Bab Iv
Bab Iv
Bab Iv
In this chapter the researcher present about the finding of the research.
Therefore, this chapter discusses the description of data, hypothesis testing and
A. Findings
The chapter IV presented about find out of the research, it was conducted by
VIII-F student as a sample. Research on VIII F class that consist 31 students have
twelve female and nineteen male students, but in the field several students did not
join in the class because they are permission for participating as flag raisers, so there
are 24 students could taken as sample. The objectives of this research is find out
whether there is any significant difference between before students learn speaking by
Before data counted, there are several criteria as suggested by the English
Intervals Categorization
81 – 100 Excellent
71 – 80 Good
61 – 70 Enough
41 – 60 Poor
0 – 40 Bad
score categorization is good, 61 until 70 score enough score, 41 until 60 mean teacher
should be concern with student who get that score, and 40 below is bad score from
student. It especially for bad score, teacher will give extra course for student who
The data were collected by administering test, pre-test and post test. Pretest
and post-test applied in the class, researcher gave clues within flashcard. Researcher
used flashcards more than three times to repeat it and students order to think for
arrange sentences until got a good descriptive text. The researcher obtained two kinds
1. AN 58 75 17
2. AE 62 85 23
3. BP 58 80 22
4. DW 58 78 20
5. DD 60 80 20
6. Di D 68 78 10
7. DA 60 85 25
8. EB 62 83 21
9. FN 75 90 15
10. Fr N 65 80 15
11. HS 78 93 15
12. HP 65 80 15
13. LD 70 85 15
14. LH 65 75 10
15. MA 68 83 15
16. Mo A 70 80 10
17. OM 65 78 13
18. PO 75 90 15
19. RC 68 82 14
20. SB 75 85 10
21. SO 75 83 8
22. TH 65 78 13
23. VD 63 80 17
24. WR 60 82 22
Based on scores above can be seen scoring comparison that occur in pre-test
score and post-test, there are some students who good experience development in
their abilities which it shown in result from table data above. In pre-test there are
some students who get a score below 70 and none students who reach 80 score. On
table above especially posttest, they got increasing score after reasearcher did
descriptive text without using flashcard. The pre-test was speaking achievement test
that were in form of descriptive text with a topic “The real money” which decided by
researcher. The result of students’ speaking score after did in classroom step by step
speaking processing, then analyzed speaking rubric score. Pre-test was administered
for 24 students in VIII F class as sample. Data in the table 4.2 shows the students’
scores obtained at pre-test and post-test. Pre-test data will be calculated using SPSS
16 version to find out descriptive statistics, frequency and interval categories of data
resulting. Pre-test did on the 24th March, researcher given students 45 minutes for to
do a pre-test. The test was intended to know achievement from students before they
On data below will be explained from descriptive data which consists of the
mean, median, mode, std. deviation, minimum and maximum scores. Data can be
N Valid 24
Missing 0
Mean 66.17
Median 65.00
Mode 65
Std. Deviation 6.105
Minimum 58
Maximum 78
classroom. The mean from data above was 66.17, it knowed that students average got
score was 66.17 as pre-test score. Median of pre-test score was 65 and mode was 65.
Student pre-test score had minimum and maximum scores, minimum score result was
58. It score mean in around poor category score and maximum score just got 78. Then
table 4.4 which had detail explaination about pretest score. That presented as follows:
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 58 3 12.5 12.5 12.5
60 3 12.5 12.5 25.0
62 2 8.3 8.3 33.3
63 1 4.2 4.2 37.5
65 5 20.8 20.8 58.3
68 3 12.5 12.5 70.8
70 2 8.3 8.3 79.2
75 4 16.7 16.7 95.8
78 1 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 24 100.0 100.0
frequency data that 3 students (12.5%) got 58 score, 3 students (12.5%) got 60, 2
students (8.3%) got 62, 1 student (4.2%) got 63, 5 students (20.8%) got 65, 3 students
(12.5%) got 68, 2 students (8.3%) got 70, 4 students (16.7%) got 75, 1 student (4.2%)
got 78. In frequency data some students who had more than 70 was 5 students only in
the classroom.
Researcher also put pretest result in interval score, it was report all of students
in pretest score. Students who have good and bad criteria will show at table 4.5
below. Interval score gave categorization form where researcher can be found
students got poor predicate. There are 5 (20.83%) who had good predicate, 13
(54.17%) students were enough predicate and 6 (25%) students were poor predicate.
vocabulary, fluently, comprehension. That can be seen many students are unable to
speak sentences clearly. In this regard not suprising that they are still having confuse
to speak because they are still hesitant to speak something correctly and it difficult to
The post-test applied after students got treatments, student data score in post-
test can be seen in appendix. Descriptive statistic of post-test which analyzed mean,
median and mode. Descriptive statistic will be counted by using SPSS16 and show up
N Valid 24
Missing 0
Mean 82.00
Median 81.00
Mode 80
Std. Deviation 4.540
Minimum 75
Maximum 93
Table 4.6 showed that there were 24 students as subjects of the research, mean
of student score in post-test was 82. According data above, student mean was 82 that
nice score for student. Then result from minimum score was 75 that knowed after
student got treatmens minimum score increase and maximum score was 93. Median
of the data was 81, it means that in centre score of post-test was 81 from 24 students.
Then measured mode this research was 80 which there were 6 students who got 80
score. Last analyzed from descriptive statistic is standard deviation score of the post-
In the next measuring is frequency score from posttest. There was different
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 75 2 8.3 8.3 8.3
78 4 16.7 16.7 25.0
80 6 25.0 25.0 50.0
82 2 8.3 8.3 58.3
83 3 12.5 12.5 70.8
85 4 16.7 16.7 87.5
90 2 8.3 8.3 95.8
93 1 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 24 100.0 100.0
After accepting treatments into the class, students havine good improvement
in speaking score. It seen from table 4.7 they were 2 students (8.3%) got 75 score, 4
students (16.7%) got 78, 6 students (25%) got 80, 2 student (8.3%) got 82, 3 students
(12.5%) got 83, 4 students (16.7%) got 85, 2 students (8.3%) got 90, 1 students
In table 4.8 presented interval score from post test, based on the table there
were several students had excellent categorization it was 12 students got excellent
category and a half other got good category. It mean that students indicated different
The result after getting treatments by using flashcard, students score increased
significantly. Can be seen in interval above, the score had a good increasing who
indicated an excellent predicate a half from students in the class and none students get
enough, poor, and bad predicate. Comparing between pre-test and post-test, in pre-
test there was who got ≥85 score (0%), while in post-test percentage of sample who
got ≥ 85 increased by 29.2%. Moreover, pretest highest score only 78 and posttest
highest score was 93, pretest lowest score is 58 and posttest lowest score was 75. This
finding indicated that after using Flashcard, the students skill in speaking were
B. Data Analysis
students’ score by speaking descriptive text, the researcher taken result of pretest and
posttest by using Paired Sample Test in IBM SPSS Statistics 16. The minimum and
maximum score, mean and standard deviation from speaking pre-test and post-test
Descriptive Statistics
Table 4.9 showed mean of post-test scores (82) was higher than pre-test scores
(66.17). It explained that using Flashcard made students score better than previous
score in pretest, meanwhile pretest standard deviation was 6.1 and posttest standard
deviation was 4.540. So, we can be concluded that score increased after being taught
researcher tested the result of pre-test and post-test by using Paired Sample Test in
IBM SPSS Statistic 16.0. Two hypothesis mentioned previously at chapter 1 in this
study there are (1) Null Hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference in
students speaking before and after using Flashcard and (2) Alternative Hypothesis
stated that there is any significant difference score of students before and after being
taught using flashcard. Testing was done to know whether the null hypothesis could
be rejected or not. Table 4.10 showed the result of the paired sample correlation.
correlation between pretest and postest, where score from correlation was 0.654 and
significance score was 0.001. The interpretation of probability achievement that was:
Significant numerical was 0.001 smaller than 0.050 (0.001 < 0.050). It means
that the Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. The researcher made decision there is any
significant difference in speaking score of students before and after being taught by
there were any significance in finding can be seen Paired Sample Test.
Based on the table 4.11 Paired Sample Test output clearly showed that any
different mean score from pre-test and post-test was -15.833. From that table a
standard deviation was 4.650. The standard error mean was 0.949, lower different
was -17.797 and upper different was -13.870. The result of t was -16.681 with df was
The table 4.11 showed Sig.(2-tailed) was less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). Thus,
there was enough evidence indicating that the null hypothesis could be rejected. It
could be concluded that using Flashcard was effective on the students’ speaking score
in descriptive text.
This part researcher discuss about result from normality and homogeneity
that score of significance (α) = 0.050. The result can be seen below.
Pre_Test Post_Test
N 24 24
Normal Parametersa Mean 66.17 82.00
Std. Deviation 6.105 4.540
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .159 .170
Positive .159 .170
Negative -.134 -.106
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .779 .834
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .578 .490
a. Test distribution is Normal.
and post test is 0.490. Both of them were higher than 0.05, taken conclusion for
normal distribution was normal data. That data for t-test as one of parametric testing
D. Hyphotesis Testing
This study has purpose for examine whether there is any significant different
ability at eight grade students from SMP Negeri 1 Tanggunggunung in speaking skill
of descriptive text. Researcher presented the data result, to find out a hypothesis
testing by using T-test formula from the result of computation. T-test formula made it
data and analyzed it by using SPSS.16 version. The result of Sig. (2-tailed) or
probability from data paired samples test was less than 0.05 (0.000<0.05).
The null hypothesis (Ho) in this research was there is no significant different
in speaking score of students before and after being taught using flash card rejected.
Then, the alternative (Ha) in this research there is any significant different in
speaking score of students before and after being taught by using flash card accepted.
So, the flashcard was effective toward students speaking skill at eight grade of SMPN
E. Discussion
Based on the objectives this study are find out the score of speaking from the
students at eight grade SMPN 1 Tanggunggunung. The result indicated the score
post-test were significantly better than pre-test score at the end of the study. Creswell
(2013:242) defines teaching and learning process was devided into three steps are
study, first step was administering pre-test on speaking before the researcher do
This study have two variables, those are dependent variable and independent
grade in SMPN 1 Tanggunggunung. Researcher gave twice test for students in the
classroom, there are pre-test and post-test. After students got test, researcher would
analyzed students’ capabilities while they spoke descriptive text without researcher
applied flashcard in the class and when they learnt speaking by using flashcard.
The result pre-test showed there are many students got troubles to speak
clearly. They felt difficult and confuse about speaking in the classroom. Then, the
something based on the pictures. The material in syllabus which are about people,
animal, and wonderful places. The students during treatments felt enjoy, active,
interesting, and enthusiastic to learn english especially speaking skill. The last step, it
did a administering post-test. The post-test gave after they got treatments to know
speaking scores from students. The result post-test seemed to be better than the pre-
test. That means post-test score was higher, it seen from mean of post-test was 82 and
the mean of pre-test was 66.17. The Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.000 it mean significance of
this research less than 0.005. So, researcher concluded that alternative hypothesis was
accepted. It was to indicate about flashcard related with speaking proficiency based
teaching and learning speaking skill from students. Using flashcard to learn media
was effective and students more interested toward speaking lesson in the classroom.
The score of research in the classroom make students motivated when they learn to
speak English. The flashcard is a media for effective learning card containing images,
text or symbols that are to help remind or direct students for think something about it
and that can be measured by previous analytical data. The researcher as English
teacher explained detail about flashcard and how to speak clearly and try some
students practicing their speaking in the classroom. Early the students confused and
shy to say something when they looked at the picture, the researcher motivated them
Based on previous chapter that flashcard can be applied on seventh grade for
teaching vocabulary, but that flashcard also can be applied at eight grade of SMPN 1
level in the school start from elementary school until university. In university
flashcard using more interesting tools to teaching with this media it is digital
analytic and spaced repetition system that time the repeat access to cards so as
learning media was effective toward students speaking skill at eight grade of the
SMPN 1 Tanggunggunung.