Ocean Energy Explanation Text Done and Done
Ocean Energy Explanation Text Done and Done
Ocean Energy Explanation Text Done and Done
Explanation Text
By: Rana Sumerler
Ocean energy is a source of renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy that you can keep using like solar energy; you can never run out of the sun. Ocean energy is a powerful source of energy and will never run out.
This is an under-water fan to make waves for the ocean energy to work.
Diagram to show how waves make compressed air that makes the turbine spin.
Ocean energy is caused because of wind and the gravitational forces of the moon. The wind impacts on the surface of water and its waves to be generated. Because of the gravitational forces of the moon it creates tides to make energy from the ocean.
The moon and surface of the water is making waves for ocean energy.
Why does ocean energy not power as much houses as fossil fuels do?
Our oceans, tides and waves have been going on for years. Scientists from around the globe are currently trying to figure out the best way to harness ocean energy. With the push towards clean, renewable sources of power and growing concern about climate change, fresh attention is being focused on the enormous power potential of the world oceans. Right now fossil fuels have not run out, so the world is now more about fossil fuels.
Renewable energy (Book) www.renewableenergyworld.com www.ask.com www.en.wikipedia.org www.alternative-energy-news.info www.takepart.com www.energyquest.ca.gov www.enviorment.about.com www.conserve-energy-future.com www.ourworld.unu.edu www.windows.state.tx.us www.altenenergy.org
The ocean can save us money because the barrages are cheap.