Modeling and Simulation of Wind Solar Hybrid System Using Matlab/Simulink

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S, July 2019

Modeling and Simulation of Wind Solar Hybrid

System using Matlab/Simulink

Obaidullah Lodin, Nitin khajuria, Satyanand Vishwakarma, Gazia Manzoor

ABSTRACT—This article is a simulation, designing and In several implementations, particularly in rural areas, a
modeling of a hybrid power generation system based on solar photovoltaic system is more cost effective
nonconventional (renewable) solar photovoltaic and wind andenvironmentally friendly. This work develops and
turbine energy reliable sources. The primary premeditated reveals the fundamental combination of the photovoltaic
system is the solar electric generator, consisting of six array aswell as examines the substantially different outputs
models and series connected to each other, based on characteristics of the solar photovoltaic array under
predicted-P&O and connected to a MPPT controller and differentconditions along with variations in temp, changes
DC/AC converter, system is associated with PMSG in irradiance and various internal resistances to illustrate
(permanent magnet synchronous generator). The main thedifferent impacts of the parallel and the series solar PV
purpose of this article is to interconnect systems to array. The article discusses the model of a photovoltaic
generate maximum power for single auxiliary phase cellon the basis of equation of Shockley diode in MATLAB
loading, as well as the solar PV generator and systems of [2]. A comparison was also discussed between double
wind turbines for simulation with execution use of andsingle diode models of the cell of solar photovoltaic’s.
Simulink / MATLAB. The results of this simulation This work has generally designed the feature model of
indicate that the hybrid power system is planned for aphotovoltaic cell with inverters and filters. The hybrid
stability, reliability, efficiency and model. Solar PV electric system integrates of two or more non
generator and wind turbine from the use of a renewable conventionalenergy sources. There are certain benefits; it is
energy source (for maximum voltage generation).The more efficient than separate productivity, cost, mobility
solar photovoltaic module executable in MATLAB / andreliability of energy sources. Moreover, it is mostly a
Simulink captures five parameters, series parameters and few financial and environmental benefits, but also
shunt resistance is an inverse photovoltaic saturation flow achievablewith up and down production costs.
and an ideal factor.
i. Principle operation
Keywords—MPPT algorithms, irradiance, Perturb-observe, wind
power etc.
When sunlight is irradiated, a photovoltaic cell generates
current and the pair of electron holes is generated, while
photovoltaic cell equipment absorbs photons with an energy
that exceeds the material's band gap. These generate
In electricity systems renewable energy sources are playing dphotons are carriers that remove this cell's internal
a significant and fundamental role, and utilization electrical fields and help to the current when the external
ofphotovoltaic solar energy is rising exceptionally day by circuitis linked to the cell.
day.Photovoltaic panels and electrical inverters are used to
generate solar power. In nature, the output power generated.
ii. Photovoltaic cell corresponding circuits
By the photovoltaic panels is discontinuous and varies
depending on the level of irradiancy, temperature, aging
Two types of diodes and established equivalent circuit
ofthe panels, various orientations etc [1].
shown in Figure 1 & 2 can represent a photovoltaic cell.

Revised Manuscript Received on July 20, 2019.

Obaidullah Lodin, Department of Electrical Engineering ,Chandigarh
university,Punjab,India (E-mail: [email protected])
Nitin khajuria, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chandigarh
university,Punjab, India (E-mail: [email protected])
Satyanand Vishwakarma,Department of Electrical Engineering
Chandigarh university,Punjab, India ([email protected])
Gazia Manzoor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chandigarh
university, Punjab, India (Email: [email protected])

218 Published By:

Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19 Sciences Publication
Modeling and Simulation of Wind Solar Hybrid System Using Matlab/Simulink

radiation intensity such as ILG, IOS, Rsh, and

Rs.Manufacturers of photovoltaic’s arrays give various
observational conceptual parameters including current of
shortcircuit ISC, voltage of open circuit VOC, max voltage
point Vm, max power point current Im, and max
powerpoint Pm.
V  IRs
I  I PV  I d 1  I d 2  (1)
Fig1. Circuit of single diode
WhereasRpand Rsare the parallel and series resistance,
correspondingly.Althoughthe diodes thermal voltage is VT.
The created current by lights is (IPV)

I PV  ( I PV  STC  K I (T  TSTC )) (2)

IP V_STC is computed in the standard test condition (STC),

i.e., irradiance G = 1000 W/m2 and temperature T = 298 K
(25◦C). Variable KI is frequently delivered by the
constructor, which iscoefficientof theISC.Diode’ssaturation
Fig2. Circuit of double diode current is specified by [7]

Whenever sun light irradiated to photovoltaic’s cell, it

I SC  STC  K1 (T TSTC )
generates direct current that varies widely sequentially I d1  I d 2  (3)
withphotovoltaic radiation, and the model could be exp((VOC  STC  KV (T  TSTC )) / VT )  1
enhanced by adding shunt resistance (RP) and series (Rs)
effects. Rsis initiated here to take into account internal In (3), ISC_STCis the short circuit current and VOC_STCis the
losses and voltage drops due to current flow and Rp reflects open circuit voltage in standard test condition (STC). The
the leakageof current to the surface whenever diodes are voltage’s temperature factor is denoted by VariableKV.
reversed [3-6].
iii. Comparison of double and single diodes models
On account of simplicity of execution as presented in
Any double diode model reflects the impact of free electron diagram below, the Conventional Perturb & Observe
and pair of photons recombination. However, it algorithm isapplied widely. Until the operative point unites
actuallyincreases the number of equations, and also at the MPP, it is a constantprogression of observation and
unspecified parameters, attempting to make simulations perturbation. The P&O algorithmequates the voltage and
slight, complex,but greater precise than the single - diode power of time (K) along with the model at a time (K-1) and
model. Mathematical errors are less in the single in view of guesses the time to method to maximum power point. If the
mathematicalcalculations and the number of iterations. power modification is +ve, then the power transformation
of the solar panel is done by aminor voltage perturbation;
II. Photovoltaic Cell voltage perturbation is constant in the equivalentpathway.
On the other handnegative delta power, point out that the
The photovoltaic cell is one of the semiconductor devices maximum power point is far-off and the perturbation is
that absorbing and converting the photon energy reduced to trace the maximum power point. The abstractof
thatapproaches energy from sunlight radiation. In the the conventional P&O is figured out in Table 1. Hence, like
perfect photovoltaic cell model, it is extremely complex this the entire P-V curve is checkered by minor
todetermine the parameter associated with cell temp and perturbations to discover the maximum power point

Which rises the response time of the process. On the Variations in the P&O algorithm have been proposed by
contrary, steady state oscillation around the MPP numerousscholars to overwhelm thesteady state
isproducedby enlargement the size of perturbation. oscillationsand response time issue.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19
219 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S, July 2019


Fig3. Solar PV model simulation in Simulink

If a filter regulates its conveyancetask by itself stated by an

optimizationprocess is called an adaptive filter (AF). On
account of complexness of the optimization algorithms,
digital filters are also adaptive filterswhichexecute digital
signal processing (DSP)&adjust their actbuilt on the
incoming signals to the filter. By means ofcompare, a non-
adaptive filter has static filter factors (thatjointlycustom the
transfer functions).

A. An Adaptive FIR Filter executionby usingthe least mean

squares (LMS) Algorithm

LMS procedures are a session of adaptive filter applied to

simulate a preferred filter by defining the filter factors that
narrate to creating the LMS of the error signal.

B. Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm

For numerous age , the adaptive filter is a widespread and

operativedevice for examining signals. Let the length of the
adaptive filter for instance L. For input vector x(n), the
arrangementproduces output signal y(n) as presented in the
subsequent equation,
Fig.4: Flowchart of MPPT algorithm based on LMS based predictive
y (n)  x(n) T w(n)  w(n)T x(n) (4)

Whole Photovoltaic system designed for efficient mppt

The weight updated vector for the LMS algorithm is tracking has been shown in figure 2.Due to the variance in
specified by the subsequent equation; irradiance and temperature, the voltages and currents cannot
fed directly to the energy storage units or appliances, these
w(n  1)  w(n)   x(n) e(n) (5) need to be first fed to the controller device which tracks the
maximum power for the available voltage and current in
Where μ is the step size, the whole PV system which has such a way that an energy storage unit which consists of
been workingis shown in figure4 where MPPT block uses inductance and capacitance circuit hold the extra powerfor
PREDICTIVE-PO based tracking method. some time when there is extra power generation from
previous cycle and donates the power when there is less
Power production in previous round.This on-off time set is
provided by a mosfet/IGBT
switch to the LC circuit
using the MPPT control unit.

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Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19 Sciences Publication
Modeling and Simulation of Wind Solar Hybrid System Using Matlab/Simulink

The LC circuit and switch constitutes the buck booster methodology, predictive power is induced which is
system which works on DC-DC conversion level. In optimized using least mean square algorithm in order to
existed algorithm of perturb-observe; only current and maintain optimum maximum point of power. In flowchart
previous readings were utilized without any consideration below, p(n+1) is predictive power[8].
of optimized future power values. In proposed

Fig.5: Flowchart implementation of MPPT algorithm based on LMS based buck-booster DC-DC converter is used and mosfet switch is
predictive power
used to on-off the energy storage circuit.

V. Result of SPV simulations

Simulation results are carried out for an array consists of 40
series modules and 10 parallel modules. User defined
attributes of module used are as follows. Open circuit
voltage (Voc (V)) is 42 , Isc(A)=29.7,Voltage at MPP
Vmp(v)=36, ,current at MPP Imp(A)=27.7, cells per
module= 10Fig. 6 shows the IV-PV plots of array when it
works at optimum conditions. Fig. 7 Shows the PV power
waveforms using traditional PO method and PREDICTIVE-
PO based improved method. The performances of proposed
MPPT algorithm have been evaluated at 1000 W/m2 and
25o temperature. Table two gives the power values using
two compared methods [9].
Fig.7: Comparison of power output using perturb-Observe and Proposed
PREDICTIVE-PO based MPPT tracking

It is also been found that proposed method gives power

with least fluctuation variance and achieves stability in peak
value earlier than PO method.

VI. Wind Turbine Modeling

Energy of wind is a source that is friendly to the

environment and unending. Moreover, one of the exciting
sourcesof renewable energy for future demand may be a
wind energy generation system. Its converting wind kinetic
energyinto mechanical energy, and the magnitude of this
mechanical energy that
Fig. 6: IV-PV plots of array in optimum conditions
has been converted
It has been found that proposed method achieves highest depends on the
point far early than traditional PO method. In this work, windspeed and air

Published By:
Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19
221 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S, July 2019

density [10]- [14]. Wind turbines power (Pm) is determined Tm=1/2 ρACp (w/λ) (10)
by this equation:
Wind turbine optimal power curve is determining different
Pm=1/2 Cp (λ, β) ρAw3 (9) operation regions and different speed of wind as ratedwind
speed, cut in wind speed, cut out wind speed [15].

w = Wind speed (m/sec)

ρ = Density of Air (Kg/m3)

A = Turbine blades area (m3)

Cp = Turbine performance coefficient

β = Angle of blade pitch (degree)

λ = Rotor blade tip velocity ratio to wind velocity

Fig.8: Typical wind turbine power output with steady wind speed
The Cp coefficient is the fraction of kinetic energy that is
converted into mechanical energy through wind turbine,and Joint the turbine of wind system and PMSG Generator uses
it’s depending on the ratio of tip velocity (λ).For calculation software Simulink /MATLAB and seen in Fig9.
of wind turbine torque (Tm) uses this equation:

Fig9. Wind turbine model simulation in Simulink.

Figure10. Dcand AC voltage PMSG under different wind speed The PMSG turbine for wind power generation has been
simulated accurately and the DC and AC output have
shown in form of voltage waveforms.

222 Published By:

Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19 Sciences Publication
Modeling and Simulation of Wind Solar Hybrid System Using Matlab/Simulink

VII. Grid Connected Hybrid power system simulation photovoltaic and wind turbine system and providing single
and modeling phase AC load.

Perhaps the hybrid power system, which consists of two

non conventional energy sources, the combination of solar

Fig11. Wind and Solar photovoltaic hybrid power system connection with Grid system model Simulink.

Fig12: Output for both wind speed and solar

The above figure represents the voltage waveform of wind comprehensive simulation study can accumulateresources
turbine and solar photovoltaic system based on the and time, however. All these concerns are covered by the
predictive -P&O MPPT technique. solar photovoltaic’s model implemented usingMATLAB
/Simulink. The Simulink execution of the solar photovoltaic
VIII. CONCLUSION model has five parameters in the description.

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Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19
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Obaidullah Lodin,received the B.E. degree in Electrical

and Electronics Engineering from Visvesvaray
Technological University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India in
2017, He is currently pursuing Master In Electrical
Engineering From Chandigarh University, Punjab, India.
His research interests include photovoltaic modeling and
control, energy conversion from renewable sources,
Power System, Machine Control and power electronics.

Nitin Khajuria,received the B.E. degreein Electronics

and Communication Engineering from Punjab
University,Chandigarh, India in 2016, He is currently
pursuing Master In Electrical Engineering From
Chandigarh University, Punjab, India. His research
interests include power electronics, signal and
processing, circuit designing and Power system.

Satya Vishwakarma, He is working as Assistant

professor in Electrical Engineering department in
Chandigarh University, Punjab. He did his M.TECH
in Power Systems Engineering in Galgotias
University Noida. He is having wide area of interest
in the field of Electric vehicles and Renewable

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Retrieval Number: I10340789S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1034.0789S19
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