CUS3.Introduction To Version

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Welcome to the learning unit on Versions in T24 .

In this learning unit you will learn

about Versions in T24. You will also create simple versions in T24

CUS Introduction to Version 1

The conventions used in this learning unit are,

1. Applications in T24 are represented in bold uppercase letters.

2. The fields in the applications are mentioned in uppercase letters.

3. This learning unit is example based. First an example output will be shown then
you will be taught the steps to create the Version. At the end of each section a
workshop is given to test your level of understanding.

CUS Introduction to Version 2

At the end of this learning unit you will be able to,

1.Explain what a Version is in T24.

2. Create simple Versions in T24.

3. Launch Versions in T24.

CUS Introduction to Version 3

1,2 Imagine that you have to input a funds transfer transaction in T24. You will use the
FUNDS.TRANSFER application, and the input function to do so. The screen that is
displayed to you contains all the fields in the FUNDS.TRANSFER application some of
which may not be important to the end user. Being the first time, you cannot figure out
which fields to use and which not to. What if you had a customised screen that showed
you only the fields that you require to input?

3,4 You can create customised application screens in T24. They are called versions.
The VERSION application must be used to create customised application screens.
Your version you can have just the mandatory fields in FUNDS.TRANSFER

5. Can you view data using versions?

Versions behave like the application itself, but only looks different. Thus all functions
can be used with a version. So, yes you can view data using a version. Versions
work with all functions of T24

CUS Introduction to Version 4

This task teaches you how to create a simple version of the ACCOUNT application in

The requirements of the task are listed below:

1. The version must comprise of the following fields of the ACCOUNT application
Customer Number, Mnemonic, Currency and Category.

2. The header “Temenos Training” need to be displayed.

3. The customer accounts created should be authorised by another user.

CUS Introduction to Version 5

To create a version in T24, you must create a record in the VERSION application. The
format of the ID for the VERSION application is T24ApplicationName,VersionName.
The application name and the comma are mandatory, the optional part of the ID is the
version name. If the first portion of the ID is an invalid application name, an error
message is displayed. Here the version id created is ACCOUNT,TRG.VERSION1
where ACCOUNT is a valid T24 application and TRG.VERSION1 is the version name.

Are Versions only used for creating customised screens to be used for input? Versions
are also used to define printed reports.
PRINT.ONLY - The first field indicates whether the version is created for printing
reports. By default it is blank stating that the version is just created for a customised

Before creating a version you must decide what fields are going to be part of it.
Ensure that you have all the mandatory fields of your application in your version. You
will now learn the use of some of the fields in the VERSION application. You can also
view records using the customised screens.

Do you want the version to display one record at a time or multiple records? Where do
you specify this?
RECORDS.PER.PAGE –The RECORDS.PER.PAGE field has options that lets you to
have one or multiple records per page. When RECORDS.PER.PAGE is set to one,
one record will be displayed per page.

Note: If RECORDS.PER.PAGE is set to multi, multiple records will be displayed. This

field works only with the DESKTOP.

CUS Introduction to Version 6

FIELDS.PER.LINE- Next how do you want the fields to be displayed – one below the
other or on the same line? Specify this in the field FIELDS.PER.LINE. Choose one as
the option for the field FIELDS.PER.LINE . This will make the fields to appear one after
the other.

LANGUAGE.CODE - The language used to display field labels for each field in the
version is decided by LANGUAGE.CODE. It is not a mandatory field and if left blank, it
will default the LANGUAGE value from the user profile of the person committing the
version record.

Where do you specify the headers for your version?

HDR - You may specify headers for your version in different languages. The field HDR
holds the text that will be displayed as header. It is a multi-value field. The header is
displayed in a column range of (1) one to (132) one thirty two. The header shown in
the example is displayed from column one to thirty nine.

FIELD.NO - Now you have to specify the fields of your version. This is specified in the
field called FIELD.NO, where you specify the actual field name as given in the
application. It is a multi-value field. You can multi-value and specify the other fields
also. In this example we have chosen four fields namely, CUSTOMER, MNEMONIC,

CUS Introduction to Version 7

When using an application in T24 to create a new record, the record status is INAU
when the record is first committed and then has to authorised. Now what if you want to
skip the INAU stage? Will a T24 application allow you to authorise a record straight
away? The answer is No. But a version offers you a work around.

T24 allows a maximum of 2 levels of authorisation. The default is 1 for an application.

In other words, one user must use the ‘A’ function for the record to move to Live.

NO.OF.AUTH - The number of authorisers is set in NO.OF.AUTH field. It enables the

user to specify the number of authorisers required when using this version. Value for
this field is defaulted based on the value of the field DEFAULT.NO.OF.AUTH in the
COMPANY application. The minimum value is (0) zero and the maximum value is (2)
two for this field. When it is set to 0 your version becomes an Auto Auth Version. Auto
auth version is nothing but self-authorisation.

When NO.OF.AUTH is set to two, you require two different users to authorise the
record. Once when the record is authorised it moves to INA2 status. In order to make it
as a LIVE file the record has to be authorised by a different user again.

You have now created the customised screen. You must authorise your Version
record next. It is now ready for use.

CUS Introduction to Version 8

1. After you authorise the version record , to launch the version specify the version ID
- ACCOUNT,TRG.VERSION1 in the command line.

2. The version behaves like the under lying application so you can either open a new
record or view an existing record using the created Version.

3. You can also launch the version from a menu

CUS Introduction to Version 9

1.In the VERSION record the NO.OF.AUTH field is set to 1(one) .

2.A record created using this version is shown. You can see that the record has
moved to INAU status.

3.After you authorise the record it moves to LIVE status. You can see the name of the
inputter and authoriser of the record.

Note : For those records in LIVE status the RECORD.STATUS field is not displayed.

CUS Introduction to Version 10

1.Here the NO.OF.AUTH field is set to zero.

2.When you use this version to create records, the record immediately moves to LIVE
status as soon as you commit the record. This is a auto-auth version.

Note: VERSION, (version comma) is an auto-auth version for creating versions in T24.

CUS Introduction to Version 11

1. Here the NO.OF.AUTH field is set to 2(two)

2. Now when you create a record using this version it moves to INAU status.

3. Once you authorize the record, the record does not move to LIVE status. It moves
to INA2 status.

4. When the record is authorized by a second authorizer, only then it moves to LIVE

Note that the name of the second authorizer is appended in the field AUTHORISER.

CUS Introduction to Version 12

1. Unless all mandatory fields of an application are specified in a version, a record
cannot be committed using the version.

The example shows you the creation of an Account using a version. It displays an
error message when you commit the record. CURRENCY is a mandatory field in the
ACCOUNT application and that field is not part of the version used. If you miss out any
of the mandatory fields in the Version, when you create records using the Version T24
does not allow you to commit the record. The version may be a customised screen but
the underlying ACCOUNT application works the same way in T24.

2. Certain applications in T24 has inter-dependent fields. Depending on values entered

in some fields, other fields are populated by the system. If the values defaulted can
be edited, they must be part of the screen to enable a user to do so.

CUS Introduction to Version 13

This is the workshop section of the learning unit.
1. Create a version for the CUSTOMER application.

2. The name of the version will be CUSTOMER,XXX (XXX is your initial)

3. The Fields that must be part of the version are


Refer Captivate -Version-WS1_demo.cp

CUS Introduction to Version 14

The task here teaches you to create version that displays multiple fields in a line.

The requirement of the task is to:

1. Create a version for the ACCOUNT application with the following fields -

2. The fields MNEMONIC and Customer Number need to be displayed one beside
the other

3. The fields CURRENCY and CATEGORY need to be displayed one beside the

4. Labels must be user-defined.

CUS Introduction to Version 15

FIELDS.PER.LINE – When set to MULTI enables the display of multiple fields on the
same line. The fields MNEMONIC and CURRENCY are to be displayed on the same

Important Note: For muti-value fields the field name is appended with -1(hyphen one)
in the field FIELD.NO. For sub-value fields append the field name with .1(dot one).

COLUMN - Value required only if FIELDS.PER.LINE is set to MULTI. The first field
MNEMONIC will be displayed in column one. Also the field CURRENCY will be
displayed in column one.

CUS Introduction to Version 16

TEXT.CHAR.MAX – Defines the length of your label . The length defined here
determines the total number of characters included in the TEXT Field which includes
spaces also. In the example shown here, fields MNEMONIC and CURRENCY hold the
value as eight(8) in the COLUMN field . This makes the fields to be aligned properly in
the version.

TEXT - You have to specify user defined labels for the fields. Specify the label in the
field TEXT. This is a sub-value field which can be expanded by itself to allow the label
to be entered in the various languages defined in LANGUAGE.CODE field. If no Text
is entered by the User, the Version screen will be presented without any Text for this
specific field.

COLUMN - For the next field CUSTOMER COLUMN value is forty(40). Specify the
other fields also.

Do not forget to authorise your version record.

CUS Introduction to Version 17

1.Launch the version by specifying the version name in the command line. The version
name can also be suffixed with a valid T24 function to open the version in that
particular function mode. When you want to create a new account, you can specify
ACCOUNT,TRG.VERSION2 I F3 where, I denotes the input mode and F3 for auto id

2. You can see the new account created using the version.

CUS Introduction to Version 18

You can format the display of fields in version. You can have blank lines displayed
between fields. The previous example is modified to just include a blank space
between the fields.

1. How do you make the CURRENCY field to appear after a blank line?

Specify an asterisk (*) in the field FIELD.NO to get a blank line. Since this blank
space is to be displayed before CURRENCY field , specify asterisk (*) before
providing the values for CURRENCY field in the associated multi-value set.

2. The output shows the blank space displayed between the two fields.

CUS Introduction to Version 19

1. Amend the version already created to display 2 fields in a row rather than one.

Refer Captivate -Version-WS2_demo.cp

CUS Introduction to Version 20

In this task you will learn how to default values into fields using a version. You will also
learn how to set special field properties.

The bank wants to create a user friendly version that has the following features:

1.The CURRENCY field should be defaulted to USD.

2.Also the user should not be allowed to change the CATEGORY field ,once the
record is authorised.

3. If there is an already existing value in the field ACCOUNT.TITLE.1 which begins

with TEM, then a value “Training” should get defaulted overwriting the previous value.

4. The SHORT.TITLE field should be a mandatory field in the version even though it is
not in the ACCOUNT application itself.

Can you design a customised screen for this requirement?

CUS Introduction to Version 21

T24 allows you to default values into fields using the VERSION application. When you
open a record with the version, the field will already have a value in it instead of being
blank. To accomplish this you need to use the fields AUTOM.FIELD.NO and

AUTOM.FIELD.NO – Specify the name of the field for which you need to default the
AUT.NEW.CONTENT – Specify the value that is to be defaulted here. (i,e ) USD.

There is one more property that you may choose to set for such a field – NOINPUT.
The NOINPUT property will prevent the users from inputting or amending the contents
of this field. NOINPUT fields appear greyed out when displayed. It is a multi value field
hence multiple fields can be made NOINPUT fields.

If you choose to make a mandatory field as a NOINPUT field, ensure that you default a
value for that field else you will not be able to commit a record using that version.

CUS Introduction to Version 22

You are required to ensure that the value in the CATEGORY field is not modified once
the record is authorised. To do this you use the property of NOCHANGE fields.
Specify CATEGORY as a NOCHANGE Field. Once the record is authorised fields
defined here will appear greyed out when displayed. In short, NOCHANGE fields are
fields that become NOINOUT fields after authorisation. Multiple fields can be displayed
as NOCHANGE fields.

CUS Introduction to Version 23

If the value in the field ACCOUNT.TITLE.1 begins with TEM, then it should default the
value to TRAINING . How do you replace an existing value in a field? . To accomplish
this you need to use the fields AUTOM.FIELD.NO , AUT.OLD.CONTENT and
AUT.NEW.CONTENT. The value specified in AUT.OLD.CONTENT is replaced with
the value in AUT.NEW.CONTENT. This works like the find and replace option in

AUTOM.FIELD NO – Here you will specify the field name as ACCOUNT.TITLE.1.

AUT.OLD.CONTENT- Specify the old value in AUT.OLD.CONTENT as TEM0X
TEM is the starting string
0X is like a wildcard character.
0X stands for any character and any number of characters.
AUT.NEW.CONTENT - Specify the new value as Training in the field

To default USD in the field CURRENCY no matter whether it is a new record or an

existing record with a value in the field CURRENCY, specify 0X in the field

CUS Introduction to Version 24

According to the task you have to make SHORT.TITLE as a mandatory field. To make
a field as mandatory you specify the field name in the MANDATORY.FIELD of your
version. This forces the user to enter value in that field else he will not be able to
commit the record. A non mandatory field in the application can be made a mandatory
field in a version. Vice versa is not possible.

CUS Introduction to Version 25

Here is the output,

1. When you use the version to create an account record, you could see that the
value for the field CURRENCY is defaulted as USD . SHORT.TITLE is a
mandatory field in the version.

2. The field CATEGORY has become a NOCHANGE field . The value for the field
ACCOUNT.TITLE has been modified from TEMENOS to TRAINING .

CUS Introduction to Version 26

1. Amend the previously created version so that

1.1 A value thousand(1000) is defaulted in the field SECTOR

1.2 Make SECTOR a NOINPUT field

1.3 A value IN is defaulted in the field NATIONALITY if the previous available

value is US

1.4 Make TEXT a mandatory field

1.5 Ensure that the value of ACCOUNT OFFICER is not changed once the
customer record is authorized.

Refer Captivate -Version-WS3_demo.cp

CUS Introduction to Version 27

1. Comma Versions are Auto-Auth Versions in T24.

2. Some of the comma Versions in T24, are


3. Records created using comma Versions are self-authorised records. Once you
commit the records they move to LIVE status .

4. In all comma Versions the NO.OF.AUTH field is set to 0(zero). These Versions does
not contain any fields.

5. VERSION, is the comma Version which is used to create auto-auth Versions in T24.
Use VERSION, from now on to create your versions .

CUS Introduction to Version 28

1. The Rekey field is used in Version at the authorisation level.

2. This enables authorisers to re-enter the data in specific fields so as to re-confirm

the entry done by the Inputter. For example in an FUNDS.TRANSFER application,
there are sensitive data like amount, debit account no etc which are entered by an

3. The rekey feature can prompt the Authoriser to re-enter the data for confirmation.
If the data entered by the Authoriser does not match with the Inputter, then the
record does not get authorised.

4. The data for the rekey fields are hidden during authorisation and the Authoriser
needs to compulsorily re-enter the information.

CUS Introduction to Version 29

This task helps in understanding the Rekey feature in version. Lets take an example of
FUNDS.TRANSFER application.

1. To create a version for funds transfer, you need to input a command as:

2. Input the mandatory and required fields.

CUS Introduction to Version 30

Enter all the fields required in your version.

Field No.1: The name of the field in the FUNDS.TRANSFER application.

Text.1 : The name as it should appear in the version.

Tool Tip: On pointing the mouse the field description is displayed.

Rekey Field: These are the fields where the system will prompt the authoriser to re-
enter data for confirmation.

CUS Introduction to Version 31

1. Create a funds transfer record by typing the command

2. A new funds transfer application using the version is opened.

3. Click on new deal icon and the fields as required in the version application alone is

CUS Introduction to Version 32

1. Input the data for Transaction type, Debit currency, Debit Account No, Debit
Amount, Credit Account No and commit the record.

2. Note the record key (ID) of the Funds Transfer that was created.

CUS Introduction to Version 33

1. When the record is opened in authorize mode the rekey fields are hidden,
although these fields are visible when the record is opened in the SEE mode.
2. Hit the authorize button and the system will prompt the user to re-enter value in
the rekey fields.
3. If the data entered by the Authoriser does not match with the Inputter data, the
record does not get authorised. The rekey fields are marked in red to denote
incorrect data. No error message are displayed at this point.

CUS Introduction to Version 34

1. Login as a different user to authorise the funds transfer record.

2. On Authorisation the system prompts the user to rekey the data for the fields that
were set to be rekeyed. The fields that need to be rekey are actually hidden from
the Version screen. Only if the data reentered matches with the one that was
already input by the inputter the record get authorised.

CUS Introduction to Version 35

1. What happens when a USER who is trying to authorize the record enters incorrect
rekey values multiple times ? The system records the number of incorrect rekey
attempts by a same authorizer, in a file called EB.REKEY.RETRIES. A record is
created in this file whenever a version that contains a rekey field is being
authorized. The record id of EB.REKEY.RETRIES would be of the format

2. The maximum number of incorrect retries allowed for a USER who tries to
authorize a record can be restricted using the field NO.OF.RETRIES in SPF
application. When this field is left blank, there is no limit set for incorrect rekey

CUS Introduction to Version 36

1. If the number of incorrect rekeys by the same authoriser exceeds the
NO.OF.RETRIES specified on SPF, an error message “Exceeded Maximum
Number of Retries” is displayed. Also, the inputter field of the transaction is
updated with the authoriser’s user name. This is done so that the authoriser who
exceeded the retries would not be able to authorise anymore, even with the
correct rekey value.

2. Hence, a different authorizer is required to authorize the same record.

CUS Introduction to Version 37

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False

CUS Introduction to Version 38

1. View is a user defined screen and can be created for any application in T24.

2. A version should always compliment the functionality provided by an application and

not overrule it.

3. Using a version you can input records , only when all the mandatory fields of the
application are part of your version.

4. The number of authorisers can be set to 0,1 or 2 in a version.

5. Special field properties like NOINPUT, NOCHANGE and MANDATORY can be set
using versions.

6. You can also default values into fields using versions.

7. Any additional functionality that an application must perform can be achieved by

writing local routines. But how are these routines executed? For example, for any date
field in T24, all that T24 does is validate the date according to the application business
logic. What if the client wants an additional validation? The VERSION application
allows you to attach these routines to perform these validations. These routines are
known as User exits in T24.

CUS Introduction to Version 39

8. Rekey field in VERSION enables enhanced verification by the authoriser in the Banking

CUS Introduction to Version 39

You have learnt Versions in T24. You can also create simple versions in T24. You will
now be able to,

1. Explain what a Version is in T24

2. Create simple Versions in T24

3. Launch Versions in T24

CUS Introduction to Version 40

CUS Introduction to Version 41

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