T24 Versions
T24 Versions
T24 Versions
T24 Versions
Allen and Cathy want to deposit cheques in bank ABC. Allen wants to deposit a local
cheque ,whereas Cathy has a foreign cheque . The teller has to fill these details in a
TELLER application. There are some fields that are required for a foreign cheque but
not for a local cheque. Example : Currency . How can we make things easier ?
T24 gives us the luxury of designing our own screens from a base application. Here,
TELLER is the base application. We cull out fields required for a local cheque and
design a screen .Similarly we can design another one for foreign cheques. Now the
tellers can invoke the screen they want ! Simple, isn’t it?
T24 Versions
Versions can be compared to the concept of “Views “ in Database Management
system . A table may consist of several columns(fields) that might not be required for
all users. So the users can create views, consisting of the columns that they need .
When we use a spreadsheet with multiple columns, we hide the columns that might
not be necessary and project those we need. Versions help us in creating screens with
the fields we want.
T24 Versions
Imagine that you have to input a funds transfer transaction in T24. You will use the
FUNDS.TRANSFER application, and the input function to do so. The screen that is
displayed to you contains all the fields in the FUNDS.TRANSFER application some of
which may not be relevant for the transaction that is being input. A first time user may
not be able to figure out which fields to use and which not to. What if you had a
customized screen that showed you only the fields that you require to input?
You can create customized application screens in T24. They are called versions. The
VERSION application is used to create customized application screens. Your version
you can have the mandatory fields of the FUNDS.TRANSFER application.
Versions behave like the application, but only look different. Thus all functions can be
used with a version. So, yes you can view data using a version. Versions work with
all functions of T24.
T24 Versions
This task teaches you how to create a simple version of the ACCOUNT application in
1. The version must comprise the following fields of the ACCOUNT application
Customer Number, Mnemonic, Currency and Category.
3. The accounts created using the version should be authorised by another user.
T24 Versions
To create a version in T24, you must create a record in the VERSION application. The format of
the ID for the VERSION application is T24ApplicationName,VersionName. The application
name and the comma are mandatory, the optional part of the ID is the version name. If the first
portion of the ID is an invalid application name, an error message is displayed. Here the version
id created is ACCOUNT,TRG.VERSION1 where ACCOUNT is a valid T24 application and
TRG.VERSION1 is the version name.
PRINT.ONLY - The first field indicates whether the version is created for printing reports. By
default it is blank stating that the version is just created for a customized screen
Before creating a version you must decide what fields from the application will be included in
the version. Ensure that you have all the mandatory fields of the application in your version.
You will now learn the use of some of the fields in the VERSION application. You can also view
records using the version.
RECORDS.PER.PAGE – Indicates whether more than one record may be shown on the same
page or screen in the Version that the User is creating
FIELDS.PER.LINE- is used to specify the number of fields that will be displayed in each line. 1
indicates that fields will be displayed one below the other in the version. Multi is used to display
more than one field per line.
LANGUAGE.CODE - The language used to display field labels for each field in the version is
specified in LANGUAGE.CODE. It is not a mandatory field and if left blank, the LANGUAGE
from the user profile of the person committing the version record will be defaulted
HDR - You may specify headers for your version in different languages. The field HDR holds
the text that will be displayed as header. It is a multi-value field. The header is displayed in a
column range of (1) one to (132) one thirty two. The header shown in the example is displayed
from column one to thirty nine.
T24 Versions 7
FIELD.NO - Now you have to specify the fields of your version. This is specified in the field
called FIELD.NO, where you specify the actual field name as given in the application. It is a
multi-value field. You can multi-value and specify the other fields also. In this example we have
chosen four fields namely, CUSTOMER, MNEMONIC, CURRENCY and CATEGORY.
1. After you authorise the version record, launch the version by specifying the version
ID - ACCOUNT,TRG.VERSION1 in the command line.
2. The version behaves like the underlying application so you can either open a new
record or view an existing record using the created Version.
T24 Versions
1. Create a version for the CUSTOMER application.
T24 Versions
This task teaches you to create version that displays multiple fields in a line.
1. Create a version for the ACCOUNT application with the following fields -
Mnemonic, Customer Number, Currency and Category.
2. The fields Mnemonic and Customer Number need to be displayed one beside the
3. The fields Currency and Category need to be displayed one beside the other.
T24 Versions
When a new record is committed in T24, it is created in INAU status and has to authorised. Now what
if you want to skip the INAU stage? Will a T24 application allow you to authorise a record straight
away? The answer is No. But a version offers you a work around.
T24 allows a maximum of 2 levels of authorisation. The default is 1 for an application. In other words,
one user must use the ‘A’ function for the record to move to Live status
NO.OF.AUTH - The number of authorisers is set in NO.OF.AUTH field. It enables the user to specify
the number of authorisers required when using this version. Value for this field is defaulted based on
the value of the field DEFAULT.NO.OF.AUTH in the COMPANY application. The minimum value is (0)
zero and the maximum value is (2) two for this field. When it is set to 0 your version becomes an Auto
Auth or self-authorisation version
When NO.OF.AUTH is set to two, two different users must authorise the record. When the record is
first authorised, it moves to INA2 status. In order to make it as a LIVE record, the record has to be
authorised by a different user again.
In this task you will learn how to default values into fields using a version. You will also learn how to
set special field properties.
NOCHANGE.FIELD – The value in a NOCHANGE field cannot be modified after the record is
To default a value into a field, use AUTOM.FIELD.NO and AUT.NEW.CONTENT fields. The
T24 Versions
CURRENCY field will be defaulted to USD in the above example. To replace the old content in
a field with new content, specify the old content in AUT.OLD.CONTENT. Here, the value
‘TEM0X’ in the field AUT.OLD.CONTENT denotes that any value starting with TEM in the filed
ACCOUNT.TITLE will be replaced with the content given in AUT.NEW.CONTENT.
Any fields that must be treated as mandatory are specified in the field MANDATORY.FIELD
You can format the display of fields in version. You can have blank lines displayed
between fields. The previous example is modified to just include a blank line between
the fields.
1. How do you make the CURRENCY field to appear after a blank line?
Specify an asterisk (*) in the field FIELD.NO to get a blank line. Since this blank line
is to be displayed before CURRENCY field , specify asterisk (*) before providing
the values for CURRENCY field in the associated multi-value set.
2. The output shows the blank line displayed between the two fields.
T24 Versions
1. Amend the previously created version so that
1.5 Ensure that the value of ACCOUNT OFFICER is not changed once the
customer record is authorized.
T24 Versions
1. Comma Versions are Auto-Auth Versions in T24.
3. Records created using comma Versions are self-authorised records. Once you
commit the records they move to LIVE status .
4. In all comma Versions the NO.OF.AUTH field is set to 0(zero). To create Zero auth
versions, it is enough if we specify the name of the application in the VERSION
record. Individual fields need not be added to the zero auth version. The
NO.OF.AUTH field must be set to zero.
5. VERSION, is the comma Version which is used to create auto-auth Versions in T24.
Use VERSION, from now on to create your versions .
T24 Versions
T24 Versions
1. The Rekey field is used in Version during authorisation
2. The authoriser must re-enter the data in specific fields to re-confirm the values
entered by the Inputter. For example in an FUNDS.TRANSFER application, there
are sensitive data like amount, debit account no etc which are entered by an
3. The rekey feature prompts the Authoriser to re-enter the data for confirmation. If
the data entered by the Authoriser does not match with the data entered by the
Inputter, then the record does not get authorised.
4. The data for the rekey fields are hidden during authorisation and the Authoriser
needs to compulsorily re-enter the information
5. What happens when a USER who is trying to authorize the record enters incorrect
rekey values multiple times ? The system records the number of incorrect rekey
attempts by the same authorizer, in a file called EB.REKEY.RETRIES. A record is
created in this file whenever a version that contains a rekey field is being
authorized. The record id of EB.REKEY.RETRIES would be of the format
6. The maximum number of incorrect retries allowed for a USER who tries to
authorize a record can be restricted using the field NO.OF.RETRIES in SPF
T24 Versions
application. When this field is left blank, there is no limit set for incorrect rekey attempts.
1. Input the data for Transaction type, Debit currency, Debit Account No, Debit
Amount, Credit Account No and commit the record.
2. Note the record key (ID) of the Funds Transfer that was created
T24 Versions
T24 Versions
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
T24 Versions
1. View is a user defined screen and can be created for any application in T24.
3. Using a version you can input records , only when all the mandatory fields of the
application are part of your version.
5. Special field properties like NOINPUT, NOCHANGE and MANDATORY can be set
using versions.
T24 Versions
8. Rekey field in VERSION enables enhanced verification by the authoriser in the Banking
You have learnt Versions in T24. You can also create simple versions in T24. You will
now be able to,
T24 Versions
T24 Versions