Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Production
Nam : Rajvee Sing
Clas : 12
Rol Numbe : 32
Subjec : Chemistr
futur .
s ste use ).
xyge constituent .
processe .
H o I Hydroge
Produce ?
Americ an Asi .
Anothe sourc whic i envisage t b exploite t generat hydroge i coa .
Theworl coa productio i expecte t doubl betwee 2000 an 2030, wit signif -
thi resourc generate appr ximatel twic a muc CO2 pe amoun of hydr -
CO2 sequestratio metho wil enabl coa t pla significan rol i hydroge
Generatio .
Coa i viabl optio fo producin hydroge i ver larg , centralize plant , onc th
conve tin coa int hydroge ar availabl fro severa licenso . I additio , th c st of
tha facto of fou i orde t mee th 2050 hydroge deman [2]. I shoul b
dus , biodive sit impact , wast pile , abandone mine , et ., whic remai t b
Considere .
plan o othe plac of us . Bul coa transpo tatio occu b railwa , truck ar
consume i powe plant locate nea coa mine t avoi lon -distanc transpo t -
tio . Mor tha 60% of th coa use fo powe generatio worldwid ar consume
energ basi , coa combustio produce 80% mor CO2 tha th combustio of
natura ga an 20% mor tha residua fue oi whic i anothe widel use
larg lan area bein neede . Sinc nuclea reacto ar b natur ver conce -
Simila t coa -base hydroge plant , nuclea hydroge plant wil requir hydroge
nuclea hydroge plant wer fi s use t suppl hydroge t larg industria use ,
o synfue plant . I thi cas , hydroge fro nuclea plant woul replac hydroge
energ coul b use toda . I fac , sinc nuclea energ currentl supplie signif -
compare t othe
carryin charge ) i les tha 2.0 cent pe kilowat -hou , whic i abou th sam
capita c s .
metho woul b expensiv compare t curren transpo tatio fuel , nuclea plant
advance nuclea reacto t produc hydroge fro wate . Thes advance reacto
nuclea fue , the ar passivel saf , meanin tha natura force ar s fficien t
runawa reactio . H eliu -coole nuclea reacto operat a ver hig tempe -
Reacto .
soli xid fue cel technolog . Sinc th electrolyze operat a hig temperatur
increase t 45–50%.
ge fro wate a muc lowe temperatur tha direc therma decomp sitio of
wate . Al th proces chemical ar full recycle , an th onl consumabl i w -
men activitie wer stoppe a nuclea powe fel ou of favo . Ove 200 cycle
tur , althoug man hav bee foun t b unworkabl , t hav parasiti sid rea -
cycl technolog stil i i relativel earl stag , an onl fe cycle hav bee
recycle withou an routin releas of ffluent . Figur 2.10 sho simpl schemati
representatio of th proces .
A complet laborator -scal s ste of th S-I cycl ha bee operate succes -
A laborator -scal S-I cycl tes loo workin unde prototypica pressur an te -
sam hig -temperatur sulfuri aci decomp sitio ste a th S-I cycl t for su -
H2 SO4 ⇔ SO2 + H2 O + O2
cel potentia fo electrol si . Wherea direc electrol si of wate ha reve sibl cel
potentia of 1.23 volt a 25◦ C , th reve sibl potentia fo SO2 anod -depolarize
fficienc of conve tin nuclea hea int hydroge . Estimate fo matur , larg ce -
cation ove th pas decade . Curren electrol si technologie ar divide int tw basi
categorie :
Progra .
A proto exchang membran (PEM ) electrolyze literall i PEM fue
membran , wher the recombin wit electron t for hydroge atom . Hydroge
strea . Thi hydroge i extracte readil fro th wate , whe i i directe int
separatin chambe .
I histor KOH s stem wer use i large -scal application tha PEM s -
cel mod , hav highe fficienc a lowe curren densit . Ther i 1:1 rel -
c st pe uni hydroge produce . Cel stac fficiencie dro t 75% whe curren
produce hydroge a rat of 480 k /da o 20 k /hou . Thi plan woul b abl
59%. Toda , plan of thi scal woul consis of soli polyme electrolyze onl .
comparabl scal .
c s of s ste o thi scal woul b aroun 2.5 millio US$. Sinc i i antic -
pate tha electrol si technolog scale wit a 85% facto , smalle -scal s stem ,
$6.50/k of H2 produce .
vice an th onl inpu t th proces othe tha electricit i pur wate . H oweve ,
accoun . A state previousl , electrol si claim t creat pat fo conve tin renewabl
powe int fue . Th lo capacit facto of renewable (othe tha geotherma an hydr
powe ), howeve , wil mak a economi al -renewable cas ver d fficul t impl -
po tfoli of energ resource use t suppl electri powe wil chang i th futur ,
Farm .
Recen technica advance mad win turbine mor controllabl an gri -
t reduc c st .
80%, fro abou 38 cent /kW i th earl 1980 t curren valu fo goo win
win -generate electricit lowe thi c s t belo 3 cent /kW a th bes win
No .
win turbine wil decreas t 4 cent /kW (includin transmissio c st ). Thi assumptio
capacit facto of 40%. Th expectatio i tha win turbin desig wil b refine an
economie of scal wil accru . Whil thes value ca b considere optimisti [21], othe
predic eve lowe value , give successfu technolog advancemen an suppo tiv polic co -
dition .
Thi mean tha win powe ca generat hydroge a lowe c st tha an of th othe
renewabl option availabl toda . Sinc hydroge fro win energ ca b produce cl s t
wher i wil b use , ther wil b clea rol fo i t pla i th earl yea of hydroge
gri backu , bu i i als associate wit CO2 emission fro wha woul othe -
trolyze an of win turbin -generate electricit , thi optio no i les c stl tha
usin smalle electrolyze an purchasin gri -supplie electricit whe th win
sume wit hig fficienc b highl integrate s ste tha aggregate suppl
an deman . Win powe benefit fro thi leve of aggregatio of thi s ste .
Numerou utilit studie hav indicate tha win ca b a sorbe readil int a
deman .
unde standin of thes s ste integratio issue . Th degre t whic gri compat -
bilit an integratio wil influenc th futur hydroge productio fro win need
t b be e unde stoo .
3. Hydroge fro Sola Energ
tiona securit .
mor , thi intermi en availabilit mean tha 4 t 6 time mor sola module hav
t b installe tha th pea wat ratin woul dictat . Thi intermi enc als i -
lif cycl of th sola cel . Suc question hav bee raise i th contex
of cadmiu -containin sola cell , an publi perceptio i suc case wil pla
ke rol .
highe tha if f ssi fuel wer use . Th ke t sola energ t b use o larg
competitiv c s .
leadin t highe dep sitio rate a moderat pressure ar bein develope [32].
prolon th modul ’ lif spa . Robus dep sitio technique wil increas th yiel
fro give typ of equipmen . Inlin detectio an contro method wil hel t
reduc th c s .
muc belo $1/W . Worl -clas plant wit economie of scal wil fu the
fro sola cell . Thes c s reduction wil b pa ticularl valuabl fo sola cel
c s of th hydroge produce .
fo sola t pla dominan rol i th hydroge econom i th lon ter , i canno rel o
Thi ligh energ i use a a fficienc of abou 70% b th phot syntheti reactio cente
an conve te int chemica energ , whic i conve te fu the int gluc s a th primar
CO2 fixatio en produc a a fficienc of abou 30%. Of thi energ , abou 40%
Commo biomas collecte fro natura ec s stem contain abou 0.4% of th primar
incomin energ onl . Althoug highe yield (i th 1 t 5% rang ) hav bee repo te fo
(1) Primar biomas , suc a energ cro , includin switc gras , popla
cesse agricultura biomas , secondar whe derive fro foo , fibe -processin
biomas consist mainl of urba residue , sludg , energ cro , an woo an agr -
cultura residue .
A significan fractio of thi biomas , especiall fores residue , i alread use b directl
th yea 2050, 112 millio H2 woul b require annuall . Considerin thi deman an th
competin demand fo othe use of biomas , th currentl availabl biomas i ins fficien t
empirica dat .
limi energ cro farmin t state i th Midwes , Sout , Southeas , an Eas [36].
requir 41.8 millio acre of cro lan , of whic abou 56% woul b fro currentl
use cro lan , 30% fro th CRP, an 13% fro idl cro lan an pastur . Th
alen t 7.6 millio H2 ) woul b produce o 19.4 millio acre of cro lan .
Thes 19.4 millio acre woul b mad u b abou 53% fro currentl use cro
lan , 42% fro th CRP, an 4% fro idl cro lan an pastur . Lan fro th
nari .
delivere biomas pric i th orde of $40 t $50/d , respectivel . Usin thes fee -
resul i highe price fo traditiona cro . Becaus of lan owne shi , managemen , an
cro establishmen , biomas productio b energ cro productio wil b mor expensiv tha
productio fro biomas competitiv i suc region i th sho ter . I lon -ter