DRAFT Annotated Agenda For The Subcommittee On CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLANS (CMP)

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DRAFT Annotated Agenda for the Subcommittee on CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLANS (CMP)

The table below summarizes how the work of the CMP subcommittee is expected to be handled during SC68B. Discussion of most topics are expected to
be brief and will be conducted via e-mail (or via chat powered workplace apps). A virtual meeting will be held on17 May to discuss item 9.1.1, 9.1.2,
9.1.3 and during the session on 19 May we will discuss 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and 9.2.4. In addition, one last virtual 2-hour session will be held on 21 May to
discuss workplan adopt the CMP report. The report will include a proposed biennial workplan and budget request. The schedule of sessions, once
finalized, can be found on the IWC meeting portal.

Table rows represent agenda items as presented in the SC Agenda. Given the limited amount of time available, the report of CMP will be prepared in the
format of a draft SC report. In other words, this year’s report will be equivalent to the Chair’s summary on a normal, in-person, SC meeting. A report in
the form of an Annex will not be produced. If discussions of certain agenda items become excessively technical, an appendix may be prepared to
accompany the report.

Some documents will be reviewed by small groups or by intersessional correspondence groups assigned by the CMP Subcommittee. Proposed members
for these groups are identified in the “comments” column for each relevant agenda item in the Table below. The shaded rows identify the agenda items
that are anticipated to be discussed during a virtual session. Membership in CMP is open to all SC and members interested in participating on the small
group/ICG discussions should contact Bob Brownell ([email protected] and copied to [email protected]) and Jorge Urban
([email protected]). Also copy Sarah Mallette on all email ([email protected])

SC Agenda Topic Documents available Proposed process to handle discussion Report draft and approval Comments

Introductory Items

NA Opening remarks Conveners (Brownell and Urban) will discuss the plans for
conducting the work of the CMP in 2020 via email.

NA Election of Chair Conveners offered to chair and organize the virtual work of

NA Appointment of Mallette, Brownell and Urban will undertake the duties of

Rapporteurs rapporteur

NA Adoption of the The agenda will be adopted via email.

NA Documents CMP 1-24,
Available IA/2-3


9.1 Stocks with existing CMPs: new information and progress with previous recommendations
9.1.1 SE Pacific southern CMP/12, 18 Document CMP/12 & 18 will be reviewed during virtual The report will reflect any
right whales meeting on 17 May. discussion on the SEP SRWs

9.1.2 SW Atlantic CMP/19-20 , 22 Review of documents CMP 19-20 & 22 will be carried out The draft report will reflect any
southern right whales during virtual meeting on 17 May. discussion on the SWA SRWs
. CMP.

9.1.3 North Pacific gray CMP/6, 9, 13-15, 24 Review of CMP/6 & 24 will be carried out during virtual The report will reflect any Proposed email group for the
whales meeting on 17 May. All other gray whale papers will be discussion on the gray whale IUCN Western Gray Whale
discussed in other subcommittees. CMP. Advisory Panel report:
Reeves, Weller, Brownell &

9.1.4 Franciscana CMP/1-2, 5, 7 Email discussion only Will be drafted by the email Proposed email group:
group as report by the CMP Iñiguez, Porter, Trujillo,
members and then become the Zerbini & others
SC report..
9.2. Progress with identified priorities

9.2.1 Humpback whales in CMP/8, 11, 16, 23 Summary of all documents will be presented and discussed Will be drafted by the email Proposed review group:
the northern Indian during virtual meeting on 19 May. group as report by the CMP Baldwin, Cerchio, Collins,
Ocean including the members and then become the Leslie, Minton (Convener),
Arabian Sea SC report.. Van Bressem, Van Waerebeek,

9.2.2 Central American CMP/25, 26 Panama CA HW Workshop (CMP/25) will be presented Will be drafted by the
humpback whales IA/ 2-3 during virtual meeting on 19 May Conveners and presented to
CMP as a draft report for
comments by CMP members

9.2.3 Mediterranean sperm None available Email discussion Will be drafted by the Proposed email group:
whales Conveners and presented to the Panigada and Brownell &
CMP as a draft report for others
comments by CMP members


9.2.4 Mediterranean fin None available Update will be presented by Panigada during virtual Will be drafted by the
whales meeting on 19 May Conveners and presented to the
CMP as a draft report for
comments by CMP members

9.2.5 South American CMP/1-2 Email discussion group to produce text for CMP to discuss Will be drafted by the email Proposed email group:
river dolphins on 19 May, if time permits group as report by the CMP Brownell, Iñiguez , Porter,
members and then become the Trujillo, Urban, Zerbini
SC report..

9.2.6 South Asia River CMP/10 Email discussion group to produce text for CMP to Will be drafted by the email Proposed email group: Braulik,
dolphins discuss on 19 May, if time permits group as report by the CMP Brownell, Porter, Rojas &
members and then become the others
SC report..

9.3 Progress on previous Email discussion to produce text for CMP to discuss on 21 Will be drafted by the
recommendations May Conveners and presented to the
CMP as a draft report for
comments by CMP members

9.4 Biennial workplan None available yet Draft workplan will be presented during virtual meeting on To be discussed and approved
21 May by CMP

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