Action: Found Techniques Reliable
Action: Found Techniques Reliable
Action: Found Techniques Reliable
Members Present: Member Stoldt, Member Riedl, Member Narigi, Riley, Alternate
Member Ottmar, Chair Cullem, Member Sciuto
Members Absent: Member Huss, Member Vandermaaten
Chair Cullem called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.
Information Resources Director/City Clerk Gawf called the roll.
There were no requests to speak under public comment.
1. Receive, Discuss, and Provide Comments to the Water Authority Board on the Geosyntec
Report on Groundwater and Hydrogeologic Impacts, Including Modeling Issues, Raised by the
Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) in its Comments on the MPWSP DEIR/DEIS - Cullem
Action: Found techniques reliable
Executive Director Cullem presented the report. Member Riley expressed concerns regarding
the Water Authority's role in the process. Mr. Cullem clarified that the Water Authority's mission
is to get a water project and avoid the consequences of the CDO. He said that the TAC's
responsibility is to advise the MPRWA.
On question Chris Cook with Cal Am provided some general details of well operation.
Mr. Cullem opened public comments on the item, had not requests to speak, and closed public
MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, October 2, 2017
The Board discussed whether there was a reasonable comfort level with validity of the report.
On a motion by Committee Member Narigi, seconded by Committee Member Huss, and carried
by the following vote, the MPRWA Technical Advisory Committee found that the report confirms
the techniques are accurate, with response to remaining questions to the Water Authority Board
on the Geosyntec Report on Groundwater and Hydrogeologic Impacts, including modeling
issues raised by the Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) in its comments on the MPWSP
2. Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including Upcoming Permit
Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well and Installation of the Transfer Pipeline -
Action: Received report
Chris Cook presented the report, reviewing the overall MPWSP anticipated schedule, pipeline
construction status (a little more than half installed to date), test slant well results of 91%
salinity, and the permit coordination and status.
Chair Cullem opened public comments, had no requests to speak, and closed public
Probably will not have meeting next month. Mr. Narigi suggested an update on Pure Water, and
Chair Cullem agreed to schedule one.