Heimtextil2021 Preliminary List of Exhibitors

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Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021

Company Hall Country

969 Design Company Limited 3.0 Taiwan
A Grupe UAB 9.0 Lithuania
A. E. Fabrics (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
A. Essak & Sons Home Textiles 10.1 Pakistan
A. Ferreira & Filhos, SA 9.0 Portugal
A. Molina & C. S.p.A. 11.0 Italy
A.B. Export Pvt. Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
A.I. Textiles 10.1 Pakistan
A.R. Hosiery Works 10.3 Pakistan
A.R.M. Exports 10.0 India
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr Departme 3.0 Finland
Abaris Holdings Ltd. t/a Standfast 4.1 United Kingdom
ABBS International Inc. 10.2 India
ABC Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Abinaya Grineters 10.1 India
ABN Pazarlama Konfeksiyon Tekstil 12.1 Turkey
ACL Impex, Lda. 12.1 Portugal
ACS Textiles (Bangladesh) Limited 10.2 Bangladesh
Adam Kaeppel GmbH 12.0 Germany
Adam Matheis GmbH & Co. KG 12.0 Germany
Adamjee Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Adoksan Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
ADVANSA Marketing GmbH 11.0 Germany
Afroze Textile Industries (Pvt) Ltd 10.2 Pakistan
AFT Kumascilik Tekstil Ins. San. ve 12.1 Turkey
Agaoglu Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Agmamito Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. 4.0 Poland
Ahmad Manufacturing Corporation 10.1 Pakistan
Ahmet Sabuncular Tekstil Sanayi ve 4.1 Turkey
Airwill Home Collection Pvt. Ltd. 10.3 India
AITANA 3 S.L. 9.0 Spain
AJ Biais SAS 11.0 France
Akara 6.1 India
Akarca Tekstil Konf. San. ve Tic. A 4.1 Turkey
Akcakaya Örme San. Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Aksara Apparels 10.1 India
AKTAN MISR S.A.E 12.1 Egypt
Al Barka Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Al Hadi Textile (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Al Karam Towel Industries (Pvt) Ltd 10.1 Pakistan
ALA TEC SRL 4.0 Italy
Albani Group GmbH & Co. KG 8.0 Germany
Alda Têxteis Lda 12.1 Portugal
Aleran Tekstil Sanayi Ticaret 4.1 Turkey
Alfa Kartela Orhan Akgoren 4.0 Turkey
Alfateks Tekstil Ürünleri Madencili 4.1 Turkey
Alfred Apelt GmbH 8.0 Germany
Alfred Apelt GmbH 8.0 Germany
Algirdo Valiuskio imone 4.0 Lithuania
Ali Bayhan Tekstil #n#aat Turizm G# 8.0 Turkey
Aliseo Velluti S.r.l. 4.0 Italy
Al-Karam Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Alonso Mercader S.A. 4.1 Spain

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Al-Over Designs dei F.lli Coppola S 3.0 Italy
Al-Rahim Textile Industries 10.2 Pakistan
Alrehman Cloth Export (Pvt) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Altinbasak Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticare 12.1 Turkey
Altran Solutions S.L. 8.0 Spain
Aluproff A/S 8.0 Denmark
Alvisi e Alvisi di Fulvio Alvisi 3.0 Italy
Amber International LLP 10.1 India
Amity Imports Inc. 10.1 United States
Amor#e Design Home Textile Koll. St 8.0 Turkey
Andre Heget 3.0 Italy
Angelo Carillo & C. S.p.A. 4.1 Italy
Angles Textil, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Anhui Anli Material Technology Co., 4.0 China
Anilsan Havlu San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Anita Kars 3.0 Belgium
ANK EXPORTS 10.2 India
Annabel Textiles NV 4.0 Belgium
Anteprima S.r.l. 4.1 Italy
Antoinette et Freddy Sarl. 3.0 France
Antonio Pereira - Fabrica de Tecido 12.1 Portugal
ANY Tekstil San. Tic. ve Paz. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
April & May, Lda. 12.1 Portugal
ARCTIC a/s Nordisk Tekstil 12.0 Denmark
Arda Ev Tekstili Tic. ve San. Ltd. 8.0 Turkey
Arlinea Industries Co. 8.0 Taiwan
Arlon Iplik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. 8.0 Turkey
Armada Duvar Kagitlari A.S. 8.0 Turkey
ARO Artländer GmbH 11.0 Germany
Arshad Corporation (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Art Age Pvt Ltd. 6.1 India
Art Cottage Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Artex Thang Long 10.1 Vietnam
Artexport - Embroidery Department 10.1 Vietnam
Artica Textile S.L. 4.1 Spain
Artwork Design (M/C) Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Arvind Impex (India) Pvt. Ltd. 6.0 India
Arzoo Textile Mills Limited 10.1 Pakistan
Asacotex 10.1 Pakistan
Asanteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.1 Turkey
As'habi Textile Mills 10.2 Pakistan
Ashraf Textile Industries 10.3 Pakistan
Astrid Davidse Design 3.0 Netherlands
Atelier Ahokas 3.0 Finland
Atelier Mineeda Co., Ltd. 3.0 Japan
Atelier R. Anton-Moseler 3.0 Germany
Atelier Zabel 3.0 Germany
Atenas - M. Redondo Broto, S.L. 9.0 Spain
ATP di F. Garzoni 8.0 Italy
Audejas UAB 4.0 Lithuania
Auskin Europe Pty. Ltd. Zweignieder 9.0 Germany
AVH Associates 6.1 India
Aydin Örme San ve Tic A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Aydin Tekstil Ticaret ve Pazarlama 4.1 Turkey

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Ayhan Denizci Tekstil Tic Paz Ltd. 4.1 Turkey
Aymax BVBA 12.0 Belgium
Aymina Dokuma Tekstil Sanayi Ticare 4.1 Turkey
Ayoob Textile Mills Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Aypa Iplik Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. S 4.1 Turkey
B & B Fabrics B.V. 4.1 Netherlands
B & T Textilia N. V. 4.0 Belgium
B. Sousa Dias & Filhos, S.A. 12.1 Portugal
Badenia Bettcomfort GmbH & Co. KG 11.0 Germany
Bahar Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S 12.1 Turkey
Baman Studio S.n.C. 3.0 Italy
Banafshe Schippel Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Bandex Textil & Handels-GmbH 8.0 Austria
Bari Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Barine Tekstil San Ic ve Dis Tic AS 12.0 Turkey
Bartoline Ltd. 8.0 United Kingdom
Bartolini Home Srl. 4.1 Italy
Baykent Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.0 Turkey
Baykonur Tekstil Baski Boya 12.1 Turkey
Bayramlar Brode Sanayi ve Ticaret A 8.0 Turkey
Bayramlar Dokuma San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Bayteks Ith. Ihr. San. ve Tic. Ltd. 9.0 Turkey
Be Stitch Industria Textil Lda. 12.1 Portugal
Be'decor Boutique Shanghai Ltd. 10.3 China
Beekalene Fabrics Pvt. Ltd. 6.1 India
Begenal Home Tekstil San. ve Tic. 12.1 Turkey
Behrendt Graphic Design 3.0 Germany
Belchior Cortinas e Acessórios Ltda 8.0 Brazil
Belmarti, S.L. 9.0 Spain
Bénédicte de Frondeville 3.0 France
Benti Tekstil Konfeksiyon San. ve T 4.0 Turkey
Bergner Europe SL 12.0 Spain
Bernard Reyn Interieurstoffen BV 4.1 Netherlands
Berteks Tekstil San.Ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und 8.0 Germany
Bezmez Ev Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
BIBTEX-POL Sp. z o.o. 4.0 Poland
Bierbaum Wohnen GmbH & Co. KG 12.0 Germany
billerbeck Betten-Union GmbH & Co. 11.0 Germany
billerbeck Betten-Union GmbH & Co. 11.0 Germany
BIMITEX S.R.L. 4.0 Italy
Birce Insaat Tekstil San. ve Tic. 4.1 Turkey
Björkforth AB 3.0 Sweden
Björna ApS 12.0 Denmark
Blossom Fabrics Ltd. 10.2 India
BLU S.r.l. 4.0 Italy
Boelaert & Moens bvba 4.0 Belgium
Bogazici Mensucat Sanayi ve Ticaret 4.0 Turkey
Bomdong 3.0 Korea, Republic of
Bondi Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Boyteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 11.0 Turkey
Breyner Eurl 11.0 France
British Velvets Ltd. 4.1 United Kingdom

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Budapest Metropolitan University of 3.0 Hungary
Burkay Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
BV Studio 3.0 Russian Federation
C & R Textiles Pvt. Ltd. 6.1 India
C D Design Studio Christian Dotzaue 3.0 Switzerland
C J H M VERBEEK 3.0 Netherlands
Canariatex Private Limited 10.1 Pakistan
Candido Penalba S.L. 11.0 Spain
Canete, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Casa Mediterranea 1967, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Casalegno Tendaggi Srl 4.0 Italy
Casalina Tekstil Ithalat Ihracat Sa 12.1 Turkey
Castiglioni S.r.l. 4.1 Italy
Castilla Textil 2 S.L. 4.1 Spain
CE Textiles (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Cesar Olivier Drouin 3.0 France
Cevikel Tekstil Tic. San. Ltd. Sti 8.0 Turkey
Chaputs Tekstil ve Kozmetik San.ve 12.1 Turkey
Chaulnes Textiles Industries SA 12.0 France
Cim & T Crescent International 4.0 Netherlands
Cinelli Piume e Piumini S.r.l. 11.0 Italy
Cintas y Pasamaneria, S.A. 8.0 Spain
Citel s.l. 4.0 Spain
Cizmeci Mensucat Sanayi ve Ticaret 4.0 Turkey
Claire Louise Designs 3.0 United Kingdom
Claudia Mantel - CMR disegni 3.0 Germany
Clm Design Snc di Marco Colombo & C 3.0 Italy
Coimbatore Cotton Concepts and Desi 10.2 India
Colwill & Waud 3.0 United Kingdom
Comersan S.A. 4.1 Spain
Comfy Angel d.o.o. 11.0 Macedonia
Constantin Lau 3.0 France
Continental Home Furnishings 6.0 India
Continental Textiles (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Corn. van Dijk B.V. 12.0 Netherlands
Cotonex 10.3 India
Cotton Council International 11.0 United States
Cotton Egypt Association 12.1 Egypt
Creaciones Euromoda, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Creations Robert Vernet SAS 3.0 France
Creative Impex 10.3 India
CREETEX Ste Nouvelle Sarl 3.0 France
Crevin S.A. 4.1 Spain
CrisHome Tex - Unipessoal, Lda. 12.1 Portugal
Cristina Orozco Cuevas 3.0 Mexico
Dabedan Tejidos Ignifugos S.L. 4.1 Spain
Dagmar Nies 3.0 Germany
Dalal Industries (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Dali Tekstil Insaat Turizm Otomotiv 11.0 Turkey
Dalian Artex International Trading 10.1 China
Danteks-Dantel ve Tül Örme San. ve 8.0 Turkey
Davis Poland SP. Z O.O. SP.K. 4.0 Poland
Dawood Exports (Pvt) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
daydream GmbH 12.0 Germany

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
DBS Lifestyle LLP 3.0 India
De Poortere Frères S.A. 4.0 Belgium
Decent Textiles 10.1 Pakistan
Deco Center Srl. 8.0 Romania
Decotex Co., Ltd. 6.0 Vietnam
Deepak Textiles, a Division of 10.0 India
DEKOMA Sp. z o.o. 8.0 Poland
Delis Products S.L. 11.0 Spain
Deltracon bvba 4.0 Belgium
Denizli Rateks Tekstil San. ve Tic. 12.1 Turkey
Depar Deri Plastik San. ve Tic. A.S 4.0 Turkey
Dersiyon Tekstil Urunleri Ticaret v 8.0 Turkey
Design Studio Gromyko Tatyana 3.0 Belarus
Designers FREE. Inc. 3.0 Japan
Designstudio Pinoo - Dipl. Des. Pia 3.0 Germany
Desima Robin Gördes e.K. 8.0 Germany
Destiny Decor S.L. 4.1 Spain
Devan Chemicals NV 11.0 Belgium
Devore Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. St 4.1 Turkey
Diane Harrison Designs Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Dicitex Furnishings Pvt. Ltd. 6.1 India
Dikici Tekstil Ayak. Ith. Ihr. San. 4.1 Turkey
Dilhan Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Dilza AEE 8.0 Greece
Dina/Vanelli Tekstil San. ve Tic. A 4.1 Turkey
Disegni & Co. Snc. 3.0 Italy
DITEX SM OOD 11.0 Bulgaria
döfix - Döhlemann GmbH 8.0 Germany
Dogus Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. 12.1 Turkey
DOKSAN Denizli Dokuma San. ve Ticar 12.1 Turkey
Domingos de Sousa & Filhos, SA 12.1 Portugal
Dortdivan Cerceve ve Macun San. Tic 8.0 Turkey
Dost Tekstil Konfeksiyon Sanayi ve 12.1 Turkey
Dunlux Industrial Corporation Ltd. 10.0 China
Dürkopp Adler AG 8.0 Germany
Dyckhoff GmbH 12.0 Germany
DYKON A/S 11.0 Denmark
E.S.C. Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.1 Turkey
E.T.G. Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. St 4.0 Turkey
EA International Ltd. 11.0 United States
Edinburgh Weavers Ltd. 4.1 United Kingdom
Edmund Bell & Co. Ltd. 4.1 United Kingdom
Eef Oost Comm.v. 3.0 Belgium
EGEM Tekstil Konfeksiyon 12.1 Turkey
Egeria GmbH 12.0 Germany
Egretli Gida ve Tekstil San. Tic. A 4.0 Turkey
Egytex.Co El Sedafy 12.1 Egypt
Ehrlich Leder Handelsges. mbH 8.0 Germany
Ekart Teks. San ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. 4.1 Turkey
El Brolosy Co. for weaving 12.1 Egypt
El Sheikh Group Weaving Terry & M.R 12.1 Egypt
Elastron Portugal SA 4.1 Portugal

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Elvin Tekstil Sanayi ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
Emir Tekstil Hayv. Tarim Gida Ür. S 12.1 Turkey
Empreza Industrial Sampedro, S.A. 12.1 Portugal
Endutex - Revestimentos Texteis S.A 4.0 Portugal
Englisch Dekor Handels 8.0 Austria
Enguitex Home S.L.U 4.1 Spain
Epengle Tekstil Endustri Ticaret A. 4.1 Turkey
Epu Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. 12.1 Turkey
Erenis Seteks Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd 4.0 Turkey
Erteks Kadife Tekstil San. ve Tic. 12.1 Turkey
Erteks Kadife Tekstil San. ve Tic. 9.0 Turkey
ES Automatex Solution AB 11.0 Sweden
Essatex Industries 10.3 Pakistan
Essegomma S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
ESTAMPARIA Textil Adalberto Pinto 12.1 Portugal
Estella Ateliers - Die Besondere 12.0 Germany
Eugene van Veldhoven 3.0 Netherlands
Eustergerling Textile Group GmbH 8.0 Germany
Evimteks Tekstil Ins. Tur. San. ve 4.1 Turkey
Export Promotion Bureau 10.0 Bangladesh
Eysa Confección S.L. 4.1 Spain
F. B. Industries 10.3 Pakistan
f.a.n. Frankenstolz Schlafkomfort 11.0 Germany
F.lli Carillo Trade S.r.l. 4.1 Italy
Fabrica de Tecidos do Carvalho Lda. 12.0 Portugal
Fábrica de Tecidos Marizé, Lda. 9.0 Portugal
Fabryka Firanek 'WISAN' SA 8.0 Poland
FAF Design 3.0 Israel
Fairs & Exhibition Service 10.0 Pakistan
Fakibaba Tekstil Insaat Taahhüt San 8.0 Turkey
Faruk Tekstil Ticaret ve Sanayi Ltd 8.0 Turkey
Fashion Art International 10.2 Pakistan
Fashion Knit Industries 10.1 Pakistan
Fayteks Tekstil Turizm Otomotiv 4.1 Turkey
Featherland Ltd. 10.1 China
Felpinter Industrias Texteis S.A. 12.1 Portugal
Fernando Cerda Blanes e Hijos, S.A. 4.0 Spain
Fernex Sdn. Bhd. 10.1 Malaysia
Festino Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. S 4.1 Turkey
Fibart Home Srl 4.1 Italy
Fiberpartner ApS 11.0 Denmark
Fibertex NV 4.0 Belgium
Filmar S.r.l. 8.0 Italy
Fine Art Inc. 3.0 Japan
Flocktex Industries Ltd. 4.1 Israel
Flokser Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
Foamizados Castellanos, S.L. 11.0 Spain
Foot by Foot - Revestimentos Textei 11.0 Portugal
FORMESSE GmbH & Co. KG 12.0 Germany
Formosa Alfa Merchandise Corp. 10.0 Taiwan
Fotoba International S.r.l. 3.0 Italy
Frati S.r.l. 9.0 Italy
Froca, S.L. 4.1 Spain

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Fryett's Fabrics Ltd. 8.0 United Kingdom
Fulara Dis. Tic. Ltd. Sti. 4.1 Turkey
Ganitex International 10.3 Pakistan
Ganpatiji Exports Creation 6.1 India
Gebr. Munzert GmbH & Co. KG 4.1 Germany
Gebrauchtküchen-Studio 3.0 Germany
Gelin Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S 12.1 Turkey
GEMITEX S.p.A. 9.0 Italy
Gentug Textile Products Industry & 11.0 Turkey
Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- 4.1 Germany
Gezderi Sentetik Deri San. Tic. A.S 4.0 Turkey
Gilibert Soizic Marie 3.0 France
Giovanardi di Giovanardi Carlo & C. 4.1 Italy
Giovanni Bottigelli S.p.A. 9.0 Italy
Gipanolar - Comercio Internacional 12.1 Portugal
Globatex GmbH 4.0 Germany
Gohar Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Gökhan Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A. 12.1 Turkey
Göktepe Tekstil Ürünleri San. ve Ti 4.1 Turkey
Gonzaga Export S.L. 4.1 Spain
Gonzalez Llado S.A. 4.1 Spain
Gonzalo Ferri S.A. 4.1 Spain
Grace Knitwear (Pvt) Limited 10.1 Pakistan
Greathill Pacific (HK) Ltd. 6.2 Hong Kong
Green Street Fabrics BVBA 4.0 Belgium
Grupo Albert 2000 S.L. 11.0 Spain
Grupo BC Fabrics S.L. 4.1 Spain
Gruppo Carillo S.p.A. 8.0 Italy
GTechnologies S.r.l. a Socio Unico 11.0 Italy
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Gül Tekstil Dokuma ve Iplik 4.1 Turkey
Güleser Tekstil San. Tic. A.S. 4.1 Turkey
Gulse Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Gupta International 10.1 India
Gur-Ol Iplik Nakis ve Teks. San. It 12.1 Turkey
Gürsan Tekstil Tur. Ins. San. Tic. 12.1 Turkey
Guzelcan Suni Deri Tekstil San. ve 4.1 Turkey
GW Travel & Trading Service GmbH 10.0 Germany
GW Travel & Trading Service GmbH 10.3 Germany
H. & W. Schmänk GmbH & Co. KG 12.0 Germany
H.G. Hahn-Haustextilien GmbH 12.0 Germany
Habib Calico Weaving Ind. (Pvt) Ltd 10.1 Pakistan
Haley Studios Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Handloom Export Promotion Council 10.3 India
Handloom Export Promotion Council 6.2 India
Hangzhou Banff Down-Feather Product 10.1 China
Hangzhou Hualong Eider Down Product 10.1 China
Hangzhou Jinhong Sanniao Down Produ 10.1 China
HANSKRUCHEN GmbH 11.0 Germany
Happy Print 3.0 Netherlands
Happy Tex for Fine Textile (El Okda 12.1 Egypt
Haroon Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.0 Pakistan

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Haroon Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Harput Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S 8.0 Turkey
Hartmut Eberle GmbH 12.0 Germany
Hateks Hatay Tekstil Isletmeleri A. 12.1 Turkey
Healthcare Europe d.o.o. 11.0 Serbia
Hefei Wilte Home Textile Co., Ltd. 10.0 China
Heinrich Häussling GmbH & Co. 11.0 Germany
Helene Ekblom Surface and Pattern 3.0 Sweden
Heraud Rubans SAS 8.0 France
Hijos de Antonio Ferre, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Hira Terry Mills Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Hispano Tex S.A.U. 4.1 Spain
HJL Trading Warenhandelsgesellschaf 12.0 Germany
Hohmann GmbH & Co. KG 8.0 Germany
Holland Haag B.V. 8.0 Netherlands
HOME FUSION 10.3 Pakistan
Home Trendz Inc. 10.0 India
Home Zone 10.1 India
Homecare Textiles 10.1 Pakistan
Hometex Furniture LLC 6.0 United Arab Emirates
Höpke Möbelstoff-Handels GmbH 4.0 Germany
Höpke Möbelstoff-Handels GmbH 4.0 Germany
Hossner Heimtex GmbH 9.0 Germany
Hossner Textil GmbH 9.0 Germany
Huafang Company Limited By Shares 10.2 China
Hungaria Pehely Feldolgozo Ipari Kf 11.0 Hungary
Huqas Corporation 10.3 Pakistan
HÜRSAN Havlu Üretim San. ve Tic. A. 12.1 Turkey
IBENA Textilwerke GmbH 12.0 Germany
Ideal Fashion Industries 10.3 Pakistan
IDESIN M. Siwek Sp. J. 4.0 Poland
IFI AEBE 8.0 Greece
Ihsan Cotton Products (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Ikon Perde Dekorasyon San. Tic. Ltd 8.0 Turkey
Il Guanciale di Somma G. & C. Snc 11.0 Italy
Imatex S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
Imperial Towel Industries (Pvt) Ltd 10.1 Pakistan
Indetex NV 4.1 Belgium
Indian Arts & Crafts Syndicate 6.1 India
Indus Home Limited 10.3 Pakistan
Industrias Bitex, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Ines Teks Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. 9.0 Turkey
Inkfabrik 3.0 France
Inter Widex Wieslaw Mierzejewski 11.0 Poland
Interfabrics, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Iris Home Exports Pvt. Ltd. 6.1 India
Iris Maschek Design 3.0 Germany
Irisette GmbH & Co. KG 12.0 Germany
Isbay Tekstil Sanayi Ticaret Limite 4.1 Turkey
Isik Kadife ve Tekstil San. Tic. 4.1 Turkey
J. Pereira Fernandes II, S.A. 12.1 Portugal
J-A-C DESIGN 3.0 France
Jahan Orum Oyaz 4.0 Iran

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Jai Handloom Exports 10.1 India
Jamal Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Jane Mosse Design 3.0 United Kingdom
JBY Creation SAS 8.0 France
Jerry Fabrics s.r.o. 12.0 Czech Republic
Jingsheng Multiservicios Consulting 6.2 Spain
Joao & Feliciano, SA 12.1 Portugal
JSC "Slovyanski Shpalery - KFTP" 8.0 Ukraine
Juan Campos, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Ju-Lein GmbH 9.0 Germany
Jules Clarysse NV 12.0 Belgium
Julia Schumacher 3.0 Germany
Jumbo International 6.0 India
K. Mohan Textiles 10.3 India
K. Stamatopoulos S.A. 8.0 Greece
K.K.P Fine Linen Pvt. Ltd. 10.2 India
Kabeer Industries 10.0 India
Kabra Exports Pvt. Ltd. 6.0 India
Kacar Textile A.S. 4.1 Turkey
Kadir Ikizler Textile Sanayi ve Tic 12.1 Turkey
Kaiser edv-Konzept GmbH & Co. KG 8.0 Germany
Kaleidoscope Surface Design 3.0 Germany
Kam International 10.2 Pakistan
Kamal Hosiery Mills (Towel Division 10.2 Pakistan
Kamal Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Kamal Textile Mills 10.1 Pakistan
Kanodia Fabrics (International) 10.1 India
Kanodia Global Pvt. Ltd. 10.3 India
Karl F. Buchheister e. K. 8.0 Germany
Karl Sluka GmbH 11.0 Germany
Katsu Creative Project 3.0 Japan
Kausar Processing Industries (Pvt) 10.1 Pakistan
Kaynak Havlu Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Kayteks Kadife San ve Tic. Ltd. Sti 12.1 Turkey
Kemal Ugurlu Tekstil San. ve Tic. A 12.1 Turkey
Kerem Boyama Nakis Tekstil ve Örme 12.1 Turkey
Kets Tekstil Turizm Ticaret A.S. 4.0 Turkey
KG Denim Limited 10.2 India
Kismet Tekstil Ürünleri San. ve Tic 8.0 Turkey
KITOTEX 12.1 Egypt
Klaus Herding GmbH 12.0 Germany
Kleine Wolke Textilgesellschaft 12.0 Germany
Kobe Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. 12.1 Turkey
Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited 10.2 Pakistan
Koksal Brode Tekstil Gida Ins. San. 4.1 Turkey
Koninklijke Textielfabrieken J.A. 4.1 Netherlands
Konyalilar Tekstil San. ve. Tic. 12.1 Turkey
Kosak Wolfgang und 3.0 Austria
Krass + Wissing GmbH Textile Bänder 11.0 Germany
Kücükcalik Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticare 8.0 Turkey
Kücüker Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.0 Turkey
Kücükerler Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd 4.1 Turkey
Kwalitee Fabs 10.1 India

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
L&C Group Corp. 6.2 United States
L`Atelier Design Studio Eurl 3.0 France
Laaj International 6.0 India
Ladin Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi ve Tic 12.0 Turkey
LAL Industries 10.3 Pakistan
Lale Mefrusat Sanayi Ticaret ve 4.1 Turkey
Lameirinho - Indústria Têxtil, S.A 12.1 Portugal
Laminats Orient S.L. 11.0 Spain
Laupheimer Kokosweberei GmbH & Co. 9.0 Germany
Laura Beer 3.0 United Kingdom
Laveena Hosiery Pvt. Ltd. 10.3 India
LDS PRODUCTION DOOEL uvoz-izvoz Pri 11.0 Macedonia
Lee Design Studio 3.0 Korea, Republic of
Lefebvre Textile SAS 12.0 France
LENTA JSC 8.0 Belarus
Lenzing AG 11.0 Austria
Leotex B.V. 4.1 Netherlands
Levantex Bocairent S.L. 4.1 Spain
Libeco-Lagae NV 4.0 Belgium
Liberty India 6.0 India
Liberty Mills Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Lietuvos-Svedijos Uzdaroji Akciné 11.0 Lithuania
LILI GRAFFITI Sarl 3.0 France
Limonta S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
Linder S.A. 8.0 France
Lombarda Trapunte S.r.l. 9.0 Italy
Loomtex Exports 10.1 India
LPS DESIGN Sprl 3.0 Belgium
Luance SAS 8.0 France
Lucky Impex 10.3 Pakistan
Luilor S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
Luisa Tekstil San. Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Luisella D. disegni di Donegana 3.0 Italy
Lüks Kadife Tic. ve San. A.S. 4.1 Turkey
Lumatex Industria Textil, Lda. 12.1 Portugal
Lydie Lefebvre 3.0 France
Lyndale International Inc. 8.0 Canada
M. Yahya M. Yousuf Bari 10.2 Pakistan
M.K. International 10.3 Pakistan
M.K.Sons (PVT) LTD. 10.2 Pakistan
M/s India Exports 6.1 India
Maguari Textile 10.3 Pakistan
Mahalaxmi Exports 10.0 India
Maisonette Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticare 12.0 Turkey
Majeste Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. S 12.1 Turkey
Makroteks Tekstil San. ve. Tic. Ltd 12.0 Turkey
Makroteks Tekstil San. ve. Tic. Ltd 12.1 Turkey
Manglam Arts 6.1 India
Manifattura Tessile Di Nole M.T. S. 4.0 Italy
Manifatture Toscane Ta.Bru S.p.a. 4.0 Italy
Manju Exports 10.3 India
Manubhai Vithaldas Exports Pvt. Ltd 10.0 India
Manuel Revert y Cia, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Maribbon Marcel Svolis 8.0 Greece

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Marie Adeline 3.0 France
Mario & Antonio Lda. 12.1 Portugal
Mario Cavelli S.r.l. 4.1 Italy
Marion Lesnik 3.0 Germany
Marsteks Dosemelik Kumas Dokuma Tek 4.0 Turkey
Marteks Marmara Tekstil San. ve Tic 4.0 Turkey
Marvel Vinyls Limited 4.0 India
Masias Maquinaria, S.L. 11.0 Spain
MATS n MORE 6.0 India
M-Design Edgar Meyer 3.0 Germany
Mega Cotton Textiles 10.3 Pakistan
Megaplast Dis Ticaret ve Pazarlama 8.0 Turkey
Melih Aker Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticare 4.1 Turkey
Menekse Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Messe Frankfurt (H.K.) Ltd. Div. V 10.0 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (H.K.) Ltd. Div. V 10.1 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (H.K.) Ltd. Div. V 10.3 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (H.K.) Ltd. Div. V 6.0 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (H.K.) Ltd. Div. V 6.2 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. - Div. 1 10.0 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. - Div. 1 10.1 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. - Div. 1 10.2 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. - Div. 1 10.3 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. - Div. 1 6.2 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. Div. III 6.2 Hong Kong
Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India 10.0 India
Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India 10.1 India
Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India 10.3 India
Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India 6.0 India
Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India 6.2 India
Mestex Linens (Pvt) Ltd. 10.0 Pakistan
MetroMat Matbaacilik Tekstil San. 4.1 Turkey
Meyteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. 12.1 Turkey
Mezroze & Co SIA 12.0 Latvia
MFTA Manufacture Francaise des Text 8.0 France
Mi Casa es Tu Casa Lda. 12.1 Portugal
Mian Ghous Bux (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Microcotton Inc. 12.1 United States
Miguel Antunes Fernandes Unipessoal 12.1 Portugal
Miladom Ltd. 9.0 Bulgaria
Milonas Textiles SA 8.0 Greece
Misr Spain for Blankets Co. 9.0 Egypt
Misr Spinning & Weaving Co. 12.1 Egypt
Mistral Home nv 12.0 Belgium
MITSA Manufactures Industrials de 11.0 Spain
Mittal International 10.1 India
Mivar-Viva AS 11.0 Estonia
Mme Morais Armonis Elisabeth - 3.0 France
Mobus Fabrics Ltd. 4.1 United Kingdom
mode...information GmbH 4.1 Germany
Moholy-Nagy Müvészeti Egyetem (MOME 3.0 Hungary
Momtex Expo Limited 10.2 Bangladesh
Monteiro, Ribas - Revestimentos, S. 4.0 Portugal
Moon Design Sevilay Asarli Tekstil 3.0 Turkey

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Moral Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret 4.1 Turkey
Morbern Inc. 4.0 Canada
MoreTextile SP, A.C.E. 12.1 Portugal
Morgenstern GmbH 12.0 Germany
Morphrow 4.0 Netherlands
Mount Fuji Textiles Limited 10.1 Pakistan
Moussa Textile 9.0 Germany
MPS Textiles B.V. 10.3 Netherlands
MS Printing Solutions S.r.l. 3.0 Italy
MSB Alfa Plastik Tekstil San. ve Ti 9.0 Turkey
Muller-Textiel BV 12.0 Netherlands
Multimat Int. 10.0 Pakistan
Mundotextil - Industrias Texteis, S 12.1 Portugal
Mustaqim Dyeing and Printing Ind. ( 10.2 Pakistan
Musterwerke 3.0 Germany
Muvantex NV 4.0 Belgium
My Alpaca Sp. z o.o. 11.0 Poland
My Home Tekstil Ith. Iht. San.ve Ti 12.1 Turkey
Nachik Ltd 4.0 Israel
Nandini Fabrics 10.0 India
Narayan Overseas 10.2 India
Narciso Pereira Mendes Herd, Lda. 9.0 Portugal
Narin Yün Ipek Tekstil Ürünleri M. 4.0 Turkey
Naseem Fabrics 10.3 Pakistan
Natraj Home Furnishings Pvt. Ltd. 6.1 India
Naturtex Gyapjú - és 11.0 Hungary
Nawaz Fabrics 10.1 Pakistan
Nazeer Dyeing & Bleaching 10.1 Pakistan
Neckebroeck Passementerie BVBA 4.1 Belgium
NeiperHome S.A. 12.1 Portugal
Nelen & Delbeke N.V. 4.1 Belgium
NEO Home S.L. 4.1 Spain
NESA Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Nese Plastik San. ve Tic. A.S. 9.0 Turkey
Ness Art and Design 3.0 Korea, Republic of
Net Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Neutex Home Deco GmbH 8.0 Germany
New Zeenat Textile Mills 10.1 Pakistan
Newhome Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret 12.1 Turkey
NGM Leonard Srl. 8.0 Romania
Niagara Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Nile Linen Group 12.1 Egypt
Nile Textile Industries S.A.E. 12.1 Egypt
Nimra Textile (Pvt) Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Ningbo F.T.Z. Linen World Textile 10.0 China
Ningbo Grand Home Furnishing Co., L 8.0 China
Ningbo Modern Textile Co., Ltd. 10.0 China
Ningbo Traditional Textile Co.,Ltd. 10.1 China
Nishat Mills Limited 10.2 Pakistan
Nishitex Enterprises 10.1 Pakistan
Noman Terry Towel Mills Limited 10.2 Bangladesh
Noor Fatima Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Noorpur Industries 10.1 Pakistan
Nooteboom Textiel B.V. 4.1 Netherlands

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
NOPPE FARBEN GmbH 4.1 Germany
Novartiplast Italia S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
Nursultan Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. St 4.0 Turkey
Oba Perdesan Perde Sanayi A.S. 8.0 Turkey
OBB Oberbadische Bettfedernfabrik 11.0 Germany
Objects d'Art India 6.1 India
Ocitex Textil Ocidente Lda. 11.0 Portugal
Odeja d.o.o. 11.0 Slovenia
OM International 10.3 India
Omega Heimtextilien GmbH & Co.KG 8.0 Germany
Öncü Grup A.S. 9.0 Turkey
Onno Raadersma 3.0 Netherlands
OOO 'Kolorit' 9.0 Russian Federation
Orient Textile Mills (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Orsha Linen Mill 12.0 Belarus
Oy Brandstones Ab 11.0 Finland
Ozanteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 12.1 Turkey
Ozdilek Ev Tekstil Sanayi Ve Tic A. 12.0 Turkey
Özer Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. 12.1 Turkey
Özerteks Tekstil San. ve Dis.Tic. L 4.0 Turkey
Özgür Tekstil Konfeksiyon San. ve T 12.1 Turkey
OZ-IS Tekstil Turizm San. ve Tic. A 4.1 Turkey
Özkan Merve Tekstil San. ve Tic. 8.0 Turkey
P & R International Inc. 10.0 Canada
P.A.P. Exports 10.1 India
P.M.M. Textiles 10.1 India
P+W International Co., Ltd. 8.0 Korea, Republic of
pad home design concept GmbH 9.0 Germany
Padrao Xadrez Texteis, Unipessoal, 9.0 Portugal
Pala Ithalat Ihracat Suni Deri San. 4.0 Turkey
Parà S.p.A. 4.1 Italy
Pardeep Exports 6.0 India
Pasa Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Patifix Nederland bv 9.0 Netherlands
Pattern Collective Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Paulig Teppichweberei GmbH 8.0 Germany
PE Chviruk Iryna Oleksandrivna 3.0 Ukraine
Pearl Exports & Imports 10.3 India
Pearl Fabrics Company 10.1 Pakistan
Pektas Tekstil San. ve. Tic. A.S. 4.1 Turkey
Penelope Dokuma San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
Perdekor Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. 4.1 Turkey
Pereira & Freitas, Lda. 12.0 Portugal
Pereira da Cunha S.A. 9.0 Portugal
Pierre Cassard Creations 3.0 France
Pierre Rocle S.A. 8.0 France
PIK Spólka Jawna Hurt-Detal K. i B. 4.1 Poland
Pintail International B.V. 4.0 Netherlands
Pioneer Overseas 6.0 India
Piscatextil-Industria Textil, Lda. 9.0 Portugal
Piubele-Confeccoes, Industria e 12.1 Portugal
Plasmen Tekstil San Ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Png Furnishings Pvt. Ltd. 6.0 India
Pointcarré Sarl 3.0 France

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Ponni Fab 10.1 India
Poyet Motte SAS 9.0 France
Prem Textiles International 10.1 India
Prem Textiles International (p) Ltd 10.1 India
Premier Fine Linens Pvt. Ltd. 10.2 India
Premium Knits 10.3 Pakistan
Prestigious Textiles Ltd. 8.0 United Kingdom
Prestij Mensucat Sanayi Ticaret A.S 4.1 Turkey
Proneem SARL 11.0 France
Prosetex S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
Pyrenex Sas 11.0 France
Qingdao Eifong Home Textiles Co., L 10.1 China
Qingdao Jinxiang Hometextile 10.0 China
Qingdao Meitai Hometextile Co., Ltd 10.0 China
Qingdao Suntex Co., Ltd. 10.0 China
Quarrata Forniture S.r.l. 11.0 Italy
R&S Interior Design 2012, SL 4.1 Spain
R.K. Exports (Karur) Pvt. Ltd. 10.1 India
R.L. Khanna & Co. (Overseas) 6.0 India
Rachel Child Designs Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Raebel OHG 9.0 Germany
Rafsol S.L. 4.1 Spain
Raghukaushal Textile Pvt. Ltd. 10.3 India
Raghuvir Exim Limited 10.0 India
Rainbow Hosiery Pvt. Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Rakumi Syoji Co., Ltd. 6.0 Japan
Ramesh Textiles India Pvt. Ltd. 10.0 India
Ranga Fab 10.1 India
Reisoglu Iplik ve Mensucat San. ve 4.0 Turkey
Rekor Dokumacilik San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.1 Turkey
Reliance Industries Limited 4.0 India
Riba Textiles Ltd. 10.2 India
Richard Behr & Co. GmbH 11.0 Germany
Rioma SL 4.1 Spain
Rizwan Enterprises 10.3 Pakistan
Robert Rieder e. K. 11.0 Germany
Robuso-Stahlwarenfabrik Buntenbach 8.0 Germany
ROOMI TEX 10.2 Pakistan
Rosacel Texteis Unipessoal Lda. 9.0 Portugal
Rothkegel Design GmbH & Co. KG 11.0 Germany
Royaltex S.r.l. 8.0 Italy
Rustam Towel (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
S&M SAS 8.0 France
S. Gramage Hogar S.L. 4.1 Spain
S.A.M.A.C. S.r.l. 4.0 Italy
S.R. Kumar Intl. 6.0 India
SA OTS Olivier Thevenon Selection 4.1 France
Saad Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Sadaqat Limited 10.2 Pakistan
SAFAS Tekstil Turizm Insaat San. Ti 8.0 Turkey
Sahil International (PNP) 10.3 India
Said Shohreh 3.0 Germany
Saleem Textile 10.0 Pakistan
Sam Rafoat Tekstil LLC 12.1 Uzbekistan

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Sandrine de la Simone 3.0 France
Sanem Plastik Makina Ithalat 9.0 Turkey
Sangat Overseas 10.3 India
Sanwil Polska Sp.zo.o. 4.0 Poland
Sapphire Textile Mills Ltd 10.2 Pakistan
Sara Textiles Limited 10.2 India
Sarar Buyuk Magazacilik Tic. A.S. 12.0 Turkey
Sarlas SA 8.0 Greece
SAS xp LIVIN' 9.0 France
Sasa Polyester Sanayi A.S. 11.0 Turkey
Saya Weaving Mills (Pvt) Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Schütt-Nikolai-Design 3.0 Germany
SCM Home (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd 10.2 China
SEBA Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
SEL Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 10.1 India
Selectiva Moda Assoc de Promocao de 12.0 Portugal
Selectiva Moda Assoc de Promocao de 12.1 Portugal
Selectiva Moda Assoc de Promocao de 9.0 Portugal
Selin Tekstil Sanayi Ticaret Limite 12.1 Turkey
Seral Ev Ve Otel Tekstil San. Tic. 11.0 Turkey
Sergio K LLC 6.2 United States
Sespa Ihracat ve Pazarlama A.S. 9.0 Turkey
Sethi International 10.3 India
Shabab Fabrics Ltd. 10.3 Bangladesh
Shaddan Enterprises 10.0 Pakistan
Shaheen Industries 10.3 Pakistan
Shahson Commercial Pvt. Ltd. 6.0 India
Shandong Artex Co., Ltd. 10.0 China
Shandong HomTex Co., Ltd. 10.0 China
Shandong Yinfung Hometextiles Co., 10.1 China
Sharco International 6.0 India
Sheen Tex India 10.0 India
Shenzhen Natural Home Textile Co., 10.0 China
Shiv Shakti Exports 6.1 India
Shree India 10.1 India
Shyam Overseas 6.0 India
Sierra Tekstil Turizm Gida Ins. Mer 12.1 Turkey
Sigma Industrial Vietnam Co., Ltd. 10.2 Vietnam
Silver Textile Factory 10.1 Pakistan
Sim Brode Tekstil San. Tic. A.S 8.0 Turkey
Simak Cherry EOOD 4.1 Bulgaria
Simon Ashby Studios Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Sky Industries 10.1 Pakistan
Sociedade Textil Vital Marques 12.1 Portugal
Sofa Cover bvba 4.0 Belgium
Soft Options 10.1 India
Sorema S.A. 12.0 Portugal
Spacio Repos, S. L. 11.0 Spain
Sprügel Hometex GmbH 9.0 Germany
Sree Angalamman Exports 10.1 India
Sri Eesan International 10.1 India
Sri Jothi Impex 10.0 India

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Standard Fiber LLC 11.0 United States
STEF Caroline & Betina 3.0 France
Stef Descamps Rizo 3.0 France
Steinbeck GmbH 9.0 Germany
Stella Marie Designs 3.0 United Kingdom
STOF SA 8.0 France
STTS International GmbH 9.0 Germany
Stuco Taschentücher Stuchlik GmbH 9.0 Germany
Studio Gul - Johanna Skanmyr AB 3.0 Sweden
Studio Kalam Philippe Olivier Paput 3.0 France
Studio Kelkka 3.0 Finland
Studio Marine, Sylvie Boucher 3.0 France
Studio Orbit 3.0 Denmark
Studio Sette S.r.l. 3.0 Italy
Studio van den Broek V.O.F. 3.0 Netherlands
Studio van der Renne 3.0 Netherlands
Studio Viola 3.0 Israel
Stylcon s.r.o. 8.0 Czech Republic
Subra Tex 10.3 India
Sueda Rek. Urn. Gida Elk. Tekstil v 12.0 Turkey
Suedser Tekstil San. Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
Sufi Weaving Industries (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Sülekler Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret 8.0 Turkey
Sumangalam Exports Pvt. Ltd. 10.1 India
Sunrise Textiles (China) Co., Ltd. 10.1 China
Sunrose Co., Ltd. 8.0 Japan
Sunvictory Enterprise Co., Ltd. 6.2 China
Sunvim Group Co., Ltd 10.1 China
Super Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 8.0 Turkey
Sutlej Textiles & Industries Ltd. 6.1 India
Suzhou Taihu Snow Silk Co., Ltd. 10.2 China
Symphony Mills N.V 4.0 Belgium
t+m Service GmbH 4.1 Germany
Taiwan Textile Federation 6.2 Taiwan
TANA BANA Design Services 3.0 United States
Tatiana Design V.O.F. 3.0 Netherlands
Tavelmo N.V. 4.0 Belgium
TDL Textile LLC 9.0 Russian Federation
TED BED EAD 11.0 Bulgaria
Teixits J. Frances, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Tejidos Acabados Teycu, S.L. 11.0 Spain
Teksium Tekstil Urunleri San. ve Ti 4.0 Turkey
Teksko Kadife A.S. 4.0 Turkey
Teksplast Suni Deri Tekstil San. 4.0 Turkey
Tela's Design, Lda. 3.0 Portugal
Tempo Design Stef Tempo 3.0 France
Tendaggi Paradiso S.r.l. 4.0 Italy
TESIS S.r.l. 4.1 Italy
Tesmar S.r.l. 4.1 Italy
Tessutica NV 4.0 Belgium
Tex India 10.3 India
Tex World - Bath Fashion 10.1 Pakistan
Texathenea, S.L. 4.1 Spain

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Texco B.V. 4.1 Netherlands
Texteis Colmaco - Industria de Colc 9.0 Portugal
Texteis J.F. Almeida, S.A. 12.1 Portugal
Texteis Massal, Lda. 12.1 Portugal
Texteis Penedo S.A. 12.1 Portugal
Textil Antilo, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Textil Casa Moda S.L. 8.0 Spain
Textil J Serrano Ltda 4.0 Brazil
Textile World 10.3 India
Textiles Frau Perez S.L. 4.1 Spain
Textiles Joyper S.L. 4.1 Spain
Textiles Latinos Para El Hogar Y La 4.0 Spain
Textiles Olcina, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Textiles Pastor S.A. 4.1 Spain
Textiles Vilber, SL 8.0 Spain
Textiles Visatex, S.L 4.1 Spain
Textilia, S.A. 4.1 Spain
The Creative Texture 10.2 India
The Pattern Boutique 3.0 United Kingdom
The Phu Nghia Handicrafts Co., Ltd. 10.1 Vietnam
The Shop 10.2 India
The Soft Bedding Company Ltd. 11.0 Ireland
THEOLY Eurl 3.0 France
Theraline e.K. 11.0 Germany
Three Stars Hosiery Mills (Pvt) Ltd 10.1 Pakistan
Tirotex State Owned Enterprise 12.1 Moldova
Tiseco BVBA 9.0 Belgium
Tkaniny J.A.D. Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. 4.0 Poland
Toptextil Sp. z o.o. 4.1 Poland
Torri lana 1885 S.r.l. 4.0 Italy
Tosunoglu Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. 4.0 Turkey
Towellers Limited 10.1 Pakistan
Trade Development Authority of Paki 10.0 Pakistan
Trade Development Authority of Paki 10.3 Pakistan
TRAUMINA GmbH 11.0 Germany
Travancore Cocotuft Pvt. Ltd. 6.0 India
Trechel Espana S.L. 4.1 Spain
TRENDART SA 3.0 Switzerland
Turkish Home Textile Industrialists 4.1 Turkey
Turkuaz Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A 12.1 Turkey
Tuvatextil, S.L. 4.1 Spain
Tüzemen Mak. Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. 8.0 Turkey
TVK Exports 10.3 India
U10 SASU 8.0 France
U10 SASU 9.0 France
UAB 'Merkys' 11.0 Lithuania
Uckoc Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd.Sti. 12.1 Turkey
Ücler Kadife Dokuma Tekstil 4.0 Turkey
Unibro Industries Limited 10.1 Pakistan
Uniglob Sp. z o.o. 8.0 Poland
Union Fabrics (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.3 Pakistan
Union Textile Industries 10.3 Pakistan
United Textiles Co. 12.1 Egypt

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
United Towel Exporters (Pvt) Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Ural Medikal Tic. ve Paz. A.S. 11.0 Turkey
Urganch Bahmal LLC 12.1 Uzbekistan
Ustaoglu Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. 4.1 Turkey
Uwin Plastic LLC 9.0 Russian Federation
Uyguner Deri Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 4.1 Turkey
v.o.f. Bureau In Grid 3.0 Netherlands
Vagatex Italia S.r.l. 4.0 Italy
Valenzatex Confort Group A. I. E. 11.0 Spain
Valenzatex Confort Group A. I. E. 9.0 Spain
Valeria Onofrio Design Studio 3.0 Italy
Vanelli Konfeksiyon Tekstil San. ve 4.1 Turkey
VANICO, S.A. 4.1 Spain
Vasons & Vasons 6.0 India
Vateks Vatan Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. 12.1 Turkey
VEBA, textilní závody a.s. 12.0 Czech Republic
Velamen S.A. 11.0 Spain
Vennila Tex Exports 10.1 India
Verbatex NV 4.0 Belgium
Verhees Textiles 4.1 Netherlands
Veritas Tekstil Konfeksiyon Pazarla 12.0 Turkey
Veronique Petit 3.0 France
Verstraete & Verbauwede Fabrics nv 4.1 Belgium
Vetha Exports 10.1 India
Viganò S.p.A. 4.0 Italy
VILLAFELPOS Comercio e Industria 12.1 Portugal
Vini Exports (NSEZ) 10.2 India
Vino Kadife Tekstil San. ve Tic. 4.1 Turkey
Vittorio Ursini & Son Snc 12.0 Italy
Viuda de Rafael Gandia S.A. 4.1 Spain
Vivsun Exports Ltd. 6.1 India
V-Lad's Exports LLP 6.1 India
Vonthron Florinda Florinda Sandri 3.0 France
VOWALON Beschichtung GmbH Treuen 4.0 Germany
W. Reuter & Sohn Spitzen und 9.0 Germany
Walter Moosburger KG Rosshaar - 11.0 Austria
Weavers International 10.1 Pakistan
Weavers Tekstil San Ve Tic AS 4.0 Turkey
Weavetex Exports 10.3 India
Webe Designs 3.0 United States
Wilh. Wülfing GmbH & Co. KG 12.0 Germany
Wintex Exports (Pvt.) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Wiula Design 3.0 Finland
Woven Art Company Ltd. 4.1 United Kingdom
WTG Westfälische Textil-Gesellschaf 8.0 Germany
Wuxi Double Elephant Micro Fibre 4.0 China
Xian Foreign Trade & Economic 10.0 China
Yakar Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret 4.1 Turkey
Yana AG 12.0 Bulgaria
Yantai North Home Textile Co., Ltd. 10.2 China
Yantai Pacific Home Fashion Co., Lt 10.2 China
YARN & FABRIC B.V. 4.0 Netherlands
Yebane Textil S.L. 4.1 Spain
Yelda Tekstil Plastik Makina San. v 8.0 Turkey

As of 09.09.2020
Preliminary list of exhibitors Heimtextil 2021
Yellow Label Designs Ltd. 3.0 United Kingdom
Ying Sing Chang GmbH & Co KG 9.0 Germany
Yuno Design Studio 3.0 Korea, Republic of
Yunus Textile Mills Ltd. 10.2 Pakistan
Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Limited 10.2 Bangladesh
Zafar Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. 10.1 Pakistan
Zahret El Mehalla Weaving & Dyeing 12.1 Egypt
Zawisza - Jan Sienkiewicz 4.1 Poland
Zhejiang Samsung Down Co,. Ltd. 10.1 China
Zhejiang Yulong Industry Co., Ltd. 6.0 China
Zhejiang ZhongDing Hometex Co., Ltd 10.1 China
Zibo Green Textile Co., Ltd 6.0 China
ZIS Textile Pvt. Ltd. 10.0 Pakistan
Zoli Dino & C. s.r.l. 4.0 Italy
Zorel Tekstil Imalat Pazarlama 12.1 Turkey
Zorlu Holding A.S 12.0 Turkey
Zorluteks Tekstil Ticaret ve Sanayi 8.0 Turkey

As of 09.09.2020

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