Accepted Manuscript: Plant Science
Accepted Manuscript: Plant Science
Accepted Manuscript: Plant Science
PII: S0168-9452(17)30414-4
Reference: PSL 9601
Please cite this article as: John E.Mullet, High-Biomass C4 Grasses − Filling the Yield
Gap, Plant Science
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Plant Science: Commissioned Review
Footnote: In this review, gene names are capitalized and italicized (i.e., EHD1), and protein
meet the needs of an expanding and rapidly developing world population, without
allocating more land and water resources to agriculture, and despite slowing rates of grain
yield improvement. This review examines the proposition that high-biomass C4 grasses
could help fill the yield gap. High-biomass C4 grasses exhibit high yield due to C4
photosynthesis, long growth duration, and efficient capture and utilization of light, water,
and nutrients. These C4 grasses exhibit high levels of drought tolerance during their long
vegetative growth phase ideal for crops grown in water-limited regions of agricultural
production. The stems of some high-biomass C4 grasses can accumulate high levels of non-
structural carbohydrates that could be engineered to enhance biomass yield and utility as
feedstocks for animals and biofuels production. The regulatory pathway that delays
flowering of high-biomass C4 grasses in long days has been elucidated enabling production
and deployment of hybrids. Crop and landscape-scale modeling predict that utilization of
high-biomass C4 grass crops on land and in regions where water resources limit grain crop
Table of Contents
4. Perspectives
1.Challenges and strategies for increasing agricultural productivity
World population increased from ~1.8B in 1900 to ~7.1B in 2013 and is projected to
exceed ~9B by 2050. Population growth and rapid development are driving increased
demand for food, animal feed, bioenergy, and other bio-products derived from agriculture
creating an ongoing need for increased agricultural productivity [1]. Higher protein diets
associated with rising standards of living increase the demand for agricultural products
because animals convert plant feedstocks into protein at ratio’s ranging from ~2:1 to ~4:1.
Efforts to increase energy independence, reduce energy costs, and increase environmental
sustainability have led to increased production of biofuels over the past decade, primarily
from grain. In the U.S., these trends have resulted in ~80% of agricultural production [2]
and ~80% of the maize grain crop [3] being used for animal feed and production of biofuels.
Longer term, agriculture may also need to generate some of the hydrocarbons used in the
Over the past century, the need for increased production of food, animal feed, fiber,
and other products derived from crops was met by allocating more land to agricultural
production, increasing inputs, optimizing crop management and improving crop genetics.
resources, nitrogen fertilizers, and chemicals that control weeds and pests, intensive crop
herbicide tolerance and pest resistance. Despite substantial increases in crop productivity
over the past 75 years, it is estimated that output needs to increase an additional ~60-
110% by 2050 [1]. Given this situation, the slowing rate of grain yield improvement of rice,
wheat, and corn, the major sources of calories for the human population, and the
constraints, challenges, and opportunities associated with increasing grain crop yield, this
review will examine the potential for high-biomass C4 grass crops to increase agricultural
The most useful land for agriculture is already in production spanning nearly 38% of the
Earth’s land surface area [7]. Allocation of more marginal land to agriculture will yield less,
encroach on wildlife habitats that are sources of valuable biodiversity, and risk disruption
of ecosystem sustainability [7]. Agriculture uses 2600 km3 of water each year mainly for
irrigation, nearly two-thirds of all water used by humans [8]. Irrigation is critical for high
crop productivity because insufficient water supply is one of the most significant
constraints on grain yield especially when water-deficit occurs during the reproductive
phase [9, 10]. Development and deployment of more efficient irrigation systems that
optimize the application, timing, and amount of irrigation to minimize run-off and
evaporation could increase yield by utilizing water supplies more effectively. In many rain-
fed regions of crop production that lack access to supplemental irrigation, limited water
supplies reduce yield to some extent annually, and drought periodically causes severe
disruption of grain production [10]. In the future water supplies for agriculture are likely to
become more restricted due to competition from urban centers and industry and because
many historical sources of water used for crop production will be depleted within this
century [8]. In addition, climate variation could increase the frequency of drought in some
highly productive agricultural regions. Taken together, this indicates that a significant
increase in agricultural productivity will be required using land and water resources
currently available for this activity to meet the needs of a growing world population that is
Grain is a highly valued agricultural product because seeds accumulate readily digested
starch, oils, and proteins at high density and store these products in a stable low moisture
state that is ideal for harvesting, transport, storage, and utilization. Efforts to improve grain
yield have been underway since crop domestication began thousands of years ago.
Improvements in grain yield are the result of increases plant biomass yield and/or harvest
index [5]. Retrospective analysis indicates that grain harvest index has been under strong
selection in the major cereal crops, reaching an apparent maximum of ~55-60%. More
recent improvements in grain yield are correlated with increased plant biomass yield with
relatively small changes in harvest index. Increases in grain crop biomass yield have
occurred primarily through selection for higher growth rates, increased planting densities
maintenance of high rates of photosynthesis during grain filling (i.e., functional stay green),
Cereal crop yield has plateaued in some of the world’s most productive agricultural
regions [6] indicating that opportunities for increasing grain crop productivity are
The decreasing rate of grain yield improvement indicates that genetic improvement of
grain crops and associated crop management practices may be reaching limits that will be
enzymology of CO2 fixation, and/or the linkage between CO2 uptake for photosynthesis and
water loss through transpiration. The sensitivity of grain yield to water-deficit during the
risk, and impacts where grain crops are grown. Plants adjust the number of seed set based
on plant carbon and nitrogen status early in the reproductive phase ensuring that some
viable seed are produced [11, 12]. As a consequence, grain yield is very sensitive to water-
deficit during the reproductive phase because this constraint has a negative impact on
photosynthesis and carbon status and nitrogen uptake and assimilation [9, 10]. Stay-green
traits that reduce canopy size [13] and mechanisms that limit transpiration under
conditions of high vapor pressure deficit (VPD) [14, 15], shift water use and biomass
accumulation from the vegetative to reproductive phase improving grain yield in water-
limited environments. Traits that increase biomass partitioning to seeds by reducing the
growth of leaves and stems post floral initiation and/or that modify carbon-
ethylene [17] have also been successful in increasing grain yield in water-limited
environments. However, these traits are unlikely to allow a significant extension of grain
This is because an inherent property of grain production is the relative inflexibility of grain
constraints that occur each season. To manage risk while maximizing yield, grain crop
genotypes with specified flowering times are utilized for each region of production based
on average season length and climate constraints. Once grain crops undergo floral
initiation, the time to flowering, and the interval from anthesis to grain maturity are
relatively constant (i.e., ~30 days each for grain sorghum). The selection of grain crop
genotypes with defined flowering times reduces grain yield in years when adverse
environmental constraints occur during the reproductive phase and minimizes the
potential for greater yield through season extension in years with more optimal growing
conditions. In contrast, high-biomass C4 grasses that can tolerate water-deficit and other
constraints during a long duration vegetative growth phase have the potential for higher
Crop productivity and utility can be increased by: (i) improving the fundamental genetic
potential of plants to capture light energy, carry out carbon fixation, and to accumulate
biomass under good growing conditions; (ii) enhancing crop resilience to biotic and abiotic
crop management, nutrient/water inputs, and weed and pest control; (iv) optimizing the
deployment of crops and other plants within and across regions of agricultural production;
and (v) by increasing sink strength and altering the partitioning and composition of
accumulated plant biomass to enhance yield, improve the logistics of harvesting, transport,
storage, and processing, and increase end-product value. Recent advances in high-
technology have the potential to significantly increase the productivity and value of crops.
A key question is how best to utilize these new technologies for that purpose.
Advanced phenomic platforms generate large geo-referenced datasets comprised of
that can be used to assess rates of biomass accumulation, leaf area, nitrogen, and water
content, onset of biotic and abiotic constraints, and yield with high temporal and spatial
resolution [18]. Automated phenotyping technology can be used to help screen large
through the selection of optimal combinations of naturally occurring gene variants and
To take full advantage of these emerging technologies and their potential for
increasing the rate of crop improvement, there is a critical need to identify the crops, plant
functions/traits, and crop management practices that could have the largest impact on crop
yield if further optimized. One approach combines knowledge gained from fundamental
need to be combined with increases in sink strength and resilience to biotic and abiotic
constraints. Collection of data at field and regional scales combined with crop and
organization and traits/management solutions that could minimize these constraints [20,
21, 22]. This modeling approach indicates there are unexploited opportunities for
deployment of current and new types of crops such as high-biomass C4 grasses that could
the identification and selection of more optimal combinations of gene variants (alleles)
multi-location testing, and intensive crop management enabled steady improvement (~1-
3%/yr) in the yield of the targeted crops over the past 50-70 years. The large-scale
required for successful implementation of this approach reflects the fact that useful genetic
sequencing, low-cost genotyping, and genomic association methods are being used to
However, because alleles vary in impact and interaction, effective screening for useful
genetic variation requires the evaluation of very large numbers of allelic combinations in
many years. The large-scale investment and infrastructure required for this approach to
crop improvement has limited the scope of these activities to a few of the most
Modern crops were derived from a relatively small number of wild plant species
that accumulated useful end-products although often at low levels prior to domestication.
Genetic improvement of these crops focussed primarily on selection for increased yield and
versions of plants that produce grain, cotton fibers, tomatoes, and tubers illustrates the
highly flexible nature of plant biomass partitioning among organs and end-products of
varying composition. This approach to crop improvement has been highly successful, but
may have resulted in modern crops with associated yield constraints that are now
challenging to surmount.
accelerate the improvement of a broader spectrum of crops and to develop innovative crop
designs that could potentially increase agricultural productivity. This review specifically
grasses with the highest capacity for biomass acccumuation were identified as the starting
point for this design and then further selected based on their water/nutrient use efficiency
and resilience to water-deficit since grain crops are particularly sensitive to this constraint.
could be more optimally partitioned into useful end-products. Biomass in this review refers
to the dry weight of all plant derived structures including roots, stems, leaves and
grain/reproductive tissues. Root biomass and root exudates contribute significantly to soil
because root biomass is often not measured in field trials, the term biomass yield refers to
harvestable above ground biomass including stems, leaves and grain when present.
Some of the highest yielding biomass crops are Sorghum bicolor, Miscanthus x giganteus,
sugarcanes (Saccharum spp.) and Pennisetum genotypes, all C4 grass species characterized
by large stems, deep canopies, and long growing seasons [23, 24]. The biomass yield of the
accumulation in some mid-west U.S. locations [25] and record yields for Pennisetum
typhoides (~80 Mg/ha) and Pennisetum purpureum (~88 Mg/ha) occur in regions where
water is plentiful and growing seasons are very long [24]. Similarly, first generation annual
high-biomass sorghum hybrids grown in the south-central U.S. accumulated ~40-50 dry
Mg/ha under optimal growing conditions during a ~180 day growing season [26]. The
high-biomass yield potential of the group of C4 grasses listed above is due in part to the
efficiency of C4 photosynthesis, which also aids crop adaptation to hot and dry
environments, and reduces nitrogen requirements for canopy development due to lower
Rubisco levels per unit leaf area [27]. Biomass yield varies among C4 grasses and types of
C4 grass crops for several reasons including season length, stem sink strength, and shoot to
root partitioning. For example, Miscanthus x giganteus produced more biomass than maize
[28] and switchgrass when these C4 grasses were grown in similar locations in the U.S. due
biomass sorghum hybrids with long growing seasons accumulated more than twice as
much shoot biomass (~40-50 Mg/ha) as grain sorghum hybrids in good growing
conditions and ~30% more biomass in rain-fed conditions when these crops were grown
in the same location in south-central U.S. [26, 29]. These sorghum crops differ significantly
in duration of growth, planting density, stature, and biomass partitioning (Figure 1).
The lower biomass yield of grain sorghum compared to high-biomass sorghum was
due to a shorter growing season and because grain sorghum hybrids have short stems
originally selected to facilitate machine harvesting of grain and to reduce stalk lodging
(Figure 1, left). The increased biomass yield of high-biomass sorghum hybrids was due to
increased total light energy capture, improved radiation interception and use efficiency,
and elevated biomass partitioning (~80%) to 4-5 m stems that exhibit high sink strength
plants/ha, higher than optimal for sorghum or maize grain crops (~50-80,000 plants/ha),
sorghum has a closed canopy that intercepts nearly all radiation useful for photosynthesis
for the duration of the ~180+ day growing season. Radiation use efficiency (RUE) of grain
sorghum is typically 1.2-1.4 g/MJ. In contrast, following canopy closure and onset of rapid
stem elongation, high-biomass sorghum RUE increased to 2.2-2.4 g/MJ during an extended
vegetative growth phase [26]. Similar high RUE has been reported for tall grain sorghum
genotypes [30] and Miscanthus x giganteus [31], although values are still well below 3.5
g/MJ, the theoretical maximum RUE for C4 grass crops [31]. Modeling indicates that further
photosynthesis at the top of C4 grass canopies [19] through optimization of leaf angle [32]
and by modifying the ratio of light harvesting antennae/PSII as a function of depth in the
Delayed flowering in long days is a critically important trait in high-biomass C4 grasses
because this results in an extended period of vegetative growth high biomass accumulation.
sorghum has proved useful for optimizing growth duration and for development and
deployment of hybrid crops. The analysis of flowering time regulation in C4 grasses has
and other plants that identified a large number of genes and pathways that regulate floral
initiation [33, 34, 35, 36]. Research on flowering time regulation in Arabidopsis, a long-day
plant, led to the identification of the gene FT as the source of florigen, a mobile peptide
leaves and moves to the shoot apex where it induces reprogramming of the shoot apical
grasses such as maize (i.e., CN8) and sorghum (CN8, CN12, CN15) serve the same function
Most of the high-biomass C4 grasses that are the focus of this review are short-day
plants that exhibit varying degrees of photoperiod sensitivity and delayed flowering in long
days [39, 40, 41]. Among the C4 grasses, sorghum is an ideal genetic system for analysis of
sorghum genotypes, facile genetics, and well developed genomics platform. Sorghum
genotypes with minimal response to photoperiod that flower in ~60-70 days are used for
grain production at higher latitudes that have short growing seasons. However, a large
portion of the ~40,000 accessions in the sorghum world germplasm collection are
photoperiod sensitive and exhibit delayed flowering when grown in long days (>12 h) [40].
Genotypes with the highest photoperiod sensitivity originate within 20 degrees of the
equator where small differences in day-length modify flowering times [40]. Numerous
populations derived from sorghum genotypes that differ in photoperiod sensitivity and
flowering times were screened in long-day, short-day and field environments in order to
identify quantitative trait loci, key genes and alleles, and characterize the genetic
includes three genes that are sources of florigen (CN8, CN12, CN15) and upstream
activators and repressors of these genes that are regulated by photoperiod and output
from the circadian clock (Figure 2, Table 1). Sorghum encodes two genes that activate
CN8/CN12-gene expression and flowering, CONSTANS (CO) and EARLY HEADING DATE 1
(EHD1). CONSTANS, a gene that encodes a CCT-domain protein, was first identified in
an activator of EHD1, CN8, and CN12 expression and flowering [42]. The grass specific
floral activator encoded by EHD1 [43] also activates CN8 and CN12 expression and
flowering in sorghum [37, 42]. Delayed flowering in long days is mediated by repressors
encoded by PRR37 and GHD7 [37, 44]. Ghd7 represses the expression of EHD1 [44]
Arabidopsis, Cdf1 factors repress expression of CONSTANS and FT during the day and the
corresponding factors in sorghum are thought to have a similar function although this
output from the circadian clock [42] once sorghum exits the juvenile phase. The
the External Coincidence Model [45], although with some features that are unique to
EHD1, CN8 and CN12 expression and flowering in short days [42]. In long days, Prr37
inhibits the ability of CONSTANS to activate EHD1, CN8, and CN12, possibly mediated by a
repressing complex involving CONSTANS [42]. In long days, CONSTANS may also help
repress expression of EHD1 through interaction with Ghd7 as occurs in rice [46]. When
sorghum is grown in long days, PRR37 and GHD7 show peaks of expression in the morning
and in the evening that maintain repression of EHD1, CN8, and CN12 throughout the day
and night. Expression of PRR37 and GHD7 in the evening requires light signaling through
phyB and phyC [42,47]. As days become shorter, evening phase expression of PRR37 and
promoting activity of CONSTANS, and elevated expression of CN8 and CN12 during the
night that results in floral initiation. CN15 is expressed at lower levels in sorghum but
shows a similar pattern of expression in response to day-length indicating that this gene
may also be regulated through the same pathway [38]. The impact of light on the stability
Sorghum was developed as a grain and forage crop ~5,000 years ago in Africa and
sorghum crops are now used throughout the world. Adaptation of sorghum crops to higher
Retrospective analysis of PRR37 and GHD7 alleles showed that numerous recessive alleles
of these genes are present in sorghum crops utilized at higher latitudes [48]. Some of the
alleles can be traced to accessions from specific regions of Africa but others originated
following importation of sorghum germplasm into other regions of the world. For example,
the prr37Milo allele first identified in the USA cultivar Early White Milo, is unique and must
have arisen after sorghum was introduced into the U.S. [48]. The USDA Sorghum
Conversion program systematically introgressed recessive alleles of PRR37, GHD7, and one
or more dwarfing genes from BTx406 into tall photoperiod sensitive genotypes from the
sorghum germplasm collection. Analysis of ~500 of the resulting converted lines showed
that ~42Mbp of DNA on chromosome 6 spanning recessive alleles of GHD7, PRR37, and
Dw2 in BTx406 was introgressed into a large portion of the lines converted to photoperiod
insensitivity [49].
While the central genes and overall dynamics of the pathway that regulates
flowering time in sorghum in response to photoperiod have been elucidated, there are
significant gaps in our knowledge of this pathway in comparison to what is known in dicots
and C3 grasses. For example, the transcription factors that mediate light-signaling and
clock-output pathways that activate expression of GHD7 and PRR37 in the morning and
evening have not been identified. Similarly, the molecular mechanisms that enable Ghd7,
Prr37 and Cdf1 repress expression of CN8, CN12 and CN15 in long days are not known.
Moreover, ~50 additional QTL have been identified in sorghum that affect flowering time
in long days and/or short days [50]. Sorghum flowering time is known to be inhibited
during the juvenile phase, modified by gibberellin, and temperature, consistent with
Water/nutrient use efficiency and drought resilience are essential traits for high-biomass
C4 grass crops that will often be grown without irrigation in regions of production that are
subject to water supply limitations during a portion of the growing season. The
intermittent rainfall during the season and helps avoid the reproductive phase sensitivity
of grain crops to water-deficit. C4 grasses such as Sorghum bicolor and Pennisetum glaucum
(pearl millet) are well-adapted to hot and dry environments because their germplasm is
derived in part from water-limited regions of Africa and India and crop selection has often
occurred in hot and dry regions of the world. During the vegetative phase, sorghum can
tolerate long periods of water-deficit by slowing growth, closing stomata, increased leaf
reducing transpiration through leaf senescence [51]. Sorghum also produces a thick wax
cuticle on leaf and stem surfaces that minimizes water loss during periods of water-deficit.
Some sorghum genotypes exhibit transpiration traits that limit water use at high vapor
pressure deficit (VPD) when transpiration efficiency is low, increasing water use efficiency,
resilience, and biomass yield [14, 15, 52]. The deep canopies of high-biomass C4 grasses
photosynthesis occurs in shaded leaves at lower VPD. It may eventually be possible to
extended periods of water limitation, or timed to coincide with summer drought, to achieve
even higher water use efficiency and drought resilience [53]. Root systems of C4 grasses
such as sorghum can reach depths of 200cm allowing efficient capture of water and
nutrient resources while increasing carbon deposition in soil profiles. In addition, high-
biomass C4 grasses such as Miscanthus x giganteus, sugarcane, and sorghum have higher
nitrogen use efficiency compared to grain crops due to efficient nitrogen recycling within
the canopy during vegetative growth, lower nitrogen requirements for grain production,
animal feedstocks and for production of bioenergy, biofuels, and specialty products. The
between stems, leaves and grain (when present), modifying the relative abundance of
organs, and by altering the composition of cell walls and other sub-cellular constituents.
High-biomass C4 grasses typically accumulate 75-80% of their shoot biomass in stems, 15-
20% in leaves, and the balance in reproductive structures/grain when season length and
~8 Mg of dry leaf biomass per hectare under good growing conditions [26]. Leaf area
increases during development until canopy closure and the rate of new leaf production
equals the rate of senescence of shaded leaves lower in the canopy. High-biomass C4 grass
crops such as sorghum accumulate more leaf area than is required for full light interception,
therefore selection for lower leaf area following canopy closure could potentially improve
yield and increase biomass partitioning to stems. C4 grass leaves contain ~9-10% protein
[55] one reason C4 grass crops are used to produce forage for ruminant animals. Forage
with bmr (brown midrib) traits that alter lignin level/chemistry in cell walls, and/or using
because most of the harvested biomass accumulates in these organs, stems function as
carbohydrates, and they are metabolically active throughout crop development. The stems
diameter, and can account for ~80% of shoot biomass by harvest [26, 59]. Stems of C4
grasses are comprised of nodes and internodes of varying length and diameter (Figure 3).
Phytomers comprised of nodes, internodes, and subtending leaf/leaf sheaths are produced
at regular intervals by the vegetative shoot apical meristem. Stem growth accelerates once
high-biomass C4 grasses exit the juvenile phase and internodes begin elongating. Stems of
pathway reduce internode elongation and stem length. In contrast, while floral initiation
can stimulate stem elongation in C4 grasses, stems of high-biomass C4 grasses also elongate
during the vegetative phase. The short stature of grain sorghum is due to various
combinations of mutations in Dw1, Dw2, and Dw3 that primarily reduce the length of stem
internodes. Mutations in Dw3 (Br2 in maize), a gene that encodes an ABCB1 auxin
transporter, reduces internode lengths, but also stem sink strength, radiation use efficiency,
and grain yield [30, 59]. Dw1 encodes a plasma membrane protein that regulates internode
sorghum hybrids utilize active versions of these genes resulting in longer internodes that
exceeds utilization for growth, respiration, and grain-filling. The accumulation of non-
sustains grain development under adverse conditions [62]. Because deposition of sugars in
stems is usually of short duration, most plants accumulate stem sugars that are easily
carbohydrate to lignocellulosic biomass in sorghum stems varies from ~0.5 during rapid
vegetative growth when cell walls are being synthesized, to ~2.8 when production of new
phytomers stops following floral initiation and stems accumulate large amounts of sucrose
in their vacuoles [63]. Lower expression of a vacuolar invertase and decreased utilization
of photosynthate for stem/leaf growth and cell wall biosynthesis is associated with
Sugarcane, the most economically important high-biomass C4 grass crop, was grown
on 26 M ha in 2012 and produced 1.83B Mg of high moisture stem biomass. Among the
high-biomass C4 grasses, sugarcane has been under selection the longest for high stem
locations are approaching theoretical limits (~98 Mg dry weight/ha) [62] and the
concentration of sucrose in sugarcane stems has also reached an apparent maximum of 0.5-
0.7M, accounting for up to ~50% of stem dry weight [62]. Increases in sugarcane yield
over the past several decades have resulted in the selection of late flowering genotypes
with increased stem biomass and minimal amounts of grain. A high level of sucrose also
accumulates in stems of sweet sorghum following floral initiation that can result in sink
limitation [63, 64]. These high-biomass C4 grass crops could be engineered to accumulate
high density polymers such as oils, starch, or mixed-linkage glucans (MLG) in stems,
potentially increasing plant biomass yield by reducing futile cycling [65] and minimizing
feedback inhibition of photosynthesis that can occur in sink-limited plants [66]. Stem
starch/MLG has higher density and may be more stable than sucrose post-harvest
facilitating biomass harvest, transport, storage, and utilization. Sorghum stems have been
reported to accumulate up to ~10% starch [63], therefore genotypes with higher stem
yield. Hybrid seed crops also provide an annual opportunity to adjust land use, the types
of crops grown, and to rapidly deploy improved genotypes across production systems.
However, production of hybrid seed from tall late flowering plants is not feasible on a
commercial scale, one reason why perennial high-biomass C4 grasses such as sugarcane are
propagated from vegetative cuttings. This limitation has been overcome in sorghum using
seed parents and pollinators for production of hybrid seed that are short and photoperiod
insensitive due to recessive genes at different loci in the flowering time/stem elongation
pathways, such that complementation occurs in the derived hybrids, causing hybrids to be
tall and late flowering due to high photoperiod sensitivity [67]. This breeding system
allows production of hybrid seed in locations optimal for seed production with subsequent
distribution of hybrid seed to regions where high-biomass C4 hybrid grass crops are
produced [67]. The architecture of the sorghum flowering time regulatory system is ideal
for designing hybrid crops with a wide range of growth duration and specified flowering
times. This flexibility is a consequence sorghum having two activators of the genes
encoding florigen and repressors of these activators that act in an additive fashion to delay
floral initiation in long days (Figure 2). The existence of a naturally occurring allelic series
the pathway, provides the genetic diversity needed to design hybrid crops that delay
flowering for up to ~180 days, or as required for each region of crop production.
Long duration high-biomass perennial and annual C4 grass crops could be deployed in a
complementary fashion with current short season grain crops to increase overall
agricultural productivity and yield stability [22]. Grain crops are already well suited for
shorter growing seasons at higher latitudes and for environments where stored soil
moisture can only support a short duration crop. However, while maize is optimally
designed for water sufficient irrigated and rain-fed regions, recent high resolution yield
mapping studies found that maize is not profitable on some land within these production
regions due to shallow soils, sloped land, and other factors [68]. Landscape modeling
indicates that this type of land could be more productive if used to produce high-biomass
C4 grass crops [22], assuming the infrastructure for efficient low-cost processing of the
production with long growing seasons where rainfall is intermittent throughout the season
or where summer drought occurs on a regular basis, but water is available in the spring
and fall. High-biomass sorghum hybrids are well suited for water-limited regions of
production for several reasons; (i) these crops exhibit good water use efficiency and
drought resilience during vegetative growth, (ii) long vegetative growth duration provides
the crop an opportunity to harvest intermittent rainfall for biomass yield production
throughout the growing season, and (iii) a crop designed for biomass harvest has a lower
flowering sorghum genotypes may have good utility because this type of crop accumulates
stem and leaf biomass for forage and other uses through the end of the summer when
vegetative plants are drought resilient, and produces grain following summer drought. The
regions of Africa could potentially increase the supply of feedstocks for animals and
4. Perspectives
Predictions that agriculture will not be able to meet the needs of an increasing world
population have been articulated at regular intervals over the past 200 years and
intermittent famines, food shortages, and malnutrition have validated these concerns.
associated with the Green Revolution [69], availability of low-cost fertilizer, and industrial
scale plant-breeding programs have allowed crop yields to increase at a rate sufficient to
meet food and feed requirements, although malnutrition is still widespread, especially in
regions of the world where population is increasing the fastest. While large increases in
crop yield represents a major achievement of the 20th century, recent quantitative
assessments show that a significant agricultural production deficit will occur by 2050
unless new technology, innovative approaches, and crops with increased yield are
deployed in a relatively short time frame. The development of drought resilient high-
biomass C4 grass crops with enhanced yield and optimized composition could help meet
projected demand for animal feed, biofuels, and other non-grain agricultural products
Acknowledgements: The author would like to thank colleagues who provided helpful
feedback on the concepts and information presented in this review. Research in the
author’s laboratory is supported by Texas A&M University, Texas A&M AgriLife Research,
the Perry Adkisson Chair, and funding from federal, state and industry sources.
Disclaimer: The author apologizes for not citing numerous seminal publications in the
fields of study covered in this review due to a restriction on the number of citations.
Declaration of interest: The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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Figure Legends
Photographs of short early flowering grain sorghum (left) and high-biomass sorghum
(right) after ~110 days of a 180-day growing season. The shorter stature of grain sorghum
is due to mutations in Dw1 and Dw3 and floral initiation in ~60 days. The high-biomass
sorghum hybrids shown will undergo floral transition after ~150 days, reach a height of 4-
5 m and accumulate more than twice as much biomass as grain sorghum during the
growing season.
The C4 grass genes CN8, CN12 and CN15, homologs of FT, are sources of leaf-derived
florigen that moves to the shoot apical meristem (SAM) activating floral initiation.
PRR37, GHD7 and CDF1 encode repressors of CONSTANS, EHD1 and CN-gene
phytochrome C (encoded by PHYC) and output from the circadian clock regulate expression
of PRR37, GHD7, and CDF1 such that floral initiation is repressed in long days but not in
short days.
Stems of high-biomass C4 grasses are comprised of nodes and internodes that are produced
by the shoot apical meristem during vegetative growth. The length of high-biomass
mutations in Dw1, Dw2 or Dw3. Solid stems comprised of vascular bundles, pith
parenchyma, fiber cells and epidermal cells can accumulate high levels of sugars following
floral induction.
FIGURES: High-Biomass C4 Grasses – Filling the Yield Gap
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Table 1: Genes Regulating Sorghum Flowering Time in Response to Photoperiod