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Continual airway
irritation and

Ciliary Bacterial infection

Hypertrophy & Dysfunction
hyperplasia of mucous
& goblet cells Yellow-green
Mucus Obstruction and
hypersecretion narrowing of
airway Wheezing
Persistent Air i
productive trapping Difficulty of
cough breathing

Weakened Alveolar hypoxia Pulmonary

pelvic hyperinflation
↑ urinary Pulmonary Tachycard contracted
constriction ia Ventilation diaphragm
frequency &
perfusion mismatch
incontinence Barrel chest
↓ LV RH Tachypne
output F a
Hypercapni Hypoxemi
↓ circulating Cor a a
volume pulmonale
Respiratory Dyspne Cyanos
acidosis a is

Activation of ↓ SpO2
RAAS ↓ Perfusion of
body tissues

Fluid Periphera
retention l edema Fatigue
Confusio &
n weakness
The patient, Mrs. Siwit, is a 60-year-old female presenting to the emergency department with
acute onset shortness of breath.  Symptoms began approximately 5 days prior to consult and
had progressively worsened with no associated, aggravating, or relieving factors noted. She had
similar symptoms approximately 1 year ago with an acute, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) exacerbation requiring hospitalization. She uses nasal cannula O2 support at
night when sleeping and has requested to use this in the emergency department due to
shortness of breath and wanting to sleep.
She denies fever, chills, cough, wheezing, sputum production, chest pain, palpitations, pressure,
abdominal pain, abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
She reported difficulty of breathing at rest, mild fatigue, feeling chilled requiring blankets,
increased urinary frequency, incontinence, and swelling in her bilateral lower extremities that is
new onset and worsening. Subsequently, she has not ambulated from bed for several days
except to use the restroom due to feeling weak, fatigued, and short of breath. Patient barely
able to finish a full sentence due to shortness of breath. She reported having persistent
productive cough with yellow, thick secretions in moderate amounts.
There are no known ill contacts at home. Her family history includes significant heart disease
and colorectal malignancy in her father’s side. Social history is positive for smoking tobacco use
at 30 pack years. She quit smoking 2 years ago due to increasing shortness of breath. She
denies all alcohol and illegal drug use. There are no known foods, drugs, or environmental
Past medical history is significant for COPD, hypertension, tobacco usage, and obesity.  Past
surgical history is significant for appendectomy.

Her current medications include Salbutamol and Amlodipine.

At the ER, the following assessments were noted: (+) shortness of breath, tachypnea present,
(+) wheezing noted, bilateral rhonchi, decreased air movement bilaterally. Noted barrel chest
configuration and (+) cyanosis on lips. The patient was unable to remember where she was and
why she was at the hospital. Upon assessment of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia was
noted. Her initial ABG showed a PaO2=58 mmHg and SpO2 readings were 88%.

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