Data of A Study On SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru: 9 Meeting (Task 3 Online) Independent T Test

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Name: Zikri Teja Sukmana

Class : 6B
9th Meeting (Task 3 Online) Study Program: Math Education
Independent T Test Courses : Mata Kuliah Pilihan
Analisis Statistik Data
Data of a study on SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru
N Kode
Nilai Kelas
O Respondent
1 10.01.01 78 10 IPA 1
2 10.01.02 78 10 IPA 1
3 10.01.03 82 10 IPA 1
4 10.01.04 78 10 IPA 1
5 10.01.05 68 10 IPA 1
6 10.01.06 79 10 IPA 1
7 10.01.07 67 10 IPA 1
8 10.01.08 77 10 IPA 1
9 10.01.09 73 10 IPA 1
10 10.01.10 76 10 IPA 1
11 10.01.11 76 10 IPA 1
12 10.01.12 71 10 IPA 1
13 10.01.13 67 10 IPA 1
14 10.03.01 71 10 IPA 3
15 10.03.02 75 10 IPA 3
16 10.03.03 66 10 IPA 3
17 10.03.04 79 10 IPA 3
18 10.03.05 80 10 IPA 3
19 10.03.06 82 10 IPA 3
20 10.03.07 83 10 IPA 3
21 10.03.08 79 10 IPA 3
22 10.03.09 81 10 IPA 3
23 10.03.10 85 10 IPA 3
24 10.03.11 77 10 IPA 3
25 10.03.12 68 10 IPA 3
26 10.03.13 84 10 IPA 3
Group Statistics

Kelas N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Test_Akhir X.MIA.1 13 74.6154 5.07508 1.40757

X.MIA.3 13 74.3846 7.29770 2.02402

The table above shows both groups having 13 samples each. The final test of Class X. MIA. 1 is higher than X. MIA. 3 class seen from the
average of X. MIA. 1 is 74.6 and X. MIA. 3 is 74.4.

The results of the F test above indicate that the value of F is 4.233 with Sig. 0.051. Because the value of sig > 0.05 then the variance of the
group both homogeneous. Therefore the T test used is the top T (Pooled t test/equal variances assumed). T test result found T value of 0.094
with sig (2-tailed) 0.926. Because the value of sig > 0.05 then it can be concluded that there is only a slight difference in the mathematical
average class X. MIA 1 with Class X. MIA. 3. Because the average value of class X. MIA. 1 is better than Class X. MIA. 3

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