Design and Sizing Characteristics of A Solar Thermal Power Plant With Parabolic Trough Collectors For A Typical Site in Palestine
Design and Sizing Characteristics of A Solar Thermal Power Plant With Parabolic Trough Collectors For A Typical Site in Palestine
Design and Sizing Characteristics of A Solar Thermal Power Plant With Parabolic Trough Collectors For A Typical Site in Palestine
Abstract. The concentrated solar power (CSP) The Electrical Energy in Palestine represents about 31% of
technology has been implemented in some countries and total energy consumed. The available electrical energy is
proved good effectiveness. Palestine has enormous insufficient to cover the needs of the local market especially
potential in solar energy which makes CSP technology one the growth in electricity consumption reaches about 7%. High
of the feasible options to mitigate the crisis of electricity tariff imposed from the IEC compared with neighbor countries
shortage and reduce the dependability on Israeli Electric and no purchase agreement with IEC. Gaza power plant
Company. suffers from continuous interruptions as the diesel is not
available all the time [1, 2].
The main objective of this research is to perform a design and
sizing of solar thermal power plant with parabolic trough The world interest in the alternative clean energies sources
collectors (PTC) without storage system for Jericho region in has been increased due to the rising up in energy consumption,
Palestine. This site is proposed due to larger area of land environmental issues, and also due to the predicted depletion
availability and its closeness to national grid. of the conventional energy sources in the near future.
The initial nominal power demand of the proposed solar thermal
plant is 10 MWe functioning in a Rankine cycle using Therminol The generation using clean, secure, reliable, and affordable
VP1 thermal oil (HTF) as working fluid. The average monthly renewable energy sources can assist countries to meet their
power of the designed plant is 9.98 MW. The capacity factor of sustainable development goals. An integration of existing
the proposed power plant comes out to be 36%. The design power plants with renewable energy such as wind and solar
comprises 20 collector loops with 4 parabolic trough collectors sources is going to be considered as a new strategy should be
(PTC) per loop. applied in the upcoming years.
Economic analysis is conducted: The levelized cost of electricity
Palestine has a high solar thermal energy potential which is
generation by the proposed solar thermal power plant (LCOE) is
around 5.46 kWh/ and the main solar thermal
found to be 0.16 $/kWh. The annual electricity generation is
about 31.5 GWh and the capital recovery factor is 0.106. applications is water heating, space heating, crop and
vegetable drying and green house agriculture.
Keywords—direct normal irradiance (DNI), concentrated solar
power, parabolic trough collector (PTC), solar thermal power (STP) Utilizing renewable energy for electricity generation is the
and Economic analysis. main motivation behind making Palestinian Renewable
Energy Strategy by PEA. The objective of this strategy is to o
I. INTRODUCTION generate 240 GWh electricity from renewable energy sources
RES which represents about 10% of electrical energy demand
Palestine is suffering from severe shortage of conventional by 2020[3].
energy sources, this powers the growing interest to generate
Utilizing concentrated solar thermal power (CSP)
electric power from green energies. Palestine buys all of its
technology is considered in renewable energy RE strategy
needs of fossil fuels from Israel and imports about 90% of its
which represents about 15% (20MW) from the predicted
electricity demand from Israel Electricity Company (IEC).
generated power [3].
The only Palestinian electricity production is from the Gaza
Worldwide CSP technology has attracted researchers and
power plant, with 140 MW of production total capacity which
utilities which in role participates in increasing public and
covers a part of Gaza city and other surrounding areas [1].
private initiatives towards furthering researches in the field of
Palestinian Energy Authority PEA signed two agreements
CSP and CSP projects implementation [4, 5].
with Egypt and Jordan to supply Rafah (south of Gaza) by 33
kV overhead 17 MW and to supply Jericho in the West Bank
Pilot plants and projects have been installed in many
by 33 kV overhead 20 MW, respectively [2].
countries and now CSP is a well-known and reliable
technology, although new CSP technologies and large power
plants are being experimented [6].
It is located 230 m below sea level. Jericho is an attractive
The CSP systems make use of concentrating mirrors to place because of constant sunshine and abundant water from
collect the sunlight as heat. This collected heat raises the the spring. The average annual temperature in Jericho is nearly
temperature of a working fluid significantly high. A to 23°C. The average temperature in January is 13.9°C and in
conventional thermal power block extracts the heat from July about 30.2°C [8].
working fluid and drives a steam engine [7]. The site selection for constructing a Parabolic Trough Solar
Collector (PTSC) is subjected to some essential requirements
Three main types of CSP plant technology were developed which must be fulfilled in order to ensure the economic power
and commercialized so far, can be identified [7]: Troughs, generation [9-13]:
Towers and Dishes. Among them Parabolic Trough Solar The direct normal irradiation (DNI) should be greater than
Collector (PTSC) is currently the most proven solar thermal 1900 kWh/m2/year (5.2 kWh/m2/day) and wind speed
should be less than 15.64 m/s which is applied to Jericho
electric technology.
that has an annual direct normal radiation 2071
kWh/m /year [8] and annual wind speed 1.25 m/s [14]. The
This paper presents design and sizing characteristics of a support structure of solar collector assembly is designed to
grid connected solar thermal power plant with parabolic withstand certain wind load.
trough collectors for a typical site in Palestine with a net
capacity of 10 MW. Jericho city is selected due to larger area To get maximum incident solar radiation, one axis sun
of land availability and because it is a deserted flat land tracking mechanism should be used.
located in the vicinity of the main Jericho's electrical Flat land with an overall slope of less than 1 - 3%. Jericho
substation. is considered one of flat areas in Palestine with slope
inclination 1.4 %.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the Availability of convenient grid connection, this is applied
selected site data and characteristics. The description of solar in the proposed site as it is close to the general grid of
thermal power plant is addressed in Section 3. Section 4 Jericho city.[2]
discusses the design and sizing of a solar field of the
cylindrical parabolic collector. The pipes layout is addressed The proposed site in Jericho province has enough water
in section 5. Section 6 discusses the financial evaluation of resources and good transportation facilities.
CSP technologies; and finally the conclusion of the study is Availability of back up fuel.
addressed in Section 7.
Palestine lies on the western edge of the Asian continent and
the eastern extremity of the Mediterranean Sea, between Great resemblance between conventional fossil-fuel power
34º20’– 35º30’ E and 31º10’– 32º30’ N. Palestine’s elevation plant and solar thermal power plant (STPP), the main
ranges from 300 m below sea level in the Jordan Valley, to sea difference is in heat generation method. Conventional power
level along the Gaza Strip seashore, reaching 1000 m above sea generation uses the heat source from burning the fossil fuels
level in some locations in West Bank. while STPP uses radiant energy from the sun. A description of
STPP is illustrated in Figure 2.
The location of the proposed concentrated solar thermal
power plant is Jericho city which considered one of the main
provinces of Palestine. Jericho city is located near the Jordan
River as shown in Figure 1 in the West Bank.