Triangle Inequalities

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One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 2428


Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8

Exterior Angle Theorem

Prepared by:

Belinda O. Ramos

Checked by:

Noted by:

Head Teacher

Lesson Plan in Grade 8 Math

Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of inequalities in a triangle and parallel
and perpendicular lines.

Performance Standards
The learners are able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in
formulating ,investigating,analyzing and solving real- life problems involving triangle inequalities and
parallelism and perpendicularity of lines using appropriate and accurate representations.

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson 75% of students should be able to:
A. Illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities (exterior angle inequalities theorem);
B. cooperatively participate applying exterior angle inequalities theorem on triangle inequalities.
C. solve problems involving exterior angle inequalities theorem.

II. Learning Content:

a. Topic: Inequalities in Triangle (Exterior Angle Theorem)
b. References: Mathematics Learner’s Module Grade 8, pg. 381-391
c. Materials: laptop ,projector, PowerPoint , colored paper, marker,protractor, improvised
manipulative triangle.
d. Strategies: Discovery and cooperative learning

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Daily Routine Example 2: O
Good morning! “Good morning Ma’am!” 10D
How‘s your day?Good to hear that! Very fine Ma’am!
May I request everyone to stand for a prayer to (They stand together)
be led by Divine. (The student prayer leader will lead the prayer)
Before you take your seats, please pick up the (the students will pick pieces of paper on the floor and
pieces of papers on the floor and properly arrange the arrange the chair)

(The teacher will check the attendance )

Time : 3 minutes
B. Review
Last time we tackled about congruent triangles
and corresponding angles. (the students listen attentively )
Lets take a review on that part of our lesson by
matching column A to column B. (they cooperatively participate in the activity)

C. Motivation
Activity :” Fold and Form”
(The students form 4 groups)
Mechanics: (the students listen attentively to the mechanics of
the activity)
1. Form 4 groups.
2. Form triangles using your handkerchief and tie
or connect a lace on one tip of the triangle.
3. The first group who will finish the task correctly will
win the game.

And our winner is group 2.

Let’s give them a warm of applause. (they cooperatively participate in the activity)

D. Lesson Proper
Form a triangle using the following measures:
6,8,10 inches using our device “Magic Stick”.

If we extend the sides of our triangle, does an Yes , Ma’am it formed an angle outside the
angle form? triangle.
Yes your correct ! When the sides of a
polygon are extended, other angles are formed.

The original angles are the interior angles.

The angles that form linear pairs with the
interior angles are the exterior angles.

I have here an example of a triangle. Help me

discover the relationships of its angles by applying
the theorems we learned from our previous
IV. Agreement
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Answer activity 7 on page 400 of your module and

make an advance reading on our next topic about
counting techniques.
Have a working definition of a polygon

Know that polygons are closed figures

Know how to classify polygons by their sides

Readily recognize a triangle

Guiding Questions: What are the guiding questions for this lesson?

What are some characteristics of triangles? (closed, three sides, three angles, angles sum to 180
degrees, etc.)

Now, suppose a triangle has three sides with lengths a, b, and c.

Will any set of numbers a, b, and c make a triangle, or do we need a special set of side lengths?

What relationship do you think exists between a, b, and c? (HINT: It will be an inequality

Introduction: How will the teacher introduce the lesson to the students?

Teacher places three strips on a magnetic white board and asks the students what figure could be
formed using the three strips for sides. When the students immediately answer "triangle," the
teacher will probe for characteristics of triangles. The goal is to lead students to agree that only
CLOSED three sided figures are triangles.

Investigate: What question(s) will students be investigating? What process will students follow to
collect information that can be used to answer the question(s)?
Step 1: Give each group an activity log. Triangle_Inequality_Investigation_LogSheet.pdf

Have students put the names of all group members on the log. Then pass out a set of foam strips to
each group. Have students confirm that there are eight strips in their bags. Further confirm that
each set of strips contains strips marked 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3. Explain the number on the strip
indicates its length in centimeters. Demonstrate this by measuring a strip under the document

Step 2: Ask students to remove strips 10, 9 and 8. Ask them to form a triangle with the strips by
laying each strip down so its end is touching the other strips at their endpoints. Now have them
record this combination in their activity log. Be sure that students are completing the entire row of
information for each set of side lengths.

Step 3: Ask students to remove strips 3, 6 and 10 from their bags. Again have them form a triangle.
When they are not successful, there will be controversy. Some students will insist that they can
make a triangle, so it will be necessary to return to the original directions that the ENDPOINTS must
be touching. Also, remind students that a triangle is a closed figure.

Analyze: How will students organize and interpret the data collected during the investigation?

Step 4: When students complete their exploration and have recorded their findings their log sheets,
ask them to study the results and form a conjecture about triangles and their side lengths. In
particular, tell students to use their data to guide them as they write a rule for determining whether
a set of three side lengths will form a triangle. (The teacher may need to direct students to focus on
the columns headed "Sum of short and middle sides" and "longest side." Ask them how the sums
and the longest sides are related in the sets that form triangles. Then ask how those same numbers
are different for the sets of side lengths that do not form triangles. This can be a difficult task for
students as they are not experienced writing a rule.

Step 5: Have students go back and test their rule on any four of the strip sets listed in their log. Did
their rule work? If not, why? How can they change their rule so that it will work? Tell students to
test their new rule again. They should continue modifying their rule and testing it until their rule
works for all the side length combinations on their activity sheet.

Closure: What will the teacher do to bring the lesson to a close? How will the students make sense
of the investigation?

Teacher goes back to the three strips that were originally used to open the day's discussion and
introduce the lesson. Ask students to apply their rules to these three lengths. Each student will turn
in a written response to the question: "Can these three side lengths form a triangle? Why or why

Student responses should include the rule their group developed for determining if a set of side
lengths could form a triangle. This written response is each student's "exit slip" out the door at the
end of the class period.

Each student's Exit Slip should state something like the following:

"Any side of a triangle is less than the sum of the other two sides." (Triangle Inequality Theorem)

In equation form, the Triangle Inequality Theorem looks like this:

Summative Assessment

Work the odd-numbered problems on the worksheet:


Answer Key:



Formative Assessment

Using pencil, paper, and a rule, ask students to draw a triangle on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper.

Ask students to measure side lengths in centimeters using a metric ruler.

Ask students to label the sides with the measured lengths.

Teacher will circulate to inspect the results, to verify that:

triangles were drawn

students understand the concept of side length

Feedback to Students

Teacher will assess students' understanding informally as they work through the activity. The Exit
Slip will allow the teacher to determine what aspects of the concept need to be addressed again the
next day.

Accommodations & Recommendations


Students who have difficulty using a straightedge should be paired with students are proficient.

Clear, detailed, printed directions could be provided for students who have difficulty maintaining

Large diagrams of each step can be provided.

Teacher needs to read all instructions and repeat several times.


Have students create five sets of three side length on their own for homework. For each set of three
numbers, the student must explain why or why not those three lengths could form a triangle.

Suggested Technology: Computer for Presenter, GeoGebra Free Software

Special Materials Needed:

Ziplock bags containing cut piece of straw or popsicle sticks or even foam. (Straws work great).

Each bag must contain eight lengths cut to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cm. each. The straws must
also be clearly marked with these lengths. (A sharpie works great.)

Alternatively, teacher or students may use this GeoGebra applet. In this case, restrict side lengths to
the integers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

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