Language Arts Year 4 Module 6 Getting Around

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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 Ibnu Sina

Enrolment : 30 pupils

Date/Day : 29th September 2020 (Tuesday)

Time : 10:30 am – 11:30 am (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Getting Around (Module 6)

Focused Skill : Language Arts

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are familiar with some vocabulary of time.

Language/Grammar Focus : Prepositions

Content Standard : Main skill: Language Arts

5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts

Complementary skill: Listening

1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts

Learning Standard : Main skill: Language Arts

5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating

simple picture stories, simple poems and cartoon stories

Other imaginative responses as appropriate

Complementary skill: Listening

1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
provided by knowledge of the topic

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. write their suitable answer on their mini whiteboard

2. write the simple description of the time to complete the
‘What Time Is It?’ flipbook template (individually).

Vocabulary : minutes, arrive, leave, in the morning, hours

Cross Curriculum Elements : Thinking skills

Educational Emphases:

i) Moral Values : appreciate time

ii) Thinking Skills : analysing, generating ideas, evaluating, applying

iii) Multiple Intelligences : visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, intrapersonal, bodily-


iv) Entrepreneurship : responsibility, diligence

Resources/Teaching Aids : Clock, flashcards of minutes and hours, tack-it, hula hoop,
mini whiteboard, marker, Lucky Box, ‘What Time Is It?’ flipbook
template, clock template, expected answer hand-out.

Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

Arousing pupils’ interests I. shows a real clock Preparation Phase
through a clock. to the pupils.

II. asks the pupils to
Example of the questions: show their watch
- What colour is it? (if they wear it). Materials:
Set Induction (black) III. asks some - clock
(5 minutes) - Do you know how to questions about
read it? the clock. HOTS:
(yes/no) IV. highlights today’s - Analysis
- How many numbers lesson.
in this clock?
(number 1 to 12)
Introducing the contents of I. uses a hula hoop Imagination Phase
lesson and focusing on the as a circle and
hours and minutes of the pastes the PAK 21: Discussion
clock. numbers of 1 to 12
around the hoop HOTS:
(indicating a clock) - Analysis
Presentation Example of flashcards: on the board. - Generating
(15 minutes) II. pastes several ideas
flashcards of the
minutes number Multiple intelligences:

(from 5 to 60) - Intrapersonal

- Visual-spatial
besides the hour
- Bodily-
numbers (1 to 12).
III. gives one flashcard
of minutes number
to a few pupils and
asks them to paste
it at the correct
place on the hula
hoop clock.
- Flashcards of
IV. teaches pupils on
minutes and
how to read the
clock using the
- Tack
hula hoop clock.
V. emphasises the
- Hula hoop
vocabulary of time.

Indicator: circle flashcard

indicates hour number
meanwhile square flashcard
indicates minutes number.

Encouraging pupils’ 1. Pupils are given Development Phase

participation through one mini
Question-and-Answer whiteboard and a PAK 21
challenge. marker. - Conveying
2. Teacher chooses a progress
few pupils through
Example of the questions:
Practice - What time is it? app to pick a Materials:
(15 minutes) - When do you go to question card in a - Mini
the recess? Lucky Box. whiteboard
- What time do you go 3. Teacher reads the - Marker
to the school? question card and - Lucky Box
pupils have to write (lists of
their answer on question card)
their mini
whiteboard. Multiple intelligence:
4. Pupils have to Intrapersonal
raise their mini Verbal-linguistic
whiteboard so
teacher can see
their answer. Assessment for
5. Teacher discusses learning objective (1)
the answers with
the pupils. HOTS:

Assessing what pupils have 1. Teacher shows a Action Phase

learnt by making a flipbook. SAMPLE
sample of ‘What - Implementation
Time Is It?’ flipbook - Continuous
Example of the ‘What Time to the pupils. practice
Is It?’ flipbook: 2. Pupils get one
‘What Time Is It?’
flipbook template,
Production clock template, and
(20 minutes) an expected
answer hand-out.
3. Pupils have to
make their own
flipbook using the
materials gave by
the teacher. HOTS:
4. Pupils paste the - applying
clock template on - evaluating
the flipbook and
write a simple
Example of the clock
description of the Assessment for
template: time by referring to learning objective (2)
the hand-out given.
5. Teacher guides the Materials:
pupils to complete
the task. - ‘What Time Is
It?’ flipbook
- clock template
- expected
answer hand-
Example of the hand-out: out


Conducting question and 1. Teacher asks the

answer session to pupils about what
summarise and recap the they have learnt
lesson. today.
2. Pupils volunteer to
show their
Closure completed flipbook
(5 minutes) to their friends in
front of the class.
3. Teacher highlights
the topic and
recaps the lesson.





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