Dehydrogenation of Butan-8-01 On Zinc Oxide Catalyst: Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Study
Dehydrogenation of Butan-8-01 On Zinc Oxide Catalyst: Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Study
Dehydrogenation of Butan-8-01 On Zinc Oxide Catalyst: Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Study
1988,27, 2050-2055
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The kinetics of dehydrogenation of butan-2-01 on a zinc oxide catalyst was studied in a specially
fabricated continuous stirred tank reactor using annular ring-shaped disks of the catalyst. Ex-
perimental data were collected in the temperature range 400-490 "C and a t W/FA,,'sranging from
5X to 48 X lo4 g of catalyst/mol of butan-2-ol/s. An interesting feature concerning the rates
of reaction is the occurrence of a maximum in conversion at constant temperature. A dual-similar-site
mechanism with surface reaction as the rate-controlling step together with negligible K R and K s
is shown to account for all the observed results. Above 475 "C, however, a dual-dissimilar-site
mechanism with hydrogen desorption as the rate-controlling step also explains the data. An evaluation
of the internal diffusion effects on the basis of Weisz-Hicks criterion indicates that the effectiveness
factors were probably close to unity under most of the experimental conditions. Thus, the rate
equation proposed, viz., r = k p A / ( l + K A ~ A )could
~ , be said to describe the true kinetics of this
Dehydrogenation of butan-2-01 (sec-butyl alcohol) is an point is that the measurable exit conditions of concen-
industrially important reaction in that it yields methyl trations and temperature correspond to those inside the
ethyl ketone or butan-2-one, an industrial solvent, as the reactor. The rate of a reaction represented by the stoi-
chief product. This reaction is usually conducted in the chiometric equation
temperature range 325-425 "C on a catalyst such as zinc
oxide activated with Na2C03,Cu-Ni on Kieselguhr, Raney A=R+S (1)
copper etc. (Stephenson, 1966). A literature survey re- may readily be obtained from the equation
vealed that there are no published kinetic data on zinc
oxide catalyst. Miller and Wu (19721, however, report that
the activation energies of the reaction on a zinc oxide
catalyst with and without an oxygen pretreatment me 1.8 where X A is the exit fractional conversion of A in a CSTR
and 28.9 kcal/mol, respectively. No attempt was made by operating with a mass of catalyst equal to W and molar
Miller and Wu to present a rate equation for this reaction feed rate of A equal to F A @ When (1)occurs on a solid
on the zinc oxide catalyst. The present study was un- surface and the reaction mixture itself is in the gas (or
dertaken with the aim of obtaining a rate equation for the vapor) phase, it is necessary that any kinetic data collected
dehydrogenation of butan-2-01 on a zinc oxide catalyst. be such that it is possible to eliminate or take into account
It is well-known that the reactor system that yields the external physical transport resistances. In this respect,
direct rate information on any reaction is the well-mixed CSTR affords certain advantages over a fixed bed reactor
continuous stirred tank reactor or the CSTR. This type in that the agitation control can be achieved independently
of reactor is characterized by uniformity of concentration even at low feed rates of the reactants. An experimenter
of the species in the reaction together with constancy of is thus at a greater advantage with a CSTR for kinetic
temperature in the entire reactor space. An additional studies.
The experimental reactor system employed in the
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. present study amounted (Shah, 1982) to a well-mixed re-
0888-5885/88/2627-2050$01.50/0 0 1988 American Chemical Society
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 11, 1988 2051
Figure 2.
major limitations employed in the present study. The only
way to increase the mass of the catalyst was to increase
the thickness of the pellets which might bring in significant
pore diffusion effects. 009
l + K A
negative (<O) when both k and KA are positive. In other
kPA words, the rate of reaction ( r ) passes through a maximum
r = (5)
(1 + KAPA)' according to ( 5 ) at XAmgiven by ( 7 ) . The corresponding
maximum rate of reaction is readily obtained by substi-
By differentiation of ( 5 ) with respect to XA,one observes tuting (7) in ( 5 ) together with (3). Thus,
r, = k / 4 K A (9)
(&IT + + ( 1 - KA)XA)' +
= ( - 2 k [ x ~ ( ( K 1~)
( 1 - K A ) X A ] (6) ~)
Equating the right-hand side of (6)to zero, one finds that and a linear regression was performed. The results of the
&)T = 0 at X A , , = --
~ (7)
estimates of k and KA are shown in Table IV.
A few additional comments are in order concerning the
rate equation ( 5 ) . A comparison of (5) with (H) of Table
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 11, 1988 2053
Table 11. Possible Mechanisms in the Reaction A = R + S on a Solid Catalyst and the Corresponding Rate Equations
mechanism rate-limiting step rate eq
single site, A and R adsorption of A
as the adsorbed species
surface reaction
desorption of R
k (;: 2)
single site, A and S adsorption of A
as the adsorbed species
surface reaction
desorption of S
k (;: E)
dual similar site adsorption of A
surface reaction
desorption of R
desorption of S
I1 clearly shows that the former is a special case of the may prevail with respect to XA,m. The estimates of KA of
latter in which K Rand K,s are negligible. -A further point the present study comply with this condition. It may also
emerges from (7) in that K A must. be greater than unity be remarked that at least two earlier workers reported the
(KA > 1) in order that physically meaningful situations validity of the rate equation of the form shown in (5).
2054 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 11, 1988
Table 111. Constants k and K, in Equation 3 Table V. Asymptotic Effectiveness Factors at Various
temp, “C w 5 k , mol/((a cat) s) KR Temperatures: Experiments with W/FA, = 14.42 g of
catalyst/mol of A/h
475 8.52 0.027
490 6.57 0.008 temp, XAfrom the
“C ?asymptotic X~srptlltaaymptotic soh of (11)
Table IV. k,KA, and the Rate Constant of the Surface 425 1.762 0.465 0.482
Reaction in Equation 5 450 1.364 0.651 0.620
475 1.222 0.757 0.704
temp, W k , mol KA, 490 1.200 0.771 0.733
“C A/((g cat) s atm) atm-* 106k, = k / K A
425 1.72 4.41 3.90 these conditions but would involve the solution of the
450 1.70 3.52 4.83 nonlinear differential equation relating the concentration
475 1.66 2.64 6.29 of A at any position inside the catalyst disk and the size
490 1.61 2.11 7.63
of the disk together with the other parameters such as p ~ ,
Thus, Nondek and Kraus (1975) report that the initial KA, etc. It must be remembered that this equation is
rates of dehydrogenation of several C3-C7 secondary al- formulated to include the effects of (1)the peculiarities
cohols on various chromia catalysts are expressible by an of the kinetics, i.e., of (5), and (2) decreasing density of the
equation identical in form with that of (5). The same reaction mixture, owing to the stoichiometry of the reac-
reaction on a brass catalyst was studied by Thaller and tion. No detailed numerical solution was attempted at this
Thodos (1960) and was shown to have an identical rate stage, but an asymptotic approach to the effectiveness
equation. factors was taken, and this leads to the following expres-
It is useful to point out certain implications of (7) and sion:
(9) with respect to the variation of KA with increasing VaaVmDtotic
temperature. Thus, if KA decreases as the temperature
is increased (as is the case in the present study), (7) dictates
that XA,, should decrease with a temperature increase.
According to (9), the value of rm should increase at the
same time considering that k varies only slightly (Table
IV), the overall variation being about 6% decrease. Thus,
an anomalous situation is observed in the present study
in that the results conform with the latter implication The results of the evaluation of 7 at the four tem-
concerning rm but not the former. In other words, both peratures indicated are shown in ?%f%.
Table V lists
r , and XA,m increase with an increase of temperature. the calculated values of XA,ax,,fl/?)wymputic,
which could be
Internal Diffusion Effects. Attempts were made to looked upon as being proportional to the “pore-diffusion
assess the possible involvement of significant pore diffusion effects-corrected” rate of reaction at W / F = 14.42 g of
effects in the kinetic experiments of the study. At the catalyst/mol of A/h. The last column of Table V provides
outset, it may be pointed out that the effectiveness factors the solution of the cubic equation obtained from (2) to-
in situations represented by kinetic expressions such as gether with (4) and (5), i.e.,
(5) are decided by at least two parameters: (a) the modulus
combining the rate constant, effective diffusivity, shape
x~~+ bXA2 CXA d = 0 + + (12)
and size of pellet, etc.; (b) the adsorption coefficients such where
as KA together with the partial pressure levels on the 2(1 - KA2) + k ( W / F )
catalyst surface. In fact, in (l), there is bound to be a third b=
factor in the form of an “expansion factor” accounting for (1- K A ) ~
the density decrease of the reaction mixture due to the
stoichiometry of the reaction. A rigorous approach would (1 + K.J2 k(W/F) (13)
C= d=
involve the solution of a nonlinear differential equation, (1- K A ) ~ (1- K A ) ~
and it is a two-point boundary-value problem that needs
to be solved numerically. A simplified approach, however, Equation 1 2 relates the conversion (XA)to the operating
was resorted to: in the modulus of Weisz and Hicks ac- conditions in the CSTR, viz., temperature (which decides
cording to Satterfield (1971), it was assumed that, under k and KA) and WIF. The above equation was solved with
conditions when this modulus is quite small, the pore- the parameters k and KA as given in Table IV together
diffusion effects are unimportant and hence the effec- with W / F = 14.42 at the four temperatures shown. The
tiveness factor wouldbe essentially unity. In order to ob- good agreement clearly indicates the validity of the pro-
tain estimates of this modulus, it is necessary to have an posed rate equation in explaining the experimental data
estimate of De, the effective diffusivity of A in the reaction of the present study.
mixture. Based on the effective diffusivity data reported Thus, it may be concluded that eq 5 describes the ki-
for the ethanol-hydrogen system (Satterfield, 1971), netics of the dehydrogenation of butan-2-01 on the zinc
measurements of Defor H2-N2 in zinc oxide pellets (Ra- oxide studied. The constants k and KA which are tabu-
ghunathan, 1977) assumed that D e= 0.1 cm2/s for pur- lated in Table IV show the following temperature depen-
poses of the calculation of the modulus. dencies:
Calculations of the modulus, (Vp/S,,)2[r,,,/(oeC,)], at
the various operating conditions showed that this modulus
was much less than one except in the case of the runs with
W / F = 14.42 g of catalyst/mol of A/h. It may therefore
be inferred that the pore diffusion effects are probably
significant with respect to the experimental data obtained
in these experiments. A correct approach would be to It may be added here that (14)implies an activation energy
evaluate the effectiveness factors of the catalyst under of about 10.8 kcal/mol for the catalyst studied.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 11, 1988 2055