T24 L3 Java
T24 L3 Java
T24 L3 Java
• Add an APPLIBS library files to the project by right click on project go to build
path -> configure build path -> add library -> user library -> APPLIBS.
• application - The name of the application to which the record belongs.
• recordId - The id of the record being processed.
• record - The record being processed - the implementaion must specify the
record type.
• lastLiveRecord - The last live version of the record being processed - the
implementaion must specify the record type.
• TValidationResponse - validationResponse - errors and enrichments will be
processed at this stage.
Example 1: -
Validate whether the Debit Currency and Credit Currency are same or not
In this Scenario We will compare the Both Debit and Credit Currency
If not Equal then we will throw an error message
Workshop – Input Routine
Example 2: -
Check weather the category of the Account is Savings (6001) or not. If not throw an
error that Category-Mismatch.
Mandatory Prerequisites
• Entry in EB.API
• application - The name of the application to which the record belongs.
• recordId - The id of the record being processed.
• fieldData - This is the latest value inputted in the field to which this interface has
been attached to.
• record - The record being processed.
• TValidationResponse - validationResponse - errors and enrichments will be
processed at this stage.
Example 1:-
Validate the Transaction type field.
If Transaction Type is AC, then ask user to enter the transaction type other than AC.
Means This Version is not applicable for Account to Account transfer.
Code for Validation Routine
EB.API configuration for Validation Routine
Version for Validation Routine
Execution of Validation Routine
Example 2: -
Create a version in FT with mandatory fields if the debit amount is greater than
working balance then display error Message.
Code for scenario
When it is invoked?
• It is invoked after the id is entered and validated
• Gets invoked when the functions I(Input), D(Delete), A(Authorise) and
R(Reverse) are used
Mandatory Prerequisites?
• Check record routines need to have an entry in EB.API
• application - The name of the application to which the record belongs.
• recordId - The id of the record being processed.
• record - The record being processed - the implementaion must specify the record
• lastLiveRecord - The last live version of the record being processed - the
implementaion must specify the record type.
• nothing
Example 1:
Create a check record routine for account application, check the currency matched
or not .
i) If matched view the existing record.
ii) If not matched, throw error message “Currency Mismatched"
Code for Check Record Routine
EB.API configuration for Check Record Routine
Version for Check Record Routine
Execution of Check Record Routine
Workshop – Check Record Routine
Example 2:
Create a check record routine for Customer application,
If the New customer record - Account officer field is “equal to corporate banking
account -2002”it should display the number of the customer records with 2002
Code for Check record routine
EB.API Configuration
Version for Check Record Routine
Check Record Routine-Set Value
Why it is used?
• Check record routine is used to alter field attributes or to default values into fields
Create an version which will display the Category, when the Check routine is called
set the category value eg:1303.
Code for Check Record Routine-Set Value
EB.API configuration for Check Record Routine-Set Value
Version for Check Record Routine-Set Value
Execution of Check Record Routine-Set Value
Why ID Routine?
• To manipulate the id of the record.
When it is called?
• As soon as id of the record is entered
• Before fetching the Record
• idNew - The new id of the record being processed.
• String - the validated @ID.
Read only or predefined value of record is generated at the trigger of every account
creation(new Record).
The predefined record is accompanied with the Temenos profile.
Validate ID field.
Change the ID of an application with the combination of ‘TEMENOS’+App ID=ID
EB.API configuration for ID Routine
Version Design for ID Routine
Enquiry Routine
• enquiryName - Id of the enquiry. For default enquiries (% enquiries) this will be
'{applicationId} Default List'. (In T24 terms, this is ENQ.DATA<1>)
• filterCriteria - The list of FilterCriteria as entered by the user. (In T24 terms, this is
ENQ.DATA<2 ... 4>)
• List<FilterCriteria> - A new list of filter criteria to be applied during record selection.
Example : - 1
Create an enquiry that will display Customer Id, the Account Id and the respective
working balance after accepting the category from the user.
For category 1001 - Balance should be in the range 0 and 49999
For category 6001 - Balance should be in the range 50000 and 100000
For categories greater than 7000 - Balance should be in the range 100000 and
Example : - 2
Create an enquiry that will display the Debit Account Id and the respective Debit
amount transferred after accepting the debit currency from the user.
For ‘USD’ the amount transferred is greater than 100
For ‘GBP’ the amount transferred is greater than 150
For currencies other than that amount transferred should be greater than 200
Where do we attach?
• Attached to the conversion field
• Prefixed with @ followed by space.
• value - The initial value of the field. The new value should be returned. (In T24
terms, this is O.DATA)
• currentId - The ID of the current record being processed. (In T24 terms, this is
the 'ID' common variable)
• currentRecord - The full record currently being processed by the enquiry. (In T24
terms, this is R.RECORD)
• filterCriteria - The list of selection criteria entered by the user. (In T24 terms, this
is fields<2 ... 4> from ENQ.SELECTION)
• String - The new value to be displayed to the enquiry processing engine, to be
displayed to the user or used in further calculations.
Create an enquiry that will list the Account Numbers, Customer Numbers and their
respective Working Balances. In case the Currency of the Account is in foreign
currency, they have to be converted to local currency and then displayed
Code for Conversion Routine
EB.API configuration for Conversion Routine
Version for Conversion Routine
Execution of ConversionRoutine
• filterCriteria - The list of selection criteria entered by the user. (In T24 terms, this
is comes from D.FIELDS, D.RANGE.AND.VALUE and
• List<String> - The list of recordIds.
Example :
Create an ENQUIRY to display the consolidated balance for a CUSTOMER
No file Enquiry Routine
EB.API Configuration
Standard Selection
Example :- 2
Create a Enquiry which displays Customer Number, Account Number, Customer
Mnemonic, Working balance
Create a multithreaded routine that updates the SHORT.NAME of all the CUSTOMER
records as TEST + existing MNEMONIC
Local Reference Fields
Check that Local Reference Field ‘HOBBIES’ is having ‘DANCE’ or not. If DANCE
Then throw an error that Dance class already exists
If not Dancing
Name A
Using Design Studio, we can generate the API for the APPLICATION created using
we need a server project –to establish connection with T24
We need a models project –to import the application from T24
Creating the local template using
Scenario :- 1
By Using session variable print the userId of the user who have logged in.
Scenario :- 2
By Using session variable print the userDispoOfficer of the user who have logged in.