Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
2 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Introducing your Lecturer
3 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Course Set-up
4 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Course Philosophy
We will learn:
• How to read these equations, what they tell us, what is their purpose
• When to use a particular equation
• How to apply these in solving thermodynamic problems
5 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Course Philosophy
Chemical thermodynamics is mainly chemical process oriented for making a
specific product, implying:
6 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Course Philosophy
But chemical thermodynamics is also
Product related:
• Specification of a product. (process/feed quality variation)
• Stability of end products (non-equilibrium, storage conditions)
7 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics
8 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Early developments: Farewell to Aristoteles. Air composition => Ideal gas laws
Who: Otto von Guericke E. Torricelli R. Boyle D. Fahrenheit A Celsius J. Charles L. Gay-Lussac A. Avogadro
1602 – 1686 1608 – 1647 1627 – 1691 1686 – 1736 1701 –1744 1764 – 1823 1778 – 1819 1776 – 1856
What: Vacuum pump Barometer PV=cst Accurate T-scale V/T=cst P/T=cst V/n=cst
When: (1649) (1643) (1662) Thermometer (1741) (1802) (1809) (1811)
Air properties
Is H2 different
from O2 ?
Why: Horror Vacui Weather Life & air Invention Easier scale 1st H2 balloon Explanation
forcast Income flight, needed 2H2+O2=2H2O
hot H2.
9 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Industrialization: Steam engines, efficiency => Thermodynamic laws (1+2)
What: Steam Engine Efficiency Carnot Work/Heat 1st law 2nd law
When: (1776) of engines Diagram (1845) (1847) (1854)
(1824) (1834)
10 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Industrialization: => Real gas theory Statistical Mechanics, Equation of state,…
Who: J. Gibbs J. Maxwell L. Boltzmann J. van de Waals J. van Laar Peter Debeye
1839-1903 1831-1879 1846-1906 1837-1923 1837-1923 1884-1966
What: G=H-TS U= 3/2 kT S=k log W Eq. of state Act. Model Phonon model
When: (1879) (1866) (1877) (1873) (1910.) (1912)
Why: Chemical Kinetic (probability) Noble gases Volatilty Ion Act. Model
Thermo- theory for gases Behavior of solvents (1923)
dynamics Pure in mixtures
compounds Heat capacity
of solids at
low T
11 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Oil Era: New materials, predictive methods, improved equations methods
Who: E. Guggenheim P. Flory J. Hildebrand J. Barker J. Prausnitz D-Y. Peng J. Gmehling A. Klamt J. Gross
1901-1970 1910-1985 1881-1983 1925-1995 1928- 1940- 1941- 1960- 1967-
What: Quasi- Polymer Solubility Perturbation NRTL Cubic EoS Unifac COSMO-RS PC-SAFT
When: Chemical Solution parameter theory (1968) (1974) (1977) (1995) (2001)
theory theory (1950) (1967) Uniquac
(1926) (1941) (1975)
Why: Statistical & Polymer Prediction Computer Improve New Pharma Non-cubic
chemical solubility of Simulations vd Waals Chemicals molecules EoS
thermo. solubility Flowsheets by groups by QM
12 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Data Era: Property prediction by molecular descriptors
13 Chemical Thermodynamics 1
Summary: Lecture 1
14 Chemical Thermodynamics 1