Expectancy Sheet

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9th Grade GE Biology

Spring 2015

Mrs. Arianna Miles

Room #125
[email protected]

Welcome to your second semester of Biology! In this semester we will

continue to study living organisms and how they interact with their
environment. This is a laboratory class in which we will be doing
activities that are designed to help you ask questions about the course
material, and find the scientific answers.
About your teacher: Mrs. Miles grew up in California. In high school she
was involved in drama, choir, and dance. She went to college at the
University of California at Santa Barbara where she majored in
Biopsychololgy, and is currently pursuing a Masters in Education
through the University of Arizona. Mrs. Miles loves science, her family,
and her two Chihuahuas, Woody and Bones.

Class expectations:
Be on time, and prepared for class
Be respectful of your environment, and conduct yourself
Be on task
Be aware of, and practice the outlined safety policies
Consequences (things that happen when you do not meet expectations):
First offense: Verbal warning (this will be specific David this is
your first classroom warning. You were not upholding the
expectation for staying on task)
Second offense: Student-teacher conference
Third offense: Parent-teacher conference
Fourth offense: Referral to administration
So what happens when you do meet expectations?
Self-satisfaction, and excitement about what is going on in class
High-five or praise from teachers and peers
Positive note sent home/positive parent-teacher conference
This semester we will be covering:
Cellular reproduction

Mendelian Genetics
Darwins ideas: the principles and theory of
Natural selection and genetic variation
Ecology (the study of biological relationships)

The following items are required for class each day:

Three-ring binder with notebook AND graph paper
Daily planner
Pencil or pen
iPad and stylus
Classroom Procedures:
Start of class: There will be bell-work posted on the overhead.
At the beginning of class, take your assigned seat and start to do
the assignment. You will have 5-7 minutes to complete the bellwork.
End of class: All students must be seated at the end of the
period. I will dismiss you once everyone is sitting. If someone is
not seated you will stay until everyone is ready (even after the
bell rings).
Tardis: Tardy students will be sent to SWEEP. You will be
required to make up any assignments that you missed by coming in
at lunch, after school, or during SET period.
Cell phone/music devices: Please remember that carrying these
items on campus is a privilege. Be responsible with them by not
using them in class unless I instruct you to do so. Irresponsible

use of electronics in class will result in immediate removal of the

device. I will keep confiscated devices in a locked drawer to be
picked up at the end of class.
Late work: Late work will be accepted up to a week from the due
date. Assignments not turned in by the end of the period on the
due date will be accepted for up to 50% credit.
Testing procedures/retakes: Tests will not be passed back to you
after they have been graded; however, you are welcome to come
and review them with me during SET period. You will be given two
opportunities to earn a higher grade on their tests:
o Students may see me during the first SET period following
the test. I will review the test and ask you to fill out a
review worksheet. By choosing this option you will earn back
half of the points you missed on the test.
o Students may retake the test before/after school or during
SET period. The higher of the two grades will be accepted.
Make up policy: Make up work may be obtained in class on the day
following the absence. Each days agenda as well as any
assignments can be found on the side counter of the classroom.
If you will be out for an extended period of time MOST work can
be sent to you by email. Students will have two school days
following the absence to make up work for full credit.
Bathroom policy: Ask me before you go to the bathroom. I will
either tell you to sign out and take the pass, or ask you to wait
until class is dismissed. Only one student at a time will be allowed
to use the bathroom.
Your final grade will be:

o 20% in-class
o 20% homework

o 20% lab reports/

o 20% Unit tests
o 20% final exam
Grading Scale:
o 90-100%




Biology Syllabus Contract

Parents and students- If you have any questions or concerns at any
point during the semester, please do not hesitate to contact me. My
contact information if provided at the top of the syllabus. Only the
contract portion will be removed and returned to me.
I have read and understand the expectations of this class and agree to
uphold them.

Student Name Signed

Student Name Printed


Parent/Guardian Name Printed


Parent/guardian Name Signed

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