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LAB 06 One Way Anova

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Department Of Industrial Engineering,

Jalozai Campus.





University Of Engineering and Technology,

Lab # 06

“To Conduct practice of one-way ANOVA on Minitab”


The objectives of this lab are;

• To understand and explain the one way ANOVA using Minitab or Ms. Excel.
• To know about the effectiveness of alternatives.
• To interpret recommendations and suggestions.
• To determine the statistically significant difference in values between the samples.

Minitab is a statistics package developed at the Pennsylvania State University by researchers Barbara F.
Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr., and Brian L. Joiner in conjunction with Triola Statistics Company in 1972.
Minitab is a statistics program that allows you to quickly enter your data and then run a variety of analyses
on that data. You can quickly prepare charts and calculate regression, and entering data works very similarly
to Excel. Minitab can take a lot of the hard work out of your statistics calculations.

One-way ANOVA:
One-Way ANOVA (analysis of variance) compares the means of two or more independent groups in order
to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means are significantly
different. One-Way ANOVA is a parametric test. This test is also known as: One Factor ANOVA. One way
ANOVA is used when data have a categorical factor and a continuous response.
In a one-way ANOVA there are two possible hypotheses.

 The null hypothesis (H0) is that there is no difference between the groups and equality between
means (walruses weigh the same in different months).
 The alternative hypothesis (H1) is that there is a difference between the means and groups
(walruses have different weights in different months)

Figure # 6.0 ANOVA

Problem Statement:
Engineering Corporation offers four lines-of-service to their customers, including air monitoring, soil
remediation, water reclamation, and health and safety training. Engineering Corporation would like to
know if each line of service offers the same return-on-investment. Return-on-investment data are
available for air monitoring, soil remediation, water reclamation, and health and safety training projects.
If return-on-investment is not the same for all lines of service, it would be helpful to know where
differences exist.
Table # 1 Data

Consulting Project Return on Investment (%)

A = Air B = Soil C = Water D = Training
11 10 4 5
8 12 3 6
6 13 5 5
8 11 6 6
9 7 5 4
10 8 8 6
10 11 6 6
12 9 7 5
8 7 5 5
9 8 9 5
9 10 7 6
11 9 6 6
4 9 7 5
5 6 6 4
3 8 6 5
5 8 5 4
13 10 12 3
12 9 10 7
11 9 11 7
14 8 12 8

 Open the Ms. Excel software.

Figure # 6.1 Step 01

 To perform a one way ANOVA in Excel, arrange your data in columns, as shown below;

Figure # 6.2 Step 02

 In Excel, click Data Analysis on the Data tab. From the Data Analysis popup, choose ANOVA: Single
Factor. Click ok as shown below;

Figure # 6.3 Step 03

 Under Input, select the ranges by selecting the full table. Check the Labels checkbox if you have
meaningful variable names in row 1. This option makes the output easier to interpret. Ensure that you
include the label. Excel uses a default Alpha value of 0.05, which is usually a good value. Alpha is
the significance level. Change this value only when you have a specific reason for doing so. Click

Figure # 6.4 Step 04

 The result of the one way ANOVA is shown below;

Figure # 6.5 Step 05

 In Minitab, paste the table and go to Stat >> ANOVA >> One way ANOVA.

Figure # 6.6 Step 06

 Under One-Way Analysis of Variance, select the Response data are in separate columns for each
factor level. And select the all responses in responses blank. Select the tukey and fischer as post hoc
test in comparison tab select the boxplot and expended tables and Click OK as shown below;

Figure # 6.7 Step 07

 Results from Minitab are shown below;
Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative hypothesis Not all means are equal
Significance level α = 0.05

Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.

Factor Information
Factor Levels Values
Factor 4 A = Air, B = Soil, C = Water, D = Training
Analysis of Variance

Source DF Seq SS Contribution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Factor 3 182.8 32.00% 182.8 60.933 11.92 0.000
Error 76 388.4 68.00% 388.4 5.111
Total 79 571.2 100.00%
Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) PRESS R-sq(pred)

2.26065 32.00% 29.32% 430.360 24.66%

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

A = Air 20 8.900 3.059 (7.893, 9.907)
B = Soil 20 9.100 1.744 (8.093, 10.107)
C = Water 20 7.000 2.575 (5.993, 8.007)
D = Training 20 5.400 1.188 (4.393, 6.407)
Pooled StDev = 2.26065

Tukey Pairwise Comparisons

Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence

Factor N Mean Grouping

B = Soil 20 9.100 A
A = Air 20 8.900 A
C = Water 20 7.000 B
D = Training 20 5.400 B
Fisher Pairwise Comparisons
Grouping Information Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
B = Soil 20 9.100 A
A = Air 20 8.900 A
C = Water 20 7.000 B
D = Training 20 5.400 C

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Figure # 6.8 Step 08


In this lab, we learn about the one-way ANOVA. If we compare the p-value (0.000) and a significance level
(α= 0.05) we see that p0 < α so we can concluded to reject the null hypothesis. Results showed that there is
a significant difference between four alternatives (F (3, 76) = 11.92, p < 0.05). A statistically significant
difference is found between the four lines of service of air, soil, water, and training for return on investment.
ANOVA is significant, so we need to perform post-hoc test (Tukey's, fischer) to evaluate the pair-wise
differences between the means of four group means. A significant difference exists among the four lines of
services for return on investment. The rate on investment is highest for the soil remediation, followed by
air monitoring, water reclamation, and health and safety training respectively.

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