Comparison of Four Techniques For Monitoring The Setting Kinetics of Gypsum
Comparison of Four Techniques For Monitoring The Setting Kinetics of Gypsum
Comparison of Four Techniques For Monitoring The Setting Kinetics of Gypsum
Scanning electron microscopy, setting expansion, and x-ray diffraction all indicate
changes that occur at times after a clinically relevant set is obtained in the gypsum
setting reaction. If disturbed after this clinically relevant set but before final set as
determined in this study, the developing gypsum microstructure may be adversely af-
fected and result in weakened, easily abraded, or distorted gypsum models, which can
ultimately lead to a substandard clinical outcome for procedures that depend on these
Gillmore needle
The fast-setting gypsum product set too rapidly to
accurately obtain an initial set, but the final set was mea-
sured as 2.5 minutes. For the regular-setting type IV
gypsum, the initial and final setting times were 7.5 min-
utes and 9.25 minutes, respectively.
Setting expansion
The percentage expansion (% setting expansion) was
calculated using the equation:
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction data. A, Regular-setting type IV stone.
% setting expansion = [Vertical travel ÷ Specimen B, Fast-setting type III stone. (Dihydrate peaks = solid circles;
height] × 100 Hemihydrate peaks = open circles; GI = Gillmore needle [ini-
tial set]; GF = Gillmore needle [final set]; P = photograph [final
where the height of the specimen and vertical travel
set]; S = setting expansion peak.)
of the stylus of the LVDT were measured to the nearest
0.01 mm. The expansion curves are presented in
Figure 2. Both materials appeared to initially contract. marked GI and GF represent the initial and final setting
Then, at approximately their Gillmore needle final set times, respectfully, with the Gillmore needles. The dashed
times, they began to expand and release heat (which was line marked P designates the photographic setting time,
sensed but was not quantified). Later the specimens the time corresponding to the first photomicrograph that
cooled and shrank, and by 1 hour had reached a con- did not appear to be different from final setting as shown
stant height, which represented approximately 0.15% in the 24-hour photomicrograph. The dashed line
expansion for the fast-setting stone, and 0.18% for the marked S designates the setting expansion setting time,
regular-setting die stone. Of course, the curve minimum the time at which the setting expansion peaks. For each
and maximum occurred in much shorter time spans for stone type, the intensity due to the hemihydrate peak
the fast-setting stone. diminishes with time and the intensity of the dihydrate
peak increases with time. The fast-setting stone seems
X-ray diffraction
to have reacted almost completely by approximately 20
Figure 3 shows the changes in intensity of the hemi- minutes, whereas the regular-setting stone seems to have
hydrate and dihydrate peaks of the regular-setting die fully reacted by about 60 minutes.
stone (A) and the fast-setting stone (B) over time. Stan- Figures 4 and 5 are photomicrographs of the two
dard deviations for each data point were less than 10% stones for intermediate stages relating to the final set-
of the mean values and for reason of clarity were not ting times (10 minutes and 20 minutes) determined with
included. The hollow markers represent the intensity due the methods.7 A full set of photomicrographs detailing
to the hemihydrate peaks and the solid figures represent the setting reaction of both a regular-setting (type IV)
the intensity due to dihydrate peaks. Dashed lines in Fig- die stone and a fast-setting (type III) dental stone can
ure 3 represent various setting times. Dashed lines be found in this earlier article.
Fig. 4. Scanning electron photomicrograph of regular-setting Fig. 5. Scanning electron photomicrograph. A, Fast-setting type
type IV stone. A, At 10 minutes and B, 20 minutes after mix- III stone at 3 minutes; B, 10 minutes after mixing.7 (Original
ing.7 (Original magnification ×3000.) magnification ×3000.)
For regular-setting die stone, the reaction of water Figure 5 illustrates the fast-setting type III gypsum
with the hemihydrate crystals resulted in the nucleation product for 3 and 10 minutes after mixing.7 The reac-
of numerous particles that appeared to nucleate on or tion of water with the hemihydrate crystals at 1 minute
near the original powder particles and grow until at 10 resulted in needle-like crystals, approximately 5 to 10
minutes (Fig. 4, A); the developing crystals were rather µm in length. These crystals were already slightly larger
thick but not near their final length. The large (5 to 10 than the initial prismatic hemihydrate crystals, before
µm in diameter) initial cuboidal hemihydrate particles any water was added. By 3 minutes (Fig. 5, A), the
were still evident. By 20 minutes (Fig. 4, B), the devel- needles were much more numerous and a bit thicker,
oping particles grew sufficiently large to vaguely resemble whereas the original particles appeared to be nearly con-
the familiar crystal pattern of set gypsum; however, the sumed. At 10 minutes (Fig. 5, B), the needles were less
large original particles were still visible. They have al- numerous but definitely thicker. The microstructure
most entirely disappeared by 60 minutes, whereas the observed at 10 minutes was essentially unchanged at 24
growing dihydrate crystals have interdigitated with one hours.
another in a mesh. Besides the usual elongated prismatic
crystals, plate-like formations can be seen. Little differ-
ence can be discerned between the microstructures at The gypsum structures studied continued to change
20 minutes, 60 minutes, and at 24 hours, for the freeze- well after the stones had hardened and the Gillmore
dried, air-exposed gypsum surfaces. Changes in struc- needle final set was achieved (Fig. 2). As shown in the
ture were still seen well after the final set obtained with same figure for both materials, the final Gillmore set
the Gillmore needle. appeared to occur at the end of contraction and at the
time of the onset of the setting expansion. Although the obtained, SEM, setting expansion, and x-ray diffraction
resistance to indentation and the expansion due to im- all indicate changes that occurred at longer times in the
pingement of neighboring crystals may be closely re- gypsum setting reaction sequence.
lated, an indenter of dissimilar weight and/or another
configuration probably would have halted penetration
at a different time. The Gillmore needle indentation test The photomicrographically documented transforma-
may best determine clinical handling times but does not tion from calcium sulfate hemihydrate crystals to an in-
accurately predict the end of the setting reaction. Well terdigitating mesh of dihydrate crystals was compared
after the Gillmore needle final set, the SEMs indicated with setting expansion, x-ray detected percentage of crys-
continuing growth of structures, the LVDT indicated tal structure, and Gillmore needle final set. Dimensional
onset and furthering of expansion, and the x-ray moni- changes agreed most closely with the x-ray diffraction
tored definitive changes in increasing dihydrate and de- data that denoted the percentage of dihydrate crystal
creasing hemihydrate crystallographic structures. formation during setting. Final setting times, when
In the situation of the LVDT, contraction and expan- ranked in order from shortest to longest, were Gillmore
sion during setting results from a combination of pow- needle indentation, scanning electron microscopy, set-
der wetting, crystal growth, expansion from exother- ting expansion, and x-ray diffraction.
mic heat of reaction, and contraction due to cooling to If the setting gypsum is disturbed in any way after the
room temperature. As the heat of reaction dissipates and clinically relevant set before final set, as determined by
as crystal formation lessens, LVDT setting expansion the parameters in this study, the still developing micro-
decreases until finally a small contraction results when scopic structure of the gypsum may be adversely affected
the specimens return to room temperature. However, and result in problems such as weakened, easily abraded,
the net dimensional change is still expansion (Fig. 2). or distorted casts. The use of such casts to fabricate res-
On the basis of the x-ray diffraction data (Fig. 3), the torations or appliances for patient therapy may result in
conversion of calcium sulfate hemihydrate to dihydrate a decreased quality of care and/or a reduced service life.
continues not only beyond the Gillmore final set but
also even beyond what appears to be the final structural REFERENCES
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additional continued activities, such as crystal volume
increase, which simply were not detectable by such quali- Reprint requests to:
tative SEM observations.
Hence, four methods were used to track the setting SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY
of gypsum products. Because four different qualities of INDIANA UNIVERSITY
the gypsum setting process were monitored, and each
test used different sizes, shapes and locations (surface INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202
vs. interior), exact correlation of final setting times with
Copyright © 1998 by The Editorial Council of The Journal of Prosthetic Den-
respect to method should not be expected. However, it
should be clear that long after a clinically relevant set is 0022-3913/98/$5.00 + 0. 10/1/88848