DC-DC Switching Boost Converter
DC-DC Switching Boost Converter
DC-DC Switching Boost Converter
Anita Soni
ECE 345
Senior Design Final Report
May 4, 1999
Project Number: 63
The switching power supply market is flourishing quickly in today’s high-tech world. Design
engineers aren’t always supplied with the desired amount of voltage they need in order to make
their design work. Adding an additional voltage supply to a design is not always cost efficient.
This report is intended to provide the designer with a method of boosting DC voltage from 5 Volts
to 12 Volts, by using a DC-DC switching boost converter designed specifically for this task. All
goals, design procedures, tests, data, conclusions, and costs have been documented within this
report. Results of experiments show that the switching converter will boost voltage from 5 volts to
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………1
1.3 Specifications……………………………………………………………………..1
3. Design Details……………………………………………………………………………3
4. Design Verification………………………………………………………………………6
5. Costs…………………………………………………………………………………….11
6. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………..11
1. Introduction
Efficiency, size, and cost are the primary advantages of switching power converters
when compared to linear converters. Switching power converter efficiencies can run
between 70-80%, whereas linear converters are usually 30% efficient. The DC-DC
The basic building blocks of a boost converter circuit are shown in Fig. 1.
Field Storage
The voltage source provides the input DC voltage to the switch control, and to the
magnetic field storage element. The switch control directs the action of the
switching element, while the output rectifier and filter deliver an acceptable DC
1.3 Specifications
Design engineers working in today’s high tech environment have to deal with a
develops, integrated circuits function faster and are smaller in size. However, many
integrated circuits still require a voltage of 12 volts in order to function. The DC-DC
Switching Boost Converter will take a 5 Volt DC voltage supply with 10 %
tolerance and deliver 12 Volts across the load. The maximum output ripple will be
2% of the output voltage, while the maximum current delivered to the load will be
100 mA. The circuit will operate with a minimum efficiency of 70%.
2. Design Procedures
Several different boost converter designs have been developed in the past. In order
to achieve the results specified for this project, the output voltage of the converter
needs to be higher than the input voltage. This type of converter operates in the
this time energy is being stored in the inductor. When the transistor stops conducting
the inductor voltage flies back or reverses because the current through the inductor
cannot change instantaneously. The voltage across the inductor increases to a value
that is higher than the combined voltage across the diode and the output capacitor.
As soon as this value is reached, the diode starts conducting and the voltage that
appears across the output capacitor, is higher than the input voltage.
The inductor shown in Fig. 2 acts as the magnetic field storage element shown in
Fig. 1. It stores energy in its core material. The ideal PWM functions as the switch
control and the transistor acts as the switch element. A diode and an output capacitor
are used to perform the function of the output rectifier and filter block.
3. Design Details
The MC33063 control chip manufactured by Motorola was used for the switch
control. Appendix 1 shows the data sheet for this control chip. This particular chip
implement the design. The transistor shown in Fig. 2 is internal to the control chip.
Therefore, an external switch will not be required. This device also consists of a
1.25 V reference regulator, a comparator, and a controlled duty cycle oscillator. The
oscillator charges and discharges an external timing capacitor. The upper threshold
The value of the timing capacitor sets the frequency of the entire circuit and controls
the rate of operation of the oscillator. When the capacitor is charging the voltage at
the lower input of the AND gate is high. The comparator inverting input is
connected to two external resistors, which control the duty cycle of the circuit. When
the output voltage of the converter falls below the required value, the inverted input
of the comparator will fall below 1.25 V. Then the comparator will output a Logic
‘1’ and the SR latch will set, enabling the transistor to conduct until 1.25 V is again
present at both inputs of the comparator. The timing capacitor will then discharge.
A Logic ‘0’ will be present at the lower input of the AND gate and the transistor will
stop conducting.
In order for the circuit to function properly, the external components need to be
calculated carefully. When the switch is on, the voltage across the inductor is
VL L L (1)
dt ton
When the switch is off, the voltage across the inductor is given by
Vout VF Vin
ILoff ILpk toff (4)
VF is the forward voltage drop of the output rectifier and Vsat is the saturation voltage
of the output switch. Since ILon= ILoff, Eqs.(2) and (4) can be set equal to each other.
This operation gives a ratio for the on time over the off time. This ratio is given by
The values of Vin(miu), VF, Vout, and Vsat are 4.5 V, 0.8 V, 12V, and 0.3 V respectively.
The inverse of the frequency of operation yields the on time plus the off time.
The frequency of operation for this boost converter was chosen to be 62.5 kHz.
1 (6)
ton toff 16 s
Equations (5) and (6) yield an on time of 9.834s and an off time of 6.166s. The
The value of the timing capacitor is 390 pF. The peak current through the switch is
given by
ton (9)
Ipkswitch 2 * Iout 1
capacitor is given by
Cout ton (12)
Using a 0.6 V for Vripple, Cout is equal to 1.68 F. The values of the resistors used to
Vout 1.25 1 (13)
Figure 4 shows the exact circuit that was used in the PSPICE simulation.
A pulse was used to mimic the operation of the control chip. An on time of 9.83us
and an off time of 6.16us were entered into the attributes of the pulse. The circuit
was simulated with a 120 resister connected across the output capacitor. The
results of the simulation have been included in Appendix 2. Figure A2.1 shows the
waveform of the voltage at the switching node of the converter. Figure A2.2 shows
the waveform of the output voltage. The output voltage levels are at 12 V.
4. Design Verification
The boost converter was built on a standard breadboard. The 5 VDC input voltage
was supplied by a Hewlett Packard power supply. All DC measurements were taken
using Fluke multimeters, and all waveforms were obtained via an oscilloscope.
To obtain the necessary boosting action, the 80uH inductor was increased to a 120uH
eliminate noise at the output, all wire lengths were shortened. To eliminate noise
from the ground plane, 0.1 uF capacitors were added to the input and the output of
the circuit. The 1.68uF capacitor was increased to 56 uF, in order to decrease the
output ripple. The resulting circuit schematic has been inserted into Appendix 3.
The first waveform shown in Fig. 5 is a picture of the voltage at the switching node.
The frequency of operation is 61.33kHz. The circuit is operating with a 63.2% duty
Cycle. The second waveform shows the voltage across the timing capacitor. The
As shown in Fig. 6, the output ripple is 190mV, or 1.6%, when a 120 resistor is
Figure 7 shows the output ripple with no load connected across the output. Under
The output ripple waveform shown in Figure 8, was taken with a 145
Table 1 shows the input and output voltages, input and output currents, ripple
The circuit was also tested to make sure it would function properly with a 5VDC
supply that had 10% tolerance. An input voltage was 4.5 V corresponded to an
output voltage of 12.1. An input voltage of 5.5 V, gave 12.1V at the output.
5. Costs
The part numbers and values of all components have been listed in Table 2.
The labor cost was calculated using an hourly wage of $25.00. The average number
of hours spent on this project were 8 hours per week, for 12 weeks.
6. Conclusions
All of the specifications stated previously have been met by this boost converter design.
The output voltage across the output capacitor is 12V with a maximum output ripple of
1.6%. The power efficiency of the circuit exceeds 70 % for the load range of 120-145.
However an additional constraint needs to be put on the load. The load must not exceed 150
. This will cause the efficiency to fall below the specified value of 70%.
Marty Brown, Practical Switching Power Supply Design, New York: Academic Press, Inc.,
Irving M. Gottlieb, Power Supplies, Switching Regulators, Inverters, & Converters, New
pp. 153-159.