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Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 300

1. Let X = {n : n is a positive integer, n:C:; 50}. If A = {n E
X : n is even} and
B = {n EX: n is a multiple of 7}, then what is the number of
elements in the smallest subset of X containing both A and
(a) 28 (b) 29
(c) 32 (d) 35
2. Let A = {t EN: 12 and t are relatively prime} and B = {t EN: t :c:;
24}. What is the number of elements in A n B?
(a) 10 (b) 8
~7 (~ 4
3. Let z = cos (n/8) + i sin (n/8) and A = {zn : n EN}. Which one of
the following is correct?
(a) A is not a finite set
(b) A contains 12 non-real complex numbers
(c) The number of elements in A is 16
(d) A contains no integers
4. Which one of the following is correct?
The equation x 3 - 266 x2 - (266)2 x + (266)3 = 0
(a) has no multiple roots (b) has exactly one real root (c) has
no non-real roots (d) has no integral roots
5. What is the sum of the roots of the equation
{(x - 2)2 + 9} {(x - 3)2 + 4} = 0
(a) 5 (b) 10
(c) 13 (d) 18
6. Let m be a positive integer, m ~ 2. If ai' a2'........, am are the
roots of the equation xm - 1 = 0, then what is the equation
whose roots are
131 = a2 + a3 +.........+ am - (m - 1) al
132 = al + a3 +......+ am - (m - 1) a2

I3j=al +............+ai-I +aj+1 +...+am-(m-l)aj

13m = al +.........+ am-I - (m - 1) am ?

(a) xm + mm = 0 (b) xm - (-m)m = 0
(c) xm + (m-l)m = 0 (d) xm - (m- I)m = 0
7. If a, 13, yare the roots of the equation x3 - px2 + qx - r = 0,
then what is the value of L a2/3 ?
(a) pq + 3r (b) pq + r
(c) pq - 3r (d) q2/r
8. Let G be an infinite cyclic group and H is its subgroup.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) H is not necessarily cyclic
(b) H is finite
(c) H is infinite
(d) H is not necessarily abelian
9. Let G * {e} be a group with no subgroup other than {e} and
G. Then which one of the following is correct?
(a) G is an infinite cyclic group
(b) G is a finite cyclic group
(c) G is an abelian non-cyclic group
(d) G is neither abelian nor cyclic
Which one of the following groups is cyclic?
(a) Z12 x Z9 (b) ZIO x Z85
(c) Z4 x Z25 x Z6 (d) Z22 x Z21 x Z65
11. Which one of the following is a group?
(a) (N, *), where a * b = a for all a, b e N
(b) (Z, *), where a * b = a - b for all a, b e Z
(c) (Q, *), where a * b = ab/2 for all a, b E; Q
(d) (R, *), where a * b = a + b + 1 for all a, b e R Consider the
12. group (R * x R, G), where R * = R '" to} and (a, b) G (c, d) =
(ac, be + d). What are the identity element and the inverse of
(a, b) respectively?
(a) (1, 0) and (a-I, ba-I)
(b) (0, 1) and (a-I, ba-I)
(c) (0, I) and (a-I, - ba-I)
(d) (1, 0) and (a-I, -ba-I)
13. Which' one of the following statements is correct?
(a) Abelian groups may have non-abelian subgroups (b) Non-
abelian groups may have abelian subgroups (c) Cyclic groups
may have non-cyclic subgroups
(d) Non-cyclic groups cannot have cyclic subgroups Let a =
14. (1 3 5 7 II) (2 4 6) E SII' What is the smallest positive integer
n such that an = a37 ?
(a) 3 (b) 5
(c) 7 (d) 11
15. Let (R, +) be an abelian group. If multiplication '.' is defined
on R by setting a . b = 0 for all a, b E R, then which one of the
following statements is correct?
(a) (R, +, .) is not a ring
(b) (R, +, .) is a ring, but not commutative
(c) (R, +, .) is a commutative ring, but has no unity (d) (R, +,
.) is a field
16. Consider the following assertions:
. 1. The characteristic of the ring (Z, +, .) is zero.
2. For every composite number n, Z n' the ring of
residue classes modulo n, is a field.
3. Z 5' the ring of residue classes modulo 5, is an
integral domain.
4. The ring of all complex numbers is a field.
Which of the above assertions are correct?
(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
17. Let F be a finite field with n elements. What is the possible
value ofn ? .
(a) I (b) 36
(c) 37 (d) 125
18. If R is a fmite integral domain with n elements, then what is
the number of invertible elements under multiplication in R ?
(a) 1
(b) n
(c) n - I
(d) [n/2] where [.] is the bracket function
19. If Q, R, ((: are respectively the fields of rational numbers,
real numbers and complex numbers then which one of the
following algebraic structures is not a vector space?
(a) R over the field Q (b)
R over the field R
(c) Q over the field R
(d) C over the field C
20. Let x = (3, 2, -\), Y = (2, 4, 1), z = (4, 0, -3) and w = (10, 4,
-5) be vectors in R 3, a real vector space. Which one of the
following is correct?
(a) 2x + Z = w, y + Z = w
(b) 2x - y = z, Y +. 2z = w
(c) x + Z = w, 2x + Y = z
(d) y + 2z = w, x - y = z
21. If V is the real vector space of all mappings from R to R, VI
= {f E V I f(-x) = f(x)} and V2 = {f E V I f(-x) = -f(x)}, then
which one of the following is correct?
<a) Neither V I nor V 2 is a subspace of V
(b) Viis a subspace of V, but V2 is not a subspace of
(c) V I is not a subspace of V, but V 2 is a subspace of
(d) Both V I and V 2 are subspaces of V
Let F[x] be the ring of polynomials in one variable x over a
field F with the relation xn = 0, for a fixed n EN. What is the
dimension of F[x] over F ?
(a) I (b) n - 1
(c) n (d) Infinite
23. Which one of the following is correct?
The set S = {a + ib, c + id} is a basis for the vector space
<C over R iff

(a) ad - be = 0 (b) ad + be = 0
(c) ad + be '" 0 (d) ad - be '" 0
24. Let V be the vector space of all 2 x 2 matrices over the field

R of real numbers and B = [: : J . 1fT : V --> V is .linear

transformation defined by T(A) = AB - BA, then what is the

dimension of the kernel of T ?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
25. What is the rank of the linear transformation T : R 3 ~ R 3
defined by T(x, y, z) = (y, 0, z) ?
(a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 1 (d) 0
26. Consider the vector space Cover R and let T : C.....................C
be a linear transfonnation given by T(z) = Z. Then :which
one of the following is correct?
(a) T is one-one, but not onto.
(b) T is onto. but not one-one
(c) T is one-one as well as onto.
(d) T is neither one-one nor onto.
27. If T is a linear transformation ftom a real vector. space R2 to a
real vector space R3 such that T(x, y) = (x - y, y - x, "':x),
then what is the nullity of T ?
(a) 0 . (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3

28. If n is a positive integer and A = .
. then
-sinO cosO
what is. A D equal to ?
[ coS.O -sin .0] [ -cos.O sin.O ]
(a) sin nO cas nO (b) sin nO cos nO

[ COS .0 sin nO] [cosnO sin .0 ]

(c) sin nO - cas nO (d) - sin nO cos nO
29. If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then
which one of the following is not correct?
(a) A + B is a symmetric matrix.
(b) AB - BA is a symmetric matrix.
(c) AB + BA. is a symmetric matrix.
(d) A + AT and B + B T are symmetric: matrices.
3 -2
30. If A = satisfies the matrix equation A 2 - kA +
[ 4 -2 ]
21 = 0, then what is the value of k ?
(a) 0 (b) I
(c:) 2 (d) 3

1 b+c: b2 +C2

1 c+a C2 +a2
31. What is the value of the detenninant I 1 a+b a2 +b2 I?

(a) (a-b)(b-c)(c-a) (b) (a+b)(b+c)(c+a)

(c) abc (d) a + b + c
32. Under which one of the following conditions does the
12 4 x 6
system of equations . 212 y = 4 have a
[ 1 2 a-4 ][ ] [ z]
unique solution? a
(a) For all a E R (b) a = 8
(c) For all a E Z (d) a ~ 8
33. Consider the equations 2x + 2y = 1 and 2x - y = lover
Z J. What is the solution (x, y) ?
(a) (1, 1) but not (2, 0)
(b)(2, 0) but not (I, I)
(c) Both (I, 1) and (2,0)
(d) (1/2, 0)
34. Which one of the following is correct ?
For different values of a and b, the straight line given by x(a + 2b) + y(a - 3b) = a - b passes
(a) a conjugate point. (b) a fixed point.
(c) the origin. (d) None of the above

35. The line 3x + 2y = 24 meets the y-axis at A and the x-axis at S, and perpendicular bisector of AS meets the line through (0,
-1) parallel to the x-axis at C. What is the area of the triangle ABC ?
(a) 91 square unit (b) 81 square unit
(c) 61 square unit (<I) 41 square unit

36. Consider the following statements :

8 1 : The equation .
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
represents a pair of straight lines.
82: The equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 always represents
a pair of straight lines passing through the origin. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) If 81 is true, 82 is always true.
(b) If SI is not true, then 82 is also not true.
(c) 82 is always true and 81 implies 82 if c = O.
(d) Both 81 and 82 imply each other.
40. What is the equation of the plane which bisects the line
joining the points (3, -2, 1) and (1, 4, -3) at right angles?
(a) x - 3y + 2z + 3 = 0 (b) 3x - 2y + Z + 3 = 0
(c) x + 4y - 3z + 2 = 0 (d) x - 3y + 2z + 2 = 0
What is the equation of the plane which passes through the z-
axis and is perpendicular to the line
x-I y+2 z-3
-=-=- ? cos9 sin 9 0 .

(a) x + y tan 9= 0 (b)

y + x tan 9 = 0
(c) x cos 9 y sin 9 = 0 (d)
x sin 9 - y cos e = 0
42. A straight lin; LOn the XY.plane bisects-the angie between
ox and OY. What are the direction cosines of L ?
(a) < 1/.,/2, 1/.,/2, 0 > (b) < 1/2, .fi/2, 0 >
(c) < 0, 0, 1 > (d) < 2/3, 2/3, 1/3 >
43. What is the equation of the cone with vertex at origin and
passing through the circle x2 + y2 = 4, z = 2 ?
(a) x2 + y2 + z2 = 4 (b) x2 + y2 - z2 = 0
(c) x2 + y2 - z2 = 2 (d) x2 + y2 + z2 = 2

44. If a,~ ~b,

c are non-zero vectors such that
(a x b)x c = a x (b x c), then which one of the
following is correct?
(a) a and b are collinear
(b) a and c are collinear
(c) b and ~ are collinear
(d) None of the above
45. Consider the following two statements :
S1 : a, b, c are non-zero, non-coplanar vectors
~ ~
~a=bxc ' cxa ~~ axb
~ ~ ~
,= ~,c= b
S2 : ~~~ ~~~ -
(a b c)
(a b c) (a b c)

are non-coplanar
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) 81 implies 82 but 82 does not im~!y 8}
(b) 8} does noUmply-S2 but 82 implies 81
(c) 8-1 imPlies 82 and 82 implies 81
(d) 81 does not imply 82 and 82 does not imply 8} What is
46. the volume of the tetrahedron with vertices at (0,0,0), (I, I, I),
(2, I, 1) and (1, 2, 1)?
(a) 1/6 (b) Ii3
(c) 1/2 (d) 1
47. If r satisfies the equation
r x (i + 2j + k) = i
- k," then for any scalar m, what
is r equal to ?
(a) i + m(i + 2j + k) (c) (b) j + m (i + 2j + k)

k + m (i + 2j + k)
(d) i - k + m(i + 2j + k)
48. For the triangle OBC, one vertex 0 is the origin and the
. ~ .position vectors of the other vertices B
and C are b and
(a) -J< (b) 0
(c) any real number (d) any positive integer
What is the maximum value of
y =" sin3 x cos x, 0 < x < 1t ?
c respectively and a, b, c are the lengths of the sides BC,
OB and OC respectively. What is the position vector of the
incentre of the triangle OBC ?
-. -. -. -.
(a) b + c (b) b +
c C
-. a+b+c
-. -.
(c) c b + (d) b b +
bc cc
49. a+b+c a+b+c
What is the range of the function

f(x) = log2 {(sin x - cos x + 3 .fi )/.fi} ?

(a) [I, 2J (b) [0, I]
(c) (1, 2) (d) (0, I)
50. I. 1m I. (x+3sinx- x3 -k sinh
2 x)
3 .. eXIsts, then w at .
h IS t eh
x~o I-cosx + X -3x
value of k ?
(a) -I (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4

{Sin(a + 2)x + sin x} / x x < 0

51. Iff(x) = b, X= 0

{ {(x + 3x2)1/3 - x1/3} / x4/3, x> 0

is continuous at x = 0, then what are the values of a and b
(a) - I, - I (b) 1,-1
(c) 2, I (d) -2, I
Match List I with List - II and select the correct answer
52. Letusing
f{x) the
= x"[xJ
codefor realbelow
given x. f(x)the
is differentiable
lists: at the origin
if n is equal to which
List,.. one
I of the following?
A. The function x3 - 6x2 - 36x + 7
increases when
B. The function x3 - 6x2 - 36x + 7
is maximum at
C. The function x3 - 6x2 - 36x + 7
is minimum at
D. The function x3 - 6x2 - 36x + 7
decreases when
(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 3 2 I 4 ( d) 4 1 ~ 3
If 4a + 2b + c = 0 , then the equation 3ax2 + 2bx + c = 0 has
at least one real root lying between which of the following?
(a) 0 and 1 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 0 and 2 (d) None of the above
Under which one of the folJowing conditions does the
function f(x) = {(x2)m sin (x-2)n} x * 0, n > 0 and f(O) = 0
have a derivative at x = 0 ?
(a) m ~ -1/2 (b) m> 0
(c) m > 1/2 (d) m ~ 1/2 j
If the tangent to the curve f(x) = x2 at any point (e, fee)) is I
the line joining (b)
(a) -3.,fjto /16
paralJel the3.,fj / 4 (d)
points (a, f(a))
3. x <and
- 2 (b,
or f(b))
on '
(c) -3/16 3.,fj /16 x>6List -
4. -2 <IIx <
55. 21.x= 6
x =6 -2
What is the abscissa of the point at which the tangent to the
curve y = eX is parallel to the chord joining the extremities of
the curve in the interval [0, I] ?
(a) 1/2 (b) in (lie)
(c) in (e I)
~ (d) lie
What is the subnormal at x = 1t/2 on the curve y = x sin x?
(a) I (b) 2/1t
(c) 1t I 2 (d) 2
Which one of the following is correct?
The inclined asymptotes of the curve
x3 - xy2 - 2xy + 2x - y = 0 are themselves
(a) perpendicular
(b) curve,
the parallelthen which one of the following is correct? (a) a, c,
b are in A.P. at an angle 1t/3
(c) inclined
(d) a,
(b) inclined
c, b areatinanG.P.
angle 1t/4
Which one of the
(c) a, c, b are in H.P. properties pertaining to the tangent at any
(d) onbthe
a, c, do curve x2/3 +definite
not follow y2/3 =sequence
a2/3 is correct? . (a) Sum of
its intercepts
What made with
is the maximum theof
area coordinate axeswhose sides pass
the rectangle
is constant
through the angular points of a given rectangle of sides 'a' and
58. 'b'
(b)? It encloses a triangle of constant area with the
(a) (acoordinate
+ b)2/2 axes (b) (a + b)2 (d)
60. (c)(a2
62: (c) Length of its portion intercepted
+ b2)/2 between the
(a2 + b2) --=

T~e maximum value off(x), where f(x) = sin {x(l-
(a) 3..[j
x)} dx
(b) 2..[j
(c) coordinate
..[jl.,fi axes is constant(d) 3..[j 120
(d) It always
occurs at whichpasses
one through
of the the originpoints?
1 following
(a) x1 =1 0 t/2
63. What is the least absolute value (b)ofx the
= I radius of curvature for
(c) J =xm(1-
If xcurve
the - I y =x)n
In dx
x ?= Jf xn(l-(d)
dx, then what
of the is p equal
What 0 0is the volume of solid5sinx + 3cosx when
generated, dx the area of the
64. to
? is(x2/9)
ellipse the value of = I (in thesin
+ (y2/4) x +quadrant)
first cosx ? is revolved
(a) 2n y-axis? 0 (b) m
(a) m
(c) 0 +n
16n (b) mln
(b) n/212n
66. (c)
67. What
65. 4n
(c) 8n is the area of the region (d) ( d) 2n by the curve 2y =
< x x
+ 2y = 0, with the given conditions y(O) = 0 and y'(O) = I ?
(a) y = e-X cos x d3 (b) y = e-X sin x
what is the value of -r {f(x)} at x = 0 ?
(c) y = (cos x + sin x) e-Xdx (d) y = sin x
(a) P is the solution of the differential
What (b) p + p2
equation (1 + ex/y)
2 -p3x - 2x2 and the x-axis?
(c) + p3 (d) Independent of p
(a) 125/48 square unit (b) 4 square unit
dx 3are
+ ex/Y
(c) the order
(1- ~)
square and
dy =
unit 0 ?degree (d)
respectively of the differential
125/24 square unit
equation of the family of curves y2 = 2c (x + ~), where c is
+ y eX/Yconstant?
=c (b) y + x eX/Y = c
(c) x - y eX/Y X3
= csin-1x cosxl0 (d) None of the aboved2 d

(a) 1, 1
If f(x)
69. The
solution 3 =of.6the
I,singular p2 of the
(b) 1, 2
(d) 2, 1 pequation
, where ;
What is,the
dy = px
is a constant, +2d
Consider the following statements in respect of the

differential equation 2xy = yl - xl.

1. The differential equation is a homogeneous equation 2.
The curve represented by the differential equation is
= ~ of
a family ? circles
f(p) will
9a differential
(y be obtained
+ c)l equation
= :J:2 (b)of9aits(yorthogonal
by eliminating
x3/2 +pc)l = :J:2trajectories
between the equation y
=(c)px9a +(yf(p)
. dy and=which
+ c)3
2xy one
4x2 (d) 9aof(ythe
+ c)2following
= 4 x3 equations?
From df = lamina
IS a- square 2 2 ABCD whose dv diagonalsdf meet at 0, the
(a) x + dx
triangle =x-y
AOB0 is cut and the remaining .... =
(b).................part + up at D. In
is Xhung
Which ofdp
the position theof
statements given
equilibrium, how above dp are correct?
angle does DC make
with dy
1 and
the 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only dy df
- =vertical?

(c) (c)
2 and 3Ponly (d) (d) 3- = p +
(a) tan-l(7/9) (b) 1,2tan-l and dx(5/9)
75. What
(c) 45°are the orthogonal trajectories
(d) 30°of the system of curves 'I
77 D
(a) J2 I (b) I / J2
A pillar OD is to be pulled down by tying a rope of length 1=
(c) fi I (d) I / fi
AB to some point B of the pillar and then puIling the rope with
a force F ~as shown in the above figure. F will have
A force F,Bhaving
about 0 when
of 10 dyne,
OB equals
is applied
to which
on the
one of
CAof a rectangular plateDABCD, 0as shown in the figure
The weight of a triangular lamina ABC is 9 g. What is the
additional weight to be placed at A so that the new centre of
-+ divides the median through A in the ratio 3 : 4 ?
of F about A?
(a) 2 g (b) 3 g
(c) 420g (-2 + x 1O-7Nm (d) (b) 5 g
+ ofx radii
10-5 6Nm
em,(c)3 20
em are firmly united. The two
spheres If AB
are = 8
(2. + 3 .fi) x 10-7 Nmem,
andAD =
of 12
the em,
what is the moment
What is the
distance of the centre of gravity of the whole body from the
(d) 20 (2
centre of +the x 10-5
larger Nm
A 1 em spherical ball of weight (~) 2W cmis on a smooth inclined
(c) 3 em (d) 4 em
plane (a. = angle of inclination of the plane to the horizontal).
If force
the angle
of magnitude
of friction Pis is (b) what
then P =through
P =height
greatest of the
which in aorder
to maintain
can rest inside
the ball
a hollow
at rest.
the value
82. ofP?
(a) = WAJI
(c) aP sin + cos2 a.
sin a. W
a (1 - cos A)
Two points A and B have velocities ul and u2 as shown in the
(c) a tan
figure above.
A. If AB = d, what(d) isathe - sin A.)velocity of A
(1 angular
relative to B ?
(a) (ul cos al - u2 cos a2)/d
(b) (ul cos al + u2 COS a2)/d
(ul sin alof- unit
A particle
(c) u2 sin
is constrained to move in a smooth
(d) (ul sinpath
al + of radius
u2 sin a2)/da with constant speed. If now an
Two particlesradial force of magnitude
are projected P acts on
vertically upwards thea particle,
from place at
(a) ~
does the of kinetic
2 energy
seconds. If (E)
the of the
first particle
= (.jH; + fii) (c) (b) .jH; = (JI-G + fii)
and the change?
second particle
attain the respective
(a) E changes by Pa/2 (b) greatest
E changes heights Ji
by HIPa and (c) E H2
84. ~HIH2
changes by = 2g
85. simultaneously, A then
Pa/4 (d) Ewhich (d)
changes of~HI
by 2the / H2 = 2is correct?
86. A smooth heavy bead moves along a wire, which is bent in a
circle of radius a in a vertical plane. The bead starts from rest
Afromparticle is executing
the position where thesimple
radius harmonic
to it makesmotion an angleand its
of 60°
displacement from its mean position is given
with the upward vertical. What is the velocity of the bead by x = a cos (nt
+whenk), itwhere
reaches t denotes
the lowestthepoint
andwirea, isIi,fixed
k are positive
in space) ?
constants. Under what condition will the speed of the particle
(a) ~3ga
be maximum?
(c) t2jii;
= (2p + 1) 1t 12n, p being(b) an integer
(b) t = (2p + 1) 1t/2n - (kin), p being an integer
(a) th==(2p 4g+1- ~l7"
1t/2n )+ (b) hbeing
=~5ga l7"
4gan1 integer

A particle is1)projected (kin),
velocity v at an angle « 45°)
87. (d) t = horizontal
to the 'p1t/n - (kin),
being ana integer
point on the horizontal distant
AR particle
from thewhose
[ weight
v2l-~l~) (d) h= )]thel+Vl7")
of projection.
on What is of
surface thethe
earth isheight
W, )]
89. (c)
the surface
V2 of the
path of 2g
earth from
the projectile?
a heightv2equal
. to (g2R2
91. A floppy with 1.44 MB capacity can store the infonnation
equivalent to which one of the following?
(a) 1-44 x2R
diameter 26 bytes (b) 1.44
of the earth. What x 210
is the bytes
work done by the
(c) 1.44 x 220 bytes
earth's attraction? (d) 1.44 x 1024 bytes
(a) 2RW
92. Under (b) A2RW/3
what conditions of the inputs and B, will the output in
gates for operations OR and (d) XOR
3RW/2 be different?
(a) A = I, 8 = 0 (b) A = 0, 8 = I
(c) A = 0, What
. xY - yxA = 1, B = 1
B = 0is the value of(d)
90. hm x y ?
93. Step I : get A,
x-+yB X -y
Comment: A (i, j) and B(i, j) are m x nand n x p
I+In y matrices 1- In y
(a) I-Iny For i = 1 to(b)
m 1 + In y
I+Iny for j = I to P -I-In y
(c) I+In y do (d) 1 -In y
C(i,j) ~ 0
For k = 1 to n
Step 2 : C(i,j) ~ X
95. Step
Which3 :one is called Output C
"coincidence detector" ?
(a) OR gate C = C(i, j)(b)
the product
(c) NOT gate' AB of the order m x
(d) AND gatep
What is X in the above algorithm ?
Directions: The
(a} C(i, j) following
+ ,A(i, k) .5 B(k,
j) items consist of two statements :
(b) C(i, j) + A(i, k) . BU, k)and the other as 'Reason (R)'. You
one labelled as the 'Assertion (A)'
are to (c)
A(i, k)these twoj) statements carefully and select the answers
+ B(k,
to these using the . B(i,given
(d) C(i, j) + A(i, j)codes
items j) below:
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
94. What iscorrect
the decimal equivalent
explanation of Aof the hexadecimal number
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
(a) 225 correct explanation of (b) A 245
(c) 255 (d) 256
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
96. Let n ~ 3, n be odd
Assertion (A) : For any i = 1,2,.............., n - 1; if aI' a2'..............,
an are the roots of the equation xn xi - 1 = -
0, then (1 + at) (1 + a2) .... (1 + an) = 1
Reason (R) : If at,..........., an are the roots of the equation,
xn - x-I = 0, then (1 + at) (l + a2) .... (1 +
an) = 1.
97. Assertion (A) : There is at least one cyclic group of order
100 which has only 5 subgroups.
Reason (R) : A fmite cyclic group of order m has a
unique subgroup of order n, where n is a
divisor of m.

98. x
Assertion (A) : The function f(x) = 1 + Ixl is not
differentiable at x = O.
: The general 2 solution of the given equation is
Reason (R) : I x Iy.and .12dy- c2
= cxhencedy (1
and+ the
I x I) is notsolution
100. The publisher
Assertion (A): I is xnot
005. X
( )I-
dx =of2
by dx co;.for
x any
a + mistake,
y =
tried our best to collect the correct data/answers. All disputes
cannot be
we have
value to c in
99. Reasonto(R)
are subject (A) 0the
: The .0 general
the: exclusive
The 0function y =solution.
integrand is anisofeven
jurisdiction function.
a singular
Delhi solution
courts only.

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