Ubd Math 7

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The key takeaways are the concepts of sets, subsets, universal sets, cardinality of sets, union of sets and difference of two sets.

The topic of the lesson is Number and Number Sense with subtopics on sets, subsets, universal sets, cardinality of sets, union of sets and difference of two sets.

The objectives of the lesson are to describe well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, and the null set and cardinality of sets and illustrate the union and intersection of sets and the difference of two sets.

Subject: Mathematics 7 Time Frame: 5 days

Quarter: 1 Teacher: Ethyl S. Palanas

Topic: Number and Number Sense
Subtopics: Sets, subsets, universal sets,
cardinality of sets, union of sets
and difference of two sets.



➢ The learner demonstrates ➢ The learner is able to formulate

understanding of key concepts of challenging situations involving
sets and the real number system. sets and real numbers and solve
these in variety of strategies.

➢ The students will understand that ➢ How can sets help solve real life
the key concepts of sets can be problems?
used in solving problems in real life


➢ well-defined sets, subsets, ➢ describe well-defined sets,

universal sets, and the null set and subsets, universal sets, and the
cardinality of sets. null set and cardinality of sets.
➢ the union and intersection of sets ➢ illustrate the union and
and the difference of two sets. intersection of sets and the
difference of two sets.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidences

Performance Task Other Evidences

You are a sales clerk in a ➢ Quizzes

bookstore. The store manager asked ➢ Board work
you to make sets of books according to ➢ Collaborative/Group Activities
its price tag. He also requested you to
make the store more attractive by
adding lights and decorations. The CEO
and his colleague will be visiting soon for
the monthly evaluation of the store. The
manager will evaluate your work based
on the following criteria: correct
application of knowledge and skills, level
of difficulty and overall presentation.
Learners should be able to
demonstrate understanding by covering
the six (6) facets of understanding.

• Discuss the key concept of
• Interpret the solution of the
given problems.
• Apply the concept of sets to
real life situation.
• Describe the difficulties one
can experience not knowing
the concept of sets.
• Showing empathy to the
person who encountered
difficulty in the lesson.
• Realize that the key concept
of sets can be used in
solving real life problems.

Rubric for Assessment

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

The The The The The

Correct presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
application reflects high reflects above reflects reflects below reflects low
of level of average level average level average level level of
knowledge understanding of of of understanding
and skills of the topics understanding understanding understanding of the topics
learned. of the topics of the topics of the topics learned.
learned. learned. learned.

The The The The The

presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation is
requires great requires much requires shows little not well
Level of effort to be effort to be adequate effort has thought of.
Difficulty done. The done. The amount of been exerted
level of level of effort to be by the
complexity is complexity is done. The presenter/s.
high. quite high. level of The level of
complexity complexity is
average. quite low.

The audience The audience The audience The audience The audience
appreciated likes the appreciated finds the finds the
the presentation. the presentation presentation
Overall presentation. It exhibits presentation. disorganized. disorganized
presentation It exhibits creativity and It exhibits It does not and
creativity and well- shows well- show well- unprepared.
well- preparedness. preparedness. preparedness.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I. Daily Activities
Say: Let’s start our day with a prayer.
Everybody stand. Let us pray.
Say: Our Father in heaven, we humbly
come into your presence and
acknowledge you in our life. Thank
you for a new day that we are able
to glorify your name. As we start
our lesson today, please guide
and protect us by your precious
blood and give us your heavenly
knowledge, wisdom and
understanding. This is all we
asked, in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Amen
Say: Good morning, Class. Good morning, ma’am.
Say: How are you today? We are good, ma’am.
Say: I am glad to hear that you are all
fine today.
Introduction of the Self
Say: I am Ms. Ethyl S. Palanas a
fourth year student taking up
Bachelor in Secondary
Education Major in Mathematics
and I will be your Mathematics
teacher for this week.
Checking of Attendance
Say: Please go to your respective
seats and I will check your
attendance based on your seat
B. Learning Activities


Activity 1- Puzzle

Say: Okay Class, before we proceed to

our topic let’s have first an
interesting activity.
Say: Are you ready, class? Yes, ma’am.
Say: I want you to count off from 1 to 4.
Say: Please go to your respective
groups. Each group will be given
an envelope. Inside the
envelope, you will find 5 pieces
of cut outs. I want you to solve
the puzzle for five minutes. The
time is now 7:45 AM and end at
exactly 7:50 am. You may start
now. Okay, ma’am.
Say: Okay, Times up! Stop working,
Now, what do you think is our
lesson for today based on the
picture formed from the puzzle? Ma’am, It is about groups.
Say: Another idea? Ma’am, It is about sets.
Say: Very good. Our topic for today is
all about sets.

Presentation of Essential
Understanding and Essential Question
Say: Okay Class, I have posted on the
board the Essential
Understanding and Essential
Question. Can you read the
Essential Understanding? The students will understand that the key
concept of sets and real numbers can be
used in solving problems in real life situation.
Say: Class, by the end of our
discussion, you are going to
answer the Essential Question. I
am requesting everyone to read. How can sets and real numbers help to solve
real life problems?
Introduction of the Objectives
Say: Class, I want you to listen
attentively and participate
actively in our discussion. I have
posted on the board our
objectives for this one hour
session. Everybody, please
General Objective:
At the end of the lesson, at least 85% of the
students are expected to show understanding
on the concept of sets.
Say: Okay, let’s read our specific
At the end of one hour session:
• I can define sets.
• I can name sets.
• I can actively participate in all class
Getting the Prior Knowledge

Activity 2 – Group Me

Say: Before we finally start our

discussion, let’s have another
interesting activity. Please go to
your groups.
Say: As you can see, I have posted
pictures on the board. Each
group will be given a cartolina,
marker and tape. You will pick a
representative to report your
work in front. I will give you ten
minutes to group them to the set
they belong, then label it. Is it
clear? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Class, time’s up.
Say: It’s time to present your work,
Group 1.

Alphabet Number Shapes Fruit

Ma’am, we have grouped four objects the

Say: Okay. Group 2, your
Alphabet, numbers, shapes and fruits.





Ma’am, our group have grouped four objects,

Say: Group 3, it’s your turn. the Alphabet, numbers and fruits.





Me we have grouped the objects into four

groups and classify them as letter, number,
Say: Okay, Last group. Present your shape and fruit.





Ma’am, we classified 4 groups the letters,

Say: Very good. All of your works are numbers, shapes and fruits.
Say: Now, How do you find our
Our activity is fun ma’am. We really enjoyed
Say: I am glad that all of you enjoyed it.
Say: Okay Class, in your activity you
have grouped four objects.
Say: The group of Alphabets is a set
of Alphabet.
The group of numbers is a set of
The group of shapes is a set of
The group of fruits is a set of
Say: Now, can anyone tell what a set
is? Ma’am, it is a group of objects.
Say: Thank you. Another one? Ma’am, it is a collection of objects.
Say: Another idea? Ma’am, it is a well-defined group.
Say: Thank you. Let’s find out if your
idea of a set is correct.

FIRM UP (Day 1)

Say: According to the standard

definition of a set.

Sets are well-defined

collection of objects that
share common

Say: Are your ideas of set the same

with the standard definition?
Yes, ma’am.
Say: I will flash different groups of
pictures in the monitor. Then, tell
me if it is a set or not. Yes, ma’am.
Stay: First picture. Is it a set or not?

Ma’am, it is a set.
Say: Can anyone tell, why it is a set?
Ma’am, it is a set because eggplant, potato,
carrots, tomato and onion are vegetables.
Say: Very good. Can someone name
this set?
Ma’am, it is a set of vegetables.
Say: Very Good. Next picture, is it a
set or not?

Ma’am, it is also a set.

Say: What makes it a set?
Ma’am, all of the objects in the picture shared
a common characteristics. They are all toys.
Say: Very well said. It is a set
because all of the objects in the
picture has the same
characteristics. Who can name
this set? Ma’am, it is a set of toys.

Say: Very good. Now, you know what

a set means and how to name it.
Do you have any questions or
clarifications about our topic? None, ma’am.


Say: Class, always remember that a
set is a well-defined collection or
group of objects that share a
common characteristics.
Say: Okay Class, going back to our
objectives for today did we
define sets? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Can you name a set of objects? Yes, ma’am.
Say: That’s good to hear that we
have attained our objectives for
this day. See you again
tomorrow. Good day and God

FIRM UP (Day 2)

I. Daily Activities
Say: Let’s start our day with a prayer.
Everybody stand. Let us pray.
Say: Our Father in heaven, we humbly
come into your presence and
acknowledge you in our life. Thank
you for a new day that we are able
to glorify your name. As we start
our lesson today, please guide
and protect us by your precious
blood and give us your heavenly
knowledge, wisdom and
understanding. This is all we
asked, in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Amen.
Say: Good morning, Class.
Say: How are you today? We are fine ma’am. Thank you.
Say: I am glad to hear that you are all
fine today.
Checking of Attendance
Say: Please go to your respective
seats and I will check your
attendance based on your seat

Review of the Past Lesson

Say: Yesterday, we have discussed
about sets. We also named sets
according to its characteristics.
Say: Class, I will flash pictures of sets
in the monitor. Can you name
them? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Let’s look at the first picture.

Ma’am, it is a set of fraction.

Say: Very good, because 1/4 and 1/8

are fractions. So they are sets of
Say: Next. Anyone from the group?

Ma’am, it is a set of flowers.

Say: Very good. Can anyone tell me

why it is a set? Ma’am they share a common characteristic
which is they are all flowers.
Say: Very good. Now, can anyone tell
me what is a set based on our
topic yesterday? Ma’am, sets are well-defined collection or
group of objects that share a common

Presentation of Learning Objectives

Say: Class, I have posted on the

board our objectives for today.
Can you please read our At the end of one-hour class session:
objectives? • I can describe well-defined sets,
subsets, universal sets, null set and
cardinality of sets.
• I can actively participate in our class

Activity 3 – Am I Belong?

Say: Before we are going to start our

lesson, let’s have an activity.
Say: Class, your group yesterday will
be your group for one whole
week. Now, go to your
respective groups.
Say: I have written phrases on the
board. You have to classify them
whether they are sets or not.
You can make columns, Column
A for sets and Column B for the
collection that is not a set.
collection of positive integers
collection of rich people
collection of large animals
collection of names of students in a school
collection of math books in a library
collection of bright students
Say: Class, you should complete your
work in 5 minutes. Start now.
Say: Okay, times up!
Say: Group 1, present your work.
Column A Column B

• collection of • collection of rich

positive integers people
• collection of math • collection of large
books in a library animals
• collection of names • collection of bright
of students in a students.
Say: Thank you, Group 1. Next Group

Column A Column B

• collection of • collection of rich

positive integers people
• collection of math • collection of large
books in a library animals
• collection of names • collection of bright
of students in a students.
Say: Thank you, Group 2. Next

Column A Column B

• collection of • collection of rich

positive integers people
• collection of math • collection of large
books in a library animals
• collection of names • collection of bright
of students in a students.
Say: Thank you. Last group present school
your work.

Column A Column B

• collection of • collection of rich

positive integers people
• collection of math • collection of large
books in a library animals
• collection of names • collection of bright
of students in a students.

Say: Do you think you answers are

correct? Let’s find out. Let’s go
back to the definition of sets.

A set is a well-defined group of

objects called elements that
share common characteristics.

Say: Here, well-defined means that a

given object can be categorically
identified to belong to the
collection or not.
Say: in our activity, the first phrase
“collection of positive integers” is
it a set or not? Ma’am, it is a set.
Say: Why is it a set? Ma’am, I is a collection of well-defined objects.
Say: Very Good. What do you think
are the elements of this set? Ma’am, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and so on.
Say: Very good. How about the
second phrase “collection of rich
people”? Is it a well-defined set
of objects? No ma’am, because they are not well-defined.
It is a subjective phrase. You do not know how
rich a person should to belong to a group.
Say: Very well said. The collection of
rich people, large animals and
bright people are not well-
defined. It should be
categorically identified to be a
Say: Rich people could be a set if you
have identified how rich they are.
For example, the set of rich
people whose network are
around 5 billion to 10 billion
Say: Is that clear guys? Yes, ma’am.
Say: All of your answers in our activity
are correct. Job well done guys.
Say: In this lesson, you will learn
some notations and symbols
pertaining to sets. Upper case
letters will be used to name a set
and lower case will be used to
refer any elements of a set.
For example:
Let P be the set of a positive
P = {1 2, 3, 4, 5}
Say: Naming the elements of a set is
called listing or roster method.
Say: Who can give another example
of a set using listing method or
roster method? Let S be the set of all the colors in a rainbow.
S = { red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo,
violet }

Say: Very good.

Say: Another way of writing the
elements of a set is with the use
of descriptive. This is called the
rule method.
For example,
H: {x/x shapes}
Say: This is read as “the set H
contains element x such that x
are shapes”
Say: Is it clear? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Now, look at this sets.
Let A be the set of counting
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Let E be the set of even
E = { 2,4,6,8}
Say: What can you notice about its
element? Ma’am, the elements of even numbers are
also found in the set of counting numbers.
Say: Okay, another idea? Ma’am, the elements of even number is
contained in the set of counting numbers.

Say: Okay. Now what do you think is

the set of even numbers called? Ma’am a set.

Say: Any ideas? Ma’am, it is a subset.

Say: Let’s find out if your ideas are
Say: Can you please read the
definition on the monitor?

Subset is a set which all

the elements are
contained in another set. Subset is a set which all the elements are
contained in another set.
Say: Is all of the elements of the set of
even numbers can be found in
the set of counting number? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Therefore, based on the
definition, the set of even
numbers is a subset of the set of
counting numbers.
Say: Can anyone name a set that can
be contained in the set of
counting numbers? Ma’am, the set of odd numbers.
O = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }
All of its element can also be found on the set
of counting numbers. So it is a subset of the
set of counting numbers.
Say: Very good. We can form many
subsets from the set of counting
numbers as long as we satisfy
the definition of a subset.
Say: Do you have any questions or
clarifications about subsets? None, ma’am.
Say: Who can tell me if what is a
Universal Set? Ma’am, from the word Universal it covers all.
Say: Okay, Another idea? Ma’am, Universal set is a set that has no
limitations. It covers all the elements without
Say: Okay, let’s find out. Read the
definition of Universal Set.

Universal set is a set under

study or theory are most
likely contained in a single
and fixed set. Universal set is a set under study or theory
are most likely contained in a single and fixed
Say: Can you give me an example of
a universal set based on its
definition? Ma’am, the set of BSED students in King’s
College of Marbel, Incorporated.
Say: Very good. Who can give
another example? Ma’am, the set of all points in a plane.

Say: Very good. In the set of counting

numbers and set of even
numbers, what do you think is
the universal set? Ma’am, the universal set is the set of counting
Say: Very good. You can also write
universal set as:
U = {all counting numbers}
Say: Is it clear? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Look at this examples.
1. Let Y be the set of months
with 32 days.
2. Let T be the set of triangles
with four sides.
3. Let X be the set of girls in a
boy’s dormitory.
Say: What do you think are the
elements of example 1? Ma’am, it does not have any element because
there is no such thing as 32 days in a month.
Say: Okay, how about number 2? Ma’am, it has zero elements because triangles
only have three sides.
Say: How about example number 3? Ma’am, it does not have an element. We all
know that girls are not allowed in a boy’s
Say: Very well said. As you have
notice all of the example of the
sets given does not have any
Say: Please read the definition.

Null set is a set that

contain no elements. It is
also called as empty set.

Say: All of your answers are correct.

All of these sets have no
element. They are called null
Say: We use the symbol O or {} to
represent a null set or empty set.
Say: Now, do you have any
clarifications? None, ma’am.
Say: Class, I have posted on the
board different sets. Can you tell
me how many elements do each
sets contain?
1. M = { a, b, c, d }
2. P = { r, a, t }
3. O
Say: Who can answer number 1? Ma’am, it has 4 elements.
Say: Okay, how about number 2? Ma’am, it has 3 elements.
Say: Lastly, number 3? Ma’am, as we all know that an empty set does
not have any element. So it has zero element.
Say: Class, can you read the
definition on the monitor?

Cardinality of a set is the

number of elements in a
set. Cardinality of a set is the number of elements
in a set.

Say: Now, in set M there are 4

Say: The cardinality of A denotes /A/,
where A can be any set.
Say: So, we can write the cardinality
of set M as /M/ = 4.
Say: Set P has 3 elements, it can be
written as /P/ = 3.
Say: We all know that empty set does
not have any element so /O/ = 0.

Say: You did well today, Class.

Say: Do you have any questions or
clarifications regarding to our
topic today? None ma’am.

Say: Class, let’s have a recap of our
lesson today.
Say: Sets are well-defined group of
objects called elements that
share common characteristics.
Say: Subset is a set which all the
elements are contained in
another set.
Say: Universal set is a set under study
or theory are most likely
contained in a single and fixed
Say: Null set is a set that contains no
Say: Cardinality of set is the number
of elements in a set.
Say: Is it clear, Class?
Say: Before we end up, let’s go back
to our objective if we attain it.
Say: Did we describe well-defined
sets, subsets, universal set, null Yes, ma’am.
set and cardinality of set?
Say: That’s good to hear. See you
again tomorrow. Good day and
God bless.

FIRM UP (Day 3)

I. Daily Activities
Say: Let’s start our day with a prayer. God in Heaven, hear our prayer. Keep us in
May I request Andrei to lead the thy loving care. Be our guide in all we do. Bless
prayer? all those who loves us too. Amen.

Say: Amen.
Say: Thank you.
Say: Good morning, Class. We are fine, ma’am.
Say: How are you today?
Say: I am glad to hear that you are all
fine today.
Checking of Attendance
Say: Please go to your respective
seats and I will check your
attendance based on your seat

Review of the Past Lesson

Activity 4 – Know Me
Say: Before we go on our topic for
today let’s have an activity.
Say: Please sit with your groups.
Say: Each group will be given
flashcards. Each card has terms
written on it based on the lesson
we had yesterday. A definition or
an example of a term will flash
on the monitor. You will raise a
card that corresponds the
correct answer. You have 10
seconds to answer. Teams that
could not raise a flashcard within
the time allotted loses a point.
Every question has a
corresponding point. This activity
will serve as your quiz for today.
Say: Are you ready? Yes, ma’am.

A set that has no Null Set

element. (2pts)

U = {all amphibians} Universal Set


S = {S, T, A, R}
t = {R, A, T} Subset

A = {C, U, T, E}
/A/ = 4 Cardinality of Set

It is a well-defined
group of objects that
share common Set
characteristics. (5pts)

Set of quadrilaterals
with five sides. Null Set

The number of
elements in a set. Cardinality of Set

A set which all the

elements are contained
in another set. (3pts)

Colors = {red, orange,

yellow} Set

A set under study or

theory are most likely
contained in a single
Universal Set
and fixed set. (3pts)

Say: Very good. All of the groups got

a high score. Let’s give
ourselves, a big round of
applause for a job well done.

Presentation of Learning Objectives

Say: Class, I have posted on the

board our objectives for today.
Can you please read?
At the end of the one-hour class session,
• I can illustrate the union and
intersection of sets and the difference
of two sets.
• I can use Venn diagram to represent
the union and intersection of two sets.
Activity 5 – 4 Pics 1 Word

Say: Before we proceed to our topic

let’s have an activity.
Say: I want you to go to your
respective groups.
Say: I will flash four pictures linked by
one word. The player’s aim is to
find out what the word is, based
from the pictures.
Say: The words that you will form will
be essential to our topic today.
Say: Okay, first set of pictures.




Say: Good job, Class.

Say: Okay Class, I want you to listen
attentively to our topic.
Say: As, you can see I have already
posted the problem on the
board. Let’s look at it.
Mrs. Decosta, a Mathematics
teacher wants to know who among
her students can do arithmetic and
who among her students can solve
complex problems.
Set A Set B
Students who can Students who can
do Arithmetic solve complex
Marjorie Jeff
Lovely Jonel
Jeff Jake
Jonel Milbert
Roxette John Mark
John Mark
Say: What can you observe in the
table? Ma’am, it is about sets of students that can
do arithmetic and can solve complex
Say: Okay, another idea?
Ma’am, it is about set of students that can do
different things.
Say: Very good. As you can see,
there are two sets of students
that can do arithmetic and can
solve complex problems.

Says: What does the statement

“Students who can do arithmetic
or can solve complex problems”
implies? Ma’am, it implies a place or point where two
things meet.
Say: Very good. How about the
statement “Students who can do
arithmetic and can solve
complex problems” implies? Ma’am, it implies that two things were joined

Say: Very Good. Let’s go back to the

table. Let’s write the sets in a
roster method.
Let A be the set of students who
can do arithmetic.
A = { Marjorie, Lovely, Jeff, Jonel,
Jake, Jonel, Jake, Roxette,
John Mark, Mickee}
Let B the set of students who can
solve complex problems.
B = { Jeff, Jonel, Jake, Milbert,
John Mark}
Say: Class, did you know that we can
combine sets? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Can anyone go to the board and
join set A and B? Ma’am. (Raising her hand)
A and B = {Marjorie, Lovely, Jeff, Jonel, Jake,
Roxette, John Mark, Mickee,
Say: Okay.

Say: Let us find out if your answer is

correct. Can you read, please?

The union of two sets is a new

set that contains all of the
elements that are in at least
one of the two sets. The union The union of two sets is a new set that
is written as A∪B. contains all of the elements that are in at least
one of the two sets. The union is written
as A∪B.

Say: So, is the answer correct? Yes, ma’am.

Say: Very good. If you join two sets it

is called union of sets. Take note
that in writing an element of a
new set, if there is common
element in the sets just write
one. U is the symbol for union
Yes, ma’am.
and can be read as “or”.
Say: Now look at these sets.
Let A be the set of students who
can do arithmetic.
A = { Marjorie, Lovely, Jeff, Jonel,
Jake, Jonel, Jake, Roxette,
John Mark, Mickee}
Let B the set of students who can
solve complex problems.
B = { Jeff, Jonel, Jake, Milbert,
John Mark}

A∩B = { Jeff, Jonel, Jake, John Mark}

Say: What can you say about the new

set that was formed? Ma’am, all of the elements that can be seen
on the new formed set are all can be found in
set A and B.
Say: And what do you call the new
formed set? Ma’am, it is an intersection.
Say: Okay, let’s find out if your
answer is correct by reading the
definition of an intersection.

The intersection of two sets is

a new set that contains all of
the elements that are in both
sets. The intersection is written
as A∩B.

The intersection of two sets is a new set that

contains all of the elements that are in both
sets. The intersection is written as A∩B.

Say: So the new formed set is an

intersection of two sets. It
means, that in this set the two
sets meet.
Say: We can also represent union and
intersection of a set with the use
of a Venn diagram.
Say: What is a Venn diagram? Venn Diagram is a pictorial representation of
the relationships between sets.

Say: Very Good. We can represent

sets using Venn diagrams. In a
Venn diagram, the sets are
represented by shapes; usually
circles or ovals. The elements of
a set are labelled within the
Say: This is an example of a Venn

Say: Using the sets above, let us

represent the union and
intersection of sets using the
Venn diagram.

A = { Marjorie, Lovely, Jeff, Jonel,

Jake, Jonel, Jake, Roxette, John
Mark, Mickee}
B = { Jeff, Jonel, Jake, Milbert, John
Say: Who can answer on the board?

Marjorie Jonel
Lovely Jake Milbert
Roxette John
Mickee Mark

Say: Very good.

Say: Now, who can write the union
and intersection of this sets
using the right way of writing
sets? Ma’am.

AUB = {Marjorie, Lovely, Jeff, Jonel, Jake,

Roxette, John Mark, Mickee,

A∩B = { Jeff, Jonel, Jake, Milbert, John Mark}

Say: Very Good.

Say: Let’s try this,

Illustrate the intersection and

union of the sets using the Venn
E = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
O = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}

2 4 3 9 11
6 8 13 15

EUO = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15 }
E∩O = { 1,3,5,7 }
Say: Very good. Do you have any
questions or any clarifications
about the union and intersection
of sets? None, ma’am.

Say: If there are no questions let’s

proceed to our next topic.
Say: Examine these following sets.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

A-B = {1, 2}
Say: What can you say about the third
set? Ma’am, the third set is the difference of first
and second set.
Say: Let us read the definition on the
monitor and find out if your
answer is correct.

The difference of two sets,

written A-B is the set of all
elements of A that are not
elements of B.
The difference of two sets, written A-B is the
set of all elements of A that are not elements
of B.
Say: So, in our example A-B = {1,2} is
the difference of set A and B. All
of the elements that inside the
set are not found in set B.
Say: Now, It’s your turn.
Find the difference of these set.
a. V – X b. X - V

V = {10, 11, 12, 13}

X = {10, 15, 20, 25, 30} V – X = {11, 12, 13}
X – V = {15, 20, 25, 30}

Say: Very Good. Do you have any

questions regarding to our
lesson for today? None, ma’am.

Say: If you don’t have any questions,

get ½ sheet of paper.

Say: Answer the following questions:

Direction: Illustrate the

intersection and union of the sets
using the Venn diagram.
1. A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
C = {0, 2, 6, 8}
2. B = {red, blue, yellow}
D = {blue, orange, indigo}

Given the sets,

Z = { 3, 4, 5, 6} Y = {3, 5, 9, 11}
a. Z – Y
b. Y - Z

Say: Okay, pass your paper.


Say: Today we are able to illustrate
the union and intersection of a
set using Venn diagram.
Say: If we say union of a set it is a
new set that contains all of the
elements that are in at least one
of the two sets.
Say: The intersection of two sets is a
new set that contains all of the
elements that are in both sets.
Say: The difference of two sets,
written A-B is the set of all
elements of A that are not
elements of B.
Say: Before, we call it a day let’s go
back to our objectives if we
attain our goals.
Say: Did we illustrate the union and
intersection of the sets and the
difference of two set?
Yes, ma’am.
Say: Did we use Venn diagram to
illustrate union and intersection
of the set? Yes, ma’am.

Say: It is good that we have attained

our objectives for today.
Say: Class, please study your lesson
from day 1 because we will be
having an activity. Take care.
Goodbye and Good day.

DEEPEN (Day 4)

I. Daily Routine
Say: Let’s start our day with a prayer.
May I request Andrei to lead the

Say: Amen.
Say: Thank you.
Say: Good morning, Class.
Say: How are you today?
Say: I am glad to hear that you are all
fine today.
Checking of Attendance
Say: Please go to your respective
seats and I will check your
attendance based on your seat

Presentation of Learning Objectives

Say: Class, I have posted on the

board our learning objectives.
Can you please read it? At the end of one-hour session.
• I can create a well-defined set.
• I can identify subset, universal set and
null sets.
• I can illustrate union and intersection
of sets.
• I can solve the difference of two sets.
Review of the Previous Lesson
Say: Class, before we proceed to our
activity, let us have a recap of
our lesson.
Say: Given the sets,
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
B = { 0, 2, 4 , 6, 8, 10, 12}
a. AUB
b. A∩B AUB = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12}
A∩B = { 2,4,6,8}

Say: Very good. Who can illustrate the

union and intersection of the
sets using the Venn Diagram?


1 3 2 0 10
5 7 6 12

Say: Very good. Find the difference of

this two sets.
a. A-B b. B-A a. A-B = {1,3,5,7,9}
b. B-A = {0,10,12}
Say: Very good.

Activity 6 – Pick a Number

Say: Last meeting, I told you to study

your lessons because today we
will be having an activity.
Say: Did you study your lessons? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Go to your respective group.
Now, we will measure your
knowledge about our lesson.
Our activity is called Pick a
Number. I want you to go to your
group. Yes, ma’am.
Say: I have prepared a set of number
from 1-15. I have already posted
it on the board. Each number
has a corresponding question
and a point. Each team will be
given 5 seconds to answer. After
5 seconds, the other team could
steal and answer the question.
The team who will get the
highest score wins. Are you
ready? Yes, ma’am.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15

1 What is a set? (5pts) 1. A set is a well-defined group of object that

2. Give an example of a null set. share a common characteristics.
(5 pts)
3. Given the sets, 2. Let X be the set of all the numbers in the
A= {C, A, K, E} Alphabet.
B= {A, T, E}
Find the intersection of the sets.
(6pts) 3. A∩B= {A, E}
4. Give an example of a set. (4pts)
5. It is a group of objects that share a 4. T= {orange, apple, banana}
common characteristics. (2pts)
6. Give at least 2 subset of a set of 5. Set
counting numbers from 1-10. (2pts
each example) 6. E= {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
7. The universal set of T= {cat, dog}. O= {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
8. Given: 7. T= {All of pet animals}
M= {U, N, D, E, R}
N= {Y, O, U}
Find: M-N (5pts) 8. M-N= {N, D, E, R}
9. It is a pictorial representation of the
relationships between sets. (2pts)
9. Venn Diagram
10. Give an example of a well-defined
group of objects. (3pts)
10. Set of even numbers.
11. Using a Venn diagram, illustrate the
union and intersection of this sets.
X= {T, I, C, K} X Y
Y= {T, O, C} C
12. Create a set of farm animals. (4pts)
13. Give the elements of a rainbow.
14. Given 12. F= {cow, chicken, pigs, horses}
P= {2, 4, 6}
R= {1, 6, 8, 10} 13. R= {red, orange, red, yellow, green, blue,
Find PUR. (4pts) indigo, violet}
15. Illustrate the union and intersection
of the sets using Venn diagram. (5pts) 14. PUR= {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
S= {M, O, G, D, E}
T= {A, O, N, G, D} 15.


Say: Let’s clap our hand for a job well

done. Congratulations.
Say: The winner of our activity is
Group ____. Let’s give them a
round of applause.
Say: Class, did you enjoy our activity? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Did you encountered any
difficulties in answering the
questions in our activity? None, ma’am.
Say: Very good.


Say: Today, you have learned to

create a well-defined sets.
Identify a subset, null sets and
universal sets.
Say: You also have illustrated the
union and intersection of sets
using a Venn Diagram.
Say: Lastly, you are able to find the
difference of two sets.
Say: Going back to our objectives, did
we attain our objectives for this
day? Yes, ma’am.
Say: I am happy to hear that we have
attained our objectives.
Say: Class, do not forget to practice
your performance for tomorrow.
Say: We will also having a quiz. So
study the lessons that we have
Say: I think, that’s all for today. See
you tomorrow. Good day and
God bless.


I. Daily Activities
Say: Let’s start our day with a prayer.
Everybody stand. Let us pray.
Say: Our Father in heaven, we humbly
come into your presence and
acknowledge you in our life. Thank
you for a new day that we are able
to glorify your name. As we start
our lesson today, please guide
and protect us by your precious
blood and give us your heavenly
knowledge, wisdom and
understanding. This is all we
asked, in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
Greetings Amen
Say: Good morning, Class.
Say: How are you today? Fine, ma’am.
Say: I am glad to hear that you are all
fine today.
Checking of Attendance
Say: Please go to your respective
seats and I will check your
attendance based on your seat

Presentation of Learning Objectives

Say: Class, can you please read our

learning objectives for this day?
Say: At the end of one-hour session.
• I can classify a well-defined set.
• I can identify the cardinality of sets.
• I can illustrate union and intersection
of sets.
• I can solve the difference of two sets.
• I can apply sets in real life situation.
Say: Class, I have already told you
that we will be having a quiz
Say: Are you ready, class? Yes, ma’am.

Say: Please, get a ½ sheet of paper.

Read the directions carefully. If
you have any questions just ask
me. Finish the test for 15
minutes. You may start, now.
Part 1.
Direction: State whether each of the
following sets is well=defined or not.

1. set of happy people

2. set of all factors of 24

3. set of good teachers

4. set of even counting numbers

Part 2.
Direction: Give the cardinalities of
the given sets.

1. The set of vowels in the English

2. The set of constant in the word
3. The set of letters in the word
4. The set of factors of 12

Part 3.
Given U = {x/x is a digit in the
decimal system}
A= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
B= {3, 5, 7, 8}
C= {0, 2, 6, 8}
Find the following sets.
1. AꓴB 5. A∩B∩C
2. BUC 6. A-C
3. A∩B 7. B-A
4. B∩C 8. B-C

Say: Time is up. Please pass your

paper in front.


Say: Since we are done with your

quiz. Class, are you now ready
for your performance? Yes, ma’am.
Say: I have already given you the
rubrics. I hope you have read it.
It will be the basis of your grade.
Say: Are you excited? Yes, ma’am.
Say: Let’s start with group 1. Group 2
please prepare. (Group 1 will present their work.)
Say: Very Good. Let’s give them a big
round of applause.
Say: Group 2. (Group 2 will present their work.)
Say: Very Good. Let’s give them a big
Say: Group 3 it’s your turn. (Group 3 will present their work.)
Say: Job well done. Last group,
present your work. (Group 4 will present their work.)
Say: Very good. Let us all clap our
hands for a job well done. I am
so proud of you, class.
Say: Did you enjoy your performance
today? Yes, ma’am.
Say: That’s good to hear.
Say: Your performance were
entertaining. It shows
understanding in our
Say: Before we formally end our
discussion, I want you to revisit
the Essential Question that have
been posted on the board since
day 1. Can you please read it? How can sets help solve real life problems?
Say: I will give you five minutes to
answer this question.
Say: Now, can someone share his/her
answer? Ma’am, through sets we can easily make a
price of a certain product because we have to
look for its common characteristics. The sets
of plastics made from China are much
cheaper than those of made from a premium
Say: Very good. Another answer?
Ma’am, it is much easier to study the
common characteristics of related objects
which are grouped together in a set than to
investigate the objects individually.
Say: Very well said. All of your
answers are correct. Set helps a
lot in categorizing an object
based on its common
characteristics. In mathematics,
set plays an important role. You
can make sets, in order to solve
a certain problem much easier.

Values Integration

Say: The concept of set is essential in

our daily life. We can associate
the word Union into Unity. God
calls his people to live in unity
with one another, so it is
important to make every effort to
live together in harmony with
everyone. We should always put
God in the center of our life.
Every decision we made, it
should always intersect to His
teachings. We should put God
first and by trusting Him, your life
will stay on track.


Say: Class, remember to make a set

its element should be well-
defined and share a common
characteristics. Elements of a
set varies to its categorically
identified objects. Some sets
may not have an element and it
is called a null set. We can also
use a Venn diagram to illustrate
the union and intersection of a
Say: Is it clear, class? Yes, ma’am.
Say: I am happy with your
performance, class. Thank you
for being so cooperative during
our activities and giving me a
wonderful time during my one
week teaching. Congratulations
for a job well done.
Say: I hope you will not forget all the
knowledge that you’ve gained.
Say: See you soon, class. Again,
thank you. Good day and God

➢ Puzzle
➢ Pictures of Different Sets
➢ Powerpoint Presentation with the content of the topic
➢ Flashcards
➢ Cartolina
➢ Marker
➢ Pick a Number board

➢ Our World of Math 7, Ricardo M. Crisostomo, et al., pg 3-13
➢ Conceptual Math and Beyond 7, Raymond Anthony M. Quan, pg 1-29

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