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Uh oh – not there yet! Getting there! Well done – you’ve got Wow! Simply amazing!
Content Content lacks purpose Some content is clear, Most content is clear, Content is clear,
and does not show an accurate and/or accurate, presented in a accurate, presented in a
understanding of the presented in a logical logical order and shows a logical order and shows
task/topic. order and shows some good understanding of thorough understanding
understanding of the the task/topic. of the task/topic.
Cooperation (with No evidence of partner Some evidence of partner Evidence of partner team Students worked well as
partner) team work. team work. work. a team.
Eye Contact Student do not make eye Student’s eyes connect Student’s eyes connect Student maintains eye
contact with audience with the audience 1-2 with audience members contact throughout the
members. times throughout throughout most of the presentation.
presentation. presentation.
Voice Voice is mumbled and Student tries to project Student projects their Voice is clear and
quiet, sometimes making their voice and speak voice. They speak clearly engaging using
it unclear for the clearly but is quiet at and audience members expression confidently.
audience. times. can hear and understand.