The Carcass and Non-Carcass Parameters of Local Sheep Supplemented With Concentrate Mixture, Atella, Faidherbia Albida Leaf and Sesbania Sesban Leaf
The Carcass and Non-Carcass Parameters of Local Sheep Supplemented With Concentrate Mixture, Atella, Faidherbia Albida Leaf and Sesbania Sesban Leaf
The Carcass and Non-Carcass Parameters of Local Sheep Supplemented With Concentrate Mixture, Atella, Faidherbia Albida Leaf and Sesbania Sesban Leaf
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online)
Vol.5, No.5, 2015
The experiment was conducted to determine the supplemental value of concentrate mixture of 75% wheat bran
and 25% Sesame seed cake (T1), Atella (T2), Faidherbia albida leaf (T3) and Sesbania sesban leaf (T4) on
carcass and non-carcass parameters using twenty four yearling intact local male sheep with mean initial body
weight (IBW) of 18 ±1.55 kg (mean ± SD). Randomized complete block design was used for the experiment and
sheep were blocked into six based on IBW. Sheep within block were randomly assigned to treatments. The
experiment was conducted for 90 days (feeding trial) after 15 days acclimatization period. The amount of
supplements offered were 300 (T1), 330 (T2), 360 (T3) and 280 (T4) g/day on DM basis, each calculated to supply
73.6 g/day crude protein (CP). The carcass and non-carcass parameters were evaluated at the end of the
experiment. Hot carcass weight ranged from 9.75 kg to 11 kg. Most carcass parameters (slaughter weight, empty
body weight, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, rib-eye muscle area, fore-leg, hind-leg, ribs with muscle,
sternum and neck) followed similar trends like average daily gain (ADG), in which these parameters were higher
in T1 and lower in T3; however T1 and T3 were similar with T2 and T4.
Keywords: dressing percentage, edible offals, hot carcass weight, local sheep, non-edible offals, slaughter
Most investigations in animal nutrition have been conducted on supplementation of poor quality roughages with
concentrates (Mekoya, 2008). However, concentrate feeds especially grains and oil seeds are expensive and
highly valued as human food (Almaz et al., 2012). Thus, maximization of livestock productivity in the tropical
regions largely depends on utilization of local protein sources (Seyoum et al., 1996). Hence, supplementary
feeds produced on-farm other than commercial concentrates is needed for livestock feeding. In this regard,
strategic supplementation of unexploited, cheap, less competitive, and year round and easily accessible protein
sources like Atella, Sesbania sesban and Faidherbia albida in place of the highly priced concentrate feeds can be
a feasible alternative to mitigate protein deficiency in poor quality feeds during periods of feed scarcity.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the effect of supplementation with isonitrogenous levels of
concentrate mixture, Atella, F. albida leaf and S. sesban leaf on carcass and non-carcass parameters of local
sheep fed hay basal diet.
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online)
Vol.5, No.5, 2015
mixture; 93.82% and 22.32% for Atella; 94.22% and 20.28% for F. albida leaf; and 93.09% and 26.37% for S.
sesban leaf on DM basis, respectively. Thus, the 300 g concentrate mixture (75% WB to 25% SSC) supplied
73.6 g/day CP on DM basis. To supply the same amount of CP on isonitrogenous basis, 330 g Atella, 360 g F.
albida leaf and 280 g S. sesban leaf on DM basis were supplied for sheep in the other treatments daily. The
layout of the experimental treatments for the study was:
T1 = Hay ad libitum + 300 g DM concentrate mixture
T2 = Hay ad libitum + 330 g DM sun dried Atella
T3 = Hay ad libitum + 360 g DM Faidherbia albida leaf
T4 = Hay ad libitum + 280 g DM Sesbania sesban leaf
Randomized complete block design was used to conduct the experiment. Sheep were blocked in to six blocks of
four sheep each based on their initial body weight (IBW). Sheep within a block were assigned to one of the four
dietary treatments randomly.
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online)
Vol.5, No.5, 2015
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online)
Vol.5, No.5, 2015
Table 2. Main carcass components of local sheep fed hay and supplemented with concentrate mixture, Atella,
Faidherbia albida and Sesbania sesban leaves
Carcass parameters Treatment feeds SEM SL
(kg) T1 T2 T3 T4
Fore-leg 1.70a 1.61ab 1.47b 1.59ab 0.039 **
a ab b
Hind-leg 2.09 1.96 1.85 1.96ab 0.037 **
Ribs with muscle 1.65a 1.56ab 1.45b 1.54ab 0.044 *
a a b
Sternum (Brisket) 0.50 0.47 0.39 0.46ab 0.019 **
Neck 0.81a 0.7ab 0.62b 0.71ab 0.034 *
Loin 1.46 1.42 1.28 1.4 0.048 ns
a, b
= mean values in a row having different superscripts differ significantly; ns= not significant; *= significant at
P < 0.05; **= significant at P < 0.01; ***= significant at P < 0.001; SEM = Standard Error of Means; CM=
concentrate mixture (75% wheat bran and 25% sesame seed cake); T1 = Hay ad libitum + 300 g DM/day CM; T2
= Hay ad libitum + 330 g DM/day Atella; T3 = Hay ad libitum + 360 g DM/day F. albida; T4 = Hay ad libitum
+280 g DM/day S.sesban
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online)
Vol.5, No.5, 2015
(75% wheat bran and 25% sesame seed cake); T1 = Hay ad libitum + 300 g DM/day CM; T2 = Hay ad libitum +
330 g DM/day Atella; T3 = Hay ad libitum + 360 g DM/day F. albida; T4 = Hay ad libitum +280 g DM/day
3.2.2. Non-edible offal components
The non-edible offal components of local sheep are presented in Table 4. All non-edible offal components were
not significant (P > 0.05), except weight of skin, gut contents and total non-edible offals (TNEOs). The skin
weight of T1 and T2 were higher than T4; and similarity was observed between T1 and T2, T2 and T3, and T3 and
T4. The difference in skin weight may be due to the better subcutaneous layer fat deposition of sheep
supplemented with concentrate mixture and Atella. Higher weights of TNEOs were also observed in T2 followed
by T1 and T3; and the lowest was recorded for T4.
Table 4. Non-edible offal components of local sheep fed hay and supplemented with concentrate mixture, Atella,
Faidherbia albida and Sesbania sesban leaves
Treatment feeds
Non edible offals T1 T2 T3 T4 SEM SL
Skin (kg) 1.78a 1.73ab 1.60bc 1.48c 0.031 ***
Penis and penis fat (g) 47.5 45.4 42.5 42.7 1.56 ns
Feet (g) 419.2 420.0 415.8 421.2 7.61 ns
LTE (g) 485.0 479.2 441.7 461.7 19.59 ns
Spleen (g) 64.5 63.2 60.7 63.8 2.59 ns
Bladder (g) 28.8 28.3 26.3 28.2 1.07 ns
Gut content (kg) 3.88b 3.99a 3.98ab 3.89b 0.023 **
TNEOs (kg) 6.71ab 6.76a 6.56bc 6.4c 0.047 ***
TNEOs (% SW) 30.34 31.04 31.07 29.71 0.379 ns
a, b
mean values in a row having different superscripts differ significantly; ns=not significant; **= significant at P
< 0.01; ***= significant at P < 0.001; LTE =lung + trachea + esophagus; CM= concentrate mixture (75% wheat
bran and 25% sesame seed cake); T1 = Hay ad libitum + 300 g DM/day CM; T2 = Hay ad libitum + 330 g
DM/day Atella; T3 = Hay ad libitum + 360 g DM/day F. albida; T4 = Hay ad libitum +280 g DM/day S.sesban
Most carcass parameters (slaughter weight, empty body weight, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, rib-eye
muscle area, fore-leg, hind-leg, ribs with muscle, sternum and neck) were higher for sheep supplemented with
concentrate mixture and lower for sheep supplemented with F. albida leaf; however sheep supplemented with
concentrate mixture and F. albida leaf show similar results of carcass and non-carcass parameters with those
supplemented with Atella and S. sesban leaf. Thus, it is recommended that, small holder sheep producers can use
Atella and S. sesban in place of the highly valued commercial concentrate feeds. Similarly, the feeding values of
Atella and S. sesban can be replaced by F. albida leaf because of their similar effects on the carcass and non-
carcass parameters of local sheep.
First, I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my wife Megdelawit and my son Nahom for
their understanding, encouragement and endurance at all stages of my work. Secondly , my greatest debt also
goes to my family members, especially, my father Hadgu Abreha, my mother Zewdu Hailu and all my brothers
and sisters and the rest all my friends and relatives for their devotion, inspiration, unlimited material and moral
support and affection.
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