Trapezoidal Combined Footing Solution:: 3246 170 (A +B) L 2 (A +B) 5.5 2
Trapezoidal Combined Footing Solution:: 3246 170 (A +B) L 2 (A +B) 5.5 2
Trapezoidal Combined Footing Solution:: 3246 170 (A +B) L 2 (A +B) 5.5 2
But A + B = 6.94
B = 6.94 – A 0.25 0.25
2 A+6.94− A
1.28 = [ 6.94 ] 977.5
A = 1.94 m. say 1.95 m. y
0.40 B = 2.16 m
0.48 m
1m 1m
B Use 2.16 m x 2.16 m
0.2 0.8 6m 3.) Factored shear and moment for
R1 strap beam.
1.) Width of footing 1.
Pu1 = 1.2(200) +1.6(126)
2.) Dimension of footing 2.
Pu1 = 441.6 kN
3.) Factored shear and moment design for
Pu2 = 1.2(286) +1.6(224)
strap beam.
Pu2 = 701.6 kN
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∑MF2 = 0 VB = - 341.504 + 250.24(1.6) = 58.88 kN
441.6(6.8) = R1(6) VC = 58.88 kN
R1 = 500.48 kN VD = 58.88 + 297.56(0.88) = 320.733 kN
∑Fv = 0 VE = 320.733 + 297.56(0.4) – 701.6 =
- 261.843 kN
R1 + R2 = 441.6 + 701.6
VF = - 261.843 + 297.56(0.88) = 0
R2 = 441.6 + 701.6 – 500.48
R2 = 642.72 kN
Location of max. moment occurs at point O,
Uniform pressure per m on footing 1: where shear is zero. (cutting method at O)
q1 = 2
= 250.24 kN/m 250.24(y) – 441.6 = 0
642.72 1
q2 = 2.16 = 297.56 kN/m Max. M = 2 (-341.504)(1.76)
0.48 m
Factored moment for strap beam:
Mu = -293.46 kN-m
250.24 kN/m 297.56 kN/m
0.4 1.6 3.92 m 0.88 0.4 0.88
y = 1.76 O 58.88
104.38 116.10
-68.30 -62.65
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d c c d
d = 319.69 mm
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Total depth = 274.85 + 250 d = 342.32 mm
Total depth = 524.85 mm say 550 mm Total depth = 342.32 + 250
t = 0.55 m Total depth = 592.32 mm say 600 mm
t = 0.6 m
R=125.33 kN
Effective depth of footing:
Vu = 1128-125.33 d = 600 – 250 = 350 mm
Vu = 1002.67 kN Reinforcement index:
Vu Mu = ∅ fc’ b d2 w (1 – 0.59w)
υ = ∅b d
244.39x106 = (0.9)(20.7)(2800)(350)2
1002670 w(1-0.59w)
1.52 = (0.75)(300+ d)( 4)(d )
w (1-0.59w) = 0.038245
d2 + 300d – 219883.7719 = 0
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0.59w – w + 0.038245 = 0
w = 0.03915
wfc ' (0.03915)(20.7)
⍴ = fy = = 0.00195
1.4 1.4
⍴min = fy = 415 = 0.003373
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2.) Determine the minimum net pile loads.
3.) Determine the number of 18 mm ∅ bars
1.) Maximum net pile loads.
P u Mc
fmax = + I
FOOTING SUPPORTED BY PILES WITH Assume area of one pile = 1 m2
A9 piles = 1m2(9) = 9 m2
A square footing as shown is supported by
9 piles spaced at 0.70 m. center to center. It Equivalent moment of inertia of piles
carries an ultimate axial load of 1020 kN about the centroid of footing:
and an ultimate moment of 52 kN-m.
∑Ad2 = I = (1)(0.8)2(3) + (1)(0.8)2(3)
Effective depth of footing is 400 mm. fc’ =
20.7 MPa, fy = 400 MPa. Neglecting weight I = 3.84 m4
of footing. Size of column is 400 mm x 400
mm. c = 0.8 m (from the center of footing to
center of a pile)
2.2 m
M = 52 kN-m
0.3 m
1020 (52)(0.8)
fmax = 9 + = 124.17 kN/pile
0.8 m
2.2 m 2.) Minimum net pile loads.
0.8 m P u Mc 1020 (52)(0.8)
fmin = - I = 9 -
A 3.84
0.3 m
fmin = 102.5 kN/pile
0.3 m 0.8m 0.8m 0.3 m
3.) Number of 18 mm ∅ bars needed.
x = 0.6
0.3 m
d = 400 mm 0.8 m
2.2 m
0.8 m
0.3 m
1.) Determine the maximum net pile loads.
0.3 m 0.8m 0.8m 0.3 m
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x = 0.8 - 2 = 0.6 m
Design moment:
Mu = 3R(0.6) = 3(124.17)(0.6)
Mu = 223.51 kN-m
Reinforcement index:
Mu = ∅ fc’ b d2 w (1 – 0.59w)
223.51x106 = (0.9)(20.7)(2200)(400)2
w (1-0.59w) = 0.034083
0.59w – w + 0.034083 = 0
w = 0.034797
wfc ' (0.034797)(20.7)
⍴ = fy = = 0.001801
1.4 1.4
⍴min = fy = 400 = 0.0035
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1.) Find the ultimate punching shear stress
at pile cap A.
2.) Find the ultimate beam shear stress at
pile cap A.
3.) Find the max. design moment for pile
cap B.
Two interior columns individually on pile 1.) Ultimate punching shear stress at
caps that are interconnected by a grade pile cap A.
beam as shown. Distance from centreline ∑MA = 0
to centreline of columns is 5 m. Location of
pile cap B is due to mislocated piles. Pile R2(4.55) = 5020(5)
cap B is designed by assuming that the
loads are equally distributed to each pile R2 = 5516.48 kN
within the pile cap. R1 + R2 = 4160 + 5020
Dimension of column = 400 mm x 400 mm R1 = 4160 + 5020 – 5516.48
Capacity of piles = 1000 Kn R1 = 3663.52 kN
Effective depth of pile cap = 1000 mm 3663.52
Ultimate load on each pile = 5
fc’ = 34.6 MPa, fy = 414 MPa
= 732.704 kN < 1000 kN
0.3 0.450.450.3
2m 0.4 2m
2m 3m
R1 4.55 m R2
Pile cap A Pile cap B
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3.0 0.4
1400 1400
Vu = 4(732.704) = 2930.816 kN
Vu 2930816
υp = ∅ b d = (0.75)(1400)(4 )(1000) = 0.70 MPa
M = 3P(0.7)
υp = 0.70 MPa < √ = 1.96 MPa (safe) 6P = R2
0.4 2m
Vu = (2)(732.704) = 1465.408 kN
Vu 1465408
υp = = (0.75)(2000)(1000) = 0.98 MPa
∅ bd
υp = 0.98 MPa ≈ √ = 0.98 MPa (safe)
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coefficient of friction at the base = 0.57.
Neglect passive earth pressure at the toe.
2.) Calculate the maximum design moment
Mu, at the stem of the wall.
3.) Calculate the spacing of 20 mm ∅ bars
required at the stem of the wall. Use 85
mm cover to the centroid of stem
1.8 m W1 W2
0.6 W3 6m
0.5 m 0.7 m 5.4/3 W4
3m =1.8m
0.6 0.3 m
1.8 m 0.5 m 0.7 m
fc’ = 24 MPa, 3m
fy = 414 MPa, Consider 1m strip of wall
Soil unit weight = 18.2 kN/m3,
Concrete unit weight = 23.544 kN/m3, Dead loads:
Active earth pressure coefficient = 1/3 W1 = (18.2)(5.4)(1.8) = 176.904 kN
The required strength of the wall, W2 = (23.544)(5.4)(0.2) = 25.428 kN
U = 0.7 D + 1.7 E
where D is dead load and E is earth 1
W3 = 2 (23.544)(5.4)(0.3) = 19.071 kN
pressure. Consider per meter strip of wall
along its length. W4 = (23.544)(0.6)(3) = 42.379 kN
1.) Calculate the factor of safety against Ry = W 1 + W 2 + W 3 + W 4
sliding of the retaining wall. Consider
Ry = 176.904 + 25.428 + 19.071 + 42.379
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Ry = 263.782 kN wfc ' (0.07618)(24)
⍴ = fy = = 0.004416
1 2
γ s C h2 (18.2)( )(6)
P= = 3 = 109.2 kN
2 2
1.4 1.4
⍴min = fy = 414 = 0.003382
Factor of safety against sliding:
μ R y (0.57)(263.782)
F.S. = = = 1.38
P 109.2
Use ⍴ = 0.004416
2.) Max. design moment Mu, at the stem of
the wall.
1 2
As = ⍴ b d = 0.004416 (1000)(415)
γ s C h2 (18.2)( )(5.4)
P= = 3 = 88.45 kN/m
2 2
As = 1832.64 mm2
h 5.4
M = P ( 3 ) = 88.45 ( 3 ) = 159.21 kN-m
Mu = M (0.7 D + 1.7 E)
Using 20 mm ∅ bars required:
Mu = 159.21(0.7(0) + 1.7(1)) 1000
N = S (no. of bars)
Mu = 270.66 kN-m
3.) Spacing of 20 mm ∅ bars main (20)2N = 1832.64
vertical reinforcement of the stem. Use
85 mm cover to the centroid of stem π 2 1000
(20) ( ) = 1832.64
reinforcement. Consider 1 m strip of 4 S
wall. S = 171.42 mm say 150 mm
Effective depth of stem: Use spacing 150 mm o.c.
d = 500 – 85 = 415 mm
Reinforcement index:
Mu = ∅ fc’ b d2 w (1 – 0.59w)
270.66x106 = (0.9)(24)(1000)(415)2 w(1-
w (1-0.59w) = 0.07276
0.59w – w + 0.07276 = 0
w = 0.07618
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