Political Science Optional Syllabus: Paper 1 Section A (Political Theory and Indian Politics)
Political Science Optional Syllabus: Paper 1 Section A (Political Theory and Indian Politics)
Political Science Optional Syllabus: Paper 1 Section A (Political Theory and Indian Politics)
No doubt, there are very many advantages of political science optional. But, there could be a few difficulties also, especially if candidates do not think through before
selecting this optional. Political science has a lot of theory-based concepts. This means the answers should be presented in a very crisp manner. Generally, it is
thought that good answer writing skills are essential to ace this paper. Even though this is true of all the UPSC papers, it is especially true for such optionals,
particularly when you compare with more technical subjects like maths, science subjects, or even geography and anthropology.
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13/09/2020 Political Science and International Relations Optional for UPSC 2019
Plato Social justice is Republic and soul are It is too simplistic and ignores
attainable. A isomorphic and analogous. The other major stakeholders in the
republic is made up republic is a larger picture of the sustenance of a state.
of rulers, soldiers soul and harmony in the soul
and craftsmen. comes by a union of the 3
There is harmony components of the soul, which
when they perform are analogous to the 3
their duties components of the republic
efficiently. There is (rulers, soldiers, craftsmen).
Rawls Social justice is People are free and equal. The concept of social justice is
attainable. Social Freedom consists in possessing fluid. Defining and giving it a
justice is the 2 moral powers, the power of definite form strips it of its
standard whereby justice and good. Once people in fluidity. No 2 societies are
the distributive society have the relevant exactly the same and thus, what
aspects of the capacity to be fully cooperative constitutes justice in one may
basic structure of members of society, they are amount to injustice in another.
society are to be equal and society is just. Social justice is, hence, relative
assessed. It is to societies.
Another tip for revision is to keep writing short notes with just keywords for the famous quotes of thinkers. An example is shown below:
“Reality is the shadow of ideas.” (Plato)
Scholars – materialists and idealists
Theory of Reality given by materialistic
Plato – School of Idealism – Father of Political Philosophy
Socrates – ultimate knowledge – permanent
Plato – ultimate knowledge about ideas
Behind the observable reality which we know through sensory organs lies the world of supreme reality
Supreme reality – Ideas – Reason
Allegory of Caves
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13/09/2020 Political Science and International Relations Optional for UPSC 2019
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13/09/2020 Political Science and International Relations Optional for UPSC 2019
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