Rhinosinusitis - Evidence and Experience
Rhinosinusitis - Evidence and Experience
Rhinosinusitis - Evidence and Experience
Brazilian Journal of
Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience
October 18 and 19, 2013 - São Paulo
Although VAS has only been validated for CRS in adults,
Wilma T. Anselmo-Lima e Eulalia Sakano the European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal
Polyps (EPOS) 20121 also recommends its use in ARS. There
Participants are sev- eral specific questionnaires for rhinosinusitis, but in
André Alencar, Atílio Fernandes, Edwin Tamashiro, practice, most have limited application, particularly in acute
Elizabeth Araújo, Érica Ortiz, Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valera, cases.2-4
Fábio Pinna, Fabrizio Romano, Francini Padua, João Mello Jr.,
João Teles Jr., José E. L. Dolci, Leonardo Balsalobre,
Macoto Kosugi, Marcelo H. Sampaio, Márcio Nakanishi,
Acute rhinosinusitis
Marco César, Nilvano Andrade, Olavo Mion, Otávio Piltcher,
Reginaldo Fujita, Renato Roithmann, Richard Voegels, Definition
Roberto E. Guimarães, Roberto Meireles, Shirley Pignatari,
Victor Nakajima ARS is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa of sud-
den onset, lasting up to 12 weeks. It may occur one or
For the purpose of citation more times in a given period of time, but always with
Wilma Terezinha Anselmo Lima, Eulalia Sakano, Edwin Tamashiro, complete remission of signs and symptoms between
Elizabeth Araújo, Érica Ortiz, Fábio Pinna, Fabrizio Romano, episodes.
Francini Padua, João Mello Jr., João Teles Jr., José E. L. Dolci,
Leonardo Balsalobre, Macoto Kosugi, Marcelo H. Sampaio,
Márcio Nakanishi, Marco César, Nilvano Andrade, Olavo Mion,
Otávio Piltcher, Reginaldo Fujita, Renato Roithmann, Classification
Richard Voegels, Roberto E. Guimarães, Roberto Meireles,
Victor Nakajima, Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valera, Shirley Pignatari There are several classifications for RS. One of the most
often used is the etiological classification, which is based
mainly on symptom duration:1
Introduction • Common cold or viral ARS: a condition that is usually
self-limited, in which symptoms last less than ten
Rhinosinusitis (RS) is an inflammatory process of the nasal days;
mucosa, and according to the evolution of signs and symp- • Post-viral ARS: defined when there is symptom wors-
toms, it is classified as acute (ARS; < 12 weeks) or chronic ening after five days of disease, or when symptoms
(CRS; ≥ 12 weeks). According to the severity of the persist for more than ten days;
condition, it is classified as mild, moderate, or severe. • Acute bacterial RS (ABRS): a small percentage of pa-
Disease severity is graded using a visual analog scale (VAS) tients with post-viral ARS can develop ABRS.
(Fig. 1), from 0 to 10 cm. Patients are asked to quantify, Viral ARS or common cold symptoms traditionally last
from 0-10 at the VAS, the degree of discomfort caused by less than ten days. Symptom worsening around the fifth
their symptoms, with 0 meaning no discomfort and 10 the day, or persistence beyond ten days (and less than 12
highest discomfort. Sever- ity is then classified as: mild; 0- weeks), can represent a case of post-viral RS. It is
estimated that a small percentage of post-acute viral RS
3 cm; moderate; > 3-7 cm; and severe; > 7-10 cm.1
(around 0.5% to 2% of cases) develop into a bacterial
Regardless of duration, the presence of at least three
of the signs/symptoms below may suggest ABRS:
Figure 1 Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). • Nasal discharge (with unilateral predominance) and
purulent secretion in the nasopharynx;
• Local intense pain (with unilateral predominance);
• Fever > 38ºC;
• Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-
reactive protein levels;
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bjorl.2015.01.003
© 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Figure 2 Rhinosinusitis symptoms of acute infection caused by rhinovirus in relation to the start time and duration. (Adapted from
Gwaltney et al. [1967]).59
itive value of unilateral facial pain for bacterial infection
C-reactive protein (CRP)
was only 41%.68
Several studies and guidelines have sought to define Low or normal levels of this protein can identify patients
the combination of symptoms that best determine the with low likelihood of bacterial infection, preventing un-
necessary antibiotic use. Treatment guided by polymerase
highest probability of bacterial infection and antibiotic
chain reaction (PCR) has been associated with a reduction
response.1 In the study by Carenfelt and Berg,68 the in antibiotic use, without affecting the outcome. Although
presence of two or more findings (purulent rhinorrhea and more studies are still required to include this routine di-
unilaterally predom- inant local pain, pus in the nasal agnostic examination for ABRS, some studies have shown
cavity, and bilateral puru- lent rhinorrhea) showed 95% that CRP levels are strongly associated with the presence
sensitivity and 77% specificity for the diagnosis of ABRS. of changes in computed tomography (CT), and that high
The clinical examination of a patient with ARS should CRP levels can be considered predictive of positive
initially comprise assessment of vital signs and physical bacterial cul- ture from puncture or sinus lavage.69,71,72
examination of the head and neck, with special attention
aimed at the presence of localized or diffuse facial edema. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
At oroscopy, posterior purulent oropharyngeal secretions 58 Inflammatory markers such as ESR and plasma viscosity
are important. Anterior rhinoscopy is a part of the physical are elevated in ARS, and may reflect disease severity
examination that should be performed in the primary as- and the need for more aggressive treatment. Their lev-
sessment of patients with rhinosinusal symptoms; although els are associated with the presence of CT alterations in
it provides limited information, it may reveal important as- ARS and values greater than 10 are considered predic-
pects of the nasal mucosa and secretions.1 tive of fluid level or opacity at CT. High values are also
Fever may be present in some patients with ARS in the predictive of positive bacterial culture by puncture or
first days of infection59 and, when higher than 38°C, it is lavage. 1,73,74
regarded as indicative of more severe disease and may in-
dicate the need for more aggressive treatment, especially CT
when associated with other severe symptoms. Fever is also It should not be used in the initial diagnosis of ARS,
significantly associated with positive bacterial culture ob- although it is indicated in special situations, such as
tained from nasal aspirate, especially S. pneumoniae and unilateral signs and symptoms, suspected complications,
H. influenzae. and treatment failure. It must be considered in severe
In patients with ARS, the presence of edema and pain disease and immu- nosuppressed patients. Recent studies
on palpation of the maxillofacial region may be indicative suggest that routine use of CT in patients with ARS adds
of more severe disease requiring antibiotics, despite the little information to their management.1,75,76
limit- ed data available in literature.60
At the primary health care level, nasal endoscopy is Simple X-ray
usu- ally not routinely available and is not considered a It has low sensitivity and specificity, being of little use in
man- datory examination for ARS diagnosis. When the diagnosis of ABRS due to the high number of false-
available, it allows the specialist to better visualize the positive and false-negative results.1
nasal anatomy and to obtain a topographic diagnosis and
material for mi- crobiological analysis.1 Ultrasonography (USG)
At the assessment and clinical examination of patients, USG of the paranasal sinuses has low sensitivity and very
possible variations between geographical regions and limited usefulness in the diagnosis of ARS, due to the high
differ- ent populations should be considered. Among other number of false-positive and false-negative results.1
factors, climatic, social, economic, and cultural
differences, as well as opportunity of access to health
care, can change the sub- jective perception of the disease Treatment
and potentially generate peculiar clinical features. The
importance of this variability is unknown; more studies are There is a worldwide concern regarding the indiscriminate
needed to establish this. use of antibiotics and bacterial resistance. It is estimated
that approximately 50 million unnecessary antibiotic pre-
Complementary examinations scriptions for RS are given in the US and used to treat viral
infections. When a more selective algorithm for antibiotic
therapy is followed, the benefit is greater and only three
Nasal endoscopy patients need to be treated for one to achieve the
As previously mentioned, it is not a mandatory expected result.77 Thus, there is a worldwide trend to
examination for the diagnosis of ARS, but it may be useful treat ARS ac- cording to disease severity and duration.
for the assess- ment of the nasal anatomy, biopsy, and
culture. Several mi- crobiological studies have shown a Antibiotic therapy
reasonable correlation between the findings collected by
puncture from the middle meatus, allowing for a Meta-analyses of placebo-controlled, randomized, and
microbiological confirmation of the agent and its double-blinded trials show the efficacy of antibiotics in
therapeutic response. Some authors recom- mend improving symptoms of patients with ABRS, especially
diagnostic confirmation through nasal endoscopy and if carefully administered. They are not recommended
culture, as many patients with clinical or radiological evi- in cases of viral RS, as they do not alter the course of
dence of ABRS do not have a positive culture.1,70
the disease;78 they are never indicated for symptomatic
pain91 and decrease the need for analgesics. 92 Evaluation
treatment and their indiscriminate use should be avoid-
ed, since that can increase the risk for the development of after ten to 14 days of treatment shows no significant
differences in symptom resolution or treatment failure
bacterial resistance.79
when comparing antibiotic therapy alone and antibiotics
Clinical studies have demonstrated that approximate-
ly 65% of patients diagnosed with ABRS show spontaneous with oral corticosteroids. 92 The few studies in the liter-
ature using oral corticosteroids in the treatment of ABRS
clinical resolution80 sometimes within the first few days; 78
showed favorable results with methylprednisolone and
therefore, the initial adjuvant treatment without antibiot-
ics is a viable option in cases of mild and/or post-viral si-
nusitis. The introduction of antibiotics should be
considered when there is no improvement after adjuvant Nasal lavage
therapy or if symptoms exacerbate. Antibiotics are
indicated in cases of moderate to severe ABRS; in patients Despite the frequent use of isotonic or hypertonic saline
with severe symptoms (fever > 37.8°C and in the presence solution in nasal lavage of patients with rhinitis and RS, lit-
of severe facial pain); in immunocompromised patients, tle is known about their real benefits in ARS.
regardless of disease du- ration; and in cases of mild or Randomized trials93 comparing nasal saline and hy-
uncomplicated ABRS that do not improve with initial pertonic solutions showed greater intolerance to hyper-
treatment with topical nasal corti- costeroids.81,82 tonic solution. A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled,
There are no studies that define the optimal duration randomized, double-blinded trials showed evidence of
of antibiotic treatment. In general, treatment duration limited benefit of nasal saline irrigation in adults, with no
varies from seven to ten days for most antimicrobial agents difference observed between case and control groups. A
and 14 days for clarithromycin. Amoxicillin is considered single study showed a mean difference of improved time
the antibiotic agent of first choice in primary health to symptom resolution of 0.3 days, without statistical sig-
centers, due to its effectiveness and low cost. Macrolides nificance.94
have comparable efficacy to amoxicillin and are indicated In another meta-analysis of patients younger than 18
for patients allergic to β-lactams. 79,82,83 In cases of years with ARS, there was no clear evidence that antihis-
suspected penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae, severe cases, tamines, decongestants, and nasal lavage were effective in
and/or associated comorbidities, broader-spectrum children with ARS.95
antimicrobi- als are indicated. Despite little evidence of clinical benefit, the use of
na- sal saline lavage is generally recommended in patients
Intranasal topical corticosteroids with ARS. It promotes improvement of ciliary function,
reduces mucosal edema and inflammatory mediators, and
Patients older than 12 years with post-viral RS, or with un- helps to cleanse the nasal cavity, by removing the
complicated ABRS with mild or moderate symptoms 81 with- infectious secre- tions, and saline lavage has no reported
out fever or intense facial pain,82 benefit from topical side effects.96
nasal corticosteroids as monotherapy. In addition to
relieving the symptoms of rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, Oral and topical decongestants
sinus pain, and facial pain/pressure, 81 topical
corticosteroids minimize the indiscriminate use of The use of oral decongestants alone or associated with an-
antibiotics, thus reducing the risk of bacterial resistance.82 tihistamines in patients with ABRS does not significantly
Studies suggest that topical nasal corticosteroids in change the clinical or radiological evolution, either in chil-
combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy results dren97 or in adults.98
in faster relief of general and specific symptoms of RS, Topical nasal decongestants (topical vasoconstrictors),
especially congestion and facial pain, 84-89 and acceler- such as 0.1% xylometazoline, are not indicated alone for
ates patient recovery, even when there is no significant the treatment of ABRS,99 but they do provide subjective
improvement in the radiological image. 87,88,90 However, and objective improvement of nasal obstruction in patients
the optimal dose and treatment duration still need to be with viral ARS. In cases of patients with ABRS as a
established.85-88 Although there are no studies comparing complication of persistent rhinitis, the use of topical nasal
the effectiveness of several types of nasal corticosteroids vasoconstrictors may relieve nasal obstruction100 and
in ARS, many of them (such as budesonide, mometasone increase inspiratory na- sal flow.101 Even in this restricted
furoate, and fluticasone propionate) have shown bene- population, it is important to consider the complications
fits.90 Their use is recommended for at least 14 days to caused by interactions with other drugs, as well as the
effect improvement in symptoms. possibility of adverse effects on hypertension, glaucoma,
diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, urinary retention, and
Oral corticosteroids benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).99 Due to the rebound
effect, the use of topical nasal vaso- constrictors should be
The use of oral corticosteroids for adults with ABRS and restricted to a maximum of five days.
intense facial pain is recommended, as long as there are They should not be used by children younger than 2 years.
no contraindications to their use. 91,92 Oral corticosteroids
should be used for three to five days, in the first few days Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
of the acute event only, and always associated with anti-
biotic therapy, in order to shorten the duration of facial A systematic review with Cochrane collaboration
demonstrat- ed that NSAIDs do not significantly reduce the
overall symp- tom score of patients with common cold, or
the duration of
colds. Nonetheless, their analgesic effect is beneficial, common cold.
with improvement of headache, ear pain, and muscle and
joint pain, and without evidence of increased adverse
effects in this population. Therefore, they can be used for
the sympto- matic improvement in patients with common
In spite of their analgesic effect in acute inflammato-
ry processes of the ear, oropharynx, and paranasal sinus-
es,103 NSAIDs are not recommended as the only treatment
of ABRS, and should be used with caution even when asso-
ciated with antibiotics, due to the increase in possible side
Epithelial defense
Lysozymes, lactoferrins
Figure 3 Figure illustrating the participation of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS): once the toll-like
(TLR) or nod-like (NLR) receptors bind to pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP), the production of Th1 and Th2 cytokines is
stimulated, in addition to the decrease in Treg cytokines through two pathways: myeloid differentiation primary response-88
(MyD88) and TIR domain containing adapter inducing interferon-β TRIF). Furthermore, lactoferrins and lysozymes are produced.
LESÃOE lesion
TGF-beta, FoxP3,
MMP, TIMP IFN-gama,I L-12,T NF-alfa
healing Neutrophils
Figure 4 Specific response to chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps (CRSsNP). After stimulation of innate immunity in the
pre- sence of high concentrations of IL-6, there is a polarized adaptive response to Th1, with associated increase in Treg. That
results in neutrophil response and a modulated inflammatory process.
IL-1beta Lisozimas,
Lysozymes, lactoferrins
Treg S100A7, ght junc ons
TGF-beta, FoxP3,
L-4,,I L-13
Inflammatory process
Figura 5 Specific response to chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). After stimulation of innate immunity, polarized
adaptive response to Th2 occurs and Treg response decreases. As a result, the response is primarily eosinophilic and exacerbated,
resulting in edema.
Regardless of the color, the presence of retropalatal mucopu-
rulent secretion justifies the symptom of postnasal dischar-
Complementary examinations
Nasal endoscopy
Nasal cytology
Mucociliary function
Olfaction assessment
Laboratory tests
Allergological assessment
The diagnostic investigation of CSR is based on the
patient’s natural history, signs and symptoms,
endoscopic examina- tion, and CT. The latter is
considered as a major factor in the analysis of disease
progression and the decision-making of surgical
More studies are necessary to demonstrate the
involve- ment of predisposing factors in the
pathogenesis of CRS, such as: environmental, genetic
factors, allergies, LPRD, and immunological and ciliary
dysfunctions. The presence of Helicobacter pylori does
not preclude screening, by the otorhinolaryngologist, of
diseases associated with CRS re- fractory to treatment.
Social habits are another factor that must be taken
into ac- count. Recent studies have demonstrated midline
destructive lesions induced by cocaine with ANCA (+)
mimicking Wegener’s granulomatosis associated with
maxillary sinusitis. This finding opens up reflection on the
relevance and complexity of the subject, importance of
Associated factors and diseases of ostiomeatal complex drainage and CRS. Although
there is no causal evidence that anatomical variations
CRS has a multifactorial cause that results in persistent in- are responsible for CRS, many sinus symptoms improve
flammation. Current knowledge of its pathogenesis does with surgical correction, which that improves drainage
not identify one solitary inflammatory pathway that of secretions, and favors sinus ventilation. Therefore, in
explains the entire process, from the initial lesion to the patients with CRS, it is important to evaluate the anat-
structural changes in sinonasal tissue.358 However, there is omy of the nasal cavity.
an emerging consensus that the persistent inflammation
that defines CRS results from a dysfunction of the host-
Odontogenic infections
environment binomial, which makes apparent the
imbalance of external agent inter- action, predisposition of
the sinonasal mucosa, commensal flora, potential Oroantral fistula, periodontal disease, periapical abscess,
pathogens, and exogenous stress.359 and tooth roots that project into the maxillary sinus are
This section will discuss the main diseases and factors causal factors of acute maxillary sinusitis. In recent years,
associated with CRS, sometimes overlapping, sometimes complications of dental implants were also shown to be
tangential, as conditions that trigger, exacerbate, or per- the cause of infections. Although the odontogenic causes
petuate persistent inflammation. of sinusitis are common, they are rarely mentioned in re-
cent guidelines and are neglected by many otorhinolaryn-
Predisposing factors and associated diseases gologists, dentists, and radiologists.370
The pain is often sinusal and isolated, without nasal in-
Predisposing factors and associated diseases to CRS can be volvement. It is most commonly located in the infraorbital
grouped into three broad and overlapping categories: region, unilaterally or bilaterally, and may worsen with
postural changes of the head. It may also radiate to the
forehead, to the maxillary premolar and molar regions. In
Environmental, local anatomical, and systemic
addition, patients complain of fever and thick retronasal
factors secretion. In cases of purulent nasal discharge despite the
use of antibiotics and persistence of infraorbital pain,
odon- togenic sinusitis should be suspected. On physical
Environmental exposure examina- tion, there is pain on palpation of the anterior
wall of the affected maxillary sinus or the bony
Exposure to toxins such as tobacco, ozone, sulfur dioxide, prominences adjacent to the first molars.
and particulate air pollutants (e.g., smoke from diesel In some cases, no alterations were observed in the
com- bustion), has the potential to trigger epithelial injury external dental structure and there were no signs of tooth
and exacerbate airway inflammation. 360 Exposure to air decay.371
pollu- tion, several chemical irritants, inhalants used in
photo- copying, and smoke from forest fires 1,361 are related PCD
to in- creased prevalence of RS and asthma. 362,363 A
comparative study among individuals who work in an
PCD is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, in which the
environment with air conditioning and natural ventilation
cilia are immotile or have an altered pattern of movement,
showed a positive association with increased nasal and
caus- ing failure of mucus transport in the airways. The
nasal-ocular symp- toms, persistent cough, and symptoms
incidence of immotile cilia syndrome ranges from 1 in
of RS in those ex- posed to artificial air conditioning.364
15,000 to 1 in 30,000.
PCD is associated with bronchiectasis and chronic upper
Smoking airway symptoms such as nasal secretion, episodes of facial
pain and anosmia. In neonates, there is continuous rhin-
Children of parents who smoke are more prone to acute orrhea since the first day of life.1 The diagnosis should be
res- piratory disease compared with children of suspected in children with atypical asthma, bronchiectasis,
nonsmoking par- ents.46 The adult population also shows a chronic productive cough, thick continuous nasal
higher prevalence of RS in smokers (53.1%) when compared discharge, and severe chronic otitis media (especially in
with nonsmokers (26.4%). Subjects with allergic rhinitis children with continuous aural drainage despite placement
exposed to tobacco have more episodes of respiratory of tympanosto- my ventilating tubes). Diagnosis is
disease when compared with control groups.1 suggested by below normal nasal nitrous oxide levels, and
a saccharin test > 30 min.372
Anatomical factors More specific tests in specialized centers include exam-
ination of cilia by electron microscopy. The most common
Anatomical abnormalities such as septal deviation, con- structural abnormalities are the absence of external dynein
cha media bullosa, deviations of the uncinate process, arms or the combination of absence of both the internal
Haller cells, hypertrophic ethmoid bulla, and prominent and external dynein arms.41
agger nasi cells are correlated with CRS. These anatom- Kartagener’s syndrome is a subgroup of PCD inherited
ical variations may play a role in the pathogenesis of as an autosomal recessive disorder. The structural
CRS and increase the risk of sinus mucosa disease. 365,366 abnormality is the absence of dynein arms. Situs inversus
However, some studies have shown that these anatomi- of organs is found in approximately 50% of cases of
cal changes are not correlated with CRS. 367-369 It is ob- dyskinesias.
served that there is no specific study in the literature Young’s syndrome is unusual, being a combination of
that correlates anatomical variations with obstruction ob- structive azoospermia of the epididymis, which is
associat- ed with infertility.
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) CRSwNP have more se- vere nasal symptoms. This
combination should be a clinical clue to suggest severity in
The association of LPR with RS is controversial, requiring both diseases.399
further studies for confirmation. In children, gastroesophageal
reflux disease (GERD) has been associated with RS in many
studies. Phipps et al.373 performed a prospective study of 30
pediatric patients with chronic RS who underwent 24-hour pH
monitoring and observed that 63% of children with CRS had
GERD. Among children diagnosed and treated for LPR, 79%
showed improve- ment in signs and symptoms of RS.373
Although other studies also describe similar results between
LPR and CRS, routine antireflux treatment is not
recommended for CRS patients.
Cystic fibrosis
Systemic antibiotics
Clinical treatment
Few studies have evaluated the use of systemic antibiotics
in patients with CRS with and without NPs. They have been
Treatment with systemic and topical antibiotics studied mainly in relation to their effects during flare-ups
of chronic conditions. Undoubtedly, the most common long-
term use (over four weeks) is due to the anti-inflammato-
The growing perception of CRS as a multifactorial
ry effect exhibited by some drugs in this class, such as
inflamma- tory process has been clearly expressed in the
latest con- sensus, i.e., it is not a persistent bacterial
Van Zeele et al.422 studied doxycycline in the treat-
infection.411 This fact has led to an obligatory theoretical
ment of patients with CRSwNP compared to methyl-
reassessment of the use of antimicrobials for treatment of
prednisolone (20 days) in an RCT versus placebo design.
this entity. Howev- er, and unfortunately, it is not surprising
During the 12-week follow-up period, the antimicrobi-
that, in practice, antibiotics remain a constant part of the
al showed less dramatic results than oral corticoster-
drug arsenal used in these patients’ everyday life, and is
oids, but the effects persisted longer, both with respect
persistently present in different proposals for disease
to endoscopic characteristics (size of polyps) and the
management.412 This is possibly due to the lack of measurement of inflammatory markers that were differ-
awareness of the absence of bac- teria both in free form ent than those of the corticoid. These findings lead to
and/or in biofilms in the paranasal sinuses of these the hypothesis that the drugs might have a synergistic
patients. This main theoretical basis for the choice of effect when used concomitantly. In another study, al-
antibiotics also suffers from the inabil- ity to
differentiate the true role of bacteria found in
beit observational with 125 patients, the authors found no
use in CRSwNP cases in which there is persistence of
evidence of the effectiveness of antibiotics, as they also
severe symptoms without improvement and without serum
deduced that typical findings, on endoscopy and CT, are
IgE ele- vation after multiple treatments (including
nonspecific and are not compelling as an indication for
surgery), there is still not enough evidence; their possible
these drugs.423 Still following the line of treatments with biological effects must be significantly considered when
antimicrobials for a short period of time (21-30 days), restricting their use.
Shlalek et al.424 studied different antimicrobials
(ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and co-tri- Topical antibiotics
moxazole) in patients with polyposis, and observed no
statistically different results. If there is consensus that the
In light of the difficulties in CRS management, treatment
bacteria may be part of the etiology, but certainly are not
with topical solutions has drawn the attention of the sci-
the main factor in CRS, studies such as that by Liu et
entific community in the last decade, hoping for a new
al.,425 become significant. Unfortunately, with a sample of improvement in therapeutic results. With respect to the
only six patients, the authors studied the ef- fects of assessment of systemic antibiotics, the problems regarding
treatment on the microbiota of the maxillary sinus of the quality of the available literature are similar. There
patients with clinical picture and findings con- sistent with are problems not only with the appropriate study design
persistent disease in this sinus, even after surgical (RCTs versus placebo), but also with the choices of the
treatment. In addition to describing individual variations in popula- tions studied. Among the topical options are
the flora, they observed significant chang- es, such as the antibiotics, which are part of the available treatments for
emergence of less susceptible bacteria. patients with chronic lower airway diseases.
In the 2008 guidelines,411 the possibility of using of In addition to the effectiveness of these drugs in their
some antibiotics, identified as having anti-inflammatory topical form, other issues must be addressed. One concern
effects, appeared to be the start of a new era for some is the possible adverse effects from an unknown degree of
patients with CRS. However, the lack of definitive studies systemic absorption. For instance, gentamicin, although
and the in- creased risk of inducing bacterial resistance given in low concentrations, was detected in serum after
brought on new questions. Videler et al.426 conducted an lavage during a sinonasal surgical procedure. 430 Another
RCT versus placebo study to evaluate azithromycin for 12 concern, rarely addressed but nonetheless important, is
weeks in 60 patients, with and without polyposis, with and the possible impact on the microbiota in terms of the
without asthma, as well as a percentage who had already induction of resistance. Finally, it is necessary to know
been submitted to surgery, assessing several objective and whether the drugs used topically actually reach the
subjective outcomes, none of which showed statistical paranasal sinuses. In a cadaver study only small particles
differences compared to the pla- cebo group. The (0.67 to 0.99 microns) reached the maxillary sinuses with
comparison of the characteristics of this sample in relation large antrostomies. Larg- er particles were deposited on
to the sample from a previous study, also RCT versus the nasal valve.431
placebo, which showed significance in favor of the treated Few studies have addressed quality of life improvement
group, indicated the possibility that this type of treatment in patients with CRS treated with topical antibiotics deliv-
benefits a specific population of patients with CRS ered by a small-particle nebulizer, and some did not find
(without polyps, with normal IgE and, possibly, with less different results from those obtained with saline solution
mucosal disease).427 In another retrospective study, Videler lavage, and cautioned against the possible adverse effects
et al.428 observed improvement in some outcomes among related to the absorption of these drugs. 432 More recently,
Dutch patients with CRS with both azithromycin and a clinical trial by Videler et al.433 did not find any
trimeth- oprim-sulfamethoxazole, when compared to those statistical difference between nebulized colimycin and
who did not receive any antimicrobial drug. The authors bacitracin in patients previously submitted to a surgical
noted that, considering the type of design, it would not be procedure who were resistant to other treatments.
appropriate to define the true impact of these drugs. In conclusion, there is no evidence for recommending
In the same year, Majima et al. 429 compared the ef- the use of topical antibiotics for CRS with and without NPs.
ficacy of clarithromycin for 12 weeks or associated with
clarithromycin plus carbocysteine in 425 patients, and Corticosteroids in chronic rhinosinusitis
concluded that the combination of the two drugs yields
significantly better results compared to the use of anti- In CRS, whether with or without nasal polyps, there is
microbials alone. While they had a large sample and sig- only one consensus at the moment: it is an inflammatory
nificant results, the lack of a placebo group significantly disease with different triggers. Therefore, no choice is
hindered the extrapolation of their results. more rational than the use of drugs with anti-inflam-
matory effects, whose main representatives are corti-
Comments costeroids. The potential of these drugs as modulators
The authors warn about the frequent use of antibiotics and of bacterial presence has also been investigated. This
the importance of knowing how to differentiate them group of drugs includes options for topical intranasal,
among the therapeutic options for CRS. Nonetheless, there oral systemic, and injectable use. The indications in-
is not enough information to completely eliminate their clude continuous symptomatic control, surgical prepara-
use. It is necessary to find ways to identify exactly the tion, and postoperative maintenance. The surgical pro-
patients who could benefit from antimicrobial use in cases cedure-related use will be discussed in another section
of unequivocal clinical flare-ups and to identify the of this document. The use of these medications will be
specific bacterial agent through culture and sensitivity divided between patients with and without NPs. This di-
test. Regarding the extended vision is justified because they are two distinct groups in
terms of physiopathogenesis, symptoms and therapeutic polyposis. Although
Therapy with topical and/or systemic corticosteroids is an
important part of CRS treatment. This effect is
demonstrat- ed most convincingly in patients with
more studies are required to support this claim, they are
considered as allies in the fight against CRS in general, es-
pecially when used topically. Systemic administration is
suggested for cases of CRS with uncontrolled symptoms,
in which the goal is to decrease, even temporarily, the
impact of the disease on the patient’s life. In these
situations, it is recommended to use the lowest effective
dose for the shortest possible time, to minimize the
potentially more se- vere side effects.
Initially used in the treatment of asthma and then allergic
rhinitis, antileukotrienes have been used for more than 15
years, and have proven efficacy, level of evidence A and
rec- ommendation for these diseases. 449 Later, they were
used in other chronic nasal diseases, mainly CRS with or
with- out nasal polyps, because of the high morbidity and
the low quality of life of affected patients.
Montelukast has been the most often used antileukotriene
to date, and there are data demonstrating its action as a
leukotriene receptor antagonist. Its anti-inflammatory ac-
tions, mainly those related to eosinophils, and its cytokines
have been demonstrated by several studies. Another
impor- tant factor related to montelukast is its high safety
and tol- erability, being free of adverse effects, even in
children.444 What is clearly concluded is its usefulness in
allergic pa- tients with asthma and in those with
acetylsalicylic acid intolerance. These are the patients
with CRS that should use antileukotrienes as treatment,
whether as an adjunct therapy or not, in the postoperative
period, and as mainte- nance therapy.
According to Scadding et al.,462 over time, it becomes
apparent that certain patients respond better to
antileukot- rienes than others. The reasons for this fact are
becoming gradually clearer,462 and genetic characteristics
are being associated with these responses. The
pharmacogenetic tests required to identify patients who
yet available. Therefore, a simple therapeutic test for intranasal ketorolac in the desensitization test was
ap- proximately one month, with monitoring through effective, safe, and achieved the
objective and subjective measures is suggested,
especially in patients whose treatments with other
medications have shown lim- ited response. Patients
who may present with Churg Strauss syndrome are the
Desensitization methodology
In spite of the scarcity of literature data on antibiotic ef-
fectiveness in the postoperative period of endoscopic sinus
surgery, it is believed that they can improve symptoms and
endoscopic appearance, if used for a longer period (at
least 14 days), but there is no conclusive data about the
duration of these benefits. In general, penicillin
derivatives, particu- larly amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and
cefuroxime-axetil are the most commonly used.
Clinical examination
Imaging study
Differential diagnosis
Adjuvant therapy
Anatomical factors
Role of adenoids
Allergic rhinitis
Imaging tests
Drug therapy
Surgical treatment
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