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Major Constitutional Amendment: Part 1

Like any other written Constitution in the world, the Constitution of India also
provides for its amendment in order to adjust itself according to the changing
conditions and needs.
Article 368 in Part XX of the Constitution deals with the powers of Parliament to
amend the Constitution and its procedure. It states that the Parliament may amend
the Constitution by way of addition, variation or repeal any provision in accordance
with the procedure laid down for the purpose.
However, the Parliament cannot amend those provisions which form the ‘basic
structure’ of the Constitution. This was ruled by the Supreme Court in the
Kesavananda Bharati case (1973).

Important Amendments
First Amendment Act, 1951

To remove certain practical difficulties created by the court's decision in several
cases such as Kameshwar Singh Case, Romesh Thapar Case, etc.
Issues involved in the cases included freedom of speech, acquisition of the
Zamindari land, State monopoly of trade, etc

Empowered the state to make special provisions for the advancement of socially
and economically backward classes.
Provided for the saving of laws providing for acquisition of estates, etc.
Added Ninth Schedule to protect the land reforms and other laws included in it
from the judicial review. After Article 31, Articles 31A and 31B were inserted.
Added three more grounds of restrictions on freedom of speech and expression:
public order, friendly relations with foreign states and incitement to an offence.
Also, it made the restrictions ‘reasonable’ and thus, justiciable in nature.
Provided that state trading and nationalisation of any trade or business by the
state is not to be invalid on the ground of violation of the right to trade or

Fourth Amendment Act, 1955

Made the scale of compensation given in lieu of compulsory acquisition of
private property beyond the scrutiny of courts.
Authorised the state to nationalise any trade.
Included some more Acts in the Ninth Schedule.
Extended the scope of Article 31 A (savings of laws).

Seventh Amendment Act, 1956

To implement the recommendations of the State Reorganization Committee
and to implement the State Reorganization Act, 1956.
Second and Seventh Schedules were amended
Abolished the existing classification of states into four categories i.e., Part A,
Part B, Part C, and Part D states, and reorganised them into 14 states and 6
union territories.
Extended the jurisdiction of high courts to union territories.
Provided for the establishment of a common high court for two or more states.
Provided for the appointment of additional and acting judges of the high court.

Ninth Amendment Act, 1960

After the Nehru-Noon agreement was signed between India and Pakistan to
divide the territory of Berubari Union, the Government of West Bengal opposed
it. After this Union referred the matter to SC which held that the power of
Parliament to diminish the area of a state (under Article 3) does not cover
cession of Indian territory to a foreign country. Hence, Indian territory can be
ceded to a foreign state only by amending the Constitution under Article 368.
Consequently, the 9th Constitutional Amendment Act (1960) was enacted.
Facilitated the cession of the Indian territory of Berubari Union (located in
West Bengal) to Pakistan as provided in the Indo-Pakistan Agreement (1958).

Tenth Amendment Act, 1961

Incorporation of Dadra, Nagar and Haveli as a Union Territory, consequent to
acquisition from Portugal.

Eleventh Amendment Act, 1961

Changed the procedure of election of the vice president by providing for an
electoral college instead of a joint meeting of the two Houses of the Parliament.
Provided that the election of the President or vice president cannot be
challenged on the ground of any vacancy in the appropriate electoral college.

Twelfth Amendment Act, 1962

Incorporated Goa, Daman and Diu in the Indian Union.

Thirteenth Amendment Act, 1962

Gave the status of a state to Nagaland and made special provisions for it.

Fourteenth Amendment Act, 1962

Incorporated Puducherry in the Indian Union.
Provided for the creation of legislatures and council of ministers for the Union
Territories of Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Goa, Daman and Diu, and

Seventeenth Amendment Act, 1964

Prohibited the acquisition of land under personal cultivation unless the market
value of the land is paid as compensation.
Included 44 more Acts in the Ninth Schedule

Eighteenth Amendment Act, 1966

Made it clear that the power of Parliament to form a new state also includes a
power to form a new state or union territory by uniting a part of a state or a
union territory to another state or union territory.
It created new states namely, Punjab and Haryana

Twenty First Amendment Act, 1967

Included Sindhi as the 15 th language in the Eighth Schedule.

Twenty Fourth Amendment Act, 1971

Twenty Fourth Constitutional Amendment Act was brought in response to the
Golaknath ruling (1967) of the Supreme Court which held that the Parliament
does not have the power to take away any fundamental rights through
amendment to the Constitution.
Affirmed the power of Parliament to amend any part of the Constitution
including fundamental rights by amending Article 13 and 368.
Made it compulsory for the President to give his assent to a Constitutional
Amendment Bill.

Twenty-Fifth Amendment Act, 1971

Curtailed the fundamental right to property.
Provided that any law made to give effect to the Directive Principles contained
in Article 39 (b) or (c) cannot be challenged on the ground of violation of the
rights guaranteed by Articles 14, 19 and 31.

Twenty-Sixth Amendment Act, 1971

Abolished the privy purses and privileges of the former rulers of princely states.

Thirty First Amendment Act, 1973

An increase in the population of India revealed in the Census of 1971.
Increased the number of Lok Sabha seats from 525 to 545.

Thirty Third Amendment Act, 1974

Amended Articles 101 and 190 and provided that the resignation of the
members of Parliament and the state legislatures may be accepted by the
Speaker/Chairman only if he is satisfied that the resignation is voluntary or

Thirty-Fifth Amendment Act, 1974

Terminated the protectorate status of Sikkim and conferred the status of an
associate state of the Indian Union. The Tenth Schedule was added laying down
the terms and conditions of association of Sikkim with the Indian Union

Thirty Sixth Amendment Act, 1975

Made Sikkim a full-fledged State of the Indian Union and omitted the Tenth

Thirty-Eighth Amendment Act, 1975

Made the declaration of emergency by the President non-justiciable.
Made the promulgation of ordinances by the President, governors and
administrators of Union territories non-justiciable.
Empowered the President to declare different proclamations of national
emergency on different grounds simultaneously


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