Internal Issues: (Context of The Organization)
Internal Issues: (Context of The Organization)
Internal Issues: (Context of The Organization)
Customer satisfaction, repeat business Customer On time delivery performance is added as a KPI of PPC process, so
1 PPC KPI data On time delivery performance to customers is good 9 Weekly 8 72 that it can be monitored and sustained. PPC monitors the data and PPC Regular Completed
from customer satisfaction/delight
takes necessary actions wherever required.
Customer satisfaction, repeat business Gain of business/ Business Customer PPM is added as a KPI of QA/QC process, so that it can be
2 QA/QC KPI data Customer PPM is low (within target) 10 Once a year 3 30 monitored and sustained. QA/QC monitors the data and takes QA/QC Regular Completed
from customer Sustenance
necessary actions wherever required.
Helping in reduction of once a Inhouse PPM is added as a KPI of production process, so that it can
3 QA/QC KPI data Inhouse PPM is low (within target) Less financial losses 5 5 25 be monitored and sustained. Production monitors the data and QA/QC Regular Completed
financial losses month
takes necessary actions wherever required.
4 QA/QC meetings Documentation is well maintained Compliance to standard Easy to manage system 2 Daily 9 18 To be maintained QA/QC Regular Completed
Internal Able to meet quality objectives, targets, Helps to maintain proces once a To be maintained, initiatives to be taken such as Kaizen in particular
5 QA/QC meetings Competent people achieve improvement effectiveness 4 month 5 20 areas. QA/QC Regular Started
2 HR meetings / Training needs identification system not effective 1. Incompetence 2 3 6 …………. ………….. ………….. …………..
Mgt. Review 2. Noncompliance to QMS requirements Failure to meet QMS
requirements Once a year
Customer May cause failure to
3 Marketing satisfaction Customer satisfaction not being monitored timely and Noncompliance to QMS requirements maintain process 4 Once a 4 16 Customer satisfaction has been added as a KPI of Marketing Marketing 3/18/2018 Pending
surveys no actions are taken for improvement effectiveness quarter process. And being reviewed in Management review.
* Above "50", action to be taken - to reduce the risk / to utilize the opportunity
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Impact Probability of
Sr. Level / Source Strength Opportunities Impact Total
Rating Probability opportunity Weightage Action Planned / taken* Resp. Target date Status
No. Process (To be monitored)
(1-10) (1-10)
Impact Rating
Impact Risk Opportunity Rating
10 Legal requirement not met Gain of business/ Business Sustenance 10
9 Safety risk to customer Customer satisfaction/delight 9
8 Quality/delivery risk to customer Good quality, delivery performance 8
7 May cause loss of business Highly effective system 7
6 Noncompliance to customer requirements Employee empowerment 6
5 Complete breakdown of system Helping in reduction of financial losses 5
4 May cause failure to maintain process effectiveness Helps to maintain proces effectiveness 4
3 May cause failure to maintain process efficiency Helps to maintain proces efficiency 3
2 Failure to meet QMS requirements Easy to manage system 2
1 Difficult to manage system Good work environment 1
Occurrence rating
Occurrence Reference Rating
10 > 1 time/day 10
9 Daily 9
8 Weekly 8
7 Once in 10 days 7
6 Once a fortnight 6
5 once a month 5
4 Once a quarter 4
3 Once a year 3
2 Once in 2 years 2
1 Once in 5 years or more 1
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