Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions: Appendix L
Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions: Appendix L
Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions: Appendix L
Physical Properties of
Petroleum Fractions
In the early 1930s, tests were developed that characterized petroleum oils
and petroleum fractions so that various physical characteristics of petroleum
products could be related to these tests. Details of the tests can be found in
Petroleum Products and Lubricants, an annual publication of Committee D-2 of
the American Society for Testing Materials.1 These tests are not scientifically
exact, and hence the procedure used in the tests must be followed faithfully
if reliable results are to be obtained. However, the tests have been adopted
because they are quite easy to perform in an ordinary laboratory and
because the properties of petroleum fractions can be predicted from the
results. The specifications for fuels, oils, and so on are set out in terms of
these tests plus many other properties, such as the flash point, the percent
sulfur, and the viscosity.
Over the years various phases of the initial work have been extended,
and development of a new characterization scheme using the pseudocom-
pound approach is evolving. Daubert2 summarizes the traditional and new
methods insofar as predicting molecular weights, pseudocritical tempera-
ture and pressure, acentric factor, and characterization factors.
In this appendix we present the results of the work of Smith and Wat-
son and associates,3 who related petroleum properties to a factor known as
the characterization factor (sometimes called the UOP characterization factor). It
is defined as
(TB)1/ 3
K =
E. F. Nelson. Ind. Eng. Chem., 25, 880 (1933); K. M. Watson, E. F. Nelson, and G. B. Murphy,
Ind. Eng. Chem., 27, 1460 (1935).
894 Appendix L Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions
Refer to the charts of the hydrocarbons that give (a) the specific heats,
(b) the vapor pressure, (c) the heat of combustion, (d) the API, and (e) the
heats of vaporization.
4M. R. Riazi and T. E. Daubert. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, 755–759 (1987).
5J. Miquel and F. Castells. Hydrocarbon Processing, 101–105 (Dec. 1993).
Appendix L Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions 895
Sources of Equations
1. J.F. Fallon and K.M. Watson, “Thermal Properties of Hydrocarbons,” Nat. Pet.
News (Tech. Sec.), p. R-372 (June 7, 1944).
2. R.H. Cavett. “Physical Data for Distillation Calculations-Vapor-Liquid Equilibria,”
Proc. Am. Pet. Inst. Div. Refining, v. 42. p. 351 (1962).
3. K.M. Watson, “Thermodynamics of the Liquid State,” Ind. Eng. Chem. V. 35,
p. 398 (1943).