United States Patent: Negley Et Al. Nov. 15, 2011

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,057,070 B2

Negley et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 15, 2011
DEVICES D417,305 S 11, 1999 Pahl
D417.306 S 11, 1999 Pahl
D417,307 S 11, 1999 Pahl
(75) Inventors: Gerald H. Negley, Durham, NC (US); D417,746 S 12, 1999 Pahl
Antony Paul Van De Ven, Hong Kong D417,747 S 12, 1999 Pahl
(CN); Wai Kwan Chan, Hong Kong 6,076,936 A 6/2000 George
(CN); Paul Kenneth Pickard, 6,082,870 A 7/2000 George
6,095,671 A 8, 2000 Hutain
Morrisville, NC (US); Peter Jay Myers,
Raleigh, NC (US) (Continued)
(73) Assignee: Cree, Inc., Durham, NC (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
DE 299 21 156 5, 2000
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 375 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS

(21) Appl. No.: 11/947,392 Machine Translation of Erco EP 1722158.

(22) Filed: Nov. 29, 2007 (Continued)

(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Evan Dzierzynski
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Burr & Brown
US 2008/O13O298 A1 Jun. 5, 2008
Related U.S. Application Data A lighting device, comprising a light engine housing, a light
(60) Provisional application No. 60/861,824, filed on Nov. engine comprising one or more solid state light emitters, a
30, 2006, provisional application No. 60/916,664, diffuser and an energy forwarding element which receives AC
filed on May 8, 2007. Voltage and Supplies power to the light engine. The light
engine housing comprises an electrical connection region
(51) Int. Cl. which is engageable with an electricity Supply device. The
F2IV 29/00 (2006.01) light engine housing comprises a first compartment, in which
(52) U.S. Cl. ......... 362/294; 362/373; 362/362; 362/364 the light engine is positioned and a second compartment. The
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 362/294, light engine housing comprises a flange region. The first
362/373 compartment has an opening which is covered by the diffuser.
See application file for complete search history. The lighting device can be mounted Such the only elements
which are visible from a room are the flange region, a front
(56) References Cited side of the diffuser and any portion of the first compartment
which is between the opening and the open end of the light
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS engine housing. The light engine housing can comprise heat
4,388,677 A 6, 1983 Druffel dissipating fins.
5,850,126 A 12/1998 Kanbar
5,934,788 A 8, 1999 Wolfe 27 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets


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U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,057,070 B2

co S.

US 8,057,070 B2
1. 2
SELF-BALLASTED SOLID STATE LIGHTING securely, in which the lighting device dissipates heat more
DEVICES effectively, and/or which are more energy efficient.
While a well-designed solid state light emitter-based
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional recessed downlight can be seen to have many advantages over
Patent Application No. 60/861,824, filed Nov.30, 2006, the traditional lighting Solutions, in general, it still is only capable
entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference. of addressing newly constructed buildings, where a new type
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional 10
of light fixture can be substituted for a traditional one during
Patent Application No. 60/916,664, filed May 8, 2007, the rough-in. A more comprehensive solution would involve
entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference. incorporating the Solid state light emitters and associated
optics (replacing the traditional lamp or source), the power
FIELD OF THE INVENTION(S) supply (traditionally the ballast), the room viewable structure
The present inventive subject matter relates to integrated (traditionally the trim) and mechanical attachment and con
downlighting fixtures for solid state light emitters which nection means into a single structure downlight product that
include a light source/engine, an energy forwarding element, can replace any existing incandescent lamp in a traditional
and an electrical connector (e.g., for engagement with an
Edison socket) in a single structure. Such a solution is provided by the devices according to the
present inventive subject matter, whereby the user may either
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION(S) choose the solid state light emitter-based fixture at the time of
construction or for use with an existing installation, e.g., of
A large proportion (some estimates are as high as twenty traditional downlight “cans.” The present inventive subject
five percent) of the electricity generated in the United States 25 matter provides a “self-ballasted solid state light emitter
each year goes to lighting. Accordingly, there is an ongoing lighting device. As such, a homeowner, building owner or
need to provide lighting which is more energy-efficient. It is contractor need only remove the existing lamp and trim from
well-known that incandescent light bulbs are very energy a traditional recessed downlight and replace them with a
inefficient light Sources—about ninety percent of the electric device according to the present inventive Subject matter in
ity they consume is released as heat rather than light. Fluo 30 order to reduce energy consumption, upgrade the fixture aes
rescent light bulbs are more efficient than incandescent light thetics, and improve light distribution. In function, the
bulbs (by a factor of about 10) but are still less efficient than devices according to the present inventive subject matter act
Solid state light emitters, such as light emitting diodes. similarly to a self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamp,
In addition, as compared to the normal lifetimes of solid encouraging easy adoption by allowing the consumer to
state light emitters, e.g., light emitting diodes, incandescent 35 retain the existing traditional fixture structure and still attain
lightbulbs have relatively short lifetimes, i.e., typically about the benefits of the new technology.
750-1000 hours. In comparison, light emitting diodes, for Some devices according to the present inventive subject
example, have typical lifetimes between 50,000 and 70,000 matter require integration of the “trim' structure to transfer
hours. Fluorescent bulbs have longer lifetimes (e.g., 10,000 energy from the heat-sensitive solid State light emitters to the
20,000 hours) than incandescent lights, but provide less 40 outside environment; and thereby such devices provide for
favorable color reproduction. mechanical retention independent of the trim, as the tradi
Another issue faced by conventional light fixtures is the tional trim (which typically holds itself and the lamp in the
need to periodically replace the lighting devices (e.g., light can) cannot be reused with the device. This can be accom
bulbs, etc.). Such issues are particularly pronounced where plished, e.g., through the integral Edison connector to the
access is difficult (e.g., vaulted ceilings, bridges, high build 45 socket, if the Edison socket is hard-mounted in the traditional
ings, traffic tunnels) and/or where change-out costs are can fixture, or with a completely independent mechanical
extremely high. The typical lifetime of conventional fixtures structure that does not rely at all on the Edison socket for
is about 20 years, corresponding to a light-producing device structural support (see, e.g., FIGS. 1-5).
usage of at least about 44,000 hours (based on usage of 6 According to a first aspect of the present inventive subject
hours per day for 20 years). Light-producing device lifetime 50 matter, there is provided a lighting device, comprising:
is typically much shorter, thus creating the need for periodic a light engine housing:
change-outs. a light engine;
Accordingly, for these and other reasons, efforts have been a diffuser; and
ongoing to develop ways by which Solid state light emitters an energy forwarding element,
can be used in place of incandescent lights, fluorescent lights 55 the light engine housing comprising an electrical connec
and other light-generating devices in a wide variety of appli tion region, the electrical connection region being engageable
cations. In addition, where light emitting diodes (or other with an electricity Supply device,
Solid state light emitters) are already being used, efforts are the light engine housing comprising a first compartment
ongoing to provide light emitting diodes (or other solid state and a second compartment,
light emitters) which are improved, e.g., with respect to 60 the light engine housing comprising a plurality of heat
energy efficiency, color rendering index (CRI Ra), contrast, dissipating fins,
efficacy (lm/W), low cost, and/or duration of service. the light engine housing comprising a flange region which
In addition, there is an ongoing need to make lighting Surrounds an open end of the light engine housing,
devices, including lighting device comprising conventional the light engine being positioned within the first compart
light emitters (e.g., incandescent lightbulbs, fluorescent light 65 ment of the light engine housing,
bulbs, etc) and/or solid state light emitters, in which the the light engine comprising at least a first Solid state light
components of the lighting devices are held together more emitter,
US 8,057,070 B2
3 4
the energy forwarding element being positioned within the opening will pass through the diffuser and then through the
second compartment of the light engine housing, at least a open end of the light engine housing to exit from the light
first region of the energy forwarding element being electri engine housing,
cally connected to the electrical connection region, at least a whereby if the lighting device is mounted in a hole in a
second region of the energy forwarding element being elec structure Such that the flange region is on a first side of the
trically connected to the light engine, the energy forwarding structure and at least a portion of a back side of the flange
element comprising circuitry which, if power of an AC Volt region is in contact with a region of the first side of the
age is Supplied to the first region of the energy forwarding structure which surrounds the hole, and a remainder of the
element, Supplies energy to the light engine in a form Such light engine housing is on an opposite side of the hole relative
that the first solid state light emitter will emit light, 10
to the flange region, the only elements which would be visible
the first compartment having an opening which is covered within a field defined by an outer periphery of the flange
by the diffuser, whereby at least a portion of light emitted by portion of the light engine housing from a vantage point
the first solid state light emitter which travels toward the which is in a region which is to the first side of the structure
opening will pass through the diffuser and then through the
open end of the light engine housing to exit from the light 15 would be a front side of the flange region, a front side of the
engine housing, diffuser and any portion of the first compartment which is
whereby if the lighting device is mounted in a hole in a between the opening and the open end.
structure Such that the flange region is on a first side of the According to a third aspect of the present inventive subject
structure and at least a portion of a back side of the flange matter, there is provided a lighting device, comprising:
region is in contact with a region of the first side of the a light engine housing:
structure which surrounds the hole, and a remainder of the means for generating light;
light engine housing is on an opposite side of the hole relative a diffuser; and
to the flange region, the only elements which would be visible means for forwarding energy,
within a field defined by an outer periphery of the flange the light engine housing comprising means for receiving
portion of the light engine housing from a vantage point 25 AC Voltage,
which is in a region which is to the first side of the structure the light engine housing comprising a first compartment
would be a front side of the flange region, a front side of the and a second compartment,
diffuser and any portion of the first compartment which is the light engine housing comprising a plurality of heat
between the opening and the open end. dissipating fins,
According to a second aspect of the present inventive Sub 30
the light engine housing comprising a flange region which
ject matter, there is provided a lighting device, comprising: Surrounds an open end of the light engine housing,
a light engine housing: the means for generating light being positioned within the
a light engine; first compartment of the light engine housing,
a diffuser; and the means for generating light comprising at least a first
an energy forwarding element, 35
the light engine housing comprising an electrical connec Solid state light emitter,
tion region, the electrical connection region being engageable the means for forwarding energy being positioned within
with an electricity Supply device, the second compartment of the light engine housing, the
the light engine housing comprising a first compartment means for forwarding energy being electrically connected to
and a second compartment, 40 the means for receiving AC Voltage, the means for forwarding
the light engine housing comprising a flange region which energy being electrically connected to the means for gener
Surrounds an open end of the light engine housing, ating light, the means for forwarding energy comprising
the light engine being positioned within the first compart means for converting power of an AC Voltage to a form which,
ment of the light engine housing, if Supplied to the means for generating light, will cause the
the light engine comprising at least a first Solid state light 45 means for generating light to emit light,
emitter, the first compartment having an opening which is covered
the energy forwarding element being positioned within the by the diffuser, whereby at least a portion of light emitted by
second compartment of the light engine housing, at least a the first solid state light emitter which travels toward the
first region of the energy forwarding element being electri opening will pass through the diffuser and then through the
cally connected to the electrical connection region, at least a 50 open end of the light engine housing to exit from the light
second region of the energy forwarding element being elec engine housing,
trically connected to the light engine, the energy forwarding whereby if the lighting device is mounted in a hole in a
element comprising circuitry which, if power of an AC Volt structure Such that the flange region is on a first side of the
age is Supplied to the first region of the energy forwarding structure and at least a portion of a back side of the flange
element, Supplies energy to the light engine in a form Such 55 region is in contact with a region of the first side of the
that the first solid state light emitter will emit light, structure which surrounds the hole, and a remainder of the
an entirety of the energy forwarding element being within light engine housing is on an opposite side of the hole relative
a space whose boundaries would be defined by points through to the flange region, the only elements which would be visible
which a periphery of the open end would pass if the periphery within a field defined by an outer periphery of the flange
of the open end were moved, in a direction parallel to a 60 portion of the light engine housing from a vantage point
shortest line segment connecting the electrical connection which is in a region which is to the first side of the structure
region and the diffuser, from the open end to a position where would be a front side of the flange region, a front side of the
the periphery of the open end would surround the electrical diffuser and any portion of the first compartment which is
connection region, between the opening and the open end.
the first compartment having an opening which is covered 65 In some embodiments according to the present inventive
by the diffuser, whereby at least a portion of light emitted by Subject matter, the electrical connection region is engageable
the first solid state light emitter which travels toward the in an Edison Socket.
US 8,057,070 B2
5 6
In some embodiments according to the present inventive other element or intervening elements may be present. In
Subject matter, the first Solid state light emitter comprises an contrast, when an element is referred to herein as being
LED. “directly connected” or “directly coupled to another ele
In some embodiments according to the present inventive ment, there are no intervening elements present.
Subject matter, the lighting device further comprises a light Although the terms “first”, “second, etc. may be used
ing device housing, the light engine housing being positioned herein to describe various elements, components, regions,
Such that an entirety of the light enginehousing, except for the layers, sections and/or parameters, these elements, compo
flange region, is within the lighting device housing. In some nents, regions, layers, sections and/or parameters should not
of such embodiments, the lighting device housing is Substan be limited by these terms. These terms are only used to dis
tially cylindrical. 10 tinguish one element, component, region, layer or section
In some embodiments according to the present inventive from another region, layer or section. Thus, a first element,
Subject matter, the energy forwarding element converts the component, region, layer or section discussed below could be
power of an AC voltage into power of a DC voltage. termed a second element, component, region, layer or section
In some embodiments according to the present inventive without departing from the teachings of the present inventive
Subject matter, the open end is Substantially circular. 15 Subject matter.
In some embodiments according to the present inventive Furthermore, relative terms, such as “lower” or “bottom’
Subject matter, the AC voltage is line Voltage. and “upper” or “top” may be used herein to describe one
The inventive subject matter may be more fully understood element's relationship to another elements as illustrated in the
with reference to the accompanying drawings and the follow Figures. Such relative terms are intended to encompass dif
ing detailed description of the inventive subject matter. ferent orientations of the device in addition to the orientation
depicted in the Figures. For example, if the device in the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING Figures is turned over, elements described as being on the
FIGURES “lower side of other elements would then be oriented on
“upper sides of the other elements. The exemplary term
FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a first embodiment of a lighting 25 “lower, can therefore, encompass both an orientation of
device in accordance with the present inventive Subject mat “lower” and “upper depending on the particular orientation
ter. of the figure. Similarly, if the device in one of the figures is
FIG. 2 is a front view of the lighting device depicted in FIG. turned over, elements described as “below' or “beneath’
1, with the lighting device housing removed. other elements would then be oriented “above' the other
FIG.3 is a perspective view depicting a portion of the light 30 elements. The exemplary terms “below' or “beneath’ can,
engine housing of the embodiment depicted in FIGS. 1-2. therefore, encompass both an orientation of above and below.
The expression “illumination' (or “illuminated”), as used
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE herein when referring to a solid state light emitter, means that
INVENTION(S) at least some current is being Supplied to the Solid State light
35 emitter to cause the solid state light emitter to emit at least
The present inventive subject matter now will be described Some light. The expression “illuminated encompasses situ
more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying ations where the Solid state light emitter emits light continu
drawings, in which embodiments of the inventive subject ously or intermittently at a rate such that a human eye would
matter are shown. However, this inventive subject matter perceive it as emitting light continuously, or where a plurality
should not be construed as limited to the embodiments set 40 of solid state light emitters of the same color or different
forth herein. Rather, these embodiments are provided so that colors are emitting light intermittently and/or alternatingly
this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully (with or without overlap in “on” times) in such a way that a
convey the scope of the inventive subject matter to those human eye would perceive them as emitting light continu
skilled in the art. Like numbers refer to like elements through ously (and, in cases where different colors are emitted, as a
out. As used herein the term “and/or includes any and all 45 mixture of those colors).
combinations of one or more of the associated listed items. A lumiphor emits light when it becomes excited. The
The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describ expression "excited' means that at least some electromag
ing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be netic radiation (e.g., visible light, UV light or infrared light) is
limiting of the inventive subject matter. As used herein, the contacting the lumiphor, causing the lumiphor to emitat least
singular forms “a”, “an and “the are intended to include the 50 Some light. The expression "excited encompasses situations
plural forms as well, unless the context clearly indicates oth where the lumiphor emits light continuously or intermittently
erwise. It will be further understood that the terms “com at a rate Such that a human eye would perceive it as emitting
prises' and/or "comprising, when used in this specification, light continuously, or where a plurality of lumiphors of the
specify the presence of stated features, integers, steps, opera same color or different colors are emitting light intermittently
tions, elements, and/or components, but do not preclude the 55 and/or alternatingly (with or without overlap in “on” times) in
presence or addition of one or more other features, integers, Such a way that a human eye would perceive them as emitting
steps, operations, elements, components, and/or groups light continuously (and, in cases where different colors are
thereof. emitted, as a mixture of those colors).
When an element such as a layer, region or Substrate is The expression “lighting device', as used herein, is not
referred to herein as being “on” or extending “onto another 60 limited, except that it indicates that the device is capable of
element, it can be directly on or extend directly onto the other emitting light. That is, a lighting device can be a device which
element or intervening elements may also be present. In con illuminates an area or Volume, e.g., a structure, a Swimming
trast, when an element is referred to herein as being “directly pool or spa, a room, a warehouse, an indicator, a road, a
on” or extending “directly onto' another element, there are no parking lot, a Vehicle, signage, e.g., road signs, a billboard, a
intervening elements present. Also, when an element is 65 ship, a toy, a mirror, a vessel, an electronic device, a boat, an
referred to herein as being “connected' or “coupled to aircraft, a stadium, a computer, a remote audio device, a
another element, it can be directly connected or coupled to the remote video device, a cell phone, a tree, a window, an LCD
US 8,057,070 B2
7 8
display, a cave, a tunnel, a yard, a lamppost, or a device or tative examples of a material out of which the light engine
array of devices that illuminate an enclosure, or a device that housing can be made include, among a wide variety of other
is used for edge or back-lighting (e.g., back light poster, materials, extruded aluminum, die cast aluminum, liquid
signage, LCD displays), bulb replacements (e.g., for replac crystal polymer, polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), thermoset bulk
ing AC incandescent lights, low Voltage lights, fluorescent molded compound or other composite material, any of which
lights, etc.), lights used for outdoor lighting, lights used for would provide excellent heat transfer properties, which
security lighting, lights used for exterior residential lighting would assist in dissipating heat generated by the light engine.
(wall mounts, post/column mounts), ceiling fixtures/wall In some embodiments, the light engine housing has a plurality
sconces, under cabinet lighting, lamps (floor and/or table offin elements which increase the surface area of the light
and/or desk), landscape lighting, track lighting, task lighting, 10 engine housing, thereby increasing the heat dissipation char
specialty lighting, ceiling fan lighting, archival/art display acteristics of the lighting device.
lighting, high vibration/impact lighting work lights, etc., In the lighting devices of the present inventive subject
mirrors/vanity lighting, or any other light emitting device. matter, the light engine housing houses a light engine and an
A statement herein that two components in a device are energy forwarding element. The light engine comprises at
'electrically connected means that there are no components 15 least one light emitter (e.g., a solid state light emitter, Such as
electrically between the components, the insertion of which one or more LEDs, some or all of which may or may not
materially affect the function or functions provided by the further include a luminescent material). Any desired light
device. For example, two components can be referred to as engine can be employed in Such embodiments according to
being electrically connected, even though they may have a the present inventive Subject matter, and persons of skill in the
small resistor between them which does not materially affect art are aware of, and have ready access to, a wide variety of
the function or functions provided by the device (indeed, a Such light engines. Similarly, any desired energy forwarding
wire connecting two components can be thought of as a small element can be employed in Such embodiments according to
resistor); likewise, two components can be referred to as the present inventive subject matter, so long as such energy
being electrically connected, even though they may have an forwarding element is effective to deliver energy to the light
additional electrical component between them which allows 25 emitter(s) in such a form that the light emitter(s) will emit
the device to perform an additional function, while not mate light, and persons of skill in the art are aware of, and have
rially affecting the function or functions provided by a device ready access to, a wide variety of Such energy forwarding
which is identical except for not including the additional elements for various light emitters.
component; similarly, two components which are directly For example, housings which may be used as lighting
connected to each other, or which are directly connected to 30 device housings or light engine housings in practicing the
opposite ends of a wire or a trace on a circuitboard or another present inventive Subject matter, and light engines which may
medium, are electrically connected. be used in practicing the present inventive subject matter are
As used herein, the term 'substantially, e.g., in the expres described in:
sions “substantially cylindrical' or “substantially circular (1) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/752,753, filed on Dec.
means at least about 90% correspondence with the feature 35 21, 2005, entitled “Lighting Device' (inventors: Gerald H.
recited, e.g., Negley, Antony Paul van de Ven and Neal Hunter) and U.S.
the expression “substantially cylindrical, as used herein, patent application Ser. No. 1 1/613,692 (now U.S. Patent Pub
means that at least 90% of the points in the surface which lication No. 2007/0139923), filed Dec. 20, 2006, the entire
is characterized as being Substantially cylindrical are ties of which are hereby incorporated by reference;
located on one of or between a pair of imaginary cylin 40 (2) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/798.446, filed on May
drical structures which are spaced from each other by a 5, 2006, entitled “Lighting Device' (inventor: Antony Paul
distance of not more than 10% of their largest dimen van de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/743,754
sion; and (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0263393), filed May
the expression “substantially circular means that a circle 3, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
can be drawn having the formula x+y=1, where imagi 45 reference;
nary axes can be drawn at a location where they coor (3) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/845,429, filed on Sep.
dinate of each point on the structure is within 0.90 to 18, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICES, LIGHTING
1.10 times the value obtained by inserting the X coordi ASSEMBLIES, FIXTURES AND METHODS OF USING
nate of Such point into Such formula. SAME' (inventor: Antony Paul van de Ven), and U.S. patent
Unless otherwise defined, all terms (including technical 50 application Ser. No. 1 1/856,421 (now U.S. Patent Publication
and Scientific terms) used herein have the same meaning as No. 2008/0084700), filed Sep. 17, 2007, the entireties of
commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which are hereby incorporated by reference;
which this inventive subject matter belongs. It will be further (4) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/846,222, filed on Sep.
understood that terms, such as those defined in commonly 21, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING ASSEMBLIES, METHODS
used dictionaries, should be interpreted as having a meaning 55 OF INSTALLING SAME, AND METHODS OF REPLAC
that is consistent with their meaning in the context of the ING LIGHTS’ (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Ger
relevant art and the present disclosure and will not be inter ald H. Negley), and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/859,
preted in an idealized or overly formal sense unless expressly 048 (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2008/0084701), filed
so defined herein. It will also be appreciated by those of skill Sep. 21, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated
in the art that references to a structure or feature that is 60 by reference;
disposed “adjacent another feature may have portions that (5) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/809,618, filed on May
overlap or underlie the adjacent feature. 31, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND METHOD
As noted above, in the lighting devices of the present OF LIGHTING” (inventors: Gerald H. Negley, Antony Paul
inventive Subject matter, there is provided a light engine hous van de Ven and Thomas G. Coleman) and U.S. patent appli
ing. The light engine housing can be of any desired shape, and 65 cation Ser. No. 1 1/755,153 (now U.S. Patent Publication No.
can be made of any desired material, a wide variety of both of 2007/0279903), filed May 30, 2007, the entireties of which
which are well-known to persons skilled in the art. Represen are hereby incorporated by reference;
US 8,057,070 B2
9 10
(6) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/858,881, filed on Nov. designed and implemented. Well-designed recessed down
14, 2006, entitled “LIGHT ENGINE ASSEMBLIES” (inven lights based on LED technology can provide similar light
tors: Paul Kenneth Pickard and Gary David Trott), the entirety output to 65W incandescent fixtures, with high color render
of which is hereby incorporated by reference; ing and high efficacy. Compared to fluorescent-based fix
(7) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/859,013, filed on Nov. 5 tures, an LED fixture provides “instanton' capability, signifi
14, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING ASSEMBLIES AND COM cantly improved color rendering, better light distribution, an
PONENTS FOR LIGHTING ASSEMBLIES” (inventors: order of magnitude longer life, similar initial cost, and
Gary David Trott and Paul Kenneth Pickard) and U.S. patent improved fixture appearance.
application Ser. No. 11/939,059 (now U.S. Patent Publication In some embodiments of the present inventive Subject mat
No. 2008/0112170), filed Nov. 13, 2007, the entireties of 10
ter, the light engine housing comprises an electrical connec
which are hereby incorporated by reference; tion region which is engageable in an electrical receptacle.
(8) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/853,589, filed on Oct. Any desired electrical connection regions and electrical
23, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICES AND METHODS receptacles can be employed in accordance with the present
TRIMELEMENTS IN LIGHTING DEVICE HOUSINGS 15 inventive Subject matter, and persons of skill in the art are
(inventors: Gary David Trott and Paul Kenneth Pickard), the aware of, and have ready access to, a wide variety of Such
entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference; electrical connection regions and electrical receptacles. For
(9) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/861,901, filed on Nov. example, the electrical receptacle can be a standard Edison
30, 2006, entitled “LED DOWNLIGHT WITH ACCES Socket, and the electrical connection region can be a screw
SORY ATTACHMENT (inventors: Gary David Trott, Paul threaded portion which can be screwed into an Edison socket.
Kenneth Pickard and Ed Adams), the entirety of which is Alternatively, the electrical connection region can be a stan
hereby incorporated by reference; and dard plug and the electrical receptacle can be a standard
(10) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/916,384, filed on May outlet, or the electrical connection region can be a GU24 base
7, 2007, entitled “LIGHT FIXTURES, LIGHTING unit, or the electrical connection region can be a clip and the
DEVICES, AND COMPONENTS FOR THE SAME” (in 25 electrical receptacle can be a receptacle which receives and
ventors: Paul Kenneth Pickard, Gary David Trott and Ed retains the clip (e.g., as used in many fluorescent lights). The
Adams), the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by options for Such connection regions and receptacles are not
reference. constrained in any way, apart from the need to safely deliver
As noted above, in some of the embodiments of the present electricity from the receptacle to the connection region.
inventive subject matter, there is provided a trim element. The 30 A number of additional structures can also be included in
trim element in Such embodiments can be of any desired the lighting devices according to the present inventive subject
shape, and can be made of any desired material, a wide variety matter. For example, the lighting devices according to the
of both of which are well-known to persons skilled in the art. present inventive subject matter can further include a diffuser.
Representative examples of materials which are suitable for Any desired diffuser can be employed, and persons skilled in
making accessories include, among a wide variety of other 35 the art are familiar with and have easy access to a variety of
materials, spun aluminum, stamped aluminum, die cast alu such diffusers. In some embodiments of the present inventive
minum, rolled or stamped steel, hydroformed aluminum, Subject matter, a diffuser is mounted to the lighting device
injection molded metal, injection molded thermoplastic, housing below the light engine housing, whereby light emit
compression molded or injection molded thermoset, molded ted from the light engine passes through the diffuser and is
glass, liquid crystal polymer, polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), 40 diffused prior to exiting the lighting device into the region that
thermoset bulk molded compound or other composite mate will be illuminated by the lighting device, e.g., into a room.
rial. Alternatively or additionally, the lighting devices according
Some devices according to the present inventive subject to the present inventive subject matter can include a reflective
matter include fins (to provide heat dissipation Surface area) element. Any desired reflective element can be employed, and
on both the non-room side (e.g., attic side) and the room side 45 persons skilled in the art are familiar with and have easy
of the housing. access to a variety of such reflective elements. A representa
Some devices according to the present inventive subject tive example of a suitable material out of which the reflective
matter use LED PCB material itself as a flame barrier, allow element can be made is a material marketed by Furukawa (a
ing the diffuser to be manufactured from a material optimized Japanese corporation) under the trademark MCPETR). In
for its optical characteristics without concern for UL listing or 50 Some embodiments of the present inventive subject matter, a
flame characteristics. reflective element is shaped and is positioned so as to cover at
The devices of the present inventive subject matter can be least part of the internal surface of the sidewall of the lighting
used in a wide variety offixtures, e.g., in recessed can lighting device housing.
fixtures for commercial or residential application. In some embodiments of the present inventive Subject mat
Recessed downlights are generally available in multiple 55 ter, a diffuser is mounted to the lighting device housing below
lamp configurations and types: Incandescent-based fixtures, the light engine housing, and a reflective element is mounted
which use an Edison type socket (A, BR, and PAR type so as to cover the internal surface of the sidewall of the
lamps), fluorescent fixtures using Compact Florescent lamps, lighting device housing below the diffuser.
and even HID lamps using miniature metal halide lamps. As noted above, in some of the embodiments of the present
Incandescent fixtures run their lamps directly off line (e.g., 60 inventive subject matter, there is provided a lighting device
roughly 120VAC) voltage, whereas florescent and HID fix housing. The lighting device housing in Such embodiments
tures require an external ballast to convert line Voltage and can be of any desired shape, and can be made of any desired
strike/drive the lamps. The most common fixtures historically material, a wide variety of both of which are well-known to
and currently sold in the marketplace are incandescent fix persons skilled in the art. Representative examples of mate
tures. 65 rials which are Suitable for making a lighting device housing
Recessed downlights can use solid state light sources (e.g., include, among a wide variety of other materials, extruded
light emitting diodes (“LEDs)) advantageously, if properly aluminum, die cast aluminum, liquid crystal polymer,
US 8,057,070 B2
11 12
polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), thermoset bulk molded com (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0236911), filed Dec.
pound or other composite material. 21, 2006, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
As noted above, embodiments of the present inventive reference;
Subject matter comprise one or more solid State light emitters. (2) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/794,379, filed on Apr.
Persons of skill in the art are aware of, and have ready access 24, 2006, entitled “Shifting Spectral Content in LEDs by
to, a wide variety of such emitters. Such solid state light Spatially Separating Lumiphor Films’ (inventors: Gerald H.
emitters include inorganic and organic light emitters. Negley and Antony Paul van de Ven) and U.S. patent appli
Examples of types of such light emitters include a wide vari cation Ser. No. 1 1/624,811 (now U.S. Patent Publication No.
ety of light emitting diodes (inorganic or organic, including 10
2007/0170447), filed Jan. 19, 2007, the entireties of which are
polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs)), laser diodes, thin hereby incorporated by reference;
film electroluminescent devices, light emitting polymers (3) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/808,702, filed on May
(LEPs), a variety of each of which are well-known in the art 26, 2006, entitled “Lighting Device' (inventors: Gerald H.
(and therefore it is not necessary to describe in detail such Negley and Antony Paul van de Ven) and U.S. patent appli
devices, and/or the materials out of which such devices are 15 cation Ser. No. 1 1/751,982 (now U.S. Patent Publication No.
made). 2007/0274080), filed May 22, 2007, the entireties of which
Where more than one solid state light emitters are pro are hereby incorporated by reference;
vided, the respective light emitters can be similar to one (4) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/808.925, filed on May
another, different from one another or any combination (i.e., 26, 2006, entitled “Solid State Light Emitting Device and
there can be a plurality of solid state light emitters of one type, Method of Making Same' (inventors: Gerald H. Negley and
or one or more solid state light emitters of each of two or more Neal Hunter) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/753,103
types). (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0280624), filed May
As indicated above, the lighting devices according to the 24, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
present inventive subject matter which include one or more reference;
Solid state light emitters can comprise any desired number of 25 (5) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/802,697, filed on May
Solid state light emitters. For example, a lighting device 23, 2006, entitled “Lighting Device and Method of Making
according to the present inventive subject matter can include (inventor: Gerald H. Negley) and U.S. patent application Ser.
one or more light emitting diodes, 50 or more light emitting No. 1 1/751,990 (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/
diodes, or 100 or more light emitting diodes, etc. 0274063), filed May 22, 2007, the entireties of which are
As noted above, in some embodiments according to the 30 hereby incorporated by reference;
present inventive subject matter, one or more luminescent (6) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/839,453, filed on Aug.
material can be employed. The expression “lumiphor, as 23, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING
used herein, refers to any luminescent element, i.e., any ele METHOD” (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Gerald
ment which includes a luminescent material. H. Negley) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/843.243
One or more lumiphors, when provided, can individually 35 (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2008/0084685), filed Aug.
be any lumiphor, a wide variety of which are known to those 22, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
skilled in the art. For example, the one or more luminescent reference;
materials in the lumiphor can be selected from among phos (7) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/857,305, filed on Nov.
phors, Scintillators, day glow tapes, inks which glow in the 7, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING
visible spectrum upon illumination with ultraviolet light, etc. 40 METHOD” (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Gerald
The one or more luminescent materials can be down-convert H. Negley; the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by
ing or up-converting, or can include a combination of both reference;
types. For example, the first lumiphor can comprise one or (8) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/851,230, filed on Oct.
more down-converting luminescent materials. 12, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND METHOD
The (or each) lumiphor can, if desired, further comprise (or 45 OF MAKING SAME (inventor: Gerald H. Negley; the
consistessentially of, or consist of) one or more highly trans entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference; and
missive (e.g., transparent or Substantially transparent, or (9) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/793,524, filed on Apr.
Somewhat diffuse) binder, e.g., made of epoxy, silicone, 20, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING
glass, metal oxide or any other Suitable material (for example, METHOD” (inventors: Gerald H. Negley and Antony Paul
in any given lumiphor comprising one or more binder, one or 50 van de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/736,761
more phosphor can be dispersed within the one or more (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0278934), filed Apr.
binder). In general, the thicker the lumiphor, the lower the 18, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
weight percentage of the phosphor can be. reference.
Devices in which a lumiphor is provided can, if desired, In general, light of any number of colors can be mixed by
further comprise one or more clear encapsulant (comprising, 55 the lighting devices according to the present inventive subject
e.g., one or more silicone materials) positioned between the matter. Representative examples of blends of light colors are
Solid state light emitter (e.g., light emitting diode) and the described in:
lumiphor. (1) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/752,555, filed Dec. 21,
The (or each) lumiphor can, independently, further com 2005, entitled “Lighting Device and Lighting Method’ (in
prise any of a number of well-known additives, e.g., diffusers, 60 ventors: Antony Paul Van de Ven and Gerald H. Negley) and
scatterers, tints, etc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/613,714 (now U.S. Patent
Representative examples of LEDs and lumiphors which Publication No. 2007/013.9920), filed Dec. 20, 2006, the
are suitable for use in the present inventive subject matter are entireties of which are hereby incorporated by reference;
described in: (2) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/752,556, filed on Dec.
(1) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/753,138, filed on Dec. 65 21, 2005, entitled “SIGNAND METHOD FOR LIGHTING”
22, 2005, entitled “Lighting Device' (inventor: Gerald H. (inventors: Gerald H. Negley and Antony Paul van de Ven)
Negley) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/614, 180 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/613,733 (now U.S.
US 8,057,070 B2
13 14
Patent Publication No. 2007/0137074), filed Dec. 20, 2006, lighting devices of the present inventive subject matter can be
the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by reference; electrically connected (or selectively connected) to any
(3) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/793,524, filed on Apr. desired power Source, persons of skill in the art being familiar
20, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING with a variety of Such power sources.
METHOD” (inventors: Gerald H. Negley and Antony Paul Representative examples of apparatuses for Supplying
van de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/736,761 electricity to lighting devices and power Supplies for lighting
(now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0278934), filed Apr. devices, as well as other circuitry which may be used in
18, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by practicing the present inventive subject matter is described in:
reference; (1) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/752,753, filed on Dec.
(4) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/793,518, filed on Apr. 10 21, 2005, entitled “Lighting Device' (inventors: Gerald H.
20, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING Negley, Antony Paul van de Ven and Neal Hunter) and U.S.
METHOD” (inventors: Gerald H. Negley and Antony Paul patent application Ser. No. 1 1/613,692 (now U.S. Patent Pub
van de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/736,799 lication No. 2007/0139923), filed Dec. 20, 2006, the entire
(now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0267983), filed Apr. ties of which are hereby incorporated by reference;
18, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by 15 (2) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/798.446, filed on May
reference; 5, 2006, entitled “Lighting Device' (inventor: Antony Paul
(5) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/793,530, filed on Apr. van de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/743,754
20, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING (now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0263393), filed May
METHOD” (inventors: Gerald H. Negley and Antony Paul 3, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
van de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/737,321 reference;
(now U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0278503), filed Apr. (3) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/809,959, filed on Jun. 1,
19, 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by 2006, entitled “Lighting Device With Cooling' (inventors:
reference; Thomas G. Coleman, Gerald H. Negley and Antony Paul van
(6) U.S. Pat. No. 7,213,940, issued on May 8, 2007, de Ven) and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/626,483 (now
entitled LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING 25 U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0171145), filed Jan. 24,
METHOD” (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Gerald 2007, the entireties of which are hereby incorporated by
H. Negley), the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference;
reference; (4) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/809,595, filed on May
(7) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/868,134, filed on Dec. 31, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND METHOD
1, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING 30 OF LIGHTING” (inventor: Gerald H. Negley) and U.S.
METHOD” (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Gerald patent application Ser. No. 1 1/755,162 (now U.S. Patent Pub
H. Negley), the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by lication No. 2007/0279440), filed May 30, 2007, the entire
reference; ties of which are hereby incorporated by reference; and
(8) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/868,986, filed on Dec. (5) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/844.325, filed on Sep.
7, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING 35 13, 2006, entitled “BOOST/FLYBACK POWER SUPPLY
METHOD” (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Gerald TOPOLOGY WITH LOW SIDE MOSFET CURRENT
H. Negley), the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by CONTROL (inventor: Peter Jay Myers), and U.S. patent
reference; application Ser. No. 1 1/854,744 (now U.S. Patent Publication
(9) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/857,305, filed on Nov. No. 2008/0088248), filed Sep. 13, 2007, the entireties of
7, 2006, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING 40 which are hereby incorporated by reference.
METHOD” (inventors: Antony Paul van de Ven and Gerald The present inventive subject matter further relates to an
H. Negley; the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by illuminated enclosure (the volume of which can be illumi
reference; and nated uniformly or non-uniformly), comprising an enclosed
(10) U.S. Patent Application No. 60/891,148, filed on Feb. space and at least one lighting device according to the present
22, 2007, entitled “LIGHTING DEVICE AND METHODS 45 inventive subject matter, wherein the lighting device illumi
OF LIGHTING, LIGHT FILTERS AND METHODS OF nates at least a portion of the enclosure (uniformly or non
FILTERING LIGHT (inventor: Antony Paul van de Ven; the uniformly).
entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference. The present inventive subject matter is further directed to
One or more brightness enhancement films can optionally an illuminated Surface, comprising a Surface and at least one
further be included in the lighting devices according to this 50 lighting device as described herein, wherein if the lighting
aspect of the present inventive subject matter. Such films are device is illuminated, the lighting device would illuminate at
well-known in the art and are readily available. Brightness least a portion of the Surface.
enhancement films (e.g., BEF films commercially available The present inventive subject matter is further directed to
from 3M) are optional when employed, they provide a more an illuminated area, comprising at least one item, e.g.,
directional light Source by limiting the acceptance angle. 55 selected from among the group consisting of a structure, a
Light not “accepted' is recycled by the highly reflective light Swimming pool or spa, a room, a warehouse, an indicator, a
source enclosure. Preferably, the brightness enhancement road, a parking lot, a vehicle, signage, e.g., road signs, a
films (which can optionally be replaced by one or more billboard, a ship, a toy, a mirror, a vessel, an electronic device,
extraction films, such as by WFT), if employed, are optimized a boat, an aircraft, a stadium, a computer, a remote audio
to limit the viewing angle of the emitted Source and to 60 device, a remote video device, a cellphone, a tree, a window,
increase the probability of extracting light on the first (or an LCD display, a cave, a tunnel, a yard, a lamppost, etc.,
earliest possible) pass. having mounted therein orthereon at least one lighting device
The lighting devices of the present inventive subject matter as described herein.
can be supplied with electricity in any desired manner. Skilled Embodiments in accordance with the present inventive
artisans are familiar with a wide variety of power Supplying 65 subject matter are described herein with reference to cross
apparatuses, and any such apparatuses can be employed in sectional (and/or plan view) illustrations that are schematic
connection with the present inventive subject matter. The illustrations of idealized embodiments of the present inven
US 8,057,070 B2
15 16
tive subject matter. As such, variations from the shapes of the the only elements which would be visible within a field
illustrations as a result, for example, of manufacturing tech defined by an outer periphery of the flange portion 36 of the
niques and/or tolerances, are to be expected. Thus, embodi light engine housing 11 from a vantage point which is in a
ments of the present inventive subject matter should not be region which is to the first side of the structure 24 would be a
construed as limited to the particular shapes of regions illus front side 25 of the flange region 36, a front side 26 of the
trated herein but are to include deviations in shapes that result, diffuser 49 and any portion of the first compartment 30 which
for example, from manufacturing. For example, a molded is between the opening 20 and the open end 19. In the embodi
region illustrated or described as a rectangle will, typically, ment shown in FIGS. 1-3, the diffuser is mounted above the
have rounded or curved features. Thus, the regions illustrated open end of the light engine housing, so there is a portion of
in the figures are schematic in nature and their shapes are not 10
the first compartment 30 which is between the opening 20 and
intended to illustrate the precise shape of a region of a device the open end 19. In some embodiments according to the
and are not intended to limit the scope of the present inventive present inventive subject matter, the diffuser is mounted at the
Subject matter. open end of the light engine housing in Such embodiments,
FIGS. 1-3 depict a first embodiment of a lighting device in
accordance with the present inventive subject matter. Refer 15 there is no portion of the first compartment 30 which is
ring to FIG. 1, there is shown a lighting device 10 which between the opening 20 and the open end 19.
comprises a light engine housing 11, a first mounting clip 12. The entirety of the light engine housing 11, except for the
a second mounting clip 13, a third mounting clip 14 (not flange region 36, is within the lighting device housing 15.
visible in FIG. 1), a lighting device housing 15 (which, in this FIG.3 is a perspective view of an upper portion of the light
embodiment, is substantially cylindrical, but could be any engine housing (which can be attached with screws to a lower
desired shape), a light engine 18 which comprises a plurality portion of the light engine housing 11, and to which a cover
of solid state light emitters 38 (in this embodiment, the solid element can be attached with screws to form the light engine
state light emitters are LEDs), a diffuser 49, and an energy housing 11) showing the second compartment 29.
forwarding element 40. FIG. 1 shows the first embodiment in cross-section. The
The light engine housing 11 comprises an electrical con 25 sidewalls of the cavity between the solid state light emitters
nection region 16 which is engageable with an electricity 38 and the diffuser 49 are either coated with a high reflectivity
supply device 17 (in this embodiment, an Edison socket). paint or powder coat, or are covered with a high reflectivity
The light engine housing 11 comprises a first compartment film or material which could be diffuse or specular. The
30 and a second compartment 29. diffuser acts to mix the various colors of LEDs (where differ
The light engine housing 11 comprises a plurality of heat 30 ent color are employed) into a uniform color from all viewing
dissipating fins 50 (see FIG. 2). angles, and/or to provide obscuration of the individual points
The light engine housing 11 comprises a flange region 36 of light generated by the plurality of LEDs. AC power enters
which Surrounds an open end 19 of the light engine housing. the device through the Edison socket (or another appropriate
In this embodiment, the open end 19 is substantially circular, % pin connector, or wiring harness in this same location). The
but it could be any desired shape. 35 AC power is converted to DC by the power supply PCB
The light engine 18 is positioned within the first compart located in the first compartment 30. The top plate (where the
ment 30 of the light engine housing 11. retention clips are mounted), the upper housing, and the
The energy forwarding element 40 is positioned within the Power Supply PCB for an enclosure for the AC line voltage
second compartment 29 of the light engine housing 11. A first minimize or eliminate shock and fire hazards.
region of the energy forwarding element 40 is electrically 40 The DC voltage is then passed to the LED PCB via pins or
connected to the electrical connection region 16, and a second wires, through an opening in the bottom of the second com
region of the energy forwarding element 40 is electrically partment 29. In the instance that this DC voltage exceeds
connected to the light engine 18. If power of an AC voltage is “Class 2', or is greater than 60V, a separate shock and flame
Supplied to the first region of the energy forwarding element barrier is required for the DC voltage as well. This can be
40, it supplies energy to the 18 light engine in a form such that 45 provided by the LED PCB itself, if the traces carrying the
the solid state light emitters 38 will emit light. “Class 1 Voltage are only present on the upper housing side
The entire energy forwarding element 40 is within a space of the PCB, and the PCB itself is flamerated (like FR4.) In the
whose boundaries would be defined by points through which instance that high Voltage carrying traces are present on both
a periphery of the open end 19 would pass if the periphery of sides of the board, a separate flame barrier can be provided
the open end 19 were moved, in a direction parallel to a 50 between the LEDs and the LED PCB. This could be a lami
shortest line segment connecting the electrical connection nated blank PCB substrate (like FR4) to insulate the traces, or
region 16 and the diffuser 49, from the open end 19 to a it could be a flame rated insulating film like Formex.R. On top
position where the periphery of the open end 19 would sur of this flame and shock insulator (and still underneath the
round the electrical connection region 16. LEDs), there can be provided a highly reflective film, coating
The first compartment 30 has an opening 20 which is 55 or material. This material insures that any light escaping the
covered by the diffuser 49, whereby at least a portion of light LED packages from the rear is not wasted but is reflected back
emitted by the solid state light emitters 38 which travels into the optical cavity between the LEDs and diffuser. The
toward the opening 20 will pass through the diffuser 49 and device can, if desired, further include a conformal coating
then through the open end 19 of the light engine housing 11 to layer, which can be positioned in any Suitable location, e.g.,
exit from the light engine housing 11. 60 underneath the Formex.R) (if provided) and/or underneath the
The lighting device 10 is mounted in a hole 21 in a structure MCPETR) (if provided).
22 (in this embodiment, a ceiling) such that the flange region In this embodiment, the diffuser is designed in such a
36 is on a first side 24 of the structure 22 and at least a portion manner to promote effective color mixing, depixelization,
of a back side 23 of the flange region 36 is in contact with a and high optical efficiency, and the diffuser can be attached
region of the first side 24 of the structure which surrounds the 65 via mechanical Snap-fit to the lowerhousing in Such a manner
hole 21, and a remainder of the light engine housing 11 is on that it requires the device to be uninstalled (powered down) to
an opposite side of the hole 21 relative to the flange region36, remove it, and/or the diffuser (lens) can be permanently
US 8,057,070 B2
17 18
attached (i.e., removal would require breakage), e.g., by heat current which, if Supplied to said means for generating
staking, Suitable heat staking techniques being well-known in light, will cause said means for generating light to emit
the art. light,
The viewable surface of the lower housing is designed in said first compartment having an opening which is covered
Such a manner as to provide maximum surface area to the 5 by said diffuser, whereby at least a portion of light emit
ambient environment while maintaining an acceptable aes ted by said first solid state light emitter which travels
thetic and high optical efficiency. The non-viewable surfaces toward said opening will pass through said diffuser and
of the both the lowerhousing and upper housing are designed then through said open end of said light engine housing
to maximize surface area for heat transfer while maintaining to exit from said light engine housing,
manufacturability. 10
whereby if said lighting device is mounted in a hole in a
Any two or more structural parts of the lighting devices structure such that at least a portion of a back side of said
described herein can be integrated. Any structural part of the flange region is in contact with a region of said first side
lighting devices described herein can be provided in two or of said structure which surrounds said hole, and a
more parts (which are held together, if necessary or desired).
Similarly, any two or more functions can be conducted simul 15 remainder of said light engine housing is on an opposite
taneously, and/or any function can be conducted in a series of side of said hole relative to said flange region, the only
steps. elements which would be visible within a field defined
Furthermore, while certain embodiments of the present by an outer periphery of said flange region of said light
inventive subject matter have been illustrated with reference engine housing from a vantage point which is in a region
to specific combinations of elements, various other combina which is to said first side of said structure would be a
tions may also be provided without departing from the teach front side of said flange region, a front side of said
ings of the present inventive Subject matter. Thus, the present diffuser and any portion of said first compartment which
inventive Subject matter should not be construed as being is between said opening and said open end.
limited to the particular exemplary embodiments described 2. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said
herein and illustrated in the Figures, but may also encompass 25 means for receiving AC Voltage is engageable in an Edison
combinations of elements of the various illustrated embodi Socket or comprises a GU24 base.
mentS. 3. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said first
Many alterations and modifications may be made by those solid state light emitter comprises an LED.
having ordinary skill in the art, given the benefit of the present 4. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said
disclosure, without departing from the spirit and scope of the 30
lighting device further comprises a lighting device housing,
inventive subject matter. Therefore, it must be understood that said light engine housing positioned such that an entirety of
the illustrated embodiments have been set forth only for the said light engine housing, except for said flange region, is
purposes of example, and that it should not be taken as lim within said lighting device housing.
iting the inventive subject matter as defined by the following
claims. The following claims are, therefore, to be read to 35 5. A lighting device as recited in claim 4, wherein said
include not only the combination of elements which are lit lighting device housing is Substantially cylindrical.
erally set forth but all equivalent elements for performing 6. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said open
Substantially the same function in Substantially the same way end is Substantially circular.
to obtain substantially the same result. The claims are thus to 7. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said AC
be understood to include what is specifically illustrated and 40 Voltage is line Voltage.
described above, what is conceptually equivalent, and also 8. A lighting device, comprising:
what incorporates the essential idea of the inventive subject a light engine housing:
matter. a light engine;
an energy forwarding element; and
The invention claimed is: 45 at least a first mounting clip,
1. A lighting device, comprising: the energy forwarding element within the light engine
a light engine housing: housing,
means for generating light; the light engine housing comprising an electrical connec
a diffuser; and tion region, the electrical connection region engageable
means for forwarding energy, 50 with an electricity Supply device,
said light engine housing comprising means for receiving the light engine comprising at least a first Solid state light
AC Voltage, emitter,
said light engine housing comprising a first compartment at least a first region of the energy forwarding element
and a second compartment, electrically connected to the electrical connection
said light engine housing comprising a flange region which 55 region, at least a second region of the energy forwarding
Surrounds an open end of the light engine housing, element electrically connected to the light engine, the
said means for generating light within said first compart energy forwarding element comprising circuitry which,
ment of said light engine housing, if power of an AC voltage is supplied to the first region of
said means for generating light comprising at least a first the energy forwarding element, Supplies DC current to
Solid state light emitter, 60 the light engine in a form Such that the first Solid state
said means for forwarding energy within said second com light emitter will emit light,
partment of said light engine housing, said means for the first mounting clip movable between at least a first
forwarding energy electrically connected to said means position and a second position,
for receiving AC Voltage, said means for forwarding wherein:
energy electrically connected to said means for generat 65 if the first mounting clip is in the first position, all points
ing light, said means for forwarding energy comprising on the first mounting clip are spaced from a line
means for converting power of an AC Voltage to DC extending through the lighting device by distances
US 8,057,070 B2
19 20
that are Smaller than a distance that a point on the light element electrically connected to the light engine, the
engine housing, that is farthest from the line, is spaced energy forwarding element comprising circuitry which,
from the line, and if power of an AC voltage is supplied to the first region of
if the first mounting clip is in the second position, at least the energy forwarding element, Supplies DC current to
Some points on the first mounting clip are spaced from the light engine in a form Such that the first Solid state
the line by distances that are larger than the distance light emitter will emit light,
that the point on the light engine housing that is far the first mounting clip movable between at least a first
thest from the line is spaced from the line. position and a second position,
9. A lighting device as recited in claim8, wherein said light wherein:
engine housing comprises a flange region which Surrounds an 10
if the first mounting clip is in the first position, all points
open end of the light engine housing. on the first mounting clip are spaced from a line that is
10. A lighting device as recited in claim 9, wherein: perpendicular to the first plane by distances that are
said lighting device further comprises a diffuser, and Smaller than a distance that a point on the light engine
said first compartment has an opening which is covered by
said diffuser, whereby at least a portion of light emitted 15 housing, that is farthest from the line, is spaced from
by said first solid state light emitter which travels toward the line, and
said opening will pass through said diffuser and then if the first mounting clip is in the second position, at least
through said open end of said light engine housing to exit Some points on the first mounting clip are spaced from
from said light engine housing. the line by distances that are larger than the distance
11. A lighting device as recited in claim 10, wherein if said that the point on the light engine housing that is far
lighting device is mounted in a hole in a structure Such that thest from the line is spaced from the line.
said flange region is on a first side of said structure and at least 19. A lighting device as recited in claim 18, wherein said
a portion of a back side of said flange region is in contact with first solid state light emitter comprises an LED.
a region of said first side of said structure which Surrounds 20. A lighting device as recited in claim 18, wherein:
said hole, and a remainder of said light engine housing is on 25 said light engine housing comprises a flange region that
an opposite side of said hole relative to said flange region, the Surrounds said open end, and
only elements which would be visible within a field defined said lighting device further comprises a lighting device
by an outer periphery of said flange portion of said light housing, said light engine housing positioned Such that
engine housing from a vantage point which is in a region an entirety of said light engine housing, except for said
which is to said first side of said structure would beafrontside 30
flange region, is within said lighting device housing.
of said flange region, a front side of said diffuser and any 21. A lighting device as recited in claim 20, wherein said
portion of said first compartment which is between said open lighting device housing is Substantially cylindrical.
ing and said open end. 22. A lighting device as recited in claim 18, wherein said
12. A lighting device as recited in claim 9, wherein said open end is Substantially circular.
lighting device further comprises a lighting device housing, 35
said light engine housing positioned such that an entirety of 23. A lighting device as recited in claim 18, wherein said
said light engine housing, except for said flange region, is electrical connection region is engageable in an Edison Socket
within said lighting device housing. or comprises a GU24 base.
13. A lighting device as recited in claim 12, wherein said 24. A lighting device as recited in claim 18, wherein said
lighting device housing is Substantially cylindrical. 40 AC Voltage is line Voltage.
14. A lighting device as recited in claim 8, wherein said 25. A lighting device, comprising:
electrical connection region is engageable in an Edison socket a light engine housing:
or comprises a GU24 base. a light engine; and
15. A lighting device as recited in claim8, wherein said first an energy forwarding element,
solid state light emitter comprises an LED. 45 the energy forwarding element within the light engine
16. A lighting device as recited in claim 8, wherein said housing,
light engine housing comprises an open end which is Substan the light engine housing comprising an electrical connec
tially circular. tion region, the electrical connection region engageable
17. A lighting device as recited in claim 8, wherein said AC with an electricity Supply device,
Voltage is line Voltage. 50 the light engine comprising at least a first Solid state light
18. A lighting device, comprising: emitter,
a light engine housing: at least a first region of the energy forwarding element
a light engine; electrically connected to the electrical connection
an energy forwarding element; and region, at least a second region of the energy forwarding
at least a first mounting clip, 55 element electrically connected to the light engine, the
the energy forwarding element within the light engine energy forwarding element comprising circuitry which,
housing, if power of an AC voltage is supplied to the first region of
the light engine housing comprising an electrical connec the energy forwarding element, Supplies DC current to
tion region, the electrical connection region engageable the light engine in a form Such that the first Solid state
with an electricity Supply device, 60 light emitter will emit light,
the light engine comprising at least a first Solid state light the light engine housing comprising an open end and a
emitter, flange region, the flange region Surrounding the open
the light engine housing comprising an open end which end,
defines a first plane, a surface of the flange region defining a first plane,
at least a first region of the energy forwarding element 65 at least some points on the flange region spaced from a line
electrically connected to the electrical connection that is perpendicular to the first plane by distances that
region, at least a second region of the energy forwarding are larger than a distance that any other point on any
US 8,057,070 B2
21 22
portion of the light engine housing, except for the flange if the first mounting clip is in the first position, all points on
region, that is farthest from the line is spaced from the the first mounting clip are spaced from a line that is
line. perpendicular to the first plane by distances that are
26. A lighting device as recited in claim 25, wherein the Smaller than a distance that a point on the light engine
lighting device further comprises a lighting device housing, 5 housing, that is farthest from the line, is spaced from the
the light engine housing positioned Such that an entirety of the line, and
light engine housing, except for the flange region, is within if the first mounting clip is in the second position, at least
the lighting device housing. Some points on the first mounting clip are spaced from
27. A lighting device as recited in claim 25, wherein: the line by distances that are larger than the distance that
the lighting device further comprises at least a first mount- 10 the point on the light engine housing that is farthest from
ing clip, the line is spaced from the line.
the first mounting clip is movable between at least a first
position and a second position, k . . . .

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