NHA News Summer 2004
NHA News Summer 2004
NHA News Summer 2004
UnstBenewaHe tnctgy
was primarily used for heating and trans-
By RossCazey,ExecutiveCommittee,Shetland
portation. During severewinter weather,
Renewsble EnergrForumandTbchnical Advise7
where wind chill penetratesevenwell-insu-
PURE Proiect
lated buildings,the cost of heatingrisessig-
Two hundred miles north of the Scot- n i f i c a n t l y . T h e h e a v y d e m a n d o n
landmainlandthe residentsin the Shetland transportationenergyis typical of many re-
Islandsare alreadyexperiencingthe future mote communities but its costs are com-
realitiesof energyprices.In Unst,the most poundedby the high fuel price (recordedat The wind turbine towers arrive in Unst.
northerly island in the United Kingdom, a US$6.32a gallonat the time ofwriting).
dedicatedteam of local visionarieshave A recent study compiled by Garrad amount ofstorage to providea guaranteed
worked together with global expertsto as- Hassan& Partners.Ltd.. has shown the net supply.
sessthe abilityof alternativeenergysystems load factor output recorded from the five It was realizedat an earlystagethat hy-
to deliver not only electricity,but also the existingcommercialwind turbinesin Shet- drogentechnologycould providean energy
fuel of the future-hydrogen. land to be over 50 percent.This makesthe storagemediumand load-managing mecha-
wind resourcein Shetlandamongthe bestin nismfor the surplusenergyproducedby the
Europeif not the world, but its intermittent wind turbinesin periodsof low consump-
and unpredictablenature meansthat it re- tion. The storedhydrogencanthen be used
quiresa significantamount of load manage- as and when required,either for re-conver-
ment and energystoragein orderto provide sion to electricityvia a fuel cell to balance
a dependableenergysupply.The limitations the output from the energysystemor used
of the isolatedShetlandelectricitynetwork directly as fuel for heating and transporta-
meanthat the Distributionand NetworkOp- tion in much the sameway as LPCor gaso-
erator cannot accommodateany more firm line.
connectionsfrom renewablesources.This
has meant that, for the foreseeablefuture, PUItlleueloImcnt
any renewableenergyprojectswithin Shet- I conceivedthe concept of the PURE
The wind turbine nacellesarrivein the land must either be developedas an ofgrid project earlyin 2002.After growing up on a
(continuedonpage 15)
northernShetlandlslandsin Scotland. system,or must incorporate a substantial
P r o m o t i n g U n s t R e n e w a b l eE n e r g y
(PURE) is a pilot projectthat will demonstrate
how wind power and hydrogentechnology
canbe combinedto providethe energyneeds
for five businessunits in a remote rural in-
dustrial estate. As the first community-
owned renewableenergysystemof its kind
to achievefunding anywherein Europe,it
representsan importantmilestonein the de-
velopmentof greenenergysystems.
Beingthe most northerlyislandin the
U.K.,Unstis effectivelyat the end of the sup-
ply chainfor all externallyproducedcom-
m o d i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g e n e r g y .A n e n e r g y
b a l a n c es t u d y r e c e n t l y c o n d u c t e d o n
Shetland'sthree most northerlyislands-
Unst,Yell,and Fetlar-highlighted that within
Unstmorethan 50 percentofthe residents
spend approximately20 percent of their
At a careersworkshop,
that hydrogenffirs.
householdincomeson energy.This energy
(continued from page 14)
small farm in the north of Unst, I gained
a n a p p r e c i a t i o nf o r t h e e n e r g yp r e s e n ti n
the natural environment from a very early
age. After graduating in Electronic and
Electrical Engineeringfrom the Robert
Gordon Universityin 2001 in Aberdeen,
Scotland, I looked for ways in which I
could apply the knowledge I gained dur-
ing the degree course to do something
b a c kh o m e i n U n s t .
I brought to the local community de-
velopment agency,the Unst Partnership,
my vision of producing locallyan alterna-
tive to fossil fuels from renewableenergy,
which emits no carbon.The Unst Partner-
s h i p M a n a g e rS a n d y M a c a u l a ys a w t h e
project as helpingto addresssome ofthe
p r i n c i p a ld e v e l o p m e n at s p i r a t i o n so f t h e
community. In laying the foundations in
Unstofan embryonichydrogeneconomy,
The PURE projectwill combinewindpowerand hydrogentechnolog)/to provide
the energyneeds unitsin a remoterural industrial estatein Unst.
for five business