Geometry Performance Task

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Orange Public Schools

Office of Curriculum & Instruction

2019-2020 Mathematics Curriculum Guide

6th Grade Mathematics

Illustrative Mathematics - Unit 1: Area and Surface Area
September 9, 2019 – October 11, 2019

Board Approved: 1.14.2020

Tyrone Tarver
Brenda Daughtry
Vice President

Guadalupe Cabido Sueann Gravesande Derrick Henry
Shawneque Johnson Cristina Mateo Siaka Sherif
Jeffrey Wingfield

Gerald Fitzhugh, II, Ed.D.


Adekunle O. James


Glasshebra Jones-Dismuke

Karen Harris, English Language Arts/Testing Shelly Harper, Special Services
Tina Powell, Ed.D., Math/Science Terri Russo,D.Litt., Curriculum & Instruction

Olga Castellanos, Math (K-4) Janet McCloudden, Ed.D., Special Services
Meng Li Chi Liu, Math (9-12) Rosa Lazzizera, ELA (3-7) & Media Specialist
Daniel Ramirez, Math (5-8) Adrianna Hernandez, ELA (K-2) & Media Specialist
Donna Sinisgalli, Visual & Performance Arts Frank Tafur, Guidance
Kurt Matthews, ELA (8-12) & Media Specialist Henie Parillon, Science (K-12)
Linda Epps, Social Studies (5-12) /Tech Coordinator Caroline Onyesonwu, Bilingual/ESL & World Lang
Tia Burnett, Testing David Aytas, STEM Focus (8-12)
Jahmel Drakeford, CTE (K-12)/Health & Phys Ed Amina Mateen, Special Services

Faith Alcantara, Heywood Avenue School Jason Belton, Orange High School
Yancisca Cooke, Ed.D., Forest St. Comm School Jacquelyn Blanton, Orange Early Childhood Center
Robert Pettit, Cleveland Street School (OLV) Dana Gaines, Orange Prep Academy
Cayce Cummins, Ed.D., Newcomers Academy Myron Hackett, Ed.D., Park Ave. School
Debra Joseph-Charles, Ed.D.,Rosa Parks Comm School Karen Machuca, Scholars Academy
Denise White, Oakwood Ave. Comm School Erica Stewart, Ed.D., STEM Academy
Frank Iannucci, Jr., Lincoln Avenue School

Carrie Halstead, Orange High School Nyree Delgado, Forest Street Comm School
Mohammed Abdelaziz, Orange High/Athletic Director Devonii Reid, EdD., STEM Academy
Oliverto Agosto, Orange Prep Academy Joshua Chuy, Rosa Parks Comm School
Terence Wesley, Rosa Parks Comm School Gerald J. Murphy, Heywood Ave School
Samantha Sica-Fossella, Orange Prep. Academy Shadin Belal, Ed. D. Orange Prep Academy
Kavita Cassimiro, Orange High School April Stokes, Park Avenue School
Lyle Wallace, Twilight Program Noel Cruz, Dean of Students/Rosa Parks Comm School
Isabel Colon, Lincoln Avenue School Patrick Yearwood, Lincoln Avenue School
From the New Jersey Student Learning Standards:

In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole
number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing
understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational
numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations;
and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.

(1) Students use reasoning about multiplication and division to solve ratio and rate problems about
quantities. By viewing equivalent ratios and rates as deriving from, and extending, pairs of rows (or columns)
in the multiplication table, and by analyzing simple drawings that indicate the relative size of quantities,
students connect their understanding of multiplication and division with ratios and rates. Thus students
expand the scope of problems for which they can use multiplication and division to solve problems, and they
connect ratios and fractions. Students solve a wide variety of problems involving ratios and rates.

(2) Students use the meaning of fractions, the meanings of multiplication and division, and the relationship
between multiplication and division to understand and explain why the procedures for dividing fractions
make sense. Students use these operations to solve problems. Students extend their previous
understandings of number and the ordering of numbers to the full system of rational numbers, which
includes negative rational numbers, and in particular negative integers. They reason about the order and
absolute value of rational numbers and about the location of points in all four quadrants of the coordinate

(3) Students understand the use of variables in mathematical expressions. They write expressions and
equations that correspond to given situations, evaluate expressions, and use expressions and formulas to
solve problems. Students understand that expressions in different forms can be equivalent, and they use the
properties of operations to rewrite expressions in equivalent forms. Students know that the solutions of an
equation are the values of the variables that make the equation true. Students use properties of operations
and the idea of maintaining the equality of both sides of an equation to solve simple one-step equations.
Students construct and analyze tables, such as tables of quantities that are in equivalent ratios, and they use
equations (such as 3x = y) to describe relationships between quantities.

(4) Building on and reinforcing their understanding of number, students begin to develop their ability to
think statistically. Students recognize that a data New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Mathematics
40 distribution may not have a definite center and that different ways to measure center yield different
values. The median measures center in the sense that it is roughly the middle value. The mean measures
center in the sense that it is the value that each data point would take on if the total of the data values were
redistributed equally, and also in the sense that it is a balance point. Students recognize that a measure of
variability (interquartile range or mean absolute deviation) can also be useful for summarizing data because
two very different sets of data can have the same mean and median yet be distinguished by their variability.
Students learn to describe and summarize numerical data sets, identifying clusters, peaks, gaps, and
symmetry, considering the context in which the data were collected.
Major Work Supporting Content Additional Content
Table of Contents
I. Unit Overview p. 1

II. Pacing Guide p. 2

III. Pacing Calendar p. 3-4

IV. NJSLA Assessment Evidence Statement p. 5-6

V. Differentiated Instruction p. 7-8

VI. Vocabulary p. 9-12

VII. Assessment Framework p. 13

VIII. Performance Tasks p. 14-16

IX. Modifications p. 17-20

X. Core Instruction & Supplemental Resources p. 21-24

“Illustrative Mathematics” Open Up Resources. 2018
6 Grade Unit: Area and Surface Area

I. Unit Overview

Grade 6 begins with a unit on reasoning about area and understanding and applying
concepts of surface area. In grade 6, students extend their reasoning about area to
include shapes that are not composed of rectangles. Doing this draws on abilities
developed in earlier grades to compose and decompose shapes, for example, to see a
rectangle as composed of two congruent right triangles. Students build on these abilities
and their knowledge of areas of rectangles to find the areas of polygons by
decomposing and rearranging them to make figures whose areas they can determine.

Students will learn strategies for finding areas of parallelograms and triangles, and
develop formulas for these areas, using geometric properties to justify the correctness
of these formulas. They use these formulas to solve problems. They understand that any
polygon can be decomposed into triangles, and use this knowledge to find areas of
polygons. Students will also find the surface areas of polyhedra with triangular and
rectangular surfaces. They study, assemble, and draw nets for polyhedra and use nets to
determine surface areas.

Essential Questions
 How can you derive a formula for the area of a parallelogram?
 How can you derive a formula for the area of a triangle?
 How can you find the area of the entire surface of a prism?
 How can you use a net to find the surface area of a pyramid?
 How can you find the volume of a rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths?
Enduring Understanding
 Reason about area to include shapes that are not composed of rectangles.
 The area of a rectangle is composed of two congruent right triangles.
 Understand the area of a triangle is half of the product of one of its side-lengths and its
corresponding height.
 The areas of polygons can be found by decomposing and rearranging them to make
figures whose areas can be determined.
 Polyhedra nets can be used to determine the surface area.

6 Grade Unit: Area and Surface Area

II. Pacing Guide

Activity New Jersey State Estimated
Learning Standards Time
(NJSLS) (Blocks)
3.MD.C.7, 5.OA.A.2,
Unit 1 Pre-Unit Diagnostic Assessment Optional 5.NF.B.4, 4.G.A.1,4.G.A.2, 1/2
Lesson1: Tiling the Plane 6.G.A.1 1
Lesson 2: Finding Area by Decomposing & Rearranging 6.G.A.1 1
Lesson 3: Reasoning to Find Area 6.G.A.1 1
Lesson 4: Parallelograms 6.G.A.1 1
6.G.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a, 1
Lesson 5: Bases and Heights of Parallelograms
Lesson 6: Area of Parallelograms 6.G.A.1, 6.EE.A.2c 1
Lesson 7: From Parallelograms to Triangles 6.G.A.1 1
Lesson 8: Area of Triangles 6.G.A.1 1
6.G.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a, 1
Lesson 9: Formula for the Area of a Triangle
Lesson 10: Bases and Heights of Triangles 6.G.A.1, 6.EE.A.2c 1
6.G.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a, 1
Unit 1 Mid-Unit Assessment Optional
Lesson 11: Polygons 6.G.A.1 1
Lesson 12: What I Surface Area 6.G.A.4 1
Lesson 13: Polyhedra 6.G.A.4 1
Lesson 14: Nets and Surface Area 6.G.A.4 1
Lesson 15: More Nets, More Surface Area 6.G.A.2, 6.G.A.4 1
Lesson 16: Distinguishing Between Surface Area & Volume 6.G.A.4 1
Lesson 17: Squares & Cubes 6.EE.A, 6.EE.A.1 1
6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a, 1
Lesson 18: Surface Area of a Cube
Lesson 19: Designing a Tent (Project Based Learning) 6.G.A.1, 6.G.A.4 1
6.G.A.1, 6.G.A.4, 6.EE.A.1,
Unit 1 End-of-Unit Assessment Optional 1
6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2c
Performance Task 1 1/2
Total Time 22 Blocks

Major Work Supporting Content Additional Content

6 Grade Unit: Area and Surface Area

III. Pacing Calendar

Please complete the pacing calendar based on the suggested pacing (see Pacing Guide on page 1).

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

6 Grade Unit: Area and Surface Area

Please complete the pacing calendar based on the suggested pacing (see Pacing Guide on page 1).

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

IV. NJSLA Assessment Evidence Statements

Type I Type II Type III
NJSLS Evidence Statement Clarification Math Calculator
Practices ?
6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles,
other triangles, special
quadrilaterals, and polygons by
composing into rectangles or
MP.2 Yes
decomposing into triangles and
- MP.5
other shapes; apply these
techniques in the context of solving
real-world and mathematical

6.G.4 Represent three-dimensional

figures using nets made up of
rectangles and triangles, and use
the nets to find the surface area of MP.1
these figures. Apply these MP.4
techniques in the context of solving MP.5
real-world and mathematical

6.EE.1 Write numerical expressions i) Tasks involve

involving whole-number expressing b-fold
exponents. products 𝑎 ∙ 𝑎 ∙ … ∙ 𝑎
in the form 𝑎𝑏, where a
and b are non-zero
whole numbers
MP.8 No
ii) Tasks do not require
use of the laws of

6.EE.2a Write, read, and evaluate i) Tasks do not have a

expressions in which letters stand context.
for numbers. a. Write expressions ii) Numerical values in
that record operations with these expressions may
numbers and with letters standing include whole numbers, MP.8 Yes
for numbers. For example, express fractions, and decimals.
the calculation “Subtract y from 5”
as 5 – y.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area
6.EE.2c Write, read, and evaluate i) Tasks do not have a
expressions in which letters stand context.
for numbers. c. Evaluate ii) Numerical values in
expressions at specific values of these expressions may
their variables. Perform arithmetic include whole numbers,
operations, including those fractions, and decimals. MP.7 Yes
involving whole-number
iii) Task will not require
exponents, in the conventional
operations on negative
order when there are no
parentheses to specify a particular numbers.
order (Order of Operations).

6.D.1 Solve multi-step contextual word i) Tasks may have

problems with degree of difficulty scaffolding, if necessary,
appropriate to Grade 6, requiring in order yield a degree of
application of knowledge and skills difficulty appropriate to Yes
articulated in Type I, Sub-Claim A Grade 6.
Evidence Statements.

6.D.2 Solve multi-step contextual i) Tasks may have

problems with degree of difficulty scaffolding, if necessary,
appropriate to Grade 6, requiring in order yield a degree of
application of knowledge and skills difficulty appropriate to Yes
articulated in 5.NBT.B, 5.NF, Grade 6.
5.MD, and 5.G.A.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

V. Differentiated Instruction

Supporting English Language Learners

There are four design principles for promoting mathematical language use and development in
curriculum and instruction. The design principles and related routines work to make language
development an integral part of planning and delivering instruction while guiding teachers to
amplify the most important language that students are expected to bring to bear on the
central mathematical ideas of each unit.

The design principles are: Design Principle 1: Support sense-making

Design Principle 2: Optimize output
Design Principle 3: Cultivate conversation
Design Principle 4: Maximize linguistic and cognitive meta-

These four principles are intended as guides for curriculum development and planning and
execution of instruction, including the structure and organization of interactive opportunities
for students, and the observation, analysis, and reflection on student language and learning.
The design principles motivate the use of mathematical language routines (MLRs).

These eight routines are: MLR1: Stronger and Clearer Each Time
MLR2: Collect and Display
MLR3: Critique, Correct, and Clarify
MLR4: Information Gap
MLR5: Co-Craft Questions and Problems
MLR6: Three Reads
MLR7: Compare and Connect
MLR8: Discussion Supports

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area
Supporting Students with Disabilities
Lessons are designed to maximize access for all students, and include additional suggested
supports to meet the varying needs of individual students. While the suggested supports are
designed for students with disabilities, they are also appropriate for many children who
struggle to access rigorous, grade-level content. Teachers should use their professional
judgment about which supports to use and when, based on their knowledge of the individual
needs of students in their classroom.

The inclusion of additional supports for students with disabilities offers additional strategies
for teachers to meet the individual needs of a diverse group of learners. Lesson and activity-
level supports for students with disabilities are aligned to an area of cognitive functioning and
are paired with a suggested strategy aimed to increase access and eliminate barriers. These
lesson specific supports help students succeed with a specific activity without reducing the
mathematical demand of the task. All of the supports can be used discreetly and are designed
to be used as needed.

Suggestions for supports fall under the following categories:

Eliminate Barriers
Processing Time
Peer Tutors
Assistive Technology
Visual Aids
Graphic Organizers
Brain Breaks

For a more descriptive account of these supports, reference the following: - supporting-

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Term Definition
Area The area of a two-dimensional region, measured in square units, is the
number of unit squares that cover the region without gaps or overlaps. The
side length of each square is 1 centimeter. The area of the shaded region A
is 8 square centimeters. The area of shaded region B is 1/2 square

Region Examples of two-dimensional regions include the interior of a circle or the

interior of a polygon. Here are two examples of two-dimensional regions. Area
is a measure of two-dimensional regions.

Examples of a three-dimensional region include the interior of a sphere or

the interior of a cube.

Rearrange When we decompose a figure into pieces and put them back together in a
different way, we are rearranging the pieces.

Compose / Compose means “put together” and decompose means “take apart.” We
Decompose use the word “compose” to describe putting several geometric figures
together to make a new figure.
Parallelogram A parallelogram is a four-sided polygon with two pairs of parallel sides.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area
Base/Height of a Any of the four sides of a parallelogram can be chosen as a base. The
Parallelogram term base can also refer to the length of this side. Once we have chosen a
base, then a perpendicular segment from a point on the base of a
parallelogram to the opposite side will always have the same length. We call
that value the height.

Opposite Vertex When you choose a side to be the base in a triangle, the vertex that is not
an endpoint of the base is the opposite vertex. Point A is the opposite
vertex to the base BC.

Base/Height of a Any of the three sides of a triangle can be chosen as a base. The
Triangle term base can also refer to the length of this side. Once we have chosen a
base, the corresponding height is the length of a perpendicular segment
from the base to the vertex opposite it. The opposite vertex is the vertex
that is not an endpoint of the base.

Quadrilateral A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon.

Vertex (vertices) A vertex is a point where two edges meet in a polygon or a polyhedron.

Edge A line segment in a polygon is called an edge (it is also called a side). A line
segment where two faces meet in a polyhedron is also called an edge.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area
Side A line segment in a polygon is called a side (it is also called an edge).
Sometimes the faces of a polyhedron are called its sides.
Polygon A polygon is a two-dimensional figure composed of a sequence of straight
line segments, connected end-to-end, with the last one connecting back to
the first. We call the line segments the edges or sides of the polygon. We
call a point where the edges connect a vertex. The edges of a polygon never
cross each other.
The plural of vertex is vertices. A polygon always encloses a two-dimensional
Here is a polygon with five vertices A, B, C, D, and E and five edges (or
sides): AB, BC, CD, DE, and EA.

Surface Area The surface area (in square units) is the number of unit squares it takes to
cover all the surfaces of a three-dimensional figure without gaps or

Face Any flat surface on a three-dimensional figure is a face.

Net A net is a two-dimensional representation of a polyhedron. It can be cut out

and folded to make a model of the polyhedron. Here is a net for a cube.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area
Polyhedron A polyhedron is a three-dimensional figure with faces that are polygonal
(Polyhedra) regions (filled-in polygons). Each face meets one and only one other face
along a complete edge. The points where edges meet are called vertices.
The plural of polyhedron is polyhedra. A polyhedron always encloses a
three-dimensional region. Here are some drawings of polyhedra.

Prism A prism is a type of polyhedron with two parallel faces that are identical
copies of each other (called bases) connected by rectangles. A prism is
named for the shape of its bases; for example, if its base is a pentagon, then
it is called a “pentagonal prism.” Here are some drawings of some prisms.

Pyramid A pyramid is a type of polyhedron that has one special face called the base.
All of the other faces are triangles that all meet at a single vertex. A pyramid
is named for the shape of its base; for example, if its base is a pentagon,
then it is called a “pentagonal pyramid.”
Square of a An expression with an exponent of 2 is sometimes called a square. The
Number / reason s2 is called the square of s is that a square whose edge has
Squaring a length s has area s2.

Cube of a Number An expression with an exponent of 3 is sometimes called a cube. The

/ Cubing a reason s3 is called the cube of s is that a cube whose edge has length s has
Number volume s3.

Exponent When we write an expression like 7n, we call n the exponent.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

VII. Assessment Framework

Unit 1 Assessment Framework
Assessment NJSLS Estimated Format Graded
Time ?
Pre-Unit Diagnostic 6.G.A.1, 6.G.A.4, ½ Block Individual Yes
Assessment 6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a, (No Weight)
(Beginning of Unit – Optional) 6.EE.A.2c
Illustrative Mathematics
Mid-Unit Assessment 6.G.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a, 1 Block Individual Yes
(After Lesson 10-Optional) 6.EE.A.2c
Illustrative Mathematics
End-of-Unit Assessment 6.G.A.1, 6.G.A.4, 1 Block Individual Yes
(End of Unit – Optional) 6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.2a,
Illustrative Mathematics 6.EE.A.2c

Unit 1 Performance Assessment Framework

Assessment NJSLS Estimated Format Graded
Time ?
Unit 1 Performance Task 1 6.G.A.1 ½ Block Individual Yes; Rubric
(Early October) w/
Areas of Right Triangles Interview
Unit 1 Performance Task 6.G.A.4 Teacher Teacher Yes, if
Option 1 Discretion Discretion administered
Nets, Pyramids and Prisms
Extended Constructed Dependent on unit of Up to 30 Individual Yes; Rubric
Response (ECR)* study & month of minutes
(click here for access) administration

* Use the following links to access ECR protocol and district assessment scoring documents:
 Assessment & Data in Mathematics Bulletin
 Extended Constructed Response Protocol

6th Grade: Unit 1 Performance Task
6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Name _________________________________________ Block ______ Date _____________

Areas of Right Triangles (NJSLS 6.G.A.1)

A. Explain why the right triangle shown has an area of exactly 20 square units.

B. The "legs" of a right triangle are the two sides that form the right angle. If one leg of a right triangle
is 5 units long, explain what else would have to be true about the right triangle in order for its area to
be 30 square units.

C. Here are leg measurements for more right triangles. What is the area of each?

i. 6 and 3
ii. 12 and 4 1/2
iii. 3 and 7
iv. 6.5 and 9

D. Explain in words how you can find the area of a right triangle when you know the lengths of its

E. Let a represent the length of one leg of a right triangle and b represent the length of the other leg
of the right triangle. Write a mathematical expression for the area of the right triangle in terms
of a and b.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Unit 1 Performance Task 1 PLD Rubric

A. Completing the rectangle with sides of length 4 and 10 and arguing that half of its area must be 20
square units.
B. The other leg would have to measure 12 units in length.
C. i) 9 ii) 27 iii) 21/2 or 10 ½ or 10.5 iv) 29.25 or 117/4
D. Answers may vary. Examples: Multiply the lengths of the legs together, and then divide by 2.
One half of the product of the lengths of the legs.
E. ab/2, 1/2ab , a×b÷2 , or equivalent
Level 5: Distinguished Level 4: Level 3: Level 2: Level 1:
Command Strong Moderate Partial No
Command Command Command Command
All parts are correct. 4 parts are correct. 3 parts are correct. 2 parts are correct. 1 part correct or
no parts are
Clearly constructs and Clearly constructs Clearly constructs Constructs and correct.
communicates a and and communicates an
complete communicates a communicates a incomplete response The student
response based on complete complete based shows no work
concrete referents response based on response based on on concrete referents or justification.
provided in the prompt concrete referents concrete referents provided in the
or constructed by the provided in the provided in the prompt
student such as prompt or prompt or such as: diagrams,
diagrams that are constructed by constructed by the number
connected to a written the student such as student such as line diagrams or
(symbolic) method, diagrams that are diagrams that are coordinate
number connected to a connected to a plane diagrams,
line diagrams or written written which may
coordinate (symbolic) method, (symbolic) method, include:
plane diagrams, number line number line  a faulty approach
including: diagrams or diagrams or based on a
 a logical approach coordinate plane coordinate plane conjecture and/or
based on a diagrams, including: diagrams, stated
conjecture and/or  a logical including: assumptions
stated approach  a logical, but  An illogical and
assumptions based on a incomplete, Incomplete
 a logical and conjecture progression of progression of
complete and/or stated steps steps
progression of assumptions  minor  majr calculation
steps  a logical and calculation errors
 complete complete errors  partial justification
justification of a progression of  partial of a conclusion
conclusion with steps justification of a
minor  complete conclusion
computational justification of a  a logical, but
error conclusion with incomplete,
minor conceptual progression of
error steps

6th Grade: Unit 1 Performance Task Option 1
6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Name _________________________________________ Block ______ Date __________

Nets, Pyramids and Prisms (NJSLS 6.G.A.4)


a. Below is a net for a three dimensional shape:

The inner quadrilateral is a square and the four triangles all have the same size and shape.

i. What three dimensional shape does this net make? Explain.

ii. If the side length of the square is 2 units and the height of the triangles is 3 units, what is

the surface area of this shape?

b. Draw a net for a rectangular prism whose base is a one inch by one inch square and whose

faces are 3 inches by 1 inch.

i. Is there more than one possible net for this shape? Explain.

ii. What is the surface area of the prism?

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

IX. Modifications
Special Education/ 504: English Language Learners:

-Adhere to all modifications and health concerns - Use manipulatives to promote conceptual
stated in each IEP. understanding and enhance vocabulary usage
-Give students a MENU options, allowing students to - Provide graphic representations, gestures,
pick assignments from different levels based on drawings, equations, realia, and pictures during all
difficulty. segments of instruction
-Accommodate Instructional Strategies: reading - During i-Ready lessons, click on “Español” to hear
aloud text, graphic organizers, one-on-one specific words in Spanish
instruction, class website (Google Classroom), - Utilize graphic organizers which are concrete,
handouts, definition list with visuals, extended time pictorial ways of constructing knowledge and
-Allow students to demonstrate understanding of a organizing information
problem by drawing the picture of the answer and - Use sentence frames and questioning strategies so
then explaining the reasoning orally and/or writing , that students will explain their thinking/ process of
such as Read-Draw-Write how to solve word problems
-Provide breaks between tasks, use positive - Utilize program translations (if available) for L1/ L2
reinforcement, use proximity students
-Assure students have experiences that are on the - Reword questions in simpler language
Concrete- Pictorial- Abstract spectrum by using - Make use of the ELL Mathematical Language
manipulatives Routines (click here for additional information)
-Implement supports for students with disabilities -Scaffolding instruction for ELL Learners
(click here) -Common Core Approach to Differentiate Instruction:
- Make use of strategies imbedded within lessons Students with Disabilities (pg 16-17)
-Common Core Approach to Differentiate Instruction:
Students with Disabilities (pg 17-18)
- Strategies for students with 504 plans

Gifted and Talented: Students at Risk for Failure:

- Elevated contextual complexity - Assure students have experiences that are on the
- Inquiry based or open ended assignments and Concrete- Pictorial- Abstract spectrum
projects - Modify Instructional Strategies, reading aloud text,
- More time to study concepts with greater depth graphic organizers, one-on-one instruction, class
- Promote the synthesis of concepts and making real website (Google Classroom), inclusion of more
world connections visuals and manipulatives, Peer Support
- Provide students with enrichment practice that are - Constant parental/ guardian contact
imbedded in the curriculum such as: - Provide academic contracts to students &
● Application / Conceptual Development guardians
● Are you ready for more? - Create an interactive notebook with samples, key
- Provide opportunities for math competitions vocabulary words, student goals/ objectives.
- Alternative instruction pathways available - Plan to address students at risk in your learning
- Common Core Approach to Differentiate Instruction: tasks, instructions, and directions. Anticipate where
Students with Disabilities (pg. 20) the needs will be, then address them prior to lessons.
-Common Core Approach to Differentiate Instruction:
Students with Disabilities (pg 19)

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

21st Century Life and Career Skills:

Career Ready Practices describe the career-ready skills that all educators in all content areas should seek to
develop in their students. They are practices that have been linked to increase college, career, and life
success. Career Ready Practices should be taught and reinforced in all career exploration and preparation
programs with increasingly higher levels of complexity and expectation as a student advances through a
program of study.

● CRP1. Act as a responsible and contributing ● CRP7. Employ valid and reliable research
citizen and employee. strategies.
● CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and ● CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense
technical skills. of problems and persevere in solving them.
● CRP3. Attend to personal health and financial ● CRP9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and
well-being. effective management.
● CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively ● CRP10. Plan education and career paths
and with reason. aligned to personal goals.
● CRP5. Consider the environmental, social ● CRP11. Use technology to enhance
and economic impacts of decisions. productivity.
● CRP6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. ● CRP12. Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.

Students are given an opportunity to communicate with peers effectively, clearly, and with the use of
technical language. They are encouraged to reason through experiences that promote critical
thinking and emphasize the importance of perseverance. Students are exposed to various mediums
of technology, such as digital learning, calculators, and educational websites.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Technology Standards:
All students will be prepared to meet the challenge of a dynamic global society in which they participate,
contribute, achieve, and flourish through universal access to people, information, and ideas.

8.1 Educational Technology: 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, Design,

and Computational Thinking - Programming:
All students will use digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve All students will develop an understanding of the
problems individually and collaborate and to create nature and impact of technology, engineering,
and communicate knowledge. technological design, computational thinking and the
designed world as they relate to the individual, global
society, and the environment.

A. Technology Operations and Concepts: A. The Nature of Technology: Creativity and

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of Innovation- Technology systems impact every
technology concepts, systems and operations. aspect of the world in which we live.
B. Creativity and Innovation: Students B. Technology and Society: Knowledge and
demonstrate creative thinking, construct understanding of human, cultural, and societal
knowledge and develop innovative products and values are fundamental when designing
process using technology. technological systems and products in the global
C. Communication and Collaboration: Students society.
use digital media and environments to C. Design: The design process is a systematic
communicate and work collaboratively, including approach to solving problems.
at a distance, to support individual learning and D. Abilities in a Technological World: The
contribute to the learning of others. designed world in a product of a design process
D. Digital Citizenship: Students understand that provides the means to convert resources into
human, cultural, and societal issues related to products and systems.
technology and practice legal and ethical E. Computational Thinking: Programming-
behavior. Computational thinking builds and enhances
E. Research and Information Fluency: Students problem solving, allowing students to move
apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use of beyond using knowledge to creating knowledge.
F. Critical thinking, problem solving, and
decision making: Students use critical thinking
skills to plan and conduct research, manage
projects, solve problems, and make informed
decisions using appropriate digital tools and

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Interdisciplinary Connections:

English Language Arts:

L.6.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions

when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

SL.6.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative

discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and
issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their
own clearly.

W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons

and relevant evidence.

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

X. Core Instruction & Supplemental Resources

Core Instruction


6  Teacher Edition: Unit 1-9  Student Workbook Set: Unit 1-9

 Online Course Guide  Online Student Access (Digital Applets)

7  Teacher Edition: Unit 1-9  Student Workbook Set: Unit 1-9

 Online Course Guide  Online Student Access (Digital Applets)

8  Teacher Edition: Unit 1-9  Student Workbook Set: Unit 1-9

 Online Course Guide  Online Student Access (Digital Applets)

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

6 Grade Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Supplemental Resources
Achieve the Core
Tasks -
Coherence Map -

Engage NY

iReady Digital Platform

Illustrative Mathematics
Content Standard Tasks -

Practice Standard Tasks -

Open Up Resources -

iM Additional Resources -
Khan Academy

NJDOE Digital Item Library

Ready Teacher Toolbox


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