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ronse to I Al.E.E.E.r2OO7
Er 008 is I
asbelow: IPAPER.tU
Let Ly be a line rvith direction ratios (-2,
] IT4ATHEIT,IATICS -1, 2) and .L2be the line joining the poin'us

ms e ll 1. If
+b" +.... (lbl < 1), then the
of the seriesL + ab * o2b2+ equalto :
(1, 2, 3) and (3, 2, l"). If 0 is the angle
betweenthe lines L1 and L2, then lsin 0 |
equals :

jv--- .o); /@li

(A) --- (B) --rJ

x,+y- L x-y-
(D)- 4
+ (")#
1g'1--!v .
x-y+ L .r+.y+l- If o and 6 are trvo non-parallel vecfors
bmpletely 2. The set of values of a for which the having equal magnitude, then the vector
ry s : quadratic equation @ -6) x (o x 5')is parallel to :
(A) o (B )b
(a+2) *2-2ur-cr=0
Q\a-6 (D)a + 6
has two roots on the number line
F Answer symmetrically placed about the point 1is : The numbers 0, b, c are distinct and
(A){0,u (B ) {_1,0} non-negative. If the three vectors a l}
--) --) -+ --) -) -) -)
(c) {0,2} (D) 0 a j+c k, c i+c j+b kand i+ k are
ech entry. coplanar,then c is :
ilidateuse 3. A parallelograrn is cut by two sets of ru (A) arithmeticmean of o, b
parallel lines, parallel to the sides of the (B) geometric rnean of a, b
I scanner. parallelogram. The number of parallelo-
(C) harmonic mean of o, b
pinst thpt grams so formed is :
(D) equal Lo zero
(A) ("Cz) x ("Cz) (B) (' *'Cr) x (" t 2Cz)
There are 30 boys and 20 girls in a class.
l be done (C) ("Cil , (" * lCz) (D) ("C2) , (" * zCz) The mean and variance of their marks in
.N{aths are, respectively',65 and 100. If 5
The equations of motion of a particle are grace marks are added to the scoreofeach
$out the
given by
ellowed. student, then the revised mean and
dx I
machine ! , L, 1r dl_
tt' =r+r; variance lvill be, respectively :
o 1 =ttt* il (A) 65, 100 l$izo, too
where the particle is at (x(/),y(t)) at time f. (C) 70, variance > 100
If the particle is at the origin at / = 0, them: (D) 65, variance < 100
(A) 6r = (2d + 111d - l)2 lo. A bullet fired at a target loses half of its
(B) 6x = 1d + L)(d - l)2 velocity after penetrating 6 cm into it. Ho'v
(C) 6r = (2d - 1)(er+ 1)2 much further will it penetrate before its
velocity its destro5zeC?
(D)6r=( d-t)(d+t)2
o' If li- / n' , \
{.L) (B) 3 cm
I ry+lexists, }cm
x --+7\8\x) ) (C) 2 cm (D) 1cm
(A) boin,tim /(r) andlim g(r) must exist
11. If the ratio of the 7th tern from the
(B) lim /(r) must exist beginning to the 7th term from the end in

'Wrong the expansion of 12'h+ 3ys)'is ], then the

(C) neither b'
ftrl nor lim g(r) may exist
]rii valueof n is :
ndance (A) 3 (B) I
(D) lim g(r)must exist -
Dtr nn (D) 6
value of c for which the conclusion o1 27
12. If three distinct positive numbers a, b, c are -1{t. The
in A.P. such that abc = 4, then the value of
t/ Lagrange's mean value theorem hold for
b is always : the function l(O = {zs} on the interval
(A) equal to 1273/2 (B) greater than 121q3 [1,5] is :
(A) 2 19)\i5
(C) less lhan (2)% (D) equal to (z)qs
(C) \6- ,*D ''tL'
13. If there are 30 onto mappings from a set (r_ _ rl+ o if r> 1 -
containing n elementsto the set {0, 1}, then 20. Ler ttxl = ),1^ : l.' : ^;- -
n equals: If /(r) has a local minimum atx = !, then :
(A) 2 (B) 3 (B)a>5
(c) 5 (D) 7 (D)o<5
14. The coeffrcientofyll in 1$ it 21. The area enclosed by the curves x2=)'
{l - Y)' ' !=x+2andr-axisis:
(A) 46 (B) 44 K5
a (A) f, sq.units (B) sO.units
(c) 42 ID) 40 b- i
sr 15
15. The system ofiinear equations (C) sc. units (D); sq. units
(1,+3)r+()'+2)Y*z=0 -
3r+(1,+3)Y+z=0 22. In an ellipse, the distance between its
?'x+3Yrz=0 directrices is four times the distance
between its foci. lf ( -2, 0) is one of its
has nontrivial solutions
vertices, then the equation of the ellipse is:
(A) 4x2+ 3Y2= 1 (B) 3x2+ 4Yz= 1
(C) 4tc2+ 3y2= 12 =12
(C) if l' = -1 !D)3x2 + b2
(D) for no real value of l' =
.. 23. ifthe sectionofthe sphere*2 * y2 *,2 o2
by the plane z a/2 is a circle of radius
16. An antiderivative of the integral
{2? units, then its section by the plane
, /1-r\2,
d* z =a/6 is a circle ofradius :
'I n'l---al
Ir +r-J (A) {30 units (B) {35 units
i s: (C) {40 units (D) {45 units
(A) e'/1t + x21 24. If a, b, c are in A.P. with non-zero common
(B) d/(l + x2)2 difference and l, y, z are in G.P., then the
points (a*), (b$ and (c, z) ate collinear,if :
(C) -xe'l1t + tc2)z
(A)x=Y=2 (B)y2=z
(D')e' (L - x)/(1+ tc2)2
(C)x=22 (D) x2 =y
-6- +I) dx equals: the
Pa L7. J tog(x+''lx" 2fr The distance between Point
/t (-1, -5, -10) and the point of intersectionof
(A) 2 log (o + {42 + 1;
the line r-2 =J' :L =# with the Plane
(B) 2log (a2+ L\ :t412
x - y + z = 5 is :
(C)2log({7i * o) t3
(A) 12
(D) 0 'zl$i
(D)1 6
o ' (c) 15
fax-x <2 26. The equation of pair of straight lines
18. Letf(r) = i ;
i. r lax" +bx+3,x32 through the origin, each of which makes an
If /is differentiable for aII r, then the value angle c with the line Y = 3 i5 '
of (o, b) is equal to : (A) x2 -Zxy cos2c^+Y2=g
(L' (314,-914)
tJ. (B) x2 -?-tcYsin2a+Y2 =g
(B) (1,2)
(C) x2 - 7'tcYsec2a + Y2 = g
(c) (..312,9/2)
(D\ (3/4,-912) (D) r2 - 7-tcycosec2 a + Y2 = g
rb:ch the conclusionof 27. The y-axis and the lines 34. The value of ft for which the cirice
val'ue theorem hold fol and *2+y2-4x+6y+3=0
1a5-2a31)c+(e+2)y +3a=0
\';:7 on the interval - =0 concurrent will bisect the circumference of the circle
1a5- 3a21x+ 4y + a 2 are
for : ,2*y2 +6r- 4y+h=0is:
rB)rE (A) No value of a (B) TWovalues of a (A) -47 (B) 53
rD)fi5 (C) Three values of a (D) !'ive values of a (c) -53 (D) 47
+ o if r > 1
'r> 1 28. If X has a Poisson distribution where lr .Uu- r 3- 4k- r 4'5k - r l
2P (X = 0) = P(X = 2), then P(0 < X< 3) is : 35.If^e= l a 0 v I
imnrumatr = 1, then: 4n- l 5" - 11
(N b"-2 (B) 4e*2 l3' - 1
tc)f"-z tn)+e{ then the value of3 Ap depends:
h =L
I b1- the curves *2 =y, (A) only on cr,not on P, Y
rL:: 29. If forcesP+QandP-Q make an angle
2a with one another and their resultant (B) only on cr and P, not on Y
(B) i so. units makes an angle 0 with the bisector of the (C) on all of cr,B and y
. sin(u+0) (D) on none of c,, P and Y
1E angle betrveen them, tnen -.-----=- u)
tD): so.units sm (cx, 36. If the point (2, r) lies outside
equal to :
*2 +y2 = 13 and 12 *y2 +x-2Y -14=0,
I riistance between its (ti P/(P + Q) B) Q/e - 8) then :
t :imes the distance (c) (P * Q)/(P + Q (D) (P + Q)/@ - Q)
f -2, 0) is one of its (A) r el - -3 [q;] 4,
-, -[
rll:::ron of the ellipse is: 30. If A standsfor the areaof the triangleABC, (B)rel-*"-2[L/] 3,-[
then b2sin 2C + c2sin 2.Bis equalto :
'B)3r2+4{.2=I (C)xe1-3,-2[U] 3,4[
(A) A (B) 2A
(c) 3^ (D) 4A (D)rel-3,4[
r+aere *2*y2+12=o2 37. Iffor realp the equation
r 1
y'2 :s a circle of radius
31. If /(r) = -4, when --; < r S_ l -, n = 0 , 1 ,
b section by the plane 2. , 2n+ t 2n' sin6r+aoa6r=p
f raCius: 2,...,,, always has real solutions, then p lies in the
rB) {35 units nI interval:
then Lt | " f(xld* equals : (A) 11,2[ (B ) 1 1 , 2 l
t D) {45 units n---)@

].s-ith non-zerocommon 11
(B );
(c)t1,1l to)t1,11
(A ):
, z are in G.P.,then the z6
nd rc,z) are collinear,if: 38. A certain water-supply system consist of a
(c) -; (D)o source, three pumping stations' and a
(B)Y2=2 .t
destination. Each pumping station has
(D) x2 =Y Q2. Ship Ais 6 kilometre west of a point O and probabilityp (0 <p < 1)ofbeingoperableat
moving east at 3 kilometre per hour, ship B a specified time /s and the stations function
between the point ,/'
' is 8 kilometre north of O and moving south independently of one another. The stations
re point ofintersection of
'l at 4 kilometre per hour. They are nearest to are connectedas shown below :
' =' > _9
-: with the plane
one another, when time in hours equals :
(o)1; lB) 2
(B) 13
(D) 16
Q)2+ (D) 3
pair of straight lines
, eachof which makes an Tivo poirrts P and Q in the Argand diagram
Del'=ris' represent cnmplex numbers z and
=o 3z + 2 + i.If P moves around the cirlce with The probability that water is available
;* -)'2
centre at origin and radius 2, then Q moves the destination at time /6 is :
-)2=0 on the cirlce, whose centre and radius are ; (A\ p2 (B) 2p2
,- -l'2= 0 (A )2+i,3 (B ) -2 - i, 6
(c) 2 - i,3 (D) 2 + i, 6 (C'tp2\2 - p) (D)p3
N a*y2=g
Directions (for Q.51to 53):3-D problen frgure shorvsI
39. SupposeP, Q are two like parallel forces'A
figure shows the views of an object. Identif the correct t
coupleof moment G is combinedwith thern'
the correct front view as indicated by ar:row, answer figue
Then resultant is displaced through a
distance: 51. Problem Figure Problem Figu
(: .p*.
r.ll p-e (B) 0


.4 =\+ 4r2 then:

(A) lml<1
(D) n
40. If m is the slope of a tangent to the curve

(B ) l n l sl
(D ) l rn l > 1

Answer Figures
Answer FiEu

nn n n
41. Maitri Mandir is situated in :
l l l l ,l l ,l l
F -l -l l -\-l l \ rr--l(.\|
(A) None of these Auroville (A) (B) (c)
(C) Andhra Pradesh -(B)
(D) Kerala /4D',
42. Ttre famous Padmanabhapuram Palace 52. Problem Figure
located in the State of : lffi=i
(A) Kerala ,(8) Tamll Nadu
(C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Karnataka
43. Tansen lived during the times of :
|Ft oD.
Problem Fig

(A) Shivaji (B) Sher Shah Suri

(C) Akbar (D) Jahangir
44. Which one of the following is not an

Answer Figures
{' architect?
(A) Le-Corbusier .(B) Inder Gujral
(C) Charles Correa (D) Anant Raje
o .46. Henry Moorewas a :
,'" (A) Astronomer
JC) Archaeologist
(B) Architect
(D) Sculptor

{&. In which of these countries can you find the

ru M_.1E
(A) (B)
(c) (D)
Answer Figr

58. Problem Figures
/ famous man-made constructions of llli
Buckingham Palace and The Big Ben ?
(A) Japan .lB) United Kindgom
(C) China (D) India
Ttre structure of Golden Gate Bridge is :
--*1. (A) Column and Beam
(B) Floating
(C) SusPension
(D) Tlussed
Answers Figures (c)
I .48. Famous 'Sun Temple'is situated at : 56. Problem Fd
3 (A) Kanpur (B) Puri
.. (D) Bhubaneshwar
: JG) Konark
4s, Victoria Memorial is a :
(A) Railway Station JB) Museum
(C) Theatre (D) Hospital
-50. The famous work of Leonardo da Vinci is :
(A) Cleopatra (B) Elizabeth
(C) Mona Lisa (D) The king
5l to 53) : 3-D problen Directions (for Q. 54 to 56) : 3-D problem
fo"r,.'sof an object.Identifi frgure shows the view of an object. Identify
hls- as indicated by arrow the correct top view from amongst the
answer figures.
54: Problem Figure

Answer Figures
Directions (for Q. 57 to 59) : Which one of

r--,l the answer figures, shows the correct vieq of

r bh (c) .,(o)
tT-T| tI ti
,, 6.)
the 3-D problem figure, after it is openedup ?
57. Problem Figure


l--fTl Answer Figures

55. Problem Figure



s V
Answer Figures
@ V

58. Problem Figure

Answer Figures

(c) TTf
-rr L-l
| |

n "#
56; Problem Figure
tl |_1
(A) (B)

--f4- Tlts t-l
(c) .fD)
5i"""ti"." (f.t Q. 63) : Identifu the 66. Which one of t
Problem Figure correct 3-D frgure, from the answer figures, r radiant heat ?
rvhich has the front view, as given in the (A) Black mat
problem frgure on the left. (B) White ma
Problem Figure (C) Red sandr
(D) CementP
Answer Figures 67. Cement is ma
(A) Marble
i_l_ tnLlnl
n , (C) Sandston
65. Which of th
Answer Figures surface w'hen
HH (B) ,,t\ /L 4$4$
(A) Sandstou
(C) Brick
,y' 69. Which of tb
n ti
(A) (B) (c) .Jp,
' absorbing
(A) Jute IIad
n rt-'t--t l-Tf---l (C) Ground G
|"Jl.r-Lj trr++r-u
HLJ Directions (for Q. 64 and 65) : Identify 70,'Ozone ia1'er
NU the correct 3-D figure, from the answer penetratrono
EH figures, which has the same top view, as (A) Infrared t
(c) (D) given in the problem figure on the left' (C) Sound wt
Directions (for Q.60 to 62) : Find out the 64. Problem Figure
total number of surfaces of the object given 71. A white colo
below in the Problem figures. larger becaur
(A) it ar=rtr
60. Problem Figure
. (B) it:t:lrfr
R,AA (C) it is c'r
I t\/t I '
I l-\t I (D) it is a wa

I t-.t-t
I -l

Answer Figures --*..72. Sanitarl' Fi-d
.-I"{) Glossl'ar
t t t ll

(B) N{att and
(A) 8 (B) 10 (C) Glossvar
(c) 12 (D) 14 (D) Matt nnd

(c) (D) Which of thel

(A) (B\ -78. (A)
(B) PurPle,t
65. Problem Figure (C) Orange.

(D) Green.c
7-1. Three true 1
(il 16 (B) 17 ' together aFe
(c) 18 (D) 19
, LI-tj
Answer }"igures
.(A) Black
(C) Violet
75. Which one o
_ /' most tranqui


(A) 10
(c) 11
(B) 12
/D) 13

\J* \r-'--
LSilil (trrfr
mm (c) (D)
(A) Black
(C) Red
of the ansrs
image of :he
66. Which one of the following will reflect more 76. Problem Figure
ion- :he answer figures, radiant heat ?
I ", given in the (A) Black marble
he .eft. (B) White marble
(C) Red sandstone
(D) Cement plastered surface
67. Cement is made out of :
(A) Marble
(C) Sandstone
,JB) Limestone
(D) Granite
68. Which of the following gives smoother
h\hh (A) (B)
.J:l (D)
surface when polished ?

(A) Sandstone lB) Granite 77. Problem Figure

-,A-- (C) Brick (D) Concrete
69. Which of the following is not a sound

ic )
absorbing material ?
(A) Jute Matt (B) Thermocole l\lx I
(C) Ground Glass (D) Glass Wool Answer Figures
r 6l and 65) : Identifu 70. Ozone layer around the earth prevents
tEr. irom the answer penetration of: Wqlxl{l @l4l-oT-+l
tti .ame top vieq as
l l--::e on the left.
(A) Infrared rays
(C) Sound waves
(B) Illtra-violet rays
(D) Excessiveheat ffiNtrMM
(A) (B) (c) ler
7t. A white coloured building interior looks Directions (for Q.78 to 80): Find the odd
larger because :
figure out :
(A) it absorbs more light
(B) it reflects more light
(C) it is a cool colour
(D) it is a warm colour

.72. Sanitary Fixtures are:

and smooth
(B) Matt and smooth
(A ) (B) (c) (D)
(C) Glossy and rough
(D) Matt and rough
-Which of the following are secondary colour ?
(c) (D) -38.
(A) Orange, blue and green
(B) Purple, blue and green
(A ) (B) (c) (D)

(C) Orange, purple and green

E o@
(D) Green, orange and yellow
74. Three true primary colours when mixed t( it
' together are closest to :
Black (B) White
v/ tA) (B ) (c) (D)
- '"(A)
(C) Violet (D) Blue Directions (for Q. 81 to 84) : Which one
75. Which one of the following colours is the of the answer figures will complete the
- sequenceofthe problem figures ?
most tranquilizing ?

!ffiilm(c) (D)
(A) Black
(C) Red
(B) Blue
(D) Yellow
Directions (for Q. 76 to 77): Which one
of the answer figures is the correct mirror
B1. Problem Figures

T E fl
E ftr
image of the given problem frgure ?
@ Directi
Answer Figures Answer !'igures
I- Tr u nunrber
tl rm ffi
r n llm
r r r lrt n t !rlnnl
!l r-r. rr r-rllllll; figure. g
l2 z ln , 4 lt I L r
- - 90;
L_ | ! r--l tUll
|: lu LJlr--= tn.a
(A) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) ,&\ tD) t-t-
Problem Figures Directions
86) :
Which one of the
in the probiern
f.tgut", in the same size and direction ?
Problem Figure tl

Answer Figures
(A) JO
O (B) 1'j
(A) (B) (c) (D) Answer Figures ( D ri s
Problem Figures
\ 1. (A) 2
6. (B) 7
l2 F-,
l <\
1 1 .( C ) U
, 16.(D) r7
Answer Figures
lpr' 21.(C) 22
26.(C) 27
Directions (for Q. 8?) : How many total 31.(D) 32
number of rectangles are there in the 36.(A) 37
problem figure, given below ? 41.(B) 12
o 46. (B) .ri
Problem Figures 51.(D) 52
56. (A) 51

X 61.(A)
\ ot o o E o 6i
"2S o A A o
66. (B)
Pa 12 76.(C) 7i
(A) 11 (B) 12 j$ 73 (D) 14 81.(D) 82
Answer Figures
Directions (for Q.88 and 89) : How many 86. (D) 8'
total number of trialigles are there in the
problem figure, given below ?
Pa Problem Figure
(A) p) (c) (D) 1. (A), r
Directidn (for Q. 85) : Some geometrical r
shapes are given, on the right, in answer
figures. When they are assembled,which + 1-a
one of them, will form the figure given on
o the left ?
(B) 30 (c) 36 (D) 38
Problem !'igure
flS. Prohlem Fiplrre I

+ 1-D

Directions (for Q. 90) : How many total Sum ofthe series
number of squares are there in the problem = | + ab + o2b2+......(lab | < 1)
V \A', fip1rre,given below ? 1
iL -r I-l i
i lx ) e o' I-ab
6 _1)- xy - (xy - r.-y + 1)
; 86 : \\hich one of the
h-iien in the problem
- __
6rzoand direction ? x+y-l
2. (A), Equation (u + 2)x2- 2os - a= 0
x = z^ a + n < u iZ ) -
zot r6rrzl so = s.!iffi + 2o
= -itr^
(A) 20 *-zf- (tx+ a---
(B) 16
According to the given condition
_-{c) 14 g * ii7* zol- 1= 1- (o-'tz& * nl
(D) 18
& *z
2 u = 2 ^ lT*zo
1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (D)
a2 -2a+ I=2a2 +2a
6. (B) 7. @) 8. S)* 9. (c) 10.(c)
11.(C) 12.(B) 13.o) 14.(B) 15.(D) a2+iln-1=0
16.(D) 17.(D) 18.(A) 1 9 . (D) 2 0 .(D) -4 r iG.t4 -4 !2{4 + 1
21,(C) 22.(D) 23.(B) 24.6) 2 5 .(B ) ') 2
26.(C) 27.(B) 28.(B) 29.(D) 30.(D) = -21 \5
) 6: : Ifow many totai 31.(D) 32.(B) 33.(D) 34.(Ai 35.(C) =) o: e {0, 1}
$es "re there in the 36.(A) 37.(B) 3E.(B) 39.(B) 40.(A)
:c ::-crr' ? 41.(B) 42.(B) 43.(C) 44.(B\ 45.(C) 3. (A),'tC2xnC2
46.(B) 47.(A) 48.(C) 49.(B) 50.(c) )-
51.(D) 52.(D) 53.(D) 54. (A) 55. (A) 4. (A), :i = r(t + l)
56.(A) 57.(B) 58. (D) 5e.(D) 60.(c)
62. (A) 63.(C) 6 4 .(B ) 6 5 . (D) :+ dx = t(t + 11d,t
61. (A)
66.(B) 67.(B) 68.(B) 69.(C) 70.(B) et

71.(B) 72.@) 73.(C) 74.(A) 75.(D) .f =,


76.(C) 77.(D) 78.(B) 79.(C) 80.(A)

rC) 13 (D) 14 82.(D) 83.(C) 84.(B) 85.(C) atl=0,lr=0=C=0
t 88 and 89) : How many 86.(D) 87.(A) 88. (A) 8 e . (D) e 0 .(c )
br,:ies are there in the
an below? =) 6x = 2tB + 3t2
1 . (A),r = 1 + a + a 2 + . ..........(l o | . 1) i\ow, :; ;,-i
( II { T I
-' l . -a .1
+ c4'=
+ 1 - a ' = ' = a = I-- .y=log(t+l)+C2
x-I att=0,J=0=CZ=0
(c ) 3 6 ( D) 38 = a=---
y=log(t+1)=> t+l=d

| " 1)
J - 1 + b +b2+ ..........(lb + t=d -I
1 Now 6x = t2 (2t + 3)
Y = 1 -b ) 6x=({-r)2(2d+L)
1 1 5. (D),
= r 1 -b = != + b = r- -
f 6. (B), Directions Ratios of L2wiLlbe ( 3 - 1)
, y -1 (2 - 2), (1 - 3) i.e.,2,0, -2
+ Q a- - - -
iC) 8 ,{ngle between Z1 and 12 is given bY
Ptt J

EXAM. (AIEEE),2006

7. Thesystemofequations
x+!+ Z=0
If a circle of area l6 n has two of its diameters
a l o n gth e l i n e s2 x -3 y + 5 = 0 andx+ 3J,- 1l = 0,
hasa non-trivialsolution,when
atedto then the equationofthe circle is :
(A) x 2 + y z -4 x -6 y -t3 = 0
(A) b- a:0
(q b2=2b+l
(B) b2=2b
lEt b2 :2b - |
(B) x 2 + l -4 x + 6 y -3 :0
8. Theslopeofthenormal-tothecurvey=t' -4* at

(9 x 2 + f-4 x + 6 y -1 3 :O
(D ) x 2 + y 2 -4 x -6 y -3 = 0
(A) 4 (B) _4
The meandeviationof an ungroupeddata is 10.If
eachobservationis increasedby 4ah.the revised
(c) all (D)t
meandeviationis : 9. IfA andB aresquarematri cesoft hesam eor der
(A) 10.04 (B) e6 then which of the following is always true ?
/'. (q 10.0 (D) 10.4 (A) A and B are non-zeroand
The line x sin cr -y cos or:{r touchesthe circle lA B l= 0 e lA l= 0 a n d lB l: 0
It x2 + !2 = 42,Then : (B) (AB-')=A-rB-r
(A) a can have any value (q (A + B )-r: A -r+ B -r
r * -"1 (D) adj(AB): (adjB)(adjA)
(E t
/. ae l-+.:l I 0. If the centroid of the triangle with vertices(3c+ 2,
L i 2l
(C ) c e [0 .n ] 2,0), (2c,- l ,- l ) and (c + 2,3c* l, c*3) coin-
(D ) a e [-n .n ] cideswith the centre of the spherex2 + y2 + x2+
I f/is acont in uously differentia ble fu nction th en Sttr- 4by - 2c7= l3 then :
(A ) c= 3 (B) c: o

l , I*'l l '(x)d r i s: .(c) c: I (D) c=2

( ) 2f(1s)+f(Jr)+f(t) ll. L e t A = (i -2 i + 3 / r)a n d$ = 1 i + t r i + t i 1 n e

(B)2/(r.s)- f( Jr) -f(t) givenvectors.

Thevector; = i + l,i + zi thatsat-
(q ,f(r.s)-f(Jr)-f(t) i sfi esthe equati onV xA --E i s z
on Books @)/(t.5)+^ Jr)+f(t)
(A) (1,e,-t4)
(g (1,-9,r4)
(B) (1,-e,- 14)
(D) (1,9,l4)
A particlehastwovelocities d [. Icresun | 2.- The greatestresultant and the smallestresultant
"nO that two given forcescan have are of magnitude R
antvelocityisequalto rr] in magnitude.
Thean- and S respectively.The given forcesand a third

yourbooks glewhichthenewresultantmakeswith [ *n.n

forcewhosemagnitudeis JRS keep a particle in
equilibrium. Then :

n v, isdoubledis :
(A) t80" (B) 60'
(A) two of these forces are perpendicular'toeach
(B) hvo ofthese forcesare parallelto eachother
? 90' (D) 120'
(C) anglebetweentwo of theseforces is 60o
T'hedomainof thefunction
@) anglebetweentwo of theseforcesis 45"
f(x)= ufu:j+sinra J..'-1 is : I 3. If the quadratic equationsar2 + cx- b : 0 andu*

[: ) _2b.r + i'^l -\
= 0, 16+i + 0 | have a common root,
(A) ( B) [ , oo]
lt ' *) then the value of a _ 4b + 2c is z,
(g [-* , l] (D) t0,rl
I chapter-wisesolutions AIItndia Engineering/ArchitectureEntranceExam.
()2 (B) I
(c) 0 (D) -l 22. lfthefirst threetermsofasequence ll. The liney
14. Two friendsA and B start walking from the same *,u,O,I
point O. A heads straight towards north. But B arein G.P.andthelastthreearein H.p.,thenthe curves.t'= |
first walks 4 krn towards north-east,then heads valuesofa andDrespectively are :
a regionsn I
towards30owestof north. IfA and B meetat a point
X, then distanceof X from O is :
i ;, ,{D-l,r fr )z,' t
( C) 2: I
Jo* (r])2
jt(r+."5)knr (q #,0 L+

Pl ,' i
417 1t lf PQ isr

r t _J'' =
i+ is in0 tu7 62
rcr+(r. j)*, (D ) 2 J -l
2 (l + t,| k m .-zs. 5 - 3,rsin 0
is a real number when :
the eccenO
15. A particularsolutionof the initial valuedifferen_
t ialequat i o n :
(A ) 0 = -; (B)e: + 2
(A) e>
I ar\ = (q e=; vt
log( A / 3 x + .i /,J (0 ):0 i s : @) 0:-n -7
24. lf the roots of the quadratic equationri + 2px + q (O e= =
. (A) 4e3'+ 3eaY:7 =0aretan 30oand tan l50, respectively,
( f , ) l6y : - 3 (4 x + 3 -3 n 0 ,) then 4 33. I f a, - r ,b aa
( C) l6y : 3 (4 x -3 + 3 e a ' ) ts:
(D) 3e4t - 4e4' = 1 (A) 1-2p @) | +2p t hevalueo
I6. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in the pa-
(C) t+p (D) I -p
rabolay2= 91 lvith oneof its verticesat the venex
25. TWoeventsA and B aresuchthat I
of the parabola.Ther the lengthof its sideis :
P (B) = 0'55andP (AB') = 9.15 (A) ; ab
Theprobabilityoftheoccurrence ofat leastone
(A) 16 (ts)8 (9 ab
eventis :
(c) r.6 (D) l6v5 (A) 0 35 (B) 0.30
17. The area enclosedby the parabola =3 (l -x2) (g 0.70 (D) 020
-y 3J. Let u. v
and thex-axisis : 26. For0* 0, i fcos0+ sec0= 2,then costrO+ se cr O '
(A) e (B) 2 equals: --t --+
U +V+t|z
_"'(9 4 (D) 3 (A) 2',r r (ts)2
18. The pairofstraight linesjoining theorigin to the (g 2' (D) (-2r l-li
point of intersectionof the straight linesy = 2x+ 27. A function/(x) is defined as If lrl =3. I
c and the curvex2 + y2 =7 are at right anglesif : J+.
( A) i=7 0
( q C=il
(B ) i=3s
(D)c= t7.s
r(s:fist');::3 +w. u
(A) 2s
t si

19. A planepassesthrough a fixed point (p, q, r).The (g -25

whereft isgiventhat .l,jlSt l:S. Then/ (0)is :
locusofthe foot ofthe perpendicularto the plane 35. Ifl(x) = {
from the origin is : (A) 5 (B) 0 [0,nl, then
(A) a sphere (C) co (D) I :0of:
(B) a plane perpendicularto the given plane For the curvex:l - lr! : t2- t,the tangentline

(C) aplaneinclinedatan angleof withthe given

is perpendicular to thex-axis when : tl) r= I
f I
plane (A)/=
J5 @ t=t (Cr
,6 c= l
{D) a sr:aightline ( o r :0 (D) r= I
l0l Thc numberof solutionsof the equation 36. I f ( l +. r ) ( l
tan x + secx - 2 cosx lying in the interval l0,2rl = a sin3/,
rrx: trcosr/,y ** (#),=l r, , +- r 2+. . . . ,+
IS : the valueo
( C) l
(R) 0
p )2 (A) # (R) ; r-
(t) n
(C) llt+ I
21. lf lzl=3, then the point representingthe complex
I6 16
number - 3 + 3z lieson a circle : (c) t6 ^', 27ct Ifin the ex1
(A) with centre3 and radius9
(B) with centre- 3 and radius3 efficients ol
(C) with centrc* 3 and radius9 30. ls et*+st'
ctr*l f, n'('-3)'^ ,, , the third te
(D) with centre3 and radius3
(A) I (A) 605
(B) 2
(c) 0 (D) -2 (c) 45s
38. A setB con
Solved Paper-ll, 2006 | 3
.r l Theline.l=.r + | dividestheareabetween
the consistingof subsetsof B which containatmosl
!of i sequence
16,a,b,U Izrnl 1003el ements. The numberof el e m ent sof C is :
I th reeare in H.P.,then the cunes.l'=cos.; anOthex-axisinto
two (A) 2 tool (B) 2:ooz
L-i, il
l.1rr elv are : (9 zzoos (D) 2:ooo
regions whicharein theratio:
r Bi -;,1 r-) 2:3 (B) l:1 = I and tan(rJr)+ l, then I
39. if sin(xy)+ cos(.t:r,)
4 (O 2:l (Dt I :3 -dx
is equalto :
j? - : :. If PQ i s a d o u b l e o rd i n a te of the hypertrol a
' D , t,i v'
l' -
(A) -; (B) -:r,v
= l , s u c h th a t O P Q i s an equi l ateral t
, -;
Irt h ern h e n :
triangle,O beingthe centreofthe hyperbola,then
the eccentricitye ofthe hyperbolasatisfies:
(c) xy
The circlepassingthrough the distinctpoints(1,
, nt u:
? 1
z 2 /), (r, I ) and (/, /) for all valuesof/ passesthrough
( ,{ ) e> 6 (B ) I < r. g the poi nt:
r Dr 0=-n
(A) (-1,- r) (B)(1,r)
lztrc equationl+zpx*q VJ
( C) e:
n @" =+ (q (1 , -l) (D)(-r,r)

4 J-1. If n,.r, b are in H.P. and u,y, z, b are in G.P.,then

I l5'. respectively,then PART.II
tB, ':-2p th e v a l u e o f -' * - is: APTITUDETEST
t t D , i -p x (y ' * ;' )
Direction : (For Q. 4l to 44). Find ctutthe lotal
I $ uih th a t I
(A ) ; a b (B) 2ab nwnber of sttrfacesof the obiectgiven belotv in the
J r = , r .l 5 z problem figttre.
Dt{ u rF€nc€of at leastone I

lC) ab pf :; Problem Figure

z' zao
B _.0
--) -) -+
D :rl L e t u ,v and te b e v e ctors such that
r€ = l. rh e n cos u0*s ec r O'
j -t --t
-rB :
r D , - :y' l-tl l-l i-j + --r +
lf ln! =3, lvl =-1andlpl =5,then u.v+t'.tr
lrj -rs
-) -+
I + w. A lSi
I (A) 2s (A) r4
@)n to
(c) -2s (D) 0
Problem Figure
!e, . r t = 5 . Th en /( 0) is: 35. tf/(x) - 4sin'rsatisfiesthe Rolle's theorem on
{Br t L 10,nl, then the valueof c e (0, n), for which/'(c)
"l D , I = 0 o f:
Lf = F - /, thetangentline
lr-aris when: 6 ) ,=; (B) t:;
rBr r=;
rDt r= I
z Q r:t @)r=X
-16.If (l +.r)(l +x +,r2)(l +.r+.r2+f) +....+ (l +'{
/',1 \

+-r2+.....+ f)- all+a1.r.. * c;2 *... * n,orn,then

\dxz )e-3
the valueof ay is : (A) 15
)/ a^
(A) /? (B) nr (c) 13
rBt ;-F- (Cl m+ | @) r+l ProblemFigure
tDt - or (rr - , thesumofco-
-r'. If intheexpansion ;!l
r \2 efficientsof.t' and x10is 0. then the coefficientof
3\ J/ d xi s: the third term is :
(B) 2 (A) 605 (B) r20
(Dt -2 (q 45s (D) lOs
Let C betheset
-18.A setB contains2007elements.
4 | chapter-wisesolutions Atttndia Engineering/Architecture
(A) 14 (B) il Answer Figures 51. Pr oblemFigun
(g t2
(D) 13
,44. Problem Figure
Problem Figure
!8, IT {nsn'er Figurc

( ) t2 (B) e
(c) r0 (D) ll
Directions: (For Q. 45 to 49). 3-D ProblemJigure
shows the view of an object. Identifu the conect {c)
top viewJrom amongst the answerfigures. AnswerFigures

Dir ect ions: {R
[T_TI ,.,ct3-DJiFures

(A) (B)
:)te el c v ul ti ti t a

L.l L_l f rfit 'l

:he lefl
51. Pr oblem sFigu
G ,H H
Problem Figure
(B) t--- {nsr }er Figur e

(q trt
(D) FI
l*_ l
46. ProblernFigure
Answer Figures

(A) (B)

F_l r--=
AnswerFigures (c)l | _ ( D) l I
F:l--l F:r-l I r-t I LI-LJ
,^,Lh (B)
Directions : (For Q. 50). Find the oddfigure out Al" Pr oblem sFigur
r "_

,oFf-_l F-t
-t7. Problem Figure
\ nslr er Figur I

(c) (D)
v\ //t'^\

Directions : (For Q. 5l). Problemf gure showstop

view of an object. Identify the correct elevation,
r\ '\

from amongst the answerfigures. \/ '\-/

Solved Paperll,2006 | 5
P ro b l e mF i g u re

\n s rv e rF i g u re s

Direction : (For Q. 51). Squareswere tJrcwnon
oneside ofthe entire shcet ol puper. Thepaperwas
r{) (B)
llj thenfoldcd as shou,nin thi iieitre. How manv ro-
tal numberof scluaresare thereon theflat surfaLes?

A (D)

Directions : (For Q. 52 and 33). Identfy the cor-

' -'ct3-D./igures/i'on the answerfgures, w-hicl1
B, A \ :,:e ele^valron,
us given in the problem figure on

I-T-T-r <r ProblemsFigure
(A) 34
(c) 28
(B) 24
(D) 32

'fr Directions : (For Q. 55 and 56\. How manytotal

nuntber o1.triangles are there in the problin fig-
ure given below ?
3). Problem Figure

\ ^-> \nsrverFigures

f-../ | (A) 16
56. ProblemFigure
r Br
-r\l I (D)
()22 (B) 16
(g l8 (D) 20
It . : 't.l tlte odd fisure out. _1-a.
ProblemsFigure Directions: (For Q.57 and 58).Whichoneofthe
answerfigures will carnpletethesequenceof the

57. ProblemFigures

G l

ll P. :hIemfi gureshowstop
t:-, rhecorrectelevatizn,

v,, XXXX
(A) (B) (c) (D)
I chapter'wisesorutionsAtttndiaEngineering/Archrtecture
58, Problem Figures AnswerFigures
6l--?roblem Figure

Answer Figures

Answer Figures (A)
Directions: (For

AA tutsv,er.figurcss
givenproblem fig
(A) (B) .(c) (D) tor@ (u)fr 5r- ProblemFigure
Dircctions: (For e. 59,'60and 6l\.Ilhic h oneof
titc Mr[igures, shows the correct t,ietu of the
V \7
problem Jigure, after it is opened up ?
S. Problem Figure AT
,oft ,o,f-lT=l[l
Directions: (For e. 62).Oneof rhefoltowingan-
s.werfigures is not h-iddenin theproblem
in the same size and direction. Select that ctneat
the correct ansv,er.
f3:- Froblem Figure

(A) r------f-r
r.l (B)
I lr -

H AnswerFigur

F "
lJ (D)
"6f z


60. ProblemFigure
(q (D) l{)

: (ForQ. 63).Sonegeometricalfigures
are given in the problem figure. A/ier assembling
them, which Jigure will beformect,
from amongst
, the answ,erfigures ?
AnswerFigures 62. Problem Figure

nT-ri-Tl (B)
U_ |l \ "\1 r----r Dir ect ions: lFor Q
n- t'r
| th: .,.r*
;';'3 ,r/16rr,s
(c) rTTTH
(D) rn-rn
vt) \ l / | ) ' . :: ,i rOtt! l l J rr ' -a,rn
r:tnq tn tha
Solved Paper-il,2006 | 7
\n s rre r F i g u re s
66. Problem Figure

v A-
{{) (B) (q o)) Answer Figures
D rrections: (For Q" 64 and 65).Whichoneof the

" . . ,r ligures is the correcl mirror image of the
:.'---t 1 roblemfigurc ? (A) I
r{ ProhlemFigure


V g(

r -_J
67,.Prolilem Figure

C2t. ,)ne o/'thefollowing an.

;t_;=,:!n the problem;/igure
C:..,it0,1.Selectthat one a:
(A)lra] (B)t--L-----'
(9 lr----''
--J-l I (D) | ,----- |
I tr----tIJ I Intl
68. ProblemFigure

,---> AnswerFigures
tr \

(o)HTI I @f,

ll .l " n e geometricalfigures
* 'i:ttre. A/ier assembling
,^,k.,RIIffi 'd

, re /ormed,from amangst


m ln ,'l
Directions : (For Q. 66 to 70). 3-D problemfig-
uresshows the vieu, of an object. Identifi the cor-
l_l_l/ n[\
'l N P'l]N
,ec!front y1sw,
from amongst the answerfigures,
1, / :ooking in the direction of arrow.
I chapter'wisesotutionsail tndiaEngineering/Architecture
70. Problem Figure
(A) Yellow (B) Green
(C1 Red @l'Btack
82. Thestairhandrailshouidbe, t.(D),
(A) Abrasive
(B) Smooth
,, .{.C) Rough @) Corugated Diameter
Which secondarycolour wiit you g"t*rot red
_.83. anr
yellowcoloursare mixedtogether? "n
. 1*) Orange (B) purple
(C) Green (D) pink
Answer Figures 84. The marbleusedfor the constructionof Thj Equationofcircle
(x -2f
Fr*t (B)
+ i s:
(A) Venetianmarble (B) Italianmarble x2+4- 4v- 1

I l-l- (C) Frenchmarble

-,(Ef Makranamarbie
&5. Which of the following doesnot possess
x2 +f _A

(c) +
a smootl 2. (C), Mean devid
l--r texture ? increament.
(D) |r t t - - - - t (A) Polished Korah stone 3. (B), Conditionofr
(B) Mica
-*. 71. Which.ofthe follorvingcity hascanalsas
-F-r . (C)-Sandpaper
trans_ " x sln cr -)t
portationchannels? @) Photo print
(A) Arhens 86. 'Gold colourmatchesrvith : v
_ (R) Venice (A) Aluminium
(C) Paris (D) London (B) Titanium
72. The parliamentHouse,NervDelhiisdesigned _" (Q Brass @) Copper
bv :
(A) A.P.Kanvinde (B) Louis Kahn" 87. Which one of the follorvingis a complementan
(C) Le-Corbusier colour scheme?
@) HerbertBaker
73. Arc de Triornpheis a famousmonumentfound (A) Orangeand yellow (B) Red and green
the city of ; (C) Orangeand blue @) Violet andveliow
(A) Athens (B) paris 88. A red roseviewedthrough a greencolouredglass
(C) London will appear:
@) Rome
, 74. Onthe top of Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. one (A) Orange @) purpte rl 5
r. (B), Jo [x, ],f '(x]
will find a : . (C) Black @) Btue
(A) Gopuramform (B) pagoda form 89. Plasterof Paris is usedfor :
(C) Shikharaform (D) Stupaform (A) Walls (B) Structuralframe
75. Eiffel Tower is built in : _{C)"False
..(A) Bronze (B) Brick andMortar
Ceiling @) Flooring
. ^ Maximuminsulationisofferedby :
ltotr,lf'{rl** 1,f
(C) Steel -!fi (A)
@) Concrete Timber (B) Glass rl ,J
76. Which learnedtext did ancient Indian architects (C) Metal = Jr0x/'(x)e*
usefor their profession ?
@) Wool J,
(A) Kamsutra (B) Kalpsutra = o+
(C) Upanishad @) Vastushastra
[y1 x\f + z[
77. Statueof Liberty is situatedat : l. (D 2. (c) 3. (B) 4. (B) s. CI =f(J')_f(t)+2f(
' (O) France (B) England 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (c) e. (D) 10. (c) =2f(t.s)-f(t)-f(J
America (D) Germany il. (c) 12. ( r3. (c) 14. (q ls. (A)
78.-'(9 ^,\ 5.(C), '.'
HUDCO is an organisationfor: 16. (D) t7 .u ' 18. (D) re. (A) 20.(A)
(A) HotelDevelopment 2t. (c) 22. 1t;; ?3. (D) ,,' l
24. (B) 2s. (C)
(B) HorticultureDevelopment 26. (B) 27. (A) 28. (C) 2e. (B) 30. (c)
1C) Hills Area Development 31. (D) 32. (A) 33. @) 34. (c) 3s. (A)
(D) HousingDevelopment 36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (A) Je. (D) 40. (B)
79. Which of theseis not a residentialbuilding ? 4r. (c) 42. (c) 43. (A) 44. (c) 4s. (A)
(A) Buckinghampalace 46. (B) 47. (D) 48. (A) 4e. (D) s0. (q
(B) 10,Downing Street sr. (A) s2.(A) s4. (q ss. (B)
s3. (D)
(C) RashtrapatiBhavan s6. (c) s7. (c) s8. (c) se. (B) 60. (A)
@) Houseof Commons 6t. (B) 62. (A) 63. (B) 64. (C) 6s. (A)
80. Madhya PradeshVidhan Sabhais designedby : 66. (C) 67. (D 68. G) 6e. (D) 70. (D)
(A) CharlesCorrea (B) Raj Rewaf 7r. (B) 72. (B) 73. (B) 74.@) 7s. (c) AISoZBOC:IOCA
(Q Le-Corbusier @) Unam C. Jain 76. @) 77. (C) 78. (D) 7e. (r)) 80.(A) tnAOCD 4
8I. Which of the followingcoloursdoesnot occur in 8r. (D) 82. (C) 83. (A) 84. (D) 8s. (c) I
a rainbow ?
86. (C) 87. (B) 88. (c) 8e. (c) e0. (B) A

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