CUS3.Introduction To Version
CUS3.Introduction To Version
CUS3.Introduction To Version
3. This learning unit is example based. First an example output will be shown then
you will be taught the steps to create the Version. At the end of each section a
workshop is given to test your level of understanding.
3,4 You can create customised application screens in T24. They are called versions.
The VERSION application must be used to create customised application screens.
Your version you can have just the mandatory fields in FUNDS.TRANSFER
1. The version must comprise of the following fields of the ACCOUNT application
Customer Number, Mnemonic, Currency and Category.
Are Versions only used for creating customised screens to be used for input? Versions
are also used to define printed reports.
PRINT.ONLY - The first field indicates whether the version is created for printing
reports. By default it is blank stating that the version is just created for a customised
Before creating a version you must decide what fields are going to be part of it.
Ensure that you have all the mandatory fields of your application in your version. You
will now learn the use of some of the fields in the VERSION application. You can also
view records using the customised screens.
Do you want the version to display one record at a time or multiple records? Where do
you specify this?
RECORDS.PER.PAGE –The RECORDS.PER.PAGE field has options that lets you to
have one or multiple records per page. When RECORDS.PER.PAGE is set to one,
one record will be displayed per page.
LANGUAGE.CODE - The language used to display field labels for each field in the
version is decided by LANGUAGE.CODE. It is not a mandatory field and if left blank, it
will default the LANGUAGE value from the user profile of the person committing the
version record.
FIELD.NO - Now you have to specify the fields of your version. This is specified in the
field called FIELD.NO, where you specify the actual field name as given in the
application. It is a multi-value field. You can multi-value and specify the other fields
also. In this example we have chosen four fields namely, CUSTOMER, MNEMONIC,
When NO.OF.AUTH is set to two, you require two different users to authorise the
record. Once when the record is authorised it moves to INA2 status. In order to make it
as a LIVE file the record has to be authorised by a different user again.
You have now created the customised screen. You must authorise your Version
record next. It is now ready for use.
2. The version behaves like the under lying application so you can either open a new
record or view an existing record using the created Version.
2.A record created using this version is shown. You can see that the record has
moved to INAU status.
3.After you authorise the record it moves to LIVE status. You can see the name of the
inputter and authoriser of the record.
Note : For those records in LIVE status the RECORD.STATUS field is not displayed.
2.When you use this version to create records, the record immediately moves to LIVE
status as soon as you commit the record. This is a auto-auth version.
Note: VERSION, (version comma) is an auto-auth version for creating versions in T24.
2. Now when you create a record using this version it moves to INAU status.
3. Once you authorize the record, the record does not move to LIVE status. It moves
to INA2 status.
4. When the record is authorized by a second authorizer, only then it moves to LIVE
Note that the name of the second authorizer is appended in the field AUTHORISER.
The example shows you the creation of an Account using a version. It displays an
error message when you commit the record. CURRENCY is a mandatory field in the
ACCOUNT application and that field is not part of the version used. If you miss out any
of the mandatory fields in the Version, when you create records using the Version T24
does not allow you to commit the record. The version may be a customised screen but
the underlying ACCOUNT application works the same way in T24.
1. Create a version for the ACCOUNT application with the following fields -
2. The fields MNEMONIC and Customer Number need to be displayed one beside
the other
3. The fields CURRENCY and CATEGORY need to be displayed one beside the
Important Note: For muti-value fields the field name is appended with -1(hyphen one)
in the field FIELD.NO. For sub-value fields append the field name with .1(dot one).
COLUMN - Value required only if FIELDS.PER.LINE is set to MULTI. The first field
MNEMONIC will be displayed in column one. Also the field CURRENCY will be
displayed in column one.
TEXT - You have to specify user defined labels for the fields. Specify the label in the
field TEXT. This is a sub-value field which can be expanded by itself to allow the label
to be entered in the various languages defined in LANGUAGE.CODE field. If no Text
is entered by the User, the Version screen will be presented without any Text for this
specific field.
COLUMN - For the next field CUSTOMER COLUMN value is forty(40). Specify the
other fields also.
2. You can see the new account created using the version.
1. How do you make the CURRENCY field to appear after a blank line?
Specify an asterisk (*) in the field FIELD.NO to get a blank line. Since this blank
space is to be displayed before CURRENCY field , specify asterisk (*) before
providing the values for CURRENCY field in the associated multi-value set.
2. The output shows the blank space displayed between the two fields.
The bank wants to create a user friendly version that has the following features:
2.Also the user should not be allowed to change the CATEGORY field ,once the
record is authorised.
4. The SHORT.TITLE field should be a mandatory field in the version even though it is
not in the ACCOUNT application itself.
AUTOM.FIELD.NO – Specify the name of the field for which you need to default the
AUT.NEW.CONTENT – Specify the value that is to be defaulted here. (i,e ) USD.
There is one more property that you may choose to set for such a field – NOINPUT.
The NOINPUT property will prevent the users from inputting or amending the contents
of this field. NOINPUT fields appear greyed out when displayed. It is a multi value field
hence multiple fields can be made NOINPUT fields.
If you choose to make a mandatory field as a NOINPUT field, ensure that you default a
value for that field else you will not be able to commit a record using that version.
1. When you use the version to create an account record, you could see that the
value for the field CURRENCY is defaulted as USD . SHORT.TITLE is a
mandatory field in the version.
2. The field CATEGORY has become a NOCHANGE field . The value for the field
ACCOUNT.TITLE has been modified from TEMENOS to TRAINING .
1.5 Ensure that the value of ACCOUNT OFFICER is not changed once the
customer record is authorized.
3. Records created using comma Versions are self-authorised records. Once you
commit the records they move to LIVE status .
4. In all comma Versions the NO.OF.AUTH field is set to 0(zero). These Versions does
not contain any fields.
5. VERSION, is the comma Version which is used to create auto-auth Versions in T24.
Use VERSION, from now on to create your versions .
3. The rekey feature can prompt the Authoriser to re-enter the data for confirmation.
If the data entered by the Authoriser does not match with the Inputter, then the
record does not get authorised.
4. The data for the rekey fields are hidden during authorisation and the Authoriser
needs to compulsorily re-enter the information.
1. To create a version for funds transfer, you need to input a command as:
Rekey Field: These are the fields where the system will prompt the authoriser to re-
enter data for confirmation.
3. Click on new deal icon and the fields as required in the version application alone is
2. Note the record key (ID) of the Funds Transfer that was created.
2. On Authorisation the system prompts the user to rekey the data for the fields that
were set to be rekeyed. The fields that need to be rekey are actually hidden from
the Version screen. Only if the data reentered matches with the one that was
already input by the inputter the record get authorised.
2. The maximum number of incorrect retries allowed for a USER who tries to
authorize a record can be restricted using the field NO.OF.RETRIES in SPF
application. When this field is left blank, there is no limit set for incorrect rekey
3. Using a version you can input records , only when all the mandatory fields of the
application are part of your version.
5. Special field properties like NOINPUT, NOCHANGE and MANDATORY can be set
using versions.