1-13 1-17 Lessons Tiffani
1-13 1-17 Lessons Tiffani
1-13 1-17 Lessons Tiffani
- Arctic Animal Shape Matching (students match shapes
w/ animal pictures - Math 4.a)
Literacy 1.g The student will listen attentively to stories in a whole class setting.
Literacy 4.d The student will begin to match uppercase and lowercase letters.
Literacy 6.c The student will copy or write letters and numbers using various materials.
Literacy 6.d The student will print first name independently.
Visual Arts 1.c The student will use a variety of materials, textures, and tools for producing visual art.
Math 1.a The student will count forward to 20 or more. Count backward from 5.
Math 1.c The student will count the items in a collection of one to ten items and know the last counting word tells “how many”.
Math 1.e The student will use ordinal numbers (first through fifth) when describing the position of objects or groups of children in a sequence.
Math 4.a The student will match and sort shapes.
Math 4.c The student will recognize and name shapes.
Math 6.c The student will identify and explore simple patterns.
Science 1.a The student will use the five senses to explore and investigate the natural world.
Science 1.e The student will conduct simple scientific investigations.
Science 3.d The student will sort objects based on whether they sink or float in water.
History & Social Science 1.d The student will engage in pretend play to understand self and others.
History & Social Science 3.b The student will engage in play where one item represents another (miniature vehicles, people, & blocks).
able to test objects on make their own pizzas
their own (Science 3.d) using small pita bread,
- pizza sauce, cheese, and
Story Time - “The Mitten” by Jan - Read Aloud: books - Read Aloud: books about - Read Aloud: “Pete the - Read Aloud: books about
Brett about snow/winter snow/winter Cat & the Perfect Pizza snow/winter
Party” by James Dean
Small - “The Mitten” Activity - “The Mitten” Retelling - Mitten Handprint Craft - Arctic Animal Shape - Arctic Animal Shape
Group - “The Mitten” Retelling - Artist’s Station: - Snowball Toss Matching Matching
Activities - Snowman Button student’s practice - Icy Numbers Ten Frames - Snowball Toss - Snowball Toss
Counting drawing/painting - Winter Sensory Bin - Icy Numbers Ten - Winter Sensory Bin
- Winter Sensory Bin snowflakes - Post Office Dramatic Play Frames - Post Office Dramatic Play
- Post Office Dramatic - Winter Sensory Bin - Winter Sensory Bin
Play - Post Office Dramatic - Post Office Dramatic
Play Play
Special Make Pizzas!
Literacy 1.g The student will listen attentively to stories in a whole class setting.
Literacy 4.d The student will begin to match uppercase and lowercase letters.
Literacy 6.c The student will copy or write letters and numbers using various materials.
Literacy 6.d The student will print first name independently.
Visual Arts 1.c The student will use a variety of materials, textures, and tools for producing visual art.
Math 1.a The student will count forward to 20 or more. Count backward from 5.
Math 1.c The student will count the items in a collection of one to ten items and know the last counting word tells “how many”.
Math 1.e The student will use ordinal numbers (first through fifth) when describing the position of objects or groups of children in a sequence.
Math 4.a The student will match and sort shapes.
Math 4.c The student will recognize and name shapes.
Math 6.c The student will identify and explore simple patterns.
Science 1.a The student will use the five senses to explore and investigate the natural world.
History & Social Science 1.d The student will engage in pretend play to understand self and others.
History & Social Science 3.b The student will engage in play where one item represents another (miniature vehicles, people, & blocks).