect stresses
 Direct Stress:
 The stresses which are directly produced due to the
action of a direct load and not by any indirect force
 Indirect Stress:
 Indirect stresses are ones that are caused when
tensile or compressive forces act and it leads to
other stresses because of deformation of body.
Combined Stress
 It is the combination of both direct and indirect
stresses. Most often, a structural member is
subjected to different types of stresses that act
 Such stresses are axial, shear, flexure, and
Normal Stress
 Normal stress is a stress that acts perpendicular
to the area. The formula for the normal stress is
given by
The normal stress is again subdivided into two parts.
 Tensile Stress:
 The stress-induced in a body when it is subjected to two equal and opposite
pulls as shown in the above fig is called tensile stress.
 Due to the tensile stress there is an increase in the length of the body and
decrease in the cross section area of the body.
 Tensile stress is a type of normal stress, so it acts at 90 degree to the area.
 The strain which is induced due to tensile stress is called tensile strain. It is
equals to the ratio of increase in the length to the original length.
Compressive Stress
 The stress which induced in a body when it is subjected to
two equal and opposite pushes as shown in the figure given
below is called compressive stress.
 Due to the compressive stress, there is a decrease in the
length and increase in the cross section area of the body.
 Compressive stress is also a type of normal stress and so it
also acts at 90 degree to the area.
 The strain which is induced due to compressive stress is
called compressive strain. It is equals to the ratio of decrease
in the length to the original length.
Shear Stress

 Shear stress induced in a body when it is subjected to two

equal and opposite forces that acts tangential to the area.
 The strain produced due to the shear stress is called shear
 The shear stress is denoted by the symbol τ (tau). It is a
Greek letter.
 It is defined as ratio of shear resistance to the shear area.
 The formula for the shear stress is given below.
Shear Stress (contd..)
Shear Stress (contd..)

•Shear stress is responsible for the change in the shape of

the body. It does on affect the volume of the body.
What is Strain?
 When an external force is applied on the body
then some change in dimension of the body
takes place.
 The ratio of this change in the dimension of the
body to the original dimension is called strain.
Strain (contd..)
• Strain is a dimensional less quantity as it is the
ratio of change in dimension to the original
• The strain is denoted by the letter ‘e’ or ‘ε’
For example
 Considered again a bar of
length L, and an external load
P in the form of pull is applied
on it.
 Due to this load there is some
change in the length of the
 The length of the body
increases by the amount dl.
The ratio of this change in
length (dL) to the original
length (L)
Where, e orisε called
= strain strain.
dl or δl = change in length l = original length
Types of Strain
Tensile strain:
 When an external load is applied
on the body and there is increase
in the length of the body.
 Then the ratio of increase in the
length of the body to original
length is called tensile strain.
 Tensile strain is always results in
increase in length.
 Tensile strain = increase in
length/ original length
Types of Strain (CONTD..)
 Compressive strain:
 The ratio of decrease in length
of the body to the original
length is called compressive
 The compressive strain is
always results in decrease in
length of the body
 Compressive strain = decrease
in length/ original length
Types of Strain (CONTD..)
Volumetric strain:
 The ratio of change
in volume to the
original volume is
called volumetric
 Volumetric strain =
change in volume/
original volume
Types of Strain (CONTD..)
 Shear strain:
 Consider an element of unit
thickness subjected to a shear force
as shown in fig. The body deforms as
shown (Point D shifts to D' and Point
C shifts to C')
 Let Φ represent the angular rotation
of the vertical faces. Let dl represent
the horizontal on transverse
displacement of the upper face with
respect to the lower face.
 This displacement occurs over a
length ‘l’. In such a case shear strain
is defined as
Shear Strain (CONTD..)

This implies that, shear strain can be measures

directly by measuring the angular rotation Φ (Φ is
measured in radians)

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