Introductory Chemistry: Karlyn - Budz@loras - Edu
Introductory Chemistry: Karlyn - Budz@loras - Edu
Introductory Chemistry: Karlyn - Budz@loras - Edu
Course Description:
The primary goal of the course is for the students to understand the basic principles of modern chemistry
while also demonstrating the ability to use that understanding in the solution of mathematically based
laboratory and textbook problems.
Core Standards
The standards are listed on the Iowa Core Standards Website. They will be outlined with each unit and
objective given.
Attendance is taken and reported every day. You must be on class and in your assigned seating by
the bell; the only exception is if you have a pass.
If you know you will be absent, please come and talk to me in advanced to receive class or lab
work you may miss or make up a quiz or tests.
If you have an unexpected absence you have as many days as you were absent to make up the
work you have missed (for example, if you miss one day you have one day after you return back
to school to turn it in, or if you are gone a week, you have six days to return makeup work, etc.
Seat Policy
You are to sit in your assigned seats given to you by me in the beginning of the school year
unless stated otherwise.
If your class has been great with homework, attendance, and behavior, you will have to chance to
receive days of free seating.
Homework will be turned into the designated area at the beginning of class before the bell rings.
Every day homework is late it will be a 5% penalty
You have two chances to take a quiz for a better score; the highest score out of the two will go in
the grade book. You will have to schedule the second quiz on your own time, this is entirely your
responsibility and I will not hunt you down to take it again.
You will have test corrections after each exam. Each question you get right with the complete
work nicely labeled you will receive half the points on that question back.
Be prepared when you come to class by completing all reading assignments, homework
assignments, or lab assignments assigned to be completed for that class period.
I expect you to arrive on time and be in your seats by the bell either working on bell work or
sitting quietly
My desk is my personal space. If you need to borrow a pen, pencil, sharpener, stapler etc. please
ask before you just come up to my desk and start touching everything.
In group work please stay in your own group and do not wander to other groups unless told to do
Respect the opinions and answers of your fellow peers in the classroom.
If you need to use the restroom or nurses office, please just sign out on the designated sheet so for
safety reasons I know where you are at all times. If you going to the bathroom, nurses office, or
sharpening your pencil distracts either your peers or me, you will lose privilege to those things.
Equal respect. I am your teacher but I am also human, I make mistakes and sometimes falter. As
long as I have, respect from you about my decisions, actions, etc. I will return the same respect.
Have fun! Science is all about exploring and being curious, use those skills throughout this class
and I promise you will discover some cool stuff!
Food and Drinks
Phones should be on silent and out of sight, if I see them or hear them they will be mine for the
rest of the class period.
Only use of phones will be if the teacher grants permission
Absolutely no headphones, airpods, or ear bud devices. I love music as much as the next person
but science is all about asking questions, if you are listening to music, even while working on a
project, if takes away from asking questions and participating in your groups with your peers.
Consequences/ Disciplines