Browser Context Flow

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The document discusses context flow functionality in Temenos T24 which allows banks to define user behavior and appearance based on their class of service. It provides an overview of its technical implementation and configuration.

Context flow is a T24 application that defines user behavior, appearance and API hooks based on a user's class of service. It allows banks to display certain pages like terms and conditions during a user's first login or require additional authentication for certain user types.

Context flow stages are configured through property classes and arranged through a user's arrangement in T24. The workflow navigates between stages using the continueFromT24() and continueWindow() JavaScript functions defined in workflow.js.


Context flow

User Guide

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Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

Context Flow

Table of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 3 
Functional Overview ............................................................................................................................ 3 
Technical Overview.............................................................................................................................. 3 
New property classes .............................................................................................................................. 4 
AA.PRD.DES.UI.APPEARANCE ......................................................................................................... 4 
AA.PRD.DES.UI.BEHAVIOUR ............................................................................................................ 6 
Confirm and preview version changes .................................................................................................. 10 
Execution of the Edit Version ............................................................................................................ 12 
Switching into confirm version ........................................................................................................... 13 
Display of preview version ................................................................................................................. 14 
Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 
How to write context flow compatible composite screens: ................................................................ 15 
How to write context flow compatible external jsp web pages........................................................... 17 
Workflow.js: .................................................................................................................................... 17 
continueFromT24() ..................................................................................................................... 17 
continueWindow(skin,compId,user,cfwstage,windowName) ..................................................... 17 
Setup Tips: ............................................................................................................................................ 18 

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Context Flow

The purpose of this document is to explain about the context flow functionality developed for
ARC-IB. it provides technical overview, configuration and usage of the context flow. This guide is
suited for those who aware of Arc class of service, EB.EXTERNAL.USER table and AA (Arrangement

Functional Overview
Context Flow is a T24 application (AA.PROPERTY.CLASS) that defines behavior, appearance and
API hooks in the Browser flow which a bank can configure to provide a certain type of behavior for a
user based on the class of service.
For example, the bank may wish to display a Terms and Conditions page during the first ever login of
a user, or request certain classes of users to supply their password during committal of a contract.
Each external user will have their own arrangement defined of type internet services to configure the
user appearance / behavior settings. The product / product group of an arrangement which is of type
internet services can be classified as class of service. That means class of service could be defined as
a product / product group which could be linked to arrangement of type internet services.
Context Flow differs from Process Workflow in that there is not a defined set of processes to be run in
a set sequence. Context Flow will run workflow items at particular points in the T24 core template.

Technical Overview
The main changes required to the T24 core and Browser to support Context Flow are :-
Two new AA property classes has been created to define the user appearance, behaviour and context
flow details. AA.PROPERTY.UI.APPEARANCE defines the user interface appearance such as
language, amount format , tool style etc.
AA.PROPERTY.UI.BEHAVIOR defines the behaviour of the t24 browser and context flow details. The
defined values will be validated at specific points in the T24 core, determine whether a Context Flow
action is required and perform the defined action.

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New property classes

Two new AA property classes has been built to accommodate the user appearance and behaviour
settings. During system setup these properties should be linked to an AA product, where the
PRODUCT.LINE is INTERNET.SERVICES. Following section describes more about the property class
and its fields in great detail.

This property class can be used to define the user appearance properties. It can be
used to configure tool style, language, skin, date format , amount format at the design level. These
field values will override the EB.EXTERNAL.USER and BROWSER.PREFERENCES settings during

Skin name :
This field is used to specify the skin name to be used by browser.

Tool style:
This field can be used to set the tool style for browser tool display. The selected tool style will be
applied all over the system ( contracts, enquiries, menu , banner etc).

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This field can be used to set the language code of the user. This will override the external user values.

Date Format:
It can be used to set the desired date format at design level. This will override the date format value of

Amount Format:
This field can be used to set the amount format at the design level. Allowed amount formats are dot
comma (.,.) and default comma dot (,.).it will override the value set in EB.EXTERNAL.USER

Apart from the above mentioned fields, we got AA property class related fields on the UI appearance
class for which kindly refer to the AA user guides.

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This property class defines the behaviour of the user interface. It can be used to define the attributes
related to contracts, enquiries, system level parameters and context flow. We could also define the
toolbar and commit actions.

This field can be used to define the system level attributes for t24 browser.

Find the following list of attributes explained:

NO.AUTOCOMPLETE Disables the IE’s auto complete feature.

SIMPLE.INTERFACE Provides an simple interface excluding all the

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contract, enquiry and system attributes.

Contract attributes:
This field can be used to define the contract level attributes for t24 browser.

Find the following list of attributes explained:

MULTI.VERSION.HEADERS Enables multi-line version headers to be


NO.AUTO.LAUNCHES Restricts auto launch of enquiries.

NO.CALENDAR - Hides the calendar icon for date type fields.

NO.CHECKFILE.ENRICHMENT Turns off the check file enrichment feature.

NO.CONTEXT.ENQUIRIES Disables the context enquiries being launched.

NO.DROPDOWNS Disables the drop down being displayed or


NO.HEADER.TAB Restricts contract header being displayed.

NO.HOT.FIELDS Disables the hot field functionality across all

applications and versions.

NO.WEB.VALIDATION.FIELDS Disables the web validation functionality for

applications and versions.


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This field can be used to define enquiry attributes for all the enquiries displayed through T24 Browser.
Browser interrogates all these parameters on fly to display the desired results.

NO.SELECTION Restricts enquiry selection screen being

displayed on enquiry response window.

ALL.DATA To display all the selected records.

NO.COLUMN.HEADER To disable the enquiry toolbar display.

NO.TOOLBAR Restricts the display of enquiry toolbar on enquiry

response window.

ZERORECORD.DISPLAY Will display the blank page instead of saying “no

records selected” when the selection fails.

Toolbar type:
This field contains list of toolbar types used by browser. It can be used in conjuncture with toolbar
field to provide the desired toolbar to be displayed at the appropriate stage. Following are the list of
toolbar types and it’s usage.

This stage indicates the toolbar to be loaded

along with the application window.

This stage indicates the toolbar to be used on

enquiry response window.

This stage indicates the toolbar to be displayed

on enquiry selection window.

This stage indicates the toolbar to be displayed


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on contract window.

This field can be used to define the toolbar for respective toolbar type.

This field indicates the list of context flow stages. Using which a respective composite screen /
external web page can be attached. Find the following list of flow types explained.

Action to be performed when a new user logs in

for the very first time if the T.C.ACCEPTED Y / N
field is set to NULL / NO on

EVERY.LOGIN This stage indicates the action to be performed

when a user logs in (Welcome screen)..

INITIAL.SCREEN Indicates the initial screen to be displayed after

the EVERY.LOGIN stage (welcome page).

POST.COMMIT Defines the post contract commit processing. This

stage will be used only when the
PREVIEW.VERSION is not defined.

LOGOUT indicates the post logoff processing.

Flow Value :
This field can be used to define the corresponding composite screen (or) external jsp web page
related to the respective context flow stage. Please see the below section for How to create context
flow compatible composite screens and external jsp web pages.
Composite screen value should be pre-fixed with COS on defining the same on this field.

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Commit Actions:
This field contains list of commit actions that gets executed when contract is committed. Find the
following list of options explained.

CONFIRM General override is raised on confirming

committal of the contract whilst displaying the
contract in See mode (using either the same
VERSION or an alternative VERSION record).

PASSWORD This option will prompt for user’s password for

successful committal of the transaction.

ONE.TIME.PASSWORD It will prompt for one time password to be inputted

for successful committal of transaction.

MEMORABLE.DATA This will prompt for memorable data to be

inputted for successful commit of the transaction.

Confirm and preview version changes

New functionality has been introduced in version application to use various versions at several stages
of the transaction. This functionality is primarily built for internet banking (ARC-IB). The same can be
used with other applications as well, since we have built this as a mechanism. With these changes, we
have broken down the transaction into three phases.

• Edit
• Confirm
• Preview

By default new transactions will be opened on edit mode. Upon successful validation of the record,
browser will use the confirm version to display the record for confirmation along with the override. The
type overrides can be configured on COMMIT.ACTIONS field at behaviour property class. On confirm
version all the fields will be displayed in no input msode Browser will use the preview version to
display the preview of successful transaction, once the confirmation override is approved and

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Context Flow

Two new fields has been added to the version application to support this functionality.
CONFIRM.VERSION, PREVIEW.VERSION should be used to define the confirmation and preview
versions. Version which contains both the field values will be treated as edit version.
Find the following screen shots for more information:

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Execution of the Edit Version

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Switching into confirm version

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Display of preview version

Context flow is aimed for external users only. Therefore external user record should be created on
EB.EXTERNAL.USER table to link the AA arrangement of type (INTERNET.SERVICES)

Following are the components should be configured to setup the context flow.

• Crate desired composite screens / external jsp pages.(jsp only).

• Design user appearance and behaviour property classes with appropriate information.
• Create a new AA product of type INTERNET.SERVICES
• Create an AA arrangement of type INTERNET.SERVICES
• Create new EB.EXTERNAL.USER linking the AA arrangement id of type
INTERNET.SERVICES to the channel type INTERNET as showed below.

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Context Flow

Channel type INTERNET should be defined on EB.CHANNEL to define the channel for internet. .

How to write context flow compatible composite screens:

EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN application has been enhanced to display toolbar and tool on the given
frame. TOOLBAR, TOOL are the two new content types added to the CONTENT.TYPE field to attach
the same to the composite screen. Context flow requires a tool / toolbar that drive the flow from one
stage to another. Therefore it is important to have the tool / toolbar frame on the composite screens.
The attached toolbar / tool should use the provided java script API function
(continuewindowFromT24()) to move from one stage to another. This API functions is available on
workflow.js which can be found on scripts directory of the BrowserWeb Instance.

Find the below example :

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Context Flow

How to write context flow compatible external jsp web pages.

Context flow allows the integration of external web pages into it’s workflow by providing full URL of the
same. It requires external web pages to accept the following incoming parameters into their pages to
make subsequent requests with T24 Browser. Parameters passed to jsp page will be added
dynamically by T24. therefore it’s not required to specify the parameters on full URL.

Following parameters will be passed into external jsp web pages to make subsequent requests:

Skin The skin name used by the current user.

User T24 User name

compId Company ID

Cfwstage Indicates the next context flow stage

These parameters should be received by the external jsp web page to make successful browser
External web pages should use context flow ‘s java script API function(continueWindow()) to make
subsequent requests. The specified API function is available on workflow.js, therefore it should be
included on external web pages. Workflow.js is available on scripts directory on BrowserWeb instance.
Currently browser supports jsp pages only as external web pages and it should be deployed on the
respective browserWeb instance where it is used.

This is a java script API to invoke the context flow functionality. It comprises two key functions.
• continueFromT24().
• continueWindow(skin,compId,user,cfwstage,windowName)


This method should be used on composite screens to navigate between context flow stages.
It should be used along with browser tool where it is defined on the separate frame of the. composite
screen. For more information, kindly refer to the section on How to write context flow compatible
composite screens.


This method is designed only for external web pages only. This method can be used on
external web pages to make browser requests by passing the received parameters.

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Context Flow

Setup Tips:

• Make sure you authorise all the context flow related exception records.
• You need to make sure that EB.CHANNEL is defined as INTERNET and the same should
• You could witness bucket errors while viewing any error message / overrides. This can be
sorted out by setting the appropriate message on the override application for the channel
type (INTERNET).
• Make sure your external web pages includes workflow.js.
• Edit, confirm and preview versions authorization level should be the same.

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