A - Time Slideshow Teaching Time

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Maths – Time –

Today’s Learning How?
How will we know we have
got it?
What? Why? (success criteria)
Why is this important?
What is the Learning I can:
Intention? • To learn how to read an
• Use some time
analogue clock, it is
To be able to read analogue terminology
important to understand
and digital o’clock, half-past, how a clock is made up • Understand the
quarter to and quarter past and some time components of the clock
times. terminology. • Read o’clock, half past,
quarter to and quarter
past times
What do the hands on the clock mean?


50 10

40 20

How many minutes are there between
each number?


50 10

40 20

What would the minute hand be on if it
was an o’clock time?


50 10

40 20

What would the minute hand be on if it
was half-past?


50 10

40 20

What would the minute hand be on if it
was quarter past?


50 10

40 20

What would the minute hand be on if it
was quarter to?


50 10

40 20

Let’s add these to our classroom clock
using flower petals!


50 10

40 20

Your Task:
Let’s practice making some times! I will tell you
the digital time or worded time, and you need to
make these times on your clock!

Then, using a clock stamp, draw the clock in your

books and record the digital and worded time!

We will practice o’clock, half past, quarter past

and quarter to times first!
Maths – Time –
Today’s Learning How will we know we have
got it?
What? Why? (success criteria)

What is the Learning Why is this important? I can:

• To learn how to read an • Use some time
To be able to read analogue analogue clock, it is terminology
and digital o’clock, half-past, important to understand • Understand the
quarter to and quarter past how a clock is made up components of the clock
times. and some time • Read o’clock, half past,
terminology. quarter to and quarter
To be able to use number past times
lines to solve worded time • Use a number line
problems. strategy to solve worded
time problems.
Let’s Recap:
What do the hands on the clock show?

How many minutes are between each of

the numbers on the clock?

What would the minute hand be on if it was

an o’clock time?
Let’s Recap:
What would the minute hand be on if it was
What would the minute hand be on if it was
What would the minute hand be on if it was
an quarter to?
Connecting our Learning to
our Lives!
Today, we are going to make a timetable
with analogue and digital times next for
each lesson time on our class timetable!

We will each do one!

Connecting our Learning to
our Lives!
Now that we have showed our lesson times
in analogue and digital form, let’s add the
worded time!

We will each do one!

Connecting our Learning to
our Lives!
Now, we are going to use this information to
complete some worded time problems!
We will work through a few together, then,
you can give it a go in partners, then, on
your own!
Using Strategies to Solve
Worded Time Problems!
Let’s get a whiteboard each and practice
strategies for the first few questions!
Once we have done them, record the
working out and answer in your book!
1. 8:00am
2. 2:20 – 3:20pm
3. 12:30pm
4. 9:15am
5. 11:45am – 12:15pm (half an hour)
Maths – Time –
T hursday
Today’s Learning How will we know we have
got it?
What? Why? (success criteria)

What is the Learning Why is this important? I can:

• To learn how to read an • Use some time
To be able to read analogue analogue clock, it is terminology
and digital o’clock, half-past, important to understand • Understand the
quarter to and quarter past how a clock is made up components of the clock
times. and some time • Read o’clock, half past,
terminology. quarter to and quarter
To be able to use number past times
lines to solve worded time • Use a number line
problems. strategy to solve worded
time problems.
Maths – Time –

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