EHS Audit Checklist
EHS Audit Checklist
EHS Audit Checklist
4.2(F) Is the policy available to the public? Available upon request, and
posted in front office
4.2(G) Ask associates what the policy is or at Reviewed with: Plus targets, objectives
least where it is located for reference.
4.3.1(C) Have all aspect been identified? Yes, both significant and
4.3.1(D) Are there any new processes since the Yes, cardboard recycling Check on any others since then
last audit? EMS-CP-007 dated 3/01/04 Rev.0
4.3.3(A) Are targets and objectives established Yes, EMS-OT-001 & 002
and documented?
4.3.3(B) Are associates familiar with the targets Yes, targets and objectives are posted
and objectives?
4.3.3(C) Are objectives and targets consistent Yes, consistent with policy Rec'd. award from Honda
with the environmental policy and the EMS-OT-002 "Honda America Award for
commitment to pollution prevention? Green Partnership"
4.3.4(A) Do programs have time frames and Yes, EMS-EMP-000 & EMS-EMP-001-008
designation of responsibility
4.4.1(D) Does management provide resources Yes, EHS Administrator, JEHSC, and
for the implementation and control equipment and supplies
of the EMS?
4.4.2(A) Have the associates received the Yes, Training records available Todd has records
proper training? EMS-TAC-001
4.4.6(A) Are there documented procedures for Yes, EMS-OCP-000 & EMS-ML-OCP
operational control?
4.4.6(B) Are the associates aware of the Yes, EMS-OCP-001 thru 029
operational procedures?
4.4.7(A) Are all tests up to date? Yes, EMS-EPP-000 & 005 Fire drill
EMS-EPP-006 Spill Test
4.4.7(B) Are there procedures for the tests? Yes, EMS-EPP-000 & 005 Fire drill
EMS-EPP-006 Spill Test
4.5.1(A) Have the monthly JEHSC audits been Current thru date____________ JEHSC meeting minutes posted as of
conducted? Date_____________
4.5.1(B) Has data been recorded to track Yes, records retained by EHS Admin.
4.5.1(C) Are there procedures to monitor and Aspects Monitoring & measuring
measure key characteristics of EMS-MM-001 & 002
significant environmental aspects?
4.6(A) Do Management Reviews address Yes at each review, none required thus far
possible needs to make program
Also reviewed
Evacuation Plan Plan in EHS Handbook
Emergency Call List Plan in EHS Handbook and posted in various locations in plant