Concept Map

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- Comparing capacities of water using different

objects such as a beaker, medicine cup, soft drink
English bottle and water bottle and recording their findings
- Writing a persuasive letter to their family about in a workbook (ACMMG037)
why they should save water (ACELY1671) - Brainstorm ways to save water. Students will
- Have a guest speaker from PALMS (Primary gather data by asking friends and family and
Australian Literacy Mathematics and Science) to displaying their data in picture graph (ACMSP050)
discuss earth and its resources such as water.
Students then write a recount about their
incursion (ACELY1666)
- Read poetry about water and discuss the text
structure and language features that make a
poem (ACELA1463)
- Create a personal timeline of their water usage
over a typical day (ACELA1466)
Concept: Water Term: 3 Weeks: 1-5

©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle

The Arts
- Creating an advertisement that informs an audience of
how they can be responsible water users using audio and
visual techniques (ACAMAM056)
- Designing and painting stones that represent aboriginal
water symbols (ACAVAM106)
- Creating a dramatic scene in small groups, using an
image from the story ‘All I Want for Christmas is Rain’ as a
stimulus for drama (ACADRM028)
- Designing and creating a rain stick instrument using a
range of materials such as a cardboard cylinder, paint and
rubber bands. Students explore how different materials
make different sounds such as marbles, rice and beads

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